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1 /*************************************************************************************************/
2 /*!
3  * \file
4  *
5  * \brief BLE baseband interface file.
6  *
7  * Copyright (c) 2016-2019 Arm Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
8  *
9  * Copyright (c) 2019-2020 Packetcraft, Inc.
10  *
11  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
12  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
13  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
14  *
15  * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
16  *
17  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
18  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
19  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
20  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
21  * limitations under the License.
22  */
23 /*************************************************************************************************/
25 #ifndef BB_BLE_API_OP_H
26 #define BB_BLE_API_OP_H
28 #include "bb_api.h"
29 #include "pal_bb_ble.h"
30 #include "bb_ble_api_pdufilt.h"
31 #include "ll_defs.h"
33 #ifdef __cplusplus
34 extern "C" {
35 #endif
37 /*! \addtogroup BB_API_BLE
38  * \{ */
40 /**************************************************************************************************
41  Macros
42 **************************************************************************************************/
44 /*! \brief Convert BLE protocol ticks to BB ticks. */
45 #define BB_BLE_TO_US(n) ((n) * LL_BLE_US_PER_TICK)
47 /*! \brief Increment statistics counter. */
48 #define BB_INC_STAT(s) s++
50 /**************************************************************************************************
51  Constants
52 **************************************************************************************************/
54 /*! \brief Operation types. */
55 typedef enum
56 {
57  BB_BLE_OP_TEST_TX, /*!< Continuous Tx test mode. */
58  BB_BLE_OP_TEST_RX, /*!< Continuous Rx test mode. */
59  BB_BLE_OP_MST_ADV_EVENT, /*!< Master advertising event. */
60  BB_BLE_OP_SLV_ADV_EVENT, /*!< Slave advertising event. */
61  BB_BLE_OP_MST_CONN_EVENT, /*!< Master connection event. */
62  BB_BLE_OP_SLV_CONN_EVENT, /*!< Slave connection event. */
63  BB_BLE_OP_MST_AUX_ADV_EVENT, /*!< Master auxiliary advertising event. */
64  BB_BLE_OP_SLV_AUX_ADV_EVENT, /*!< Slave auxiliary advertising event. */
65  BB_BLE_OP_SLV_PER_ADV_EVENT, /*!< Slave periodic advertising event. */
66  BB_BLE_OP_MST_PER_SCAN_EVENT, /*!< Master periodic scanning event. */
67  BB_BLE_OP_MST_CIS_EVENT, /*!< Master CIS event. */
68  BB_BLE_OP_SLV_CIS_EVENT, /*!< Slave CIS event. */
69  BB_BLE_OP_MST_BIS_EVENT, /*!< Master BIS event. */
70  BB_BLE_OP_SLV_BIS_EVENT, /*!< Slave BIS event. */
71  BB_BLE_OP_NUM /*!< Total number of operations. */
72 } BbBleOp_t;
74 /*! \brief Maximum request PDU length (MAX(LL_SCAN_REQ_PDU_LEN, LL_CONN_IND_PDU_LEN)). */
77 /*! \brief Minimum scan time to cover one advertise data exchange. */
81  BbGetSchSetupDelayUs())
83 /**************************************************************************************************
84  Data Types
85 **************************************************************************************************/
87 /*! \brief Pre-execute callback signature. */
88 typedef void (*BbBlePreExec_t)(BbOpDesc_t *pBod);
90 /*! \brief Execute callback signature. */
91 typedef void (*BbBleExec_t)(BbOpDesc_t *pBod);
93 /*! \brief Cancel callback signature. */
94 typedef void (*BbBleCancel_t)(BbOpDesc_t *pBod);
96 /*! \brief Advertising PDU transmit setup call signature. */
97 typedef void (*BbBleTxAdvSetup_t)(BbOpDesc_t *pBod, uint32_t advTxTime);
99 /*! \brief Chain indication PDU transmit setup call signature. */
100 typedef uint32_t (*BbBleTxAuxSetup_t)(BbOpDesc_t *pBod, bool_t isChainInd);
102 /*! \brief Returns TRUE if an scan request/response required. */
103 typedef bool_t (*BbBleAdvComp_t)(BbOpDesc_t *pBod, const uint8_t *pBuf);
105 /*! \brief Rx completion post processing call signature. */
106 typedef void (*BbBleAdvPost_t)(BbOpDesc_t *pBod, const uint8_t *pBuf);
108 /*! \brief Chain indication PDU received call signature. */
109 typedef uint32_t (*BbBleRxChain_t)(BbOpDesc_t *pBod, const uint8_t *pBuf);
111 /*! \brief Chain indication PDU received post call signature. */
112 typedef bool_t (*BbBleRxChainPost_t)(BbOpDesc_t *pBod, const uint8_t *pBuf);
114 /*! \brief Data transmit completion callback signature. */
115 typedef void (*BbBleTxDataComp_t)(BbOpDesc_t *pBod, uint8_t status);
117 /*! \brief Data receive completion callback signature. */
118 typedef void (*BbBleRxDataComp_t)(BbOpDesc_t *pBod, uint8_t *pBuf, uint8_t status);
120 /*! \brief CIS check whether to continue current operation call signature. */
121 typedef uint32_t (*BbBleCisCheckContOp_t)(BbOpDesc_t *pBod, bool_t *pNewCisCtx);
123 /*! \brief CIS post execute callback signature. */
124 typedef void (*BbBleCisPostExec_t)(BbOpDesc_t *pBod, uint8_t status);
126 /*! \brief CIS data receive completion callback signature. */
127 typedef void (*BbBleCisRxDataComp_t)(BbOpDesc_t *pBod, uint8_t *pBuf, uint8_t status);
129 /*! \brief Test completion callback signature. */
130 typedef bool_t (*BbBleTestComp_t)(BbOpDesc_t *pBod, uint8_t status);
132 /*! \brief Periodic PDU Rx complete call signature. */
133 typedef uint32_t (*BbBlePerComp_t)(BbOpDesc_t *pBod, const uint8_t *pBuf, uint8_t status);
135 /*! \brief Periodic PDU Rx complete post call signature. */
136 typedef bool_t (*BbBlePerPostComp_t)(BbOpDesc_t *pBod, const uint8_t *pBuf);
138 /*!
139  * \brief Master advertising event operation data (\ref BB_BLE_OP_MST_ADV_EVENT).
140  *
141  * \note BB assumes maximum adversing and scan response payload is 39 bytes.
142  */
143 typedef struct
144 {
145  uint8_t *pRxAdvBuf; /*!< Advertising buffer. */
146  uint8_t *pTxReqBuf; /*!< Scan request buffer. */
147  uint8_t *pRxRspBuf; /*!< Scan response buffer. */
149  BbBlePreExec_t preExecCback; /*!< Pre-execute callback. */
150  BbBleAdvComp_t rxAdvCback; /*!< Advertising completion callback. */
151  BbBleAdvPost_t rxAdvPostCback; /*!< Advertising completion post processing callback. */
152  BbBleAdvComp_t txReqCback; /*!< Scan request completion callback. */
153  BbBleAdvComp_t rxRspCback; /*!< Scan response completion callback. */
155  uint8_t txReqLen; /*!< Scan request buffer length. */
157  uint8_t scanChMap; /*!< Scan channel map. */
159  /* Return parameters. */
160  int8_t advRssi; /*!< RSSI of advertisement. */
161  uint8_t advRxPhyOptions; /*!< Rx PHY options. */
162  uint32_t advCrc; /*!< CRC of advertisement. */
163  uint32_t advStartTsUsec; /*!< Start of advertising packet timestamp in microseconds. */
164  uint32_t elapsedUsec; /*!< Elapsed time of a single scan window in microseconds. */
166  /* Filter results. */
167  bbBlePduFiltResults_t filtResults; /*!< Results from PDU filtering. */
170 /*!
171  * \brief Slave advertising event operation data (\ref BB_BLE_OP_SLV_ADV_EVENT).
172  *
173  * \note BB assumes maximum scan request payload is 39 bytes.
174  */
175 typedef struct
176 {
177  uint8_t *pTxAdvBuf; /*!< Advertising buffer. */
178  uint8_t *pRxReqBuf; /*!< Scan request buffer (must be size of BB_REQ_PDU_MAX_LEN). */
179  uint8_t *pTxRspBuf; /*!< Scan response buffer. */
181  BbBleTxAdvSetup_t txAdvSetupCback; /*!< Adv PDU transmit setup callback. */
182  BbBleAdvComp_t rxReqCback; /*!< Scan/Connect request receive completion callback. */
183  BbBleAdvPost_t rxReqPostCback; /*!< Scan/Connect request receive post processing callback. */
185  uint8_t txAdvLen; /*!< Advertising buffer length. */
186  uint8_t txRspLen; /*!< Scan response buffer length. */
188  uint8_t firstAdvChIdx; /*!< first advertising channel index. */
190  uint8_t advChMap; /*!< Advertising channel map. */
192  /* Return parameters. */
193  uint32_t reqStartTsUsec; /*!< Start of request packet timestamp in microseconds. */
195  /* Filter results. */
196  bbBlePduFiltResults_t filtResults; /*!< Results from PDU filtering. */
199 /*! \brief Master auxiliary advertising event operation data (\ref BB_BLE_OP_MST_AUX_ADV_EVENT). */
200 typedef struct
201 {
202  uint8_t *pTxAuxReqBuf; /*!< Scan request buffer. */
204  BbBleAdvComp_t rxAuxAdvCback; /*!< Advertising completion callback. */
205  BbBleAdvComp_t rxAuxRspCback; /*!< Scan response completion callback. */
206  BbBleRxChain_t rxAuxChainCback; /*!< Chain completion callback. */
207  BbBleRxChainPost_t rxAuxChainPostCback;/*!< Chain completion post callback. */
209  uint8_t txAuxReqLen; /*!< Scan request buffer length. */
211  uint32_t rxSyncDelayUsec; /*!< Receive timeout in microseconds. */
212  bool_t isInit; /*!< TRUE if the event is for an initiation. */
214  /* Return parameters. */
215  int8_t auxAdvRssi; /*!< RSSI of advertisement. */
216  uint8_t auxRxPhyOptions; /*!< Rx PHY options. */
217  uint32_t auxAdvCrc; /*!< CRC of advertisement. */
218  uint32_t auxStartTsUsec; /*!< Start of auxiliary advertising packet timestamp in microseconds. */
220  /* Filter results. */
221  bbBlePduFiltResults_t filtResults; /*!< Results from PDU filtering. */
224 /*! \brief Master periodic scanning event operation data (\ref BB_BLE_OP_MST_PER_SCAN_EVENT). */
225 typedef struct
226 {
227  BbBlePerComp_t rxPerAdvCback; /*!< Periodic scanning completion callback. */
228  BbBlePerPostComp_t rxPerAdvPostCback; /*!< Periodic scanning completion post callback. */
229  uint32_t rxSyncDelayUsec; /*!< Receive timeout in microseconds. */
231  /* Return parameters. */
232  uint8_t rxStatus; /*!< RX status. */
233  int8_t perAdvRssi; /*!< RSSI of advertisement. */
234  uint8_t perRxPhyOptions; /*!< Rx PHY options. */
235  uint32_t perAdvCrc; /*!< CRC of advertisement. */
236  uint32_t perStartTsUsec; /*!< Start of periodic advertising packet timestamp in microseconds. */
237  bool_t perIsFirstTs; /*!< True if it is the first timestamp for a serial of periodic packets. */
240 /*! \brief Slave auxiliary advertising event operation data (\ref BB_BLE_OP_SLV_AUX_ADV_EVENT). */
241 typedef struct
242 {
243  /* TODO BbBleSlvAuxAdvEvent_t hide buffer descriptors in BB layer. */
244  PalBbBleTxBufDesc_t txAuxAdvPdu[2]; /*!< Advertising PDU descriptor. */
245  uint8_t *pRxAuxReqBuf; /*!< Auxiliary request buffer (must be size of BB_REQ_PDU_MAX_LEN). */
246  PalBbBleTxBufDesc_t txAuxRspPdu[2]; /*!< Response PDU descriptor. */
247  PalBbBleTxBufDesc_t txAuxChainPdu[2]; /*!< Auxiliary chain PDU descriptor. */
249  BbBleAdvComp_t rxAuxReqCback; /*!< Auxiliary request receive completion callback. */
250  BbBleAdvPost_t rxAuxReqPostCback; /*!< Auxiliary scan/connect request receive post processing callback. */
251  BbBleTxAuxSetup_t txAuxSetupCback; /*!< Auxiliary chain indication setup callback. */
253  uint8_t auxAdvCh; /*!< Advertising channel map. */
255  /* Return parameters. */
256  uint8_t auxRxPhyOptions; /*!< Rx PHY options. */
257  uint32_t auxReqStartTsUsec; /*!< Start of request packet timestamp in microseconds. */
259  /* Filter results. */
260  bbBlePduFiltResults_t filtResults; /*!< Results from PDU filtering. */
263 /*! \brief Connection event operation data (\ref BB_BLE_OP_MST_CONN_EVENT). */
264 typedef struct
265 {
266  BbBleExec_t execCback; /*!< Execute callback. */
267  BbBleCancel_t cancelCback; /*!< Cancel callback. */
268  BbBleTxDataComp_t txDataCback; /*!< Transmit completion callback. */
269  BbBleRxDataComp_t rxDataCback; /*!< Receive completion callback. */
271  /* Return parameters. */
272  int8_t rssi; /*!< RSSI of the last received packet. */
273  uint8_t rxPhyOptions; /*!< Rx PHY options. */
276 /*! \brief Connection event operation data (\ref BB_BLE_OP_SLV_CONN_EVENT). */
277 typedef struct
278 {
279  uint32_t rxSyncDelayUsec; /*!< Receive timeout in microseconds. */
280  BbBleExec_t execCback; /*!< Execute callback. */
281  BbBleCancel_t cancelCback; /*!< Cancel callback. */
282  BbBleTxDataComp_t txDataCback; /*!< Transmit completion callback. */
283  BbBleRxDataComp_t rxDataCback; /*!< Receive completion callback. */
285  /* Return parameters. */
286  uint32_t startTsUsec; /*!< Start timestamp of the first received packet in microseconds. */
287  int8_t rssi; /*!< RSSI of the last received packet. */
288  uint8_t rxPhyOptions; /*!< Rx PHY options. */
291 /*! \brief CIS master event operation data (\ref BB_BLE_OP_MST_CIS_EVENT). */
292 typedef struct
293 {
294  BbBleCisCheckContOp_t checkContOpCback; /*!< Check whether to continue current operation callback. */
295  BbBleExec_t execCback; /*!< Execute callback. */
296  BbBleExec_t contExecCback; /*!< Continue execute callback. */
297  BbBleCisPostExec_t postSubEvtCback; /*!< Post subevent callback. */
298  BbBleCancel_t cancelCback; /*!< Cancel callback. */
299  BbBleTxDataComp_t txDataCback; /*!< Transmit completion callback. */
300  BbBleCisRxDataComp_t rxDataCback; /*!< Receive completion callback. */
301  /* Return parameters. */
302  int8_t rssi; /*!< RSSI of the last received packet. */
303  uint8_t rxPhyOptions; /*!< Rx PHY options. */
306 /*! \brief CIS slave event operation data (\ref BB_BLE_OP_SLV_CIS_EVENT). */
307 typedef struct
308 {
309  BbBleCisCheckContOp_t checkContOpCback; /*!< Check whether to continue current operation callback. */
310  BbBleExec_t execCback; /*!< Execute callback. */
311  BbBleExec_t contExecCback; /*!< Continue execute callback. */
312  BbBleCisPostExec_t postSubEvtCback; /*!< Post subevent callback. */
313  BbBleCancel_t cancelCback; /*!< Cancel callback. */
314  BbBleTxDataComp_t txDataCback; /*!< Transmit completion callback. */
315  BbBleRxDataComp_t rxDataCback; /*!< Receive completion callback. */
317  /* Return parameters. */
318  bool_t isFirstTs; /*!< True for the first timestamp. */
319  uint32_t startTsUsec; /*!< Start timestamp of the first received packet in microseconds. */
320  uint32_t rxTsUsec; /*!< Timestamp of the received packet. in microseconds */
321  int8_t rssi; /*!< RSSI of the last received packet. */
322  uint8_t rxPhyOptions; /*!< Rx PHY options. */
323  uint32_t rxSyncDelayUsec; /*!< Receive timeout in microseconds. */
326 /*! \brief BIS master event operation data (\ref BB_BLE_OP_MST_BIS_EVENT). */
327 typedef struct
328 {
329  uint32_t rxSyncDelayUsec; /*!< Receive timeout in microseconds. */
330  BbBleExec_t execCback; /*!< Execute callback. */
331  BbBleRxDataComp_t rxDataCback; /*!< Recieve completion callback. */
333  /* Return parameters. */
334  uint32_t startTsUsec; /*!< First Rx timestamp. */
337 /*! \brief BIS slave event operation data (\ref BB_BLE_OP_SLV_BIS_EVENT). */
338 typedef struct
339 {
340  BbBleExec_t execCback; /*!< Execute callback. */
341  BbBleTxDataComp_t txDataCback; /*!< Transmit completion callback. */
343  /* Return parameters. */
344  /* None */
347 /*! \brief Continuous transmit operation data (\ref BB_BLE_OP_TEST_TX). */
348 typedef struct
349 {
350  BbBleTestComp_t testCback; /*!< Test callback. */
352  uint8_t *pTxBuf; /*!< Transmit data buffer. */
353  uint16_t txLen; /*!< Transmit data buffer length. */
354  uint16_t pktInterUsec; /*!< Transmit packet interval. */
355 } BbBleTestTx_t;
357 /*! \brief Continuous receive operation data (\ref BB_BLE_OP_TEST_RX). */
358 typedef struct
359 {
360  uint32_t rxSyncDelayUsec; /*!< Synchronization delay in microseconds. */
361  BbBleTestComp_t testCback; /*!< Test callback. */
363  uint8_t *pRxBuf; /*!< Receive data buffer. */
364  uint16_t rxLen; /*!< Receive data buffer length. */
365 } BbBleTestRx_t;
367 /*! \brief Bluetooth Low Energy protocol specific operation parameters. */
368 typedef struct BbBleData_tag
369 {
370  PalBbBleChan_t chan; /*!< Channelization parameters. */
371  bbBlePduFiltParams_t pduFilt; /*!< PDU filter parameters. */
373  union
374  {
375  BbBleMstAdvEvent_t mstAdv; /*!< Master advertising event data. */
376  BbBleSlvAdvEvent_t slvAdv; /*!< Slave advertising event data. */
377  BbBleMstAuxAdvEvent_t mstAuxAdv; /*!< Master auxiliary advertising event data. */
378  BbBleSlvAuxAdvEvent_t slvAuxAdv; /*!< Slave auxiliary advertising event data. */
379  BbBleSlvAuxAdvEvent_t slvPerAdv; /*!< Slave periodic advertising event data. */
380  BbBleMstConnEvent_t mstConn; /*!< Master connection event data. */
381  BbBleSlvConnEvent_t slvConn; /*!< Slave connection event data. */
382  BbBleMstPerScanEvent_t mstPerScan; /*!< Master periodic scanning event data. */
383  BbBleMstCisEvent_t mstCis; /*!< Master CIS event data. */
384  BbBleSlvCisEvent_t slvCis; /*!< Slave CIS event data. */
385  BbBleMstBisEvent_t mstBis; /*!< Master BIS event data. */
386  BbBleSlvBisEvent_t slvBis; /*!< Slave BIS event data. */
387  BbBleTestTx_t testTx; /*!< Transmit test data. */
388  BbBleTestRx_t testRx; /*!< Receive test data. */
389  } op; /*!< Operation specific data. */
390 } BbBleData_t;
392 /**************************************************************************************************
393  Function Declarations
394 **************************************************************************************************/
396 /*************************************************************************************************/
397 /*!
398  * \brief Transmit data PDU at next transmit slot.
399  *
400  * \param descs Array of transmit buffer descriptor.
401  * \param cnt Number of descriptors.
402  *
403  * \note This function is expected to be called during the call context of
404  * \ref BbBleSlvConnEvent_t::rxDataCback callback routine.
405  */
406 /*************************************************************************************************/
407 void BbBleTxData(PalBbBleTxBufDesc_t descs[], uint8_t cnt);
409 /*************************************************************************************************/
410 /*!
411  * \brief Set receive data buffer for next receive slot.
412  *
413  * \param pBuf Receive data buffer.
414  * \param len Maximum length of data buffer.
415  *
416  * \note This function is expected to be called during the call context of
417  * \ref BbBleSlvConnEvent_t::rxDataCback callback routine.
418  *
419  * \note BB must always call the BbSlvConnEvent_t::rxDataCback callback routine of the
420  * currently executing BOD with the given buffer.
421  */
422 /*************************************************************************************************/
423 void BbBleRxData(uint8_t *pBuf, uint16_t len);
425 /*************************************************************************************************/
426 /*!
427  * \brief Transmit CIS PDU at next transmit slot.
428  *
429  * \param descs Array of transmit buffer descriptor.
430  * \param cnt Number of descriptors.
431  *
432  * \note This function is expected to be called during the call context of
433  * \ref BbBleMstCisEvent_t::rxDataCback or \ref BbBleSlvCisEvent_t::rxDataCback
434  * callback routine.
435  */
436 /*************************************************************************************************/
437 void BbBleCisTxData(PalBbBleTxBufDesc_t descs[], uint8_t cnt);
439 /*************************************************************************************************/
440 /*!
441  * \brief Set receive data buffer for next receive slot.
442  *
443  * \param pBuf Receive data buffer.
444  * \param len Maximum length of data buffer.
445  *
446  * \note This function is expected to be called during the call context of
447  * \ref BbBleSlvCisEvent_t::rxDataCback callback routine.
448  *
449  * \note BB must always call the BbBleSlvCisEvent_t::rxDataCback callback routine of the
450  * currently executing BOD with the given buffer.
451  */
452 /*************************************************************************************************/
453 void BbBleCisRxData(uint8_t *pBuf, uint16_t len);
455 /*************************************************************************************************/
456 /*!
457  * \brief Transmit BIS Data PDU at next transmit slot.
458  *
459  * \param descs Array of transmit buffer descriptor.
460  * \param cnt Number of descriptors.
461  * \param nextPduTime Next PDU time.
462  * \param pNextChan Next PDU channel.
463  */
464 /*************************************************************************************************/
465 void BbBleBisTxData(PalBbBleTxBufDesc_t descs[], uint8_t cnt, uint32_t nextPduTime, PalBbBleChan_t *pNextChan);
467 /*************************************************************************************************/
468 /*!
469  * \brief Set receive BIS Data PDU buffer for next receive slot.
470  *
471  * \param pBuf Receive data buffer.
472  * \param len Maximum length of data buffer.
473  * \param nextPduTime Next PDU time.
474  * \param pNextChan Next PDU channel.
475  * \param reAcq Rx train re-acquisition required.
476  */
477 /*************************************************************************************************/
478 void BbBleBisRxData(uint8_t *pBuf, uint16_t len, uint32_t nextPduTime, PalBbBleChan_t *pNextChan, bool_t reAcq);
480 /*************************************************************************************************/
481 /*!
482  * \brief Receive data re-acquisition.
483  *
484  * \param syncTime Due time for the next Rx operation.
485  * \param pChan Channel parameters.
486  *
487  * Update due time for next Rx operation. Called after a missed Rx operation for re-acquisition
488  * of the receive train.
489  */
490 /*************************************************************************************************/
491 void BbBleBisRxDataReAcq(uint32_t syncTime, PalBbBleChan_t *pChan);
493 /*! \} */ /* BB_API_BLE */
495 #ifdef __cplusplus
496 };
497 #endif
499 #endif /* BB_BLE_API_OP_H */
void BbBleTxData(PalBbBleTxBufDesc_t descs[], uint8_t cnt)
Transmit data PDU at next transmit slot.
void(* BbBleCisPostExec_t)(BbOpDesc_t *pBod, uint8_t status)
CIS post execute callback signature.
void BbBleCisTxData(PalBbBleTxBufDesc_t descs[], uint8_t cnt)
Transmit CIS PDU at next transmit slot.
bool_t(* BbBlePerPostComp_t)(BbOpDesc_t *pBod, const uint8_t *pBuf)
Periodic PDU Rx complete post call signature.
uint32_t(* BbBleCisCheckContOp_t)(BbOpDesc_t *pBod, bool_t *pNewCisCtx)
CIS check whether to continue current operation call signature.
BbBleCisCheckContOp_t checkContOpCback
void BbBleRxData(uint8_t *pBuf, uint16_t len)
Set receive data buffer for next receive slot.
Master periodic scanning event operation data (BB_BLE_OP_MST_PER_SCAN_EVENT).
BbBleExec_t contExecCback
void(* BbBleTxDataComp_t)(BbOpDesc_t *pBod, uint8_t status)
Data transmit completion callback signature.
struct BbBleData_tag BbBleData_t
Bluetooth Low Energy protocol specific operation parameters.
void(* BbBleAdvPost_t)(BbOpDesc_t *pBod, const uint8_t *pBuf)
Rx completion post processing call signature.
BbBleTxDataComp_t txDataCback
uint32_t rxSyncDelayUsec
BbBleSlvBisEvent_t slvBis
void BbBleBisRxDataReAcq(uint32_t syncTime, PalBbBleChan_t *pChan)
Receive data re-acquisition.
BbBleExec_t execCback
uint16_t pktInterUsec
BbBleSlvConnEvent_t slvConn
Connection event operation data (BB_BLE_OP_SLV_CONN_EVENT).
CIS master event operation data (BB_BLE_OP_MST_CIS_EVENT).
uint16_t txLen
bbBlePduFiltResults_t filtResults
bool_t(* BbBleRxChainPost_t)(BbOpDesc_t *pBod, const uint8_t *pBuf)
Chain indication PDU received post call signature.
BbBleCancel_t cancelCback
BbBleRxChain_t rxAuxChainCback
BbBleCancel_t cancelCback
BbBleAdvPost_t rxAuxReqPostCback
BbBleCisPostExec_t postSubEvtCback
uint16_t rxLen
BbBleMstAdvEvent_t mstAdv
union BbBleData_tag::@188 op
void(* BbBleTxAdvSetup_t)(BbOpDesc_t *pBod, uint32_t advTxTime)
Advertising PDU transmit setup call signature.
Definition: bb_ble_api_op.h:97
BbBleAdvComp_t rxReqCback
BbBleExec_t execCback
BbBleTxDataComp_t txDataCback
BbBleTestRx_t testRx
BbBleSlvAuxAdvEvent_t slvAuxAdv
uint32_t rxSyncDelayUsec
BbBleMstBisEvent_t mstBis
BbBleExec_t contExecCback
uint8_t * pRxBuf
BbBleRxDataComp_t rxDataCback
BbBleTestComp_t testCback
BbBleRxDataComp_t rxDataCback
BbBleTestComp_t testCback
BbBleMstPerScanEvent_t mstPerScan
BbBleMstCisEvent_t mstCis
BbBleExec_t execCback
bbBlePduFiltParams_t pduFilt
PDU filtering parameters.
void BbBleCisRxData(uint8_t *pBuf, uint16_t len)
Set receive data buffer for next receive slot.
uint32_t rxSyncDelayUsec
BbBlePerPostComp_t rxPerAdvPostCback
BbBleMstConnEvent_t mstConn
void(* BbBleCancel_t)(BbOpDesc_t *pBod)
Cancel callback signature.
Definition: bb_ble_api_op.h:94
Slave advertising event operation data (BB_BLE_OP_SLV_ADV_EVENT).
PDU filtering results.
BbBleTxAuxSetup_t txAuxSetupCback
BbBleSlvAdvEvent_t slvAdv
uint32_t(* BbBleRxChain_t)(BbOpDesc_t *pBod, const uint8_t *pBuf)
Chain indication PDU received call signature.
Bluetooth Low Energy protocol specific operation parameters.
bool_t(* BbBleAdvComp_t)(BbOpDesc_t *pBod, const uint8_t *pBuf)
Returns TRUE if an scan request/response required.
bbBlePduFiltResults_t filtResults
Operation types.
Definition: bb_ble_api_op.h:55
Continuous receive operation data (BB_BLE_OP_TEST_RX).
BbBleAdvPost_t rxReqPostCback
void(* BbBleExec_t)(BbOpDesc_t *pBod)
Execute callback signature.
Definition: bb_ble_api_op.h:91
BbBleAdvComp_t rxAuxAdvCback
BbBleSlvAuxAdvEvent_t slvPerAdv
BbBleExec_t execCback
uint8_t * pTxBuf
BbBleCancel_t cancelCback
bbBlePduFiltResults_t filtResults
BbBlePerComp_t rxPerAdvCback
uint32_t(* BbBlePerComp_t)(BbOpDesc_t *pBod, const uint8_t *pBuf, uint8_t status)
Periodic PDU Rx complete call signature.
BIS slave event operation data (BB_BLE_OP_SLV_BIS_EVENT).
BbBleTxAdvSetup_t txAdvSetupCback
void(* BbBleCisRxDataComp_t)(BbOpDesc_t *pBod, uint8_t *pBuf, uint8_t status)
CIS data receive completion callback signature.
BbBleSlvCisEvent_t slvCis
bool_t(* BbBleTestComp_t)(BbOpDesc_t *pBod, uint8_t status)
Test completion callback signature.
void(* BbBleRxDataComp_t)(BbOpDesc_t *pBod, uint8_t *pBuf, uint8_t status)
Data receive completion callback signature.
Connection event operation data (BB_BLE_OP_MST_CONN_EVENT).
BbBleExec_t execCback
BLE channelization parameters.
Definition: pal_bb_ble.h:67
BbBleTxDataComp_t txDataCback
Continuous transmit operation data (BB_BLE_OP_TEST_TX).
BbBleRxChainPost_t rxAuxChainPostCback
Link layer constant definitions.
BbBleAdvComp_t rxAuxRspCback
bbBlePduFiltResults_t filtResults
PalBbBleChan_t chan
BbBleAdvComp_t rxAdvCback
BbBleAdvPost_t rxAdvPostCback
Baseband interface file.
BbBleTestTx_t testTx
uint32_t(* BbBleTxAuxSetup_t)(BbOpDesc_t *pBod, bool_t isChainInd)
Chain indication PDU transmit setup call signature.
CIS slave event operation data (BB_BLE_OP_SLV_CIS_EVENT).
Slave auxiliary advertising event operation data (BB_BLE_OP_SLV_AUX_ADV_EVENT).
Master auxiliary advertising event operation data (BB_BLE_OP_MST_AUX_ADV_EVENT).
void(* BbBlePreExec_t)(BbOpDesc_t *pBod)
Pre-execute callback signature.
Definition: bb_ble_api_op.h:88
BbBleMstAuxAdvEvent_t mstAuxAdv
BbBleTxDataComp_t txDataCback
Master advertising event operation data (BB_BLE_OP_MST_ADV_EVENT).
Baseband operation descriptor (BOD).
Definition: bb_api.h:149
BbBleAdvComp_t txReqCback
BbBleRxDataComp_t rxDataCback
BbBleCisCheckContOp_t checkContOpCback
BbBleAdvComp_t rxAuxReqCback
BbBlePreExec_t preExecCback
BbBleExec_t execCback
void BbBleBisRxData(uint8_t *pBuf, uint16_t len, uint32_t nextPduTime, PalBbBleChan_t *pNextChan, bool_t reAcq)
Set receive BIS Data PDU buffer for next receive slot.
BbBleTxDataComp_t txDataCback
Transmit buffer descriptor.
Definition: pal_bb_ble.h:131
BLE Baseband interface file.
BbBleAdvComp_t rxRspCback
BbBleRxDataComp_t rxDataCback
BbBleCisRxDataComp_t rxDataCback
void BbBleBisTxData(PalBbBleTxBufDesc_t descs[], uint8_t cnt, uint32_t nextPduTime, PalBbBleChan_t *pNextChan)
Transmit BIS Data PDU at next transmit slot.
BbBleCancel_t cancelCback
BIS master event operation data (BB_BLE_OP_MST_BIS_EVENT).
BLE baseband PDU filtering interface file.
BbBleCisPostExec_t postSubEvtCback
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