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1 /* mbed Microcontroller Library
2  * Copyright (c) 2006-2020 ARM Limited
3  *
4  * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
5  *
6  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
7  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
8  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
9  *
10  * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
11  *
12  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
13  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
14  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
15  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
16  * limitations under the License.
17  */
20 #ifndef MBED_GATT_SERVER_H__
21 #define MBED_GATT_SERVER_H__
23 #include "platform/mbed_toolchain.h"
25 #include "ble/common/CallChainOfFunctionPointersWithContext.h"
26 #include "ble/common/blecommon.h"
28 #include "ble/gatt/GattService.h"
29 #include "ble/gatt/GattAttribute.h"
30 #include "ble/gatt/GattCallbackParamTypes.h"
32 namespace ble {
34 #if !defined(DOXYGEN_ONLY)
35 namespace impl {
36 class GattServer;
37 }
38 #endif // !defined(DOXYGEN_ONLY)
41 /**
42  * @addtogroup ble
43  * @{
44  * @addtogroup gatt
45  * @{
46  * @addtogroup server
47  * @{
48  */
50 /**
51  * Construct and operates a GATT server.
52  *
53  * A Gatt server is a collection of GattService; these services contain
54  * characteristics that a peer connected to the device may read or write.
55  * These characteristics may also emit updates to subscribed clients when their
56  * values change.
57  *
58  * @p Server Layout
59  *
60  * Application code can add a GattService object to the server with the help of
61  * the function addService(). That function registers all the GattCharacteristic
62  * enclosed in the service, as well as all the characteristics descriptors (see
63  * GattAttribute) these characteristics contain. Service registration assigns
64  * a unique handle to the various attributes being part of the service; this
65  * handle should be used for subsequent read or write of these components.
66  *
67  * There are no primitives defined to remove a single service; however, a call to
68  * the function reset() removes all services previously registered in the
69  * GattServer.
70  *
71  * @p Characteristic and attributes access
72  *
73  * Values of the characteristic and the characteristic descriptor present in the
74  * GattServer must be accessed through the handle assigned to them when the service
75  * has been registered; the GattServer class offers several flavors of read()
76  * and write() functions that retrieve or mutate an attribute value.
77  *
78  * Application code can query if a client has subscribed to a given
79  * characteristic's value update by invoking the function areUpdatesEnabled().
80  *
81  * @p Events
82  *
83  * The GattServer allows application code to register several event handlers that
84  * can be used to monitor client and server activities:
85  * - onDataSent(): Register an event handler that is called when a
86  * characteristic value update has been sent to a client.
87  * - onDataWriten(): Register an event handler that is called when a
88  * client has written an attribute of the server.
89  * - onDataRead(): Register an event handler that is called when a
90  * client has read an attribute of the server.
91  * - onUpdatesEnabled: Register an event handler that is called when a
92  * client subscribes to updates of a characteristic.
93  * - onUpdatesDisabled: Register an event handler that is called when a
94  * client unsubscribes from updates of a characteristic.
95  * - onConfimationReceived: Register an event handler that is called
96  * when a client acknowledges a characteristic value notification.
97  *
98  * @note The term characteristic value update is used to represent
99  * Characteristic Value Notification and Characteristic Value Indication when
100  * the nature of the server initiated is not relevant.
101  */
102 class GattServer {
103 public:
104  /**
105  * Definition of the general handler of GattServer related events.
106  */
107  struct EventHandler {
108  /**
109  * Function invoked when the connections changes the ATT_MTU which controls
110  * the maximum size of an attribute that can be read in a single L2CAP packet
111  * which might be fragmented across multiple packets.
112  *
113  * @param connectionHandle The handle of the connection that changed the size.
114  * @param attMtuSize
115  */
116  virtual void onAttMtuChange(
117  ble::connection_handle_t connectionHandle,
118  uint16_t attMtuSize
119  ) {
120  (void)connectionHandle;
121  (void)attMtuSize;
122  }
124  /**
125  * Function invoked when the server has sent data to a client as
126  * part of a notification/indication.
127  *
128  * @note params has a temporary scope and should be copied by the
129  * application if needed later
130  */
131  virtual void onDataSent(const GattDataSentCallbackParams &params) {
132  (void)params;
133  }
135  /**
136  * Function invoked when a client writes an attribute
137  *
138  * @note params has a temporary scope and should be copied by the
139  * application if needed later
140  */
141  virtual void onDataWritten(const GattWriteCallbackParams &params) {
142  (void)params;
143  }
145  /**
146  * Function invoked when a client reads an attribute
147  *
148  * @note This functionality may not be available on all underlying stacks.
149  * Application code may work around that limitation by monitoring read
150  * requests instead of read events.
151  *
152  * @note params has a temporary scope and should be copied by the
153  * application if needed later
154  *
155  * @see GattCharacteristic::setReadAuthorizationCallback()
156  * @see isOnDataReadAvailable().
157  */
158  virtual void onDataRead(const GattReadCallbackParams &params) {
159  (void)params;
160  }
162  /**
163  * Function invoked when the GattServer instance is about
164  * to be shut down. This can result in a call to reset() or BLE::reset().
165  */
166  virtual void onShutdown(const GattServer &server) {
167  (void)server;
168  }
170  /**
171  * Function invoked when the client has subscribed to characteristic updates
172  *
173  * @note params has a temporary scope and should be copied by the
174  * application if needed later
175  */
177  (void)params;
178  }
180  /**
181  * Function invoked when the client has unsubscribed to characteristic updates
182  *
183  * @note params has a temporary scope and should be copied by the
184  * application if needed later
185  */
187  (void)params;
188  }
190  /**
191  * Function invoked when an ACK has been received for an
192  * indication sent to the client.
193  *
194  * @note params has a temporary scope and should be copied by the
195  * application if needed later
196  */
198  (void)params;
199  }
201  protected:
202  /**
203  * Prevent polymorphic deletion and avoid unnecessary virtual destructor
204  * as the GattServer class will never delete the instance it contains.
205  */
206  ~EventHandler() = default;
207  };
209  /**
210  * Event handler invoked when the server has sent data to a client.
211  *
212  * @see onDataSent().
213  */
216  /**
217  * Callchain of DataSentCallback_t objects.
218  *
219  * @see onDataSent().
220  */
224  /**
225  * Event handler invoked when the client has written an attribute of the
226  * server.
227  *
228  * @see onDataWritten().
229  */
233  /**
234  * Callchain of DataWrittenCallback_t objects.
235  *
236  * @see onDataWritten().
237  */
241  /**
242  * Event handler invoked when the client has read an attribute of the server.
243  *
244  * @see onDataRead().
245  */
249  /**
250  * Callchain of DataReadCallback_t.
251  *
252  * @see onDataRead().
253  */
257  /**
258  * Event handler invoked when the GattServer is reset.
259  *
260  * @see onShutdown() reset()
261  */
265  /**
266  * Callchain of GattServerShutdownCallback_t.
267  *
268  * @see onShutdown() reset()
269  */
273  /**
274  * Event handler that handles subscription to characteristic updates,
275  * unsubscription from characteristic updates and notification confirmation.
276  *
277  * @see onUpdatesEnabled() onUpdateDisabled() onConfirmationReceived()
278  */
281 public:
282  /**
283  * Assign the event handler implementation that will be used by the
284  * module to signal events back to the application.
285  *
286  * @param handler Application implementation of an EventHandler.
287  *
288  * @note Multiple discrete EventHandler instances may be used by adding them
289  * to a ChainableGattServerEventHandler and then setting the chain as the primary
290  * GattServer EventHandler using this function.
291  *
292  * @see ChainableGattServerEventHandler
293  */
294  void setEventHandler(EventHandler *handler);
296  /**
297  * Shut down the GattServer instance.
298  *
299  * This function notifies all event handlers listening for shutdown events
300  * that the GattServer is about to be shut down; then it clears all
301  * GattServer state.
302  *
303  * @note This function is meant to be overridden in the platform-specific
304  * subclass. Overides must call the parent function before any cleanup.
305  *
306  * @return BLE_ERROR_NONE on success.
307  */
308  ble_error_t reset();
310  /**
311  * Add a service declaration to the local attribute server table.
312  *
313  * This functions inserts a service declaration in the attribute table
314  * followed by the characteristic declarations (including characteristic
315  * descriptors) present in @p service.
316  *
317  * The process assigns a unique attribute handle to all the elements added
318  * into the attribute table. This handle is an ID that must be used for
319  * subsequent interactions with the elements.
320  *
321  * @note There is no mirror function that removes a single service.
322  * Application code can remove all the registered services by calling
323  * reset().
324  *
325  * @attention GattServer allocates its own memory for all the attributes.
326  * The GattServer will set the handles on the service passed in and the
327  * characteristics it contains. You may record the handles you want to
328  * interact with in the future. After that the service and characteristics
329  * you passed in as the parameter may be freed. To write to the GattServer
330  * instances of the characteristics you have to use the saved handles.
331  *
332  * @param[in] service The service to be added; attribute handle of services,
333  * characteristic and characteristic descriptors are updated by the
334  * process.
335  *
336  * @return BLE_ERROR_NONE if the service was successfully added.
337  */
338  ble_error_t addService(GattService &service);
340  /**
341  * Read the value of an attribute present in the local GATT server.
342  *
343  * @param[in] attributeHandle Handle of the attribute to read.
344  * @param[out] buffer A buffer to hold the value being read.
345  * @param[in,out] lengthP Length of the buffer being supplied. If the
346  * attribute value is longer than the size of the supplied buffer, this
347  * variable holds upon return the total attribute value length (excluding
348  * offset). The application may use this information to allocate a suitable
349  * buffer size.
350  *
351  * @return BLE_ERROR_NONE if a value was read successfully into the buffer.
352  *
353  * @attention read(ble::connection_handle_t, GattAttribute::Handle_t, uint8_t *, uint16_t *)
354  * must be used to read Client Characteristic Configuration Descriptor (CCCD)
355  * because the value of this type of attribute depends on the connection.
356  */
357  ble_error_t read(
358  GattAttribute::Handle_t attributeHandle,
359  uint8_t buffer[],
360  uint16_t *lengthP
361  );
363  /**
364  * Read the value of an attribute present in the local GATT server.
365  *
366  * The connection handle allows application code to read the value of a
367  * Client Characteristic Configuration Descriptor for a given connection.
368  *
369  * @param[in] connectionHandle Connection handle.
370  * @param[in] attributeHandle Attribute handle for the value attribute of
371  * the characteristic.
372  * @param[out] buffer A buffer to hold the value being read.
373  * @param[in,out] lengthP Length of the buffer being supplied. If the
374  * attribute value is longer than the size of the supplied buffer, this
375  * variable holds upon return the total attribute value length (excluding
376  * offset). The application may use this information to allocate a suitable
377  * buffer size.
378  *
379  * @return BLE_ERROR_NONE if a value was read successfully into the buffer.
380  */
381  ble_error_t read(
382  ble::connection_handle_t connectionHandle,
383  GattAttribute::Handle_t attributeHandle,
384  uint8_t *buffer,
385  uint16_t *lengthP
386  );
388  /**
389  * Update the value of an attribute present in the local GATT server.
390  *
391  * @param[in] attributeHandle Handle of the attribute to write.
392  * @param[in] value A pointer to a buffer holding the new value.
393  * @param[in] size Size in bytes of the new value (in bytes).
394  * @param[in] localOnly If this flag is false and the attribute handle
395  * written is a characteristic value, then the server sends an update
396  * containing the new value to all clients that have subscribed to the
397  * characteristic's notifications or indications. Otherwise, the update does
398  * not generate a single server initiated event.
399  *
400  * @return BLE_ERROR_NONE if the attribute value has been successfully
401  * updated.
402  */
403  ble_error_t write(
404  GattAttribute::Handle_t attributeHandle,
405  const uint8_t *value,
406  uint16_t size,
407  bool localOnly = false
408  );
410  /**
411  * Update the value of an attribute present in the local GATT server.
412  *
413  * The connection handle parameter allows application code to direct
414  * notification or indication resulting from the update to a specific client.
415  *
416  * @param[in] connectionHandle Connection handle.
417  * @param[in] attributeHandle Handle for the value attribute of the
418  * characteristic.
419  * @param[in] value A pointer to a buffer holding the new value.
420  * @param[in] size Size of the new value (in bytes).
421  * @param[in] localOnly If this flag is false and the attribute handle
422  * written is a characteristic value, then the server sends an update
423  * containing the new value to the client identified by the parameter
424  * @p connectionHandle if it is subscribed to the characteristic's
425  * notifications or indications. Otherwise, the update does not generate a
426  * single server initiated event.
427  *
428  * @return BLE_ERROR_NONE if the attribute value has been successfully
429  * updated.
430  */
431  ble_error_t write(
432  ble::connection_handle_t connectionHandle,
433  GattAttribute::Handle_t attributeHandle,
434  const uint8_t *value,
435  uint16_t size,
436  bool localOnly = false
437  );
439  /**
440  * Determine if one of the connected clients has subscribed to notifications
441  * or indications of the characteristic in input.
442  *
443  * @param[in] characteristic The characteristic.
444  * @param[out] enabledP Upon return, *enabledP is true if updates are
445  * enabled for a connected client; otherwise, *enabledP is false.
446  *
447  * @return BLE_ERROR_NONE if the connection and handle are found. False
448  * otherwise.
449  */
450  ble_error_t areUpdatesEnabled(
451  const GattCharacteristic &characteristic,
452  bool *enabledP
453  );
455  /**
456  * Determine if an identified client has subscribed to notifications or
457  * indications of a given characteristic.
458  *
459  * @param[in] connectionHandle The connection handle.
460  * @param[in] characteristic The characteristic.
461  * @param[out] enabledP Upon return, *enabledP is true if the client
462  * identified by @p connectionHandle has subscribed to notifications or
463  * indications of @p characteristic; otherwise, *enabledP is false.
464  *
465  * @return BLE_ERROR_NONE if the connection and handle are found. False
466  * otherwise.
467  */
468  ble_error_t areUpdatesEnabled(
469  ble::connection_handle_t connectionHandle,
470  const GattCharacteristic &characteristic,
471  bool *enabledP
472  );
474  /**
475  * Indicate if the underlying stack emit events when an attribute is read by
476  * a client.
477  *
478  * @attention This function should be overridden to return true if
479  * applicable.
480  *
481  * @return true if onDataRead is supported; false otherwise.
482  */
483  bool isOnDataReadAvailable() const;
485  /**
486  * Add an event handler that monitors emission of characteristic value
487  * updates.
488  *
489  * @param[in] callback Event handler being registered.
490  *
491  * @note It is possible to chain together multiple onDataSent callbacks
492  * (potentially from different modules of an application).
493  */
494  MBED_DEPRECATED_SINCE("mbed-os-6.3.0", "Individual callback-registering functions have"
495  "been replaced by GattServer::setEventHandler. Use that function instead.")
496  void onDataSent(const DataSentCallback_t &callback);
498  /**
499  * Add an event handler that monitors emission of characteristic value
500  * updates.
501  *
502  * @param[in] objPtr Pointer to the instance that is used to invoke the
503  * event handler.
504  * @param[in] memberPtr Event handler being registered. It is a member
505  * function.
506  */
507  template <typename T>
508  MBED_DEPRECATED_SINCE("mbed-os-6.3.0", "Individual callback-registering functions have"
509  "been replaced by GattServer::setEventHandler. Use that function instead.")
510  void onDataSent(T *objPtr, void (T::*memberPtr)(unsigned count))
511  {
512  onDataSent({objPtr, memberPtr});
513  }
515  /**
516  * Access the callchain of data sent event handlers.
517  *
518  * @return A reference to the DATA_SENT event callback chain.
519  */
520  MBED_DEPRECATED_SINCE("mbed-os-6.3.0", "Individual callback-registering functions have"
521  "been replaced by GattServer::setEventHandler. Use that function instead.")
522  DataSentCallbackChain_t &onDataSent();
524  /**
525  * Set an event handler that is called after
526  * a connected peer has written an attribute.
527  *
528  * @param[in] callback The event handler being registered.
529  *
530  * @attention It is possible to set multiple event handlers. Registered
531  * handlers may be removed with onDataWritten().detach(callback).
532  */
533  MBED_DEPRECATED_SINCE("mbed-os-6.3.0", "Individual callback-registering functions have"
534  "been replaced by GattServer::setEventHandler. Use that function instead.")
535  void onDataWritten(const DataWrittenCallback_t &callback);
537  /**
538  * Set an event handler that is called after
539  * a connected peer has written an attribute.
540  *
541  * @param[in] objPtr Pointer to the instance that is used to invoke the
542  * event handler (@p memberPtr).
543  * @param[in] memberPtr Event handler being registered. It is a member
544  * function.
545  */
546  template <typename T>
547  MBED_DEPRECATED_SINCE("mbed-os-6.3.0", "Individual callback-registering functions have"
548  "been replaced by GattServer::setEventHandler. Use that function instead.")
549  void onDataWritten(
550  T *objPtr,
551  void (T::*memberPtr)(const GattWriteCallbackParams *context)
552  )
553  {
554  onDataWritten({objPtr, memberPtr});
555  }
557  /**
558  * Access the callchain of data written event handlers.
559  *
560  * @return A reference to the data written event callbacks chain.
561  *
562  * @note It is possible to register callbacks using
563  * onDataWritten().add(callback).
564  *
565  * @note It is possible to unregister callbacks using
566  * onDataWritten().detach(callback).
567  */
568  MBED_DEPRECATED_SINCE("mbed-os-6.3.0", "Individual callback-registering functions have"
569  "been replaced by GattServer::setEventHandler. Use that function instead.")
570  DataWrittenCallbackChain_t &onDataWritten();
572  /**
573  * Set an event handler that monitors attribute reads from connected clients.
574  *
575  * @param[in] callback Event handler being registered.
576  *
577  * @return BLE_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED if this functionality isn't available;
578  * else BLE_ERROR_NONE.
579  *
580  * @note This functionality may not be available on all underlying stacks.
581  * Application code may work around that limitation by monitoring read
582  * requests instead of read events.
583  *
584  * @see GattCharacteristic::setReadAuthorizationCallback()
585  * @see isOnDataReadAvailable().
586  *
587  * @attention It is possible to set multiple event handlers. Registered
588  * handlers may be removed with onDataRead().detach(callback).
589  */
590  MBED_DEPRECATED_SINCE("mbed-os-6.3.0", "Individual callback-registering functions have"
591  "been replaced by GattServer::setEventHandler. Use that function instead.")
592  ble_error_t onDataRead(const DataReadCallback_t &callback);
594  /**
595  * Set an event handler that monitors attribute reads from connected clients.
596  *
597  * @param[in] objPtr Pointer to the instance that is used to invoke the
598  * event handler (@p memberPtr).
599  * @param[in] memberPtr Event handler being registered. It is a member
600  * function.
601  */
602  template <typename T>
603  MBED_DEPRECATED_SINCE("mbed-os-6.3.0", "Individual callback-registering functions have"
604  "been replaced by GattServer::setEventHandler. Use that function instead.")
605  ble_error_t onDataRead(
606  T *objPtr,
607  void (T::*memberPtr)(const GattReadCallbackParams *context)
608  )
609  {
610  return onDataRead({objPtr, memberPtr});
611  }
613  /**
614  * Access the callchain of data read event handlers.
615  *
616  * @return A reference to the data read event callbacks chain.
617  *
618  * @note It is possible to register callbacks using
619  * onDataRead().add(callback).
620  *
621  * @note It is possible to unregister callbacks using
622  * onDataRead().detach(callback).
623  */
624  MBED_DEPRECATED_SINCE("mbed-os-6.3.0", "Individual callback-registering functions have"
625  "been replaced by GattServer::setEventHandler. Use that function instead.")
626  DataReadCallbackChain_t &onDataRead();
628  /**
629  * Set an event handler that monitors shutdown or reset of the GattServer.
630  *
631  * The event handler is invoked when the GattServer instance is about
632  * to be shut down. This can result in a call to reset() or BLE::reset().
633  *
634  * @param[in] callback Event handler being registered.
635  *
636  * @note It is possible to set up multiple shutdown event handlers.
637  *
638  * @note It is possible to unregister a callback using
639  * onShutdown().detach(callback)
640  */
641  MBED_DEPRECATED_SINCE("mbed-os-6.3.0", "Individual callback-registering functions have"
642  "been replaced by GattServer::setEventHandler. Use that function instead.")
643  void onShutdown(const GattServerShutdownCallback_t &callback);
645  /**
646  * Set an event handler that monitors shutdown or reset of the GattServer.
647  *
648  * The event handler is invoked when the GattServer instance is about
649  * to be shut down. This can result of a call to reset() or BLE::reset().
650  *
651  * @param[in] objPtr Pointer to the instance that is used to invoke the
652  * event handler (@p memberPtr).
653  * @param[in] memberPtr Event handler being registered. It is a member
654  * function.
655  */
656  template <typename T>
657  MBED_DEPRECATED_SINCE("mbed-os-6.3.0", "Individual callback-registering functions have"
658  "been replaced by GattServer::setEventHandler. Use that function instead.")
659  void onShutdown(T *objPtr, void (T::*memberPtr)(const GattServer *))
660  {
661  onShutdown({objPtr, memberPtr});
662  }
664  /**
665  * Access the callchain of shutdown event handlers.
666  *
667  * @return A reference to the shutdown event callbacks chain.
668  *
669  * @note It is possible to register callbacks using
670  * onShutdown().add(callback).
671  *
672  * @note It is possible to unregister callbacks using
673  * onShutdown().detach(callback).
674  */
675  MBED_DEPRECATED_SINCE("mbed-os-6.3.0", "Individual callback-registering functions have"
676  "been replaced by GattServer::setEventHandler. Use that function instead.")
677  GattServerShutdownCallbackChain_t& onShutdown();
679  /**
680  * Set up an event handler that monitors subscription to characteristic
681  * updates.
682  *
683  * @param[in] callback Event handler being registered.
684  */
685  MBED_DEPRECATED_SINCE("mbed-os-6.3.0", "Individual callback-registering functions have"
686  "been replaced by GattServer::setEventHandler. Use that function instead.")
687  void onUpdatesEnabled(EventCallback_t callback);
689  /**
690  * Set up an event handler that monitors unsubscription from characteristic
691  * updates.
692  *
693  * @param[in] callback Event handler being registered.
694  */
695  MBED_DEPRECATED_SINCE("mbed-os-6.3.0", "Individual callback-registering functions have"
696  "been replaced by GattServer::setEventHandler. Use that function instead.")
697  void onUpdatesDisabled(EventCallback_t callback);
699  /**
700  * Set up an event handler that monitors notification acknowledgment.
701  *
702  * The event handler is called when a client sends a confirmation that it has
703  * correctly received a notification from the server.
704  *
705  * @param[in] callback Event handler being registered.
706  */
707  MBED_DEPRECATED_SINCE("mbed-os-6.3.0", "Individual callback-registering functions have"
708  "been replaced by GattServer::setEventHandler. Use that function instead.")
709  void onConfirmationReceived(EventCallback_t callback);
711 #if !defined(DOXYGEN_ONLY)
712  GattServer(impl::GattServer* impl) : impl(impl) {}
713  GattServer(const GattServer&) = delete;
714  GattServer& operator=(const GattServer&) = delete;
715 #endif // !defined(DOXYGEN_ONLY)
717 private:
718  impl::GattServer *impl;
719 };
721 /**
722  * @}
723  * @}
724  * @}
725  */
727 } // ble
729 /** @deprecated Use the namespaced ble::GattServer instead of the global GattServer. */
730 using ble::GattServer;
732 #endif /* ifndef MBED_GATT_SERVER_H__ */
FunctionPointerWithContext< unsigned > DataSentCallback_t
Event handler invoked when the server has sent data to a client.
Definition: GattServer.h:214
Function like object adapter over freestanding and member functions.
CallChainOfFunctionPointersWithContext< unsigned > DataSentCallbackChain_t
Callchain of DataSentCallback_t objects.
Definition: GattServer.h:222
Construct and operates a GATT server.
Definition: GattServer.h:102
uintptr_t connection_handle_t
Opaque reference to a connection.
virtual void onConfirmationReceived(const GattConfirmationReceivedCallbackParams &params)
Function invoked when an ACK has been received for an indication sent to the client.
Definition: GattServer.h:197
FunctionPointerWithContext< GattAttribute::Handle_t > EventCallback_t
Event handler that handles subscription to characteristic updates, unsubscription from characteristic...
Definition: GattServer.h:279
virtual void onDataWritten(const GattWriteCallbackParams &params)
Function invoked when a client writes an attribute.
Definition: GattServer.h:141
CallChainOfFunctionPointersWithContext< const GattServer * > GattServerShutdownCallbackChain_t
Callchain of GattServerShutdownCallback_t.
Definition: GattServer.h:271
Callback< R(ArgTs...)> callback(R(*func)(ArgTs...)=nullptr) noexcept
Create a callback class with type inferred from the arguments.
Definition: Callback.h:678
CallChainOfFunctionPointersWithContext< const GattReadCallbackParams * > DataReadCallbackChain_t
Callchain of DataReadCallback_t.
Definition: GattServer.h:255
virtual void onDataSent(const GattDataSentCallbackParams &params)
Function invoked when the server has sent data to a client as part of a notification/indication.
Definition: GattServer.h:131
ble::attribute_handle_t Handle_t
Representation of an attribute handle.
Gatt Data Sent Attribute related events.
virtual void onUpdatesEnabled(const GattUpdatesEnabledCallbackParams &params)
Function invoked when the client has subscribed to characteristic updates.
Definition: GattServer.h:176
virtual void onDataRead(const GattReadCallbackParams &params)
Function invoked when a client reads an attribute.
Definition: GattServer.h:158
Definition of the general handler of GattServer related events.
Definition: GattServer.h:107
GATT Write event definition.
GATT Read event definition.
Representation of a GattServer characteristic.
virtual void onAttMtuChange(ble::connection_handle_t connectionHandle, uint16_t attMtuSize)
Function invoked when the connections changes the ATT_MTU which controls the maximum size of an attri...
Definition: GattServer.h:116
Function like object hosting a list of FunctionPointerWithContext.
FunctionPointerWithContext< const GattReadCallbackParams * > DataReadCallback_t
Event handler invoked when the client has read an attribute of the server.
Definition: GattServer.h:247
Representation of a GattServer service.
Gatt Updates Changed Attribute related events.
FunctionPointerWithContext< const GattWriteCallbackParams * > DataWrittenCallback_t
Event handler invoked when the client has written an attribute of the server.
Definition: GattServer.h:231
virtual void onUpdatesDisabled(const GattUpdatesDisabledCallbackParams &params)
Function invoked when the client has unsubscribed to characteristic updates.
Definition: GattServer.h:186
Entry namespace for all BLE API definitions.
Definition: ATHandler.h:46
CallChainOfFunctionPointersWithContext< const GattWriteCallbackParams * > DataWrittenCallbackChain_t
Callchain of DataWrittenCallback_t objects.
Definition: GattServer.h:239
FunctionPointerWithContext< const GattServer * > GattServerShutdownCallback_t
Event handler invoked when the GattServer is reset.
Definition: GattServer.h:263
MBED_DEPRECATED("message string") Mark a function declaration as deprecated, if it used then a warnin...
virtual void onShutdown(const GattServer &server)
Function invoked when the GattServer instance is about to be shut down.
Definition: GattServer.h:166
Error codes for the BLE API.
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