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1 /**
2  * \file psa/crypto_extra.h
3  *
4  * \brief PSA cryptography module: Mbed TLS vendor extensions
5  *
6  * \note This file may not be included directly. Applications must
7  * include psa/crypto.h.
8  *
9  * This file is reserved for vendor-specific definitions.
10  */
11 /*
12  * Copyright The Mbed TLS Contributors
13  * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
14  *
15  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
16  * not use this file except in compliance with the License.
17  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
18  *
19  * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
20  *
21  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
22  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
23  * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
24  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
25  * limitations under the License.
26  */
31 #include "mbedtls/platform_util.h"
33 #include "crypto_compat.h"
35 #include "platform/mbed_toolchain.h"
37 #ifdef __cplusplus
38 extern "C" {
39 #endif
41 /* UID for secure storage seed */
45 /** \addtogroup attributes
46  * @{
47  */
49 /** \brief Declare the enrollment algorithm for a key.
50  *
51  * An operation on a key may indifferently use the algorithm set with
52  * psa_set_key_algorithm() or with this function.
53  *
54  * \param[out] attributes The attribute structure to write to.
55  * \param alg2 A second algorithm that the key may be used
56  * for, in addition to the algorithm set with
57  * psa_set_key_algorithm().
58  *
59  * \deprecated This is for backward compatibility only.
60  * Setting an enrollment algorithm is not recommended, because
61  * using the same key with different algorithms can allow some
62  * attacks based on arithmetic relations between different
63  * computations made with the same key, or can escalate harmless
64  * side channels into exploitable ones. Use this function only
65  * if it is necessary to support a protocol for which it has been
66  * verified that the usage of the key with multiple algorithms
67  * is safe.
68  */
69 MBED_DEPRECATED("Setting enrollment algorithm is for backward compatibility and not recommended.")
71  psa_key_attributes_t *attributes,
72  psa_algorithm_t alg2)
73 {
74  attributes->core.policy.alg2 = alg2;
75 }
77 /** Retrieve the enrollment algorithm policy from key attributes.
78  *
79  * \param[in] attributes The key attribute structure to query.
80  *
81  * \return The enrollment algorithm stored in the attribute structure.
82  * \deprecated This is for backward compatibility only.
83  * Deprecated along with psa_set_key_enrollment_algorithm().
84  */
85 MBED_DEPRECATED("Getting enrollment algorithm is for backward compatibility and not recommended.")
87  const psa_key_attributes_t *attributes)
88 {
89  return( attributes->core.policy.alg2 );
90 }
92 #if defined(MBEDTLS_PSA_CRYPTO_SE_C)
94 /** Retrieve the slot number where a key is stored.
95  *
96  * A slot number is only defined for keys that are stored in a secure
97  * element.
98  *
99  * This information is only useful if the secure element is not entirely
100  * managed through the PSA Cryptography API. It is up to the secure
101  * element driver to decide how PSA slot numbers map to any other interface
102  * that the secure element may have.
103  *
104  * \param[in] attributes The key attribute structure to query.
105  * \param[out] slot_number On success, the slot number containing the key.
106  *
107  * \retval #PSA_SUCCESS
108  * The key is located in a secure element, and \p *slot_number
109  * indicates the slot number that contains it.
111  * The caller is not permitted to query the slot number.
112  * Mbed Crypto currently does not return this error.
114  * The key is not located in a secure element.
115  */
116 psa_status_t psa_get_key_slot_number(
117  const psa_key_attributes_t *attributes,
118  psa_key_slot_number_t *slot_number );
120 /** Choose the slot number where a key is stored.
121  *
122  * This function declares a slot number in the specified attribute
123  * structure.
124  *
125  * A slot number is only meaningful for keys that are stored in a secure
126  * element. It is up to the secure element driver to decide how PSA slot
127  * numbers map to any other interface that the secure element may have.
128  *
129  * \note Setting a slot number in key attributes for a key creation can
130  * cause the following errors when creating the key:
131  * - #PSA_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED if the selected secure element does
132  * not support choosing a specific slot number.
133  * - #PSA_ERROR_NOT_PERMITTED if the caller is not permitted to
134  * choose slot numbers in general or to choose this specific slot.
135  * - #PSA_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT if the chosen slot number is not
136  * valid in general or not valid for this specific key.
137  * - #PSA_ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS if there is already a key in the
138  * selected slot.
139  *
140  * \param[out] attributes The attribute structure to write to.
141  * \param slot_number The slot number to set.
142  */
143 static inline void psa_set_key_slot_number(
144  psa_key_attributes_t *attributes,
145  psa_key_slot_number_t slot_number )
146 {
147  attributes->core.flags |= MBEDTLS_PSA_KA_FLAG_HAS_SLOT_NUMBER;
148  attributes->slot_number = slot_number;
149 }
151 /** Remove the slot number attribute from a key attribute structure.
152  *
153  * This function undoes the action of psa_set_key_slot_number().
154  *
155  * \param[out] attributes The attribute structure to write to.
156  */
157 static inline void psa_clear_key_slot_number(
158  psa_key_attributes_t *attributes )
159 {
160  attributes->core.flags &= ~MBEDTLS_PSA_KA_FLAG_HAS_SLOT_NUMBER;
161 }
163 /** Register a key that is already present in a secure element.
164  *
165  * The key must be located in a secure element designated by the
166  * lifetime field in \p attributes, in the slot set with
167  * psa_set_key_slot_number() in the attribute structure.
168  * This function makes the key available through the key identifier
169  * specified in \p attributes.
170  *
171  * \param[in] attributes The attributes of the existing key.
172  *
173  * \retval #PSA_SUCCESS
174  * The key was successfully registered.
175  * Note that depending on the design of the driver, this may or may
176  * not guarantee that a key actually exists in the designated slot
177  * and is compatible with the specified attributes.
179  * There is already a key with the identifier specified in
180  * \p attributes.
182  * The secure element driver for the specified lifetime does not
183  * support registering a key.
185  * \p attributes specifies a lifetime which is not located
186  * in a secure element.
188  * No slot number is specified in \p attributes,
189  * or the specified slot number is not valid.
191  * The caller is not authorized to register the specified key slot.
196  * \retval #PSA_ERROR_BAD_STATE
197  * The library has not been previously initialized by psa_crypto_init().
198  * It is implementation-dependent whether a failure to initialize
199  * results in this error code.
200  */
201 psa_status_t mbedtls_psa_register_se_key(
202  const psa_key_attributes_t *attributes);
204 #endif /* MBEDTLS_PSA_CRYPTO_SE_C */
206 /**@}*/
208 /**
209  * \brief Library deinitialization.
210  *
211  * This function clears all data associated with the PSA layer,
212  * including the whole key store.
213  *
214  * This is an Mbed TLS extension.
215  */
216 void mbedtls_psa_crypto_free( void );
218 /** \brief Statistics about
219  * resource consumption related to the PSA keystore.
220  *
221  * \note The content of this structure is not part of the stable API and ABI
222  * of Mbed Crypto and may change arbitrarily from version to version.
223  */
224 typedef struct mbedtls_psa_stats_s
225 {
226  /** Number of slots containing key material for a volatile key. */
228  /** Number of slots containing key material for a key which is in
229  * internal persistent storage. */
231  /** Number of slots containing a reference to a key in a
232  * secure element. */
234  /** Number of slots which are occupied, but do not contain
235  * key material yet. */
237  /** Number of slots that contain cache data. */
238  size_t cache_slots;
239  /** Number of slots that are not used for anything. */
240  size_t empty_slots;
241  /** Largest key id value among open keys in internal persistent storage. */
242  psa_app_key_id_t max_open_internal_key_id;
243  /** Largest key id value among open keys in secure elements. */
244  psa_app_key_id_t max_open_external_key_id;
247 /** \brief Get statistics about
248  * resource consumption related to the PSA keystore.
249  *
250  * \note When Mbed Crypto is built as part of a service, with isolation
251  * between the application and the keystore, the service may or
252  * may not expose this function.
253  */
254 void mbedtls_psa_get_stats( mbedtls_psa_stats_t *stats );
256 /**
257  * \brief Inject an initial entropy seed for the random generator into
258  * secure storage.
259  *
260  * This function injects data to be used as a seed for the random generator
261  * used by the PSA Crypto implementation. On devices that lack a trusted
262  * entropy source (preferably a hardware random number generator),
263  * the Mbed PSA Crypto implementation uses this value to seed its
264  * random generator.
265  *
266  * On devices without a trusted entropy source, this function must be
267  * called exactly once in the lifetime of the device. On devices with
268  * a trusted entropy source, calling this function is optional.
269  * In all cases, this function may only be called before calling any
270  * other function in the PSA Crypto API, including psa_crypto_init().
271  *
272  * When this function returns successfully, it populates a file in
273  * persistent storage. Once the file has been created, this function
274  * can no longer succeed.
275  *
276  * If any error occurs, this function does not change the system state.
277  * You can call this function again after correcting the reason for the
278  * error if possible.
279  *
280  * \warning This function **can** fail! Callers MUST check the return status.
281  *
282  * \warning If you use this function, you should use it as part of a
283  * factory provisioning process. The value of the injected seed
284  * is critical to the security of the device. It must be
285  * *secret*, *unpredictable* and (statistically) *unique per device*.
286  * You should be generate it randomly using a cryptographically
287  * secure random generator seeded from trusted entropy sources.
288  * You should transmit it securely to the device and ensure
289  * that its value is not leaked or stored anywhere beyond the
290  * needs of transmitting it from the point of generation to
291  * the call of this function, and erase all copies of the value
292  * once this function returns.
293  *
294  * This is an Mbed TLS extension.
295  *
296  * \note This function is only available on the following platforms:
297  * * If the compile-time option MBEDTLS_PSA_INJECT_ENTROPY is enabled.
298  * Note that you must provide compatible implementations of
299  * mbedtls_nv_seed_read and mbedtls_nv_seed_write.
300  * * In a client-server integration of PSA Cryptography, on the client side,
301  * if the server supports this feature.
302  * \param[in] seed Buffer containing the seed value to inject.
303  * \param[in] seed_size Size of the \p seed buffer.
304  * The size of the seed in bytes must be greater
305  * or equal to both #MBEDTLS_ENTROPY_MIN_PLATFORM
307  * It must be less or equal to
309  *
310  * \retval #PSA_SUCCESS
311  * The seed value was injected successfully. The random generator
312  * of the PSA Crypto implementation is now ready for use.
313  * You may now call psa_crypto_init() and use the PSA Crypto
314  * implementation.
316  * \p seed_size is out of range.
318  * There was a failure reading or writing from storage.
320  * The library has already been initialized. It is no longer
321  * possible to call this function.
322  */
323 psa_status_t mbedtls_psa_inject_entropy(const uint8_t *seed,
324  size_t seed_size);
326 /** \addtogroup crypto_types
327  * @{
328  */
330 /** DSA public key.
331  *
332  * The import and export format is the
333  * representation of the public key `y = g^x mod p` as a big-endian byte
334  * string. The length of the byte string is the length of the base prime `p`
335  * in bytes.
336  */
337 #define PSA_KEY_TYPE_DSA_PUBLIC_KEY ((psa_key_type_t)0x4002)
339 /** DSA key pair (private and public key).
340  *
341  * The import and export format is the
342  * representation of the private key `x` as a big-endian byte string. The
343  * length of the byte string is the private key size in bytes (leading zeroes
344  * are not stripped).
345  *
346  * Determinstic DSA key derivation with psa_generate_derived_key follows
347  * FIPS 186-4 §B.1.2: interpret the byte string as integer
348  * in big-endian order. Discard it if it is not in the range
349  * [0, *N* - 2] where *N* is the boundary of the private key domain
350  * (the prime *p* for Diffie-Hellman, the subprime *q* for DSA,
351  * or the order of the curve's base point for ECC).
352  * Add 1 to the resulting integer and use this as the private key *x*.
353  *
354  */
355 #define PSA_KEY_TYPE_DSA_KEY_PAIR ((psa_key_type_t)0x7002)
357 /** Whether a key type is an DSA key (pair or public-only). */
358 #define PSA_KEY_TYPE_IS_DSA(type) \
361 #define PSA_ALG_DSA_BASE ((psa_algorithm_t)0x10040000)
362 /** DSA signature with hashing.
363  *
364  * This is the signature scheme defined by FIPS 186-4,
365  * with a random per-message secret number (*k*).
366  *
367  * \param hash_alg A hash algorithm (\c PSA_ALG_XXX value such that
368  * #PSA_ALG_IS_HASH(\p hash_alg) is true).
369  * This includes #PSA_ALG_ANY_HASH
370  * when specifying the algorithm in a usage policy.
371  *
372  * \return The corresponding DSA signature algorithm.
373  * \return Unspecified if \p hash_alg is not a supported
374  * hash algorithm.
375  */
376 #define PSA_ALG_DSA(hash_alg) \
377  (PSA_ALG_DSA_BASE | ((hash_alg) & PSA_ALG_HASH_MASK))
378 #define PSA_ALG_DETERMINISTIC_DSA_BASE ((psa_algorithm_t)0x10050000)
380 /** Deterministic DSA signature with hashing.
381  *
382  * This is the deterministic variant defined by RFC 6979 of
383  * the signature scheme defined by FIPS 186-4.
384  *
385  * \param hash_alg A hash algorithm (\c PSA_ALG_XXX value such that
386  * #PSA_ALG_IS_HASH(\p hash_alg) is true).
387  * This includes #PSA_ALG_ANY_HASH
388  * when specifying the algorithm in a usage policy.
389  *
390  * \return The corresponding DSA signature algorithm.
391  * \return Unspecified if \p hash_alg is not a supported
392  * hash algorithm.
393  */
394 #define PSA_ALG_DETERMINISTIC_DSA(hash_alg) \
396 #define PSA_ALG_IS_DSA(alg) \
400  (((alg) & PSA_ALG_DSA_DETERMINISTIC_FLAG) != 0)
403 #define PSA_ALG_IS_RANDOMIZED_DSA(alg) \
407 /* We need to expand the sample definition of this macro from
408  * the API definition. */
410 #define PSA_ALG_IS_HASH_AND_SIGN(alg) \
411  (PSA_ALG_IS_RSA_PSS(alg) || PSA_ALG_IS_RSA_PKCS1V15_SIGN(alg) || \
412  PSA_ALG_IS_DSA(alg) || PSA_ALG_IS_ECDSA(alg))
414 /**@}*/
416 /** \addtogroup attributes
417  * @{
418  */
420 /** Custom Diffie-Hellman group.
421  *
423  * #PSA_KEY_TYPE_DH_KEY_PAIR(#PSA_DH_FAMILY_CUSTOM), the group data comes
424  * from domain parameters set by psa_set_key_domain_parameters().
425  */
426 #define PSA_DH_FAMILY_CUSTOM ((psa_dh_family_t) 0x7e)
429 /**
430  * \brief Set domain parameters for a key.
431  *
432  * Some key types require additional domain parameters in addition to
433  * the key type identifier and the key size. Use this function instead
434  * of psa_set_key_type() when you need to specify domain parameters.
435  *
436  * The format for the required domain parameters varies based on the key type.
437  *
439  * the domain parameter data consists of the public exponent,
440  * represented as a big-endian integer with no leading zeros.
441  * This information is used when generating an RSA key pair.
442  * When importing a key, the public exponent is read from the imported
443  * key data and the exponent recorded in the attribute structure is ignored.
444  * As an exception, the public exponent 65537 is represented by an empty
445  * byte string.
447  * the `Dss-Parms` format as defined by RFC 3279 §2.3.2.
448  * ```
449  * Dss-Parms ::= SEQUENCE {
450  * p INTEGER,
451  * q INTEGER,
452  * g INTEGER
453  * }
454  * ```
455  * - For Diffie-Hellman key exchange keys
458  * `DomainParameters` format as defined by RFC 3279 §2.3.3.
459  * ```
460  * DomainParameters ::= SEQUENCE {
461  * p INTEGER, -- odd prime, p=jq +1
462  * g INTEGER, -- generator, g
463  * q INTEGER, -- factor of p-1
464  * j INTEGER OPTIONAL, -- subgroup factor
465  * validationParms ValidationParms OPTIONAL
466  * }
467  * ValidationParms ::= SEQUENCE {
468  * seed BIT STRING,
469  * pgenCounter INTEGER
470  * }
471  * ```
472  *
473  * \note This function may allocate memory or other resources.
474  * Once you have called this function on an attribute structure,
475  * you must call psa_reset_key_attributes() to free these resources.
476  *
477  * \note This is an experimental extension to the interface. It may change
478  * in future versions of the library.
479  *
480  * \param[in,out] attributes Attribute structure where the specified domain
481  * parameters will be stored.
482  * If this function fails, the content of
483  * \p attributes is not modified.
484  * \param type Key type (a \c PSA_KEY_TYPE_XXX value).
485  * \param[in] data Buffer containing the key domain parameters.
486  * The content of this buffer is interpreted
487  * according to \p type as described above.
488  * \param data_length Size of the \p data buffer in bytes.
489  *
490  * \retval #PSA_SUCCESS
494  */
496  psa_key_type_t type,
497  const uint8_t *data,
498  size_t data_length);
500 /**
501  * \brief Get domain parameters for a key.
502  *
503  * Get the domain parameters for a key with this function, if any. The format
504  * of the domain parameters written to \p data is specified in the
505  * documentation for psa_set_key_domain_parameters().
506  *
507  * \note This is an experimental extension to the interface. It may change
508  * in future versions of the library.
509  *
510  * \param[in] attributes The key attribute structure to query.
511  * \param[out] data On success, the key domain parameters.
512  * \param data_size Size of the \p data buffer in bytes.
513  * The buffer is guaranteed to be large
514  * enough if its size in bytes is at least
515  * the value given by
517  * \param[out] data_length On success, the number of bytes
518  * that make up the key domain parameters data.
519  *
520  * \retval #PSA_SUCCESS
522  */
524  const psa_key_attributes_t *attributes,
525  uint8_t *data,
526  size_t data_size,
527  size_t *data_length);
529 /** Safe output buffer size for psa_get_key_domain_parameters().
530  *
531  * This macro returns a compile-time constant if its arguments are
532  * compile-time constants.
533  *
534  * \warning This function may call its arguments multiple times or
535  * zero times, so you should not pass arguments that contain
536  * side effects.
537  *
538  * \note This is an experimental extension to the interface. It may change
539  * in future versions of the library.
540  *
541  * \param key_type A supported key type.
542  * \param key_bits The size of the key in bits.
543  *
544  * \return If the parameters are valid and supported, return
545  * a buffer size in bytes that guarantees that
546  * psa_get_key_domain_parameters() will not fail with
548  * If the parameters are a valid combination that is not supported
549  * by the implementation, this macro shall return either a
550  * sensible size or 0.
551  * If the parameters are not valid, the
552  * return value is unspecified.
553  */
554 #define PSA_KEY_DOMAIN_PARAMETERS_SIZE(key_type, key_bits) \
555  (PSA_KEY_TYPE_IS_RSA(key_type) ? sizeof(int) : \
558  0)
559 #define PSA_DH_KEY_DOMAIN_PARAMETERS_SIZE(key_bits) \
560  (4 + (PSA_BITS_TO_BYTES(key_bits) + 5) * 3 /*without optional parts*/)
561 #define PSA_DSA_KEY_DOMAIN_PARAMETERS_SIZE(key_bits) \
562  (4 + (PSA_BITS_TO_BYTES(key_bits) + 5) * 2 /*p, g*/ + 34 /*q*/)
564 /**@}*/
566 /** \defgroup psa_tls_helpers TLS helper functions
567  * @{
568  */
570 #if defined(MBEDTLS_ECP_C)
571 #include <mbedtls/ecp.h>
573 /** Convert an ECC curve identifier from the Mbed TLS encoding to PSA.
574  *
575  * \note This function is provided solely for the convenience of
576  * Mbed TLS and may be removed at any time without notice.
577  *
578  * \param grpid An Mbed TLS elliptic curve identifier
579  * (`MBEDTLS_ECP_DP_xxx`).
580  * \param[out] bits On success, the bit size of the curve.
581  *
582  * \return The corresponding PSA elliptic curve identifier
583  * (`PSA_ECC_FAMILY_xxx`).
584  * \return \c 0 on failure (\p grpid is not recognized).
585  */
586 static inline psa_ecc_family_t mbedtls_ecc_group_to_psa( mbedtls_ecp_group_id grpid,
587  size_t *bits )
588 {
589  switch( grpid )
590  {
591  case MBEDTLS_ECP_DP_SECP192R1:
592  *bits = 192;
593  return( PSA_ECC_FAMILY_SECP_R1 );
594  case MBEDTLS_ECP_DP_SECP224R1:
595  *bits = 224;
596  return( PSA_ECC_FAMILY_SECP_R1 );
597  case MBEDTLS_ECP_DP_SECP256R1:
598  *bits = 256;
599  return( PSA_ECC_FAMILY_SECP_R1 );
600  case MBEDTLS_ECP_DP_SECP384R1:
601  *bits = 384;
602  return( PSA_ECC_FAMILY_SECP_R1 );
603  case MBEDTLS_ECP_DP_SECP521R1:
604  *bits = 521;
605  return( PSA_ECC_FAMILY_SECP_R1 );
606  case MBEDTLS_ECP_DP_BP256R1:
607  *bits = 256;
609  case MBEDTLS_ECP_DP_BP384R1:
610  *bits = 384;
612  case MBEDTLS_ECP_DP_BP512R1:
613  *bits = 512;
615  case MBEDTLS_ECP_DP_CURVE25519:
616  *bits = 255;
618  case MBEDTLS_ECP_DP_SECP192K1:
619  *bits = 192;
620  return( PSA_ECC_FAMILY_SECP_K1 );
621  case MBEDTLS_ECP_DP_SECP224K1:
622  *bits = 224;
623  return( PSA_ECC_FAMILY_SECP_K1 );
624  case MBEDTLS_ECP_DP_SECP256K1:
625  *bits = 256;
626  return( PSA_ECC_FAMILY_SECP_K1 );
627  case MBEDTLS_ECP_DP_CURVE448:
628  *bits = 448;
630  default:
631  *bits = 0;
632  return( 0 );
633  }
634 }
636 /** Convert an ECC curve identifier from the PSA encoding to Mbed TLS.
637  *
638  * \note This function is provided solely for the convenience of
639  * Mbed TLS and may be removed at any time without notice.
640  *
641  * \param curve A PSA elliptic curve identifier
642  * (`PSA_ECC_FAMILY_xxx`).
643  * \param byte_length The byte-length of a private key on \p curve.
644  *
645  * \return The corresponding Mbed TLS elliptic curve identifier
646  * (`MBEDTLS_ECP_DP_xxx`).
647  * \return #MBEDTLS_ECP_DP_NONE if \c curve is not recognized.
648  * \return #MBEDTLS_ECP_DP_NONE if \p byte_length is not
649  * correct for \p curve.
650  */
651 mbedtls_ecp_group_id mbedtls_ecc_group_of_psa( psa_ecc_family_t curve,
652  size_t byte_length );
653 #endif /* MBEDTLS_ECP_C */
655 /**@}*/
657 #ifdef __cplusplus
658 }
659 #endif
661 #endif /* PSA_CRYPTO_EXTRA_H */
size_t empty_slots
Number of slots that are not used for anything.
psa_app_key_id_t max_open_internal_key_id
Largest key id value among open keys in internal persistent storage.
Curve25519 and Curve448.
static void psa_set_key_enrollment_algorithm(psa_key_attributes_t *attributes, psa_algorithm_t alg2)
Declare the enrollment algorithm for a key.
size_t cache_slots
Number of slots that contain cache data.
psa_app_key_id_t max_open_external_key_id
Largest key id value among open keys in secure elements.
size_t half_filled_slots
Number of slots which are occupied, but do not contain key material yet.
psa_status_t psa_set_key_domain_parameters(psa_key_attributes_t *attributes, psa_key_type_t type, const uint8_t *data, size_t data_length)
Set domain parameters for a key.
Brainpool P random curves.
uint64_t psa_key_slot_number_t
An internal designation of a key slot between the core part of the PSA Crypto implementation and the ...
static psa_algorithm_t psa_get_key_enrollment_algorithm(const psa_key_attributes_t *attributes)
Retrieve the enrollment algorithm policy from key attributes.
uint32_t psa_algorithm_t
Encoding of a cryptographic algorithm.
size_t external_slots
Number of slots containing a reference to a key in a secure element.
SEC random curves over prime fields.
size_t persistent_slots
Number of slots containing key material for a key which is in internal persistent storage...
uint16_t psa_key_type_t
Encoding of a key type.
size_t volatile_slots
Number of slots containing key material for a volatile key.
psa_status_t psa_get_key_domain_parameters(const psa_key_attributes_t *attributes, uint8_t *data, size_t data_size, size_t *data_length)
Get domain parameters for a key.
SEC Koblitz curves over prime fields.
uint8_t psa_ecc_family_t
The type of PSA elliptic curve family identifiers.
int32_t psa_status_t
Function return status.
Statistics about resource consumption related to the PSA keystore.
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