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1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) 2016-2019 ARM Limited
3  * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
4  *
5  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
6  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
8  *
9  * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
10  *
11  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15  * limitations under the License.
16  */
18 #ifndef EVENT_QUEUE_H
19 #define EVENT_QUEUE_H
21 #include "events/equeue.h"
22 #include "platform/Callback.h"
23 #include "platform/NonCopyable.h"
24 #include <cstddef>
25 #include <new>
27 namespace events {
28 /**
29  * \addtogroup events-public-api
30  * @{
31  */
34  * Minimum size of an event
35  * This size fits a Callback<void()> at minimum
36  */
37 #define EVENTS_EVENT_SIZE \
38  (EQUEUE_EVENT_SIZE - 2*sizeof(void*) + sizeof(mbed::Callback<void()>))
41  * Default size of buffer for events
42  */
45 // Predeclared classes
46 template <typename F>
47 class Event;
48 template <typename F, typename A>
51 /**
52  * \defgroup events_EventQueue EventQueue class
53  * @{
54  */
56 /** EventQueue
57  *
58  * Flexible event queue for dispatching events
59  */
60 class EventQueue : private mbed::NonCopyable<EventQueue> {
61 public:
62  /** Create an EventQueue
63  *
64  * Create an event queue. The event queue either allocates a buffer of
65  * the specified size with malloc or uses the user provided buffer or
66  * uses 1B dummy buffer if 0 size passed.
67  *
68  * 0 size queue is a special purpose queue to dispatch static events
69  * only (see UserAllocatedEvent). Such a queue gives the guarantee
70  * that no dynamic memory allocation will take place while queue
71  * creation and events posting & dispatching.
72  *
73  * @param size Size of buffer to use for events in bytes
74  * (default to EVENTS_QUEUE_SIZE)
75  * If 0 provided then 1B dummy buffer is used
76  * @param buffer Pointer to buffer to use for events
77  * (default to NULL)
78  */
79  EventQueue(unsigned size = EVENTS_QUEUE_SIZE, unsigned char *buffer = NULL);
81  /** Destroy an EventQueue
82  */
83  ~EventQueue();
85  /** Dispatch events
86  *
87  * Executes events until the specified milliseconds have passed.
88  * If ms is negative, the dispatch function will dispatch events
89  * indefinitely or until break_dispatch is called on this queue.
90  *
91  * When called with a finite timeout, the dispatch function is guaranteed
92  * to terminate. When called with a timeout of 0, the dispatch function
93  * does not wait and is IRQ safe.
94  *
95  * @param ms Time to wait for events in milliseconds, a negative
96  * value will dispatch events indefinitely
97  * (default to -1)
98  */
99  void dispatch(int ms = -1);
101  /** Dispatch events without a timeout
102  *
103  * This is equivalent to EventQueue::dispatch with no arguments, but
104  * avoids overload ambiguities when passed as a callback.
105  *
106  * @see EventQueue::dispatch
107  */
109  {
110  dispatch();
111  }
113  /** Break out of a running event loop
114  *
115  * Forces the specified event queue's dispatch loop to terminate. Pending
116  * events may finish executing, but no new events will be executed.
117  */
118  void break_dispatch();
120  /** Millisecond counter
121  *
122  * Returns the underlying tick of the event queue represented as the
123  * number of milliseconds that have passed since an arbitrary point in
124  * time. Intentionally overflows to 0 after 2^32-1.
125  *
126  * @return The underlying tick of the event queue in milliseconds
127  */
128  unsigned tick();
130  /** Cancel an in-flight event
131  *
132  * Attempts to cancel an event referenced by the unique id returned from
133  * one of the call functions. It is safe to call cancel after an event
134  * has already been dispatched.
135  *
136  * id must be valid i.e. event must have not finished executing.
137  *
138  * The cancel function is IRQ safe.
139  *
140  * If called while the event queue's dispatch loop is active in another thread,
141  * the cancel function does not guarantee that the event will not execute after it
142  * returns, as the event may have already begun executing. A call made from
143  * the same thread as the dispatch loop will always succeed with a valid id.
144  *
145  * @param id Unique id of the event
146  * @return true if event was successfully cancelled
147  * false if event was not cancelled (invalid id or executing already begun)
148  */
149  bool cancel(int id);
151  /** Cancel an in-flight user allocated event
152  *
153  * Attempts to cancel an UserAllocatedEvent referenced by its address
154  * It is safe to call cancel after an event has already been dispatched.
155  *
156  * Event must be valid i.e. event must have not finished executing
157  * and must have been bound to this queue.
158  *
159  * The cancel function is IRQ safe.
160  *
161  * If called while the event queue's dispatch loop is active in another thread,
162  * the cancel function does not guarantee that the event will not execute after it
163  * returns, as the event may have already begun executing. A call made from
164  * the same thread as the dispatch loop will always succeed with a valid id.
165  *
166  * @param event Address of the event
167  * @return true if event was successfully cancelled
168  * false if event was not cancelled (invalid queue or executing already begun)
169  */
170  template<typename F, typename A>
172  {
173  if (event->_equeue != &_equeue) {
174  return false;
175  }
176  return equeue_cancel_user_allocated(&_equeue, event);
177  }
179  /** Query how much time is left for delayed event
180  *
181  * If the event is delayed, this function can be used to query how much time
182  * is left until the event is due to be dispatched.
183  *
184  * id must be valid i.e. event must have not finished executing.
185  *
186  * This function is IRQ safe.
187  *
188  * @param id Unique id of the event
189  *
190  * @return Remaining time in milliseconds or
191  * 0 if event is already due to be dispatched or
192  * is currently executing.
193  * Undefined if id is invalid.
194  *
195  */
196  int time_left(int id);
198  /** Query how much time is left for delayed UserAllocatedEvent
199  *
200  * If the event is delayed, this function can be used to query how much time
201  * is left until the event is due to be dispatched.
202  *
203  * Event must be valid i.e. event must have not finished executing
204  * and must have been bound to this queue.
205  *
206  * This function is IRQ safe.
207  *
208  * @param event Address of the event
209  *
210  * @return Remaining time in milliseconds or
211  * 0 if event is already due to be dispatched or
212  * is currently executing.
213  * Undefined if id is invalid.
214  *
215  */
216  template<typename F, typename A>
218  {
219  if (event && event->_equeue != &_equeue) {
220  return -1;
221  }
222  return equeue_timeleft_user_allocated(&_equeue, &event->_e);
223  }
225  /** Background an event queue onto a single-shot timer-interrupt
226  *
227  * When updated, the event queue will call the provided update function
228  * with a timeout indicating when the queue should be dispatched. A
229  * negative timeout will be passed to the update function when the
230  * timer-interrupt is no longer needed.
231  *
232  * Passing a null function disables the existing update function.
233  *
234  * The background function allows an event queue to take advantage of
235  * hardware timers or other event loops, allowing an event queue to be
236  * ran in the background without consuming the foreground thread.
237  *
238  * @param update Function called to indicate when the queue should be
239  * dispatched
240  */
241  void background(mbed::Callback<void(int)> update);
243  /** Chain an event queue onto another event queue
244  *
245  * After chaining a queue to a target, calling dispatch on the target
246  * queue will also dispatch events from this queue. The queues use
247  * their own buffers and events must be handled independently.
248  *
249  * A null queue as the target will unchain the existing queue.
250  *
251  * The chain function allows multiple event queues to be composed,
252  * sharing the context of a dispatch loop while still being managed
253  * independently
254  *
255  * @param target Queue that will dispatch this queue's events as a
256  * part of its dispatch loop
257  *
258  * @return Zero on success and negative error code value if chaining fails
259  *
260  */
261  int chain(EventQueue *target);
265 #if defined(DOXYGEN_ONLY)
266  /** Calls an event on the queue
267  *
268  * The specified callback will be executed in the context of the event
269  * queue's dispatch loop.
270  *
271  * The call function is IRQ safe and can act as a mechanism for moving
272  * events out of IRQ contexts.
273  *
274  * @param f Function to execute in the context of the dispatch loop
275  * @param args Arguments to pass to the callback
276  * @return A unique id that represents the posted event and can
277  * be passed to cancel, or an id of 0 if there is not
278  * enough memory to allocate the event.
279  * Returned id will remain valid until event has finished
280  * executing.
281  *
282  * @code
283  * #include "mbed.h"
284  *
285  * int main() {
286  * // creates a queue with the default size
287  * EventQueue queue;
288  *
289  * // events are simple callbacks
290  * queue.call(printf, "called immediately\n");
291  *
292  * // the dispatch method executes events
293  * queue.dispatch();
294  * }
295  * @endcode
296  */
297  template <typename F, typename ...Args>
298  int call(F f, Args ...args);
300  /** Calls an event on the queue
301  *
302  * The specified callback is executed in the context of the event
303  * queue's dispatch loop.
304  *
305  * The call function is IRQ safe and can act as a mechanism for moving
306  * events out of IRQ contexts.
307  *
308  * @param obj Object to call with the member function
309  * @param method Member function to execute in the context of the dispatch loop
310  * @param args Arguments to pass to the callback
311  * @return A unique ID that represents the posted event and can
312  * be passed to cancel, or an ID of 0 if there is not
313  * enough memory to allocate the event.
314  * Returned ID remains valid until event has finished
315  * executing.
316  *
317  * @code
318  * #include "mbed.h"
319  *
320  * class EventHandler {
321  * int _id;
322  * public:
323  * EventHandler(int id) : _id(id) { }
324  *
325  * void handler(int c) {
326  * printf("ID: %d Param: %d\r\n", _id, c);
327  * }
328  * };
329  *
330  * int main() {
331  * // creates a queue with the default size
332  * EventQueue queue;
333  *
334  * // Create EventHandler object with state
335  * EventHandler handler_cb(1);
336  *
337  * // events are simple callbacks, call object method
338  * // with provided parameter
339  * queue.call(&handler_cb, &EventHandler::handler, 2);
340  *
341  * // the dispath method executes events
342  * queue.dispatch();
343  * }
344  * @endcode
345  */
346  // AStyle ignore, not handling correctly below
347  // *INDENT-OFF*
348  template <typename T, typename R, typename ...Args>
349  int call(T *obj, R (T::*method)(Args ...args), Args ...args);
350  // *INDENT-ON*
352  /** Calls an event on the queue after a specified delay
353  *
354  * The specified callback is executed in the context of the event
355  * queue's dispatch loop.
356  *
357  * The call_in function is IRQ safe and can act as a mechanism for moving
358  * events out of IRQ contexts.
359  *
360  * @param ms Time to delay in milliseconds
361  * @param args Arguments to pass to the callback
362  * @return A unique ID that represents the posted event and can
363  * be passed to cancel, or an ID of 0 if there is not
364  * enough memory to allocate the event.
365  *
366  * @code
367  * #include "mbed.h"
368  *
369  * int main() {
370  * // creates a queue with the default size
371  * EventQueue queue;
372  *
373  * // events are simple callbacks
374  * queue.call_in(2000, printf, "called in 2 seconds\n");
375  *
376  * // the dispatch methods executes events
377  * queue.dispatch();
378  * }
379  * @endcode
380  */
381  template <typename F, typename ...Args>
382  int call_in(int ms, Args ...args);
384  /** Calls an event on the queue after a specified delay
385  *
386  * The specified callback is executed in the context of the event
387  * queue's dispatch loop.
388  *
389  * The call_in function is IRQ safe and can act as a mechanism for moving
390  * events out of IRQ contexts.
391  *
392  * @param ms Time to delay in milliseconds
393  * @param obj Object to call with the member function
394  * @param method Member function to execute in the context of the dispatch loop
395  * @param args Arguments to pass to the callback
396  * @return A unique ID that represents the posted event and can
397  * be passed to cancel, or an ID of 0 if there is not
398  * enough memory to allocate the event.
399  *
400  * @code
401  * #include "mbed.h"
402  *
403  * class EventHandler {
404  * int _id;
405  * public:
406  * EventHandler(int id) : _id(id) { }
407  *
408  * void handler(int c) {
409  * printf("ID: %d Param: %d\r\n", _id, c);
410  * }
411  * };
412  *
413  * int main() {
414  * // creates a queue with the default size
415  * EventQueue queue;
416  *
417  * // Create EventHandler object with state
418  * EventHandler handler_cb(3);
419  *
420  * // events are simple callbacks, call object method in 2 seconds
421  * // with provided parameter
422  * queue.call_in(2000, &handler_cb, &EventHandler::handler, 4);
423  *
424  * // the dispatch method executes events
425  * queue.dispatch();
426  * }
427  * @endcode
428  */
429  // AStyle ignore, not handling correctly below
430  // *INDENT-OFF*
431  template <typename T, typename R, typename ...Args>
432  int call_in(int ms, T *obj, R (T::*method)(Args ...args), Args ...args);
433  // *INDENT-ON*
435  /** Calls an event on the queue periodically
436  *
437  * @note The first call_every event occurs after the specified delay.
438  * To create a periodic event that fires immediately, @see Event.
439  *
440  * The specified callback is executed in the context of the event
441  * queue's dispatch loop.
442  *
443  * The call_every function is IRQ safe and can act as a mechanism for
444  * moving events out of IRQ contexts.
445  *
446  * @param ms Period of the event in milliseconds
447  * @param f Function to execute in the context of the dispatch loop
448  * @param args Arguments to pass to the callback
449  * @return A unique ID that represents the posted event and can
450  * be passed to cancel, or an ID of 0 if there is not
451  * enough memory to allocate the event.
452  *
453  * @code
454  * #include "mbed.h"
455  *
456  * class EventHandler {
457  * int _id;
458  * public:
459  * EventHandler(int id) : _id(id) { }
460  *
461  * void handler(int c) {
462  * printf("ID: %d Param: %d\r\n", _id, c);
463  * }
464  * };
465  *
466  * int main() {
467  * // creates a queue with the default size
468  * EventQueue queue;
469  *
470  * // events are simple callbacks, call every 2 seconds
471  * queue.call_every(2000, printf, "Calling every 2 seconds\n");
472  *
473  * // the dispatch method executes events
474  * queue.dispatch();
475  * }
476  * @endcode
477  */
478  template <typename F, typename ...Args>
479  int call_every(int ms, F f, Args ...args);
481  /** Calls an event on the queue periodically
482  *
483  * @note The first call_every event occurs after the specified delay.
484  * To create a periodic event that fires immediately, @see Event.
485  *
486  * The specified callback is executed in the context of the event
487  * queue's dispatch loop.
488  *
489  * The call_every function is IRQ safe and can act as a mechanism for
490  * moving events out of IRQ contexts.
491  *
492  * @param ms Period of the event in milliseconds
493  * @param obj Object to call with the member function
494  * @param method Member function to execute in the context of the dispatch loop
495  * @param args Arguments to pass to the callback
496  *
497  * @code
498  * #include "mbed.h"
499  *
500  * class EventHandler {
501  * int _id;
502  * public:
503  * EventHandler(int id) : _id(id) { }
504  *
505  * void handler(int c) {
506  * printf("ID: %d Param: %d\r\n", _id, c);
507  * }
508  * };
509  *
510  * int main() {
511  * // creates a queue with the default size
512  * EventQueue queue;
513  *
514  * // Create EventHandler object with state
515  * EventHandler handler_cb(5);
516  *
517  * // events are simple callbacks, call object method every 2 seconds
518  * // with provided parameter
519  * queue.call_every(2000, &handler_cb, &EventHandler::handler, 6);
520  *
521  * // the dispatch method executes events
522  * queue.dispatch();
523  * }
524  * @endcode
525  */
526  // AStyle ignore, not handling correctly below
527  // *INDENT-OFF*
528  template <typename T, typename R, typename ...Args>
529  int call_every(int ms, T *obj, R (T::*method)(Args ...args), Args ...args);
530  // *INDENT-ON*
532  /** Creates an event bound to the event queue
533  *
534  * Constructs an event bound to the specified event queue. The specified
535  * callback acts as the target for the event and is executed in the
536  * context of the event queue's dispatch loop once posted.
537  *
538  * @param func Function to execute when the event is dispatched
539  * @param context_args Arguments to pass to the callback
540  * @return Event that dispatches on the specific queue
541  *
542  * @code
543  * #include "mbed.h"
544  *
545  * void handler(int c) {
546  * printf("Param: %d\r\n", c);
547  * }
548  *
549  * int main()
550  * {
551  * EventQueue queue;
552  *
553  * // Create event with parameter
554  * Event<void()> e = queue.event(handler, 1);
555  * e();
556  *
557  * // Create event and post parameter later
558  * Event<void(int)> e2 = queue.event(handler);
559  *
560  * // Post the event with paramter 8
561  * e.post(8);
562  *
563  * // The dispatch method executes events
564  * queue.dispatch();
565  *
566  * e2.post(2);
567  *
568  * queue.dispatch();
569  * }
570  * @endcode
571  */
572  // AStyle ignore, not handling correctly below
573  // *INDENT-OFF*
574  template <typename R, typename ...BoundArgs, typename ...ContextArgs, typename ...Args>
575  Event<void(Args...)> event(R (*func)(BoundArgs..., Args...), ContextArgs ...context_args);
576  // *INDENT-ON*
578  /** Creates an event bound to the event queue
579  *
580  * Constructs an event bound to the specified event queue. The specified
581  * callback acts as the target for the event and is executed in the
582  * context of the event queue's dispatch loop once posted.
583  *
584  * @param obj Object to call with the member function
585  * @param method Member function to execute in the context of the dispatch loop
586  * @param context_args Arguments to pass to the callback
587  * @return Event that dispatches on the specific queue
588  *
589  * @code
590  * #include "mbed.h"
591  *
592  * class EventHandler {
593  * int _id;
594  *
595  * public:
596  * EventHandler(int id) : _id(id) { }
597  *
598  * void handler(int c) {
599  * printf("ID: %d Param: %d\r\n", _id, c);
600  * }
601  * };
602  *
603  * int main()
604  * {
605  * EventQueue queue;
606  *
607  * EventHandler handler_cb(10);
608  *
609  * // Create event on the eventqueue with a method callback
610  * Event<void(int)> e = queue.event(&handler_cb, &EventHandler::handler);
611  *
612  * // Post the event with paramter 8
613  * e.post(11);
614  *
615  * // The dispatch method executes events
616  * queue.dispatch();
617  * }
618  * @endcode
619  */
620  // AStyle ignore, not handling correctly below
621  // *INDENT-OFF*
622  template <typename T, typename R, typename ...BoundArgs, typename ...ContextArgs, typename ...Args>
623  Event<void(Args...)> event(T *obj, R (T::*method)(BoundArgs..., Args...), ContextArgs ...context_args);
624  // *INDENT-ON*
626  /** Creates an event bound to the event queue
627  *
628  * Constructs an event bound to the specified event queue. The specified
629  * callback acts as the target for the event and is executed in the
630  * context of the event queue's dispatch loop once posted.
631  *
632  * @param cb Callback object
633  * @param context_args Arguments to pass to the callback
634  * @return Event that dispatches on the specific queue
635  *
636  * @code
637  * #include "mbed.h"
638  *
639  * void handler(int c) {
640  * printf("Param: %d\r\n", c);
641  * }
642  *
643  * int main()
644  * {
645  * EventQueue queue;
646  * // Create callback object acting as a function
647  * // pointer to handler
648  * Callback<void(int)> cb(handler);
649  *
650  * // Pass the callback object to the eventqueue
651  * Event<void(int)> e = queue.event(cb);
652  *
653  * // Post the event with parameter 8
654  * e.post(9);
655  *
656  * // The dispatch method executes events
657  * q.dispatch();
658  * }
659  * @endcode
660  */
661  template <typename R, typename ...BoundArgs, typename ...ContextArgs, typename ...Args>
662  Event<void(Args...)> event(mbed::Callback<R(BoundArgs..., Args...)> cb, ContextArgs ...context_args);
664  /** Creates an user allocated event bound to the event queue
665  *
666  * Constructs an user allocated event bound to the specified event queue.
667  * The specified callback acts as the target for the event and is executed
668  * in the context of the event queue's dispatch loop once posted.
669  *
670  * @code
671  * #include "mbed.h"
672  *
673  * void handler(int data) { ... }
674  *
675  * class Device {
676  * public:
677  * void handler(int data) { ... }
678  * };
679  *
680  * Device dev;
681  *
682  * // queue with not internal storage for dynamic events
683  * // accepts only user allocated events
684  * static EventQueue queue(0);
685  * // Create events
686  * static auto e1 = make_user_allocated_event(&dev, Device::handler, 2);
687  * static auto e2 = queue.make_user_allocated_event(handler, 3);
688  *
689  * int main()
690  * {
691  * e1.call_on(&queue);
692  * e2.call();
693  *
694  * queue.dispatch(1);
695  * }
696  * @endcode
697  *
698  * @param f Function to execute when the event is dispatched
699  * @return Event that will dispatch on the specific queue
700  */
701  template <typename F, typename... ArgTs>
702  UserAllocatedEvent<F, void(ArgTs...)> make_user_allocated_event(F f, ArgTs... args);
704  /** Creates an user allocated event bound to the event queue
705  * @see EventQueue::make_user_allocated_event
706  */
707  template <typename T, typename R, typename... ArgTs>
708  UserAllocatedEvent<mbed::Callback<void(ArgTs...)>, void(ArgTs...)> make_user_allocated_event(T *obj, R(T::*method)(ArgTs... args), ArgTs... args);
711 #else
713  /** Calls an event on the queue
714  *
715  * The specified callback is executed in the context of the event
716  * queue's dispatch loop.
717  *
718  * The call function is IRQ safe and can act as a mechanism for moving
719  * events out of IRQ contexts.
720  *
721  * @param f Function to execute in the context of the dispatch loop
722  * @return A unique ID that represents the posted event and can
723  * be passed to cancel, or an ID of 0 if there is not
724  * enough memory to allocate the event.
725  * Returned ID remains valid until event has finished
726  * executing.
727  *
728  * @code
729  * #include "mbed.h"
730  *
731  * int main()
732  * {
733  * EventQueue queue;
734  *
735  * Callback<void(int)> cb(handler);
736  *
737  * // Create event on the eventqueue with a separate callback object
738  * Event<void(int)> e = queue.event(cb);
739  * e.post(1);
740  * queue.dispatch();
741  * }
742  * @endcode
743  */
744  template <typename F>
745  int call(F f)
746  {
747  void *p = equeue_alloc(&_equeue, sizeof(F));
748  if (!p) {
749  return 0;
750  }
752  F *e = new (p) F(f);
753  equeue_event_dtor(e, &EventQueue::function_dtor<F>);
754  return equeue_post(&_equeue, &EventQueue::function_call<F>, e);
755  }
758  /** Calls an event on the queue
759  * @see EventQueue::call
760  * @param f Function to execute in the context of the dispatch loop
761  * @param args Arguments to pass to the callback
762  */
763  template <typename F, typename... ArgTs>
764  int call(F f, ArgTs... args)
765  {
766  return call(context<F, ArgTs...>(f, args...));
767  }
769  /** Calls an event on the queue
770  * @see EventQueue::call
771  */
772  template <typename T, typename R, typename... ArgTs>
773  int call(T *obj, R(T::*method)(ArgTs...), ArgTs... args)
774  {
775  return call(mbed::callback(obj, method), args...);
776  }
778  /** Calls an event on the queue
779  * @see EventQueue::call
780  */
781  template <typename T, typename R, typename... ArgTs>
782  int call(const T *obj, R(T::*method)(ArgTs...) const, ArgTs... args)
783  {
784  return call(mbed::callback(obj, method), args...);
785  }
787  /** Calls an event on the queue
788  * @see EventQueue::call
789  */
790  template <typename T, typename R, typename... ArgTs>
791  int call(volatile T *obj, R(T::*method)(ArgTs...) volatile, ArgTs... args)
792  {
793  return call(mbed::callback(obj, method), args...);
794  }
796  /** Calls an event on the queue
797  * @see EventQueue::call
798  */
799  template <typename T, typename R, typename... ArgTs>
800  int call(const volatile T *obj, R(T::*method)(ArgTs...) const volatile, ArgTs... args)
801  {
802  return call(mbed::callback(obj, method), args...);
803  }
805  /** Calls an event on the queue after a specified delay
806  *
807  * The specified callback will be executed in the context of the event
808  * queue's dispatch loop.
809  *
810  * The call_in function is IRQ safe and can act as a mechanism for moving
811  * events out of IRQ contexts.
812  *
813  * @param ms Time to delay in milliseconds
814  * @param f Function to execute in the context of the dispatch loop
815  * @return A unique id that represents the posted event and can
816  * be passed to cancel, or an id of 0 if there is not
817  * enough memory to allocate the event.
818  */
819  template <typename F>
820  int call_in(int ms, F f)
821  {
822  void *p = equeue_alloc(&_equeue, sizeof(F));
823  if (!p) {
824  return 0;
825  }
827  F *e = new (p) F(f);
828  equeue_event_delay(e, ms);
829  equeue_event_dtor(e, &EventQueue::function_dtor<F>);
830  return equeue_post(&_equeue, &EventQueue::function_call<F>, e);
831  }
833  /** Calls an event on the queue after a specified delay
834  * @see EventQueue::call_in
835  * @param ms Time to delay in milliseconds
836  * @param f Function to execute in the context of the dispatch loop
837  * @param args Arguments to pass to the callback
838  */
839  template <typename F, typename... ArgTs>
840  int call_in(int ms, F f, ArgTs... args)
841  {
842  return call_in(ms, context<F, ArgTs...>(f, args...));
843  }
845  /** Calls an event on the queue after a specified delay
846  * @see EventQueue::call_in
847  */
848  template <typename T, typename R, typename... ArgTs>
849  int call_in(int ms, T *obj, R(T::*method)(ArgTs...), ArgTs... args)
850  {
851  return call_in(ms, mbed::callback(obj, method), args...);
852  }
854  /** Calls an event on the queue after a specified delay
855  * @see EventQueue::call_in
856  */
857  template <typename T, typename R, typename... ArgTs>
858  int call_in(int ms, const T *obj, R(T::*method)(ArgTs...) const, ArgTs... args)
859  {
860  return call_in(ms, mbed::callback(obj, method), args...);
861  }
863  /** Calls an event on the queue after a specified delay
864  * @see EventQueue::call_in
865  */
866  template <typename T, typename R, typename... ArgTs>
867  int call_in(int ms, volatile T *obj, R(T::*method)(ArgTs...) volatile, ArgTs... args)
868  {
869  return call_in(ms, mbed::callback(obj, method), args...);
870  }
872  /** Calls an event on the queue after a specified delay
873  * @see EventQueue::call_in
874  */
875  template <typename T, typename R, typename... ArgTs>
876  int call_in(int ms, const volatile T *obj, R(T::*method)(ArgTs...) const volatile, ArgTs... args)
877  {
878  return call_in(ms, mbed::callback(obj, method), args...);
879  }
881  /** Calls an event on the queue periodically
882  *
883  * @note The first call_every event occurs after the specified delay.
884  * To create a periodic event that fires immediately, @see Event.
885  *
886  * The specified callback will be executed in the context of the event
887  * queue's dispatch loop.
888  *
889  * The call_every function is IRQ safe and can act as a mechanism for
890  * moving events out of IRQ contexts.
891  *
892  * @param f Function to execute in the context of the dispatch loop
893  * @param ms Period of the event in milliseconds
894  * @return A unique id that represents the posted event and can
895  * be passed to cancel, or an id of 0 if there is not
896  * enough memory to allocate the event.
897  */
898  template <typename F>
899  int call_every(int ms, F f)
900  {
901  void *p = equeue_alloc(&_equeue, sizeof(F));
902  if (!p) {
903  return 0;
904  }
906  F *e = new (p) F(f);
907  equeue_event_delay(e, ms);
908  equeue_event_period(e, ms);
909  equeue_event_dtor(e, &EventQueue::function_dtor<F>);
910  return equeue_post(&_equeue, &EventQueue::function_call<F>, e);
911  }
913  /** Calls an event on the queue periodically
914  * @see EventQueue::call_every
915  * @param f Function to execute in the context of the dispatch loop
916  * @param args Arguments to pass to the callback
917  * @param ms Period of the event in milliseconds
918  */
919  template <typename F, typename... ArgTs>
920  int call_every(int ms, F f, ArgTs... args)
921  {
922  return call_every(ms, context<F, ArgTs...>(f, args...));
923  }
925  /** Calls an event on the queue periodically
926  * @see EventQueue::call_every
927  */
928  template <typename T, typename R, typename... ArgTs>
929  int call_every(int ms, T *obj, R(T::*method)(ArgTs...), ArgTs... args)
930  {
931  return call_every(ms, mbed::callback(obj, method), args...);
932  }
934  /** Calls an event on the queue periodically
935  * @see EventQueue::call_every
936  */
937  template <typename T, typename R, typename... ArgTs>
938  int call_every(int ms, const T *obj, R(T::*method)(ArgTs...) const, ArgTs... args)
939  {
940  return call_every(ms, mbed::callback(obj, method), args...);
941  }
943  /** Calls an event on the queue periodically
944  * @see EventQueue::call_every
945  */
946  template <typename T, typename R, typename... ArgTs>
947  int call_every(int ms, volatile T *obj, R(T::*method)(ArgTs...) volatile, ArgTs... args)
948  {
949  return call_every(ms, mbed::callback(obj, method), args...);
950  }
952  /** Calls an event on the queue periodically
953  * @see EventQueue::call_every
954  */
955  template <typename T, typename R, typename... ArgTs>
956  int call_every(int ms, const volatile T *obj, R(T::*method)(ArgTs...) const volatile, ArgTs... args)
957  {
958  return call_every(ms, mbed::callback(obj, method), args...);
959  }
961  /** Creates an event bound to the event queue
962  *
963  * Constructs an event bound to the specified event queue. The specified
964  * callback acts as the target for the event and is executed in the
965  * context of the event queue's dispatch loop once posted.
966  *
967  * @param func Function to execute when the event is dispatched
968  * @return Event that will dispatch on the specific queue
969  */
970  template <typename R, typename... ArgTs>
971  Event<void(ArgTs...)> event(R(*func)(ArgTs...));
973  /** Creates an event bound to the event queue
974  * @see EventQueue::event
975  */
976  template <typename T, typename R, typename... ArgTs>
977  Event<void(ArgTs...)> event(T *obj, R(T::*method)(ArgTs...));
979  /** Creates an event bound to the event queue
980  * @see EventQueue::event
981  */
982  template <typename T, typename R, typename... ArgTs>
983  Event<void(ArgTs...)> event(const T *obj, R(T::*method)(ArgTs...) const);
985  /** Creates an event bound to the event queue
986  * @see EventQueue::event
987  */
988  template <typename T, typename R, typename... ArgTs>
989  Event<void(ArgTs...)> event(volatile T *obj, R(T::*method)(ArgTs...) volatile);
991  /** Creates an event bound to the event queue
992  * @see EventQueue::event
993  */
994  template <typename T, typename R, typename... ArgTs>
995  Event<void(ArgTs...)> event(const volatile T *obj, R(T::*method)(ArgTs...) const volatile);
997  /** Creates an event bound to the event queue
998  * @see EventQueue::event
999  */
1000  template <typename R, typename... ArgTs>
1001  Event<void(ArgTs...)> event(mbed::Callback<R(ArgTs...)> cb);
1003  /** Creates an event bound to the event queue
1004  * @see EventQueue::event
1005  */
1006  template <typename R, typename B0, typename C0, typename... ArgTs>
1007  Event<void(ArgTs...)> event(R(*func)(B0, ArgTs...), C0 c0);
1009  /** Creates an event bound to the event queue
1010  * @see EventQueue::event
1011  */
1012  template <typename T, typename R, typename B0, typename C0, typename... ArgTs>
1013  Event<void(ArgTs...)> event(T *obj, R(T::*method)(B0, ArgTs...), C0 c0);
1015  /** Creates an event bound to the event queue
1016  * @see EventQueue::event
1017  */
1018  template <typename T, typename R, typename B0, typename C0, typename... ArgTs>
1019  Event<void(ArgTs...)> event(const T *obj, R(T::*method)(B0, ArgTs...) const, C0 c0);
1021  /** Creates an event bound to the event queue
1022  * @see EventQueue::event
1023  */
1024  template <typename T, typename R, typename B0, typename C0, typename... ArgTs>
1025  Event<void(ArgTs...)> event(volatile T *obj, R(T::*method)(B0, ArgTs...) volatile, C0 c0);
1027  /** Creates an event bound to the event queue
1028  * @see EventQueue::event
1029  */
1030  template <typename T, typename R, typename B0, typename C0, typename... ArgTs>
1031  Event<void(ArgTs...)> event(const volatile T *obj, R(T::*method)(B0, ArgTs...) const volatile, C0 c0);
1033  /** Creates an event bound to the event queue
1034  * @see EventQueue::event
1035  */
1036  template <typename R, typename B0, typename C0, typename... ArgTs>
1037  Event<void(ArgTs...)> event(mbed::Callback<R(B0, ArgTs...)> cb, C0 c0);
1039  /** Creates an event bound to the event queue
1040  * @see EventQueue::event
1041  */
1042  template <typename R, typename B0, typename B1, typename C0, typename C1, typename... ArgTs>
1043  Event<void(ArgTs...)> event(R(*func)(B0, B1, ArgTs...), C0 c0, C1 c1);
1045  /** Creates an event bound to the event queue
1046  * @see EventQueue::event
1047  */
1048  template <typename T, typename R, typename B0, typename B1, typename C0, typename C1, typename... ArgTs>
1049  Event<void(ArgTs...)> event(T *obj, R(T::*method)(B0, B1, ArgTs...), C0 c0, C1 c1);
1051  /** Creates an event bound to the event queue
1052  * @see EventQueue::event
1053  */
1054  template <typename T, typename R, typename B0, typename B1, typename C0, typename C1, typename... ArgTs>
1055  Event<void(ArgTs...)> event(const T *obj, R(T::*method)(B0, B1, ArgTs...) const, C0 c0, C1 c1);
1057  /** Creates an event bound to the event queue
1058  * @see EventQueue::event
1059  */
1060  template <typename T, typename R, typename B0, typename B1, typename C0, typename C1, typename... ArgTs>
1061  Event<void(ArgTs...)> event(volatile T *obj, R(T::*method)(B0, B1, ArgTs...) volatile, C0 c0, C1 c1);
1063  /** Creates an event bound to the event queue
1064  * @see EventQueue::event
1065  */
1066  template <typename T, typename R, typename B0, typename B1, typename C0, typename C1, typename... ArgTs>
1067  Event<void(ArgTs...)> event(const volatile T *obj, R(T::*method)(B0, B1, ArgTs...) const volatile, C0 c0, C1 c1);
1069  /** Creates an event bound to the event queue
1070  * @see EventQueue::event
1071  */
1072  template <typename R, typename B0, typename B1, typename C0, typename C1, typename... ArgTs>
1073  Event<void(ArgTs...)> event(mbed::Callback<R(B0, B1, ArgTs...)> cb, C0 c0, C1 c1);
1075  /** Creates an event bound to the event queue
1076  * @see EventQueue::event
1077  */
1078  template <typename R, typename B0, typename B1, typename B2, typename C0, typename C1, typename C2, typename... ArgTs>
1079  Event<void(ArgTs...)> event(R(*func)(B0, B1, B2, ArgTs...), C0 c0, C1 c1, C2 c2);
1081  /** Creates an event bound to the event queue
1082  * @see EventQueue::event
1083  */
1084  template <typename T, typename R, typename B0, typename B1, typename B2, typename C0, typename C1, typename C2, typename... ArgTs>
1085  Event<void(ArgTs...)> event(T *obj, R(T::*method)(B0, B1, B2, ArgTs...), C0 c0, C1 c1, C2 c2);
1087  /** Creates an event bound to the event queue
1088  * @see EventQueue::event
1089  */
1090  template <typename T, typename R, typename B0, typename B1, typename B2, typename C0, typename C1, typename C2, typename... ArgTs>
1091  Event<void(ArgTs...)> event(const T *obj, R(T::*method)(B0, B1, B2, ArgTs...) const, C0 c0, C1 c1, C2 c2);
1093  /** Creates an event bound to the event queue
1094  * @see EventQueue::event
1095  */
1096  template <typename T, typename R, typename B0, typename B1, typename B2, typename C0, typename C1, typename C2, typename... ArgTs>
1097  Event<void(ArgTs...)> event(volatile T *obj, R(T::*method)(B0, B1, B2, ArgTs...) volatile, C0 c0, C1 c1, C2 c2);
1099  /** Creates an event bound to the event queue
1100  * @see EventQueue::event
1101  */
1102  template <typename T, typename R, typename B0, typename B1, typename B2, typename C0, typename C1, typename C2, typename... ArgTs>
1103  Event<void(ArgTs...)> event(const volatile T *obj, R(T::*method)(B0, B1, B2, ArgTs...) const volatile, C0 c0, C1 c1, C2 c2);
1105  /** Creates an event bound to the event queue
1106  * @see EventQueue::event
1107  */
1108  template <typename R, typename B0, typename B1, typename B2, typename C0, typename C1, typename C2, typename... ArgTs>
1109  Event<void(ArgTs...)> event(mbed::Callback<R(B0, B1, B2, ArgTs...)> cb, C0 c0, C1 c1, C2 c2);
1111  /** Creates an event bound to the event queue
1112  * @see EventQueue::event
1113  */
1114  template <typename R, typename B0, typename B1, typename B2, typename B3, typename C0, typename C1, typename C2, typename C3, typename... ArgTs>
1115  Event<void(ArgTs...)> event(R(*func)(B0, B1, B2, B3, ArgTs...), C0 c0, C1 c1, C2 c2, C3 c3);
1117  /** Creates an event bound to the event queue
1118  * @see EventQueue::event
1119  */
1120  template <typename T, typename R, typename B0, typename B1, typename B2, typename B3, typename C0, typename C1, typename C2, typename C3, typename... ArgTs>
1121  Event<void(ArgTs...)> event(T *obj, R(T::*method)(B0, B1, B2, B3, ArgTs...), C0 c0, C1 c1, C2 c2, C3 c3);
1123  /** Creates an event bound to the event queue
1124  * @see EventQueue::event
1125  */
1126  template <typename T, typename R, typename B0, typename B1, typename B2, typename B3, typename C0, typename C1, typename C2, typename C3, typename... ArgTs>
1127  Event<void(ArgTs...)> event(const T *obj, R(T::*method)(B0, B1, B2, B3, ArgTs...) const, C0 c0, C1 c1, C2 c2, C3 c3);
1129  /** Creates an event bound to the event queue
1130  * @see EventQueue::event
1131  */
1132  template <typename T, typename R, typename B0, typename B1, typename B2, typename B3, typename C0, typename C1, typename C2, typename C3, typename... ArgTs>
1133  Event<void(ArgTs...)> event(volatile T *obj, R(T::*method)(B0, B1, B2, B3, ArgTs...) volatile, C0 c0, C1 c1, C2 c2, C3 c3);
1135  /** Creates an event bound to the event queue
1136  * @see EventQueue::event
1137  */
1138  template <typename T, typename R, typename B0, typename B1, typename B2, typename B3, typename C0, typename C1, typename C2, typename C3, typename... ArgTs>
1139  Event<void(ArgTs...)> event(const volatile T *obj, R(T::*method)(B0, B1, B2, B3, ArgTs...) const volatile, C0 c0, C1 c1, C2 c2, C3 c3);
1141  /** Creates an event bound to the event queue
1142  * @see EventQueue::event
1143  */
1144  template <typename R, typename B0, typename B1, typename B2, typename B3, typename C0, typename C1, typename C2, typename C3, typename... ArgTs>
1145  Event<void(ArgTs...)> event(mbed::Callback<R(B0, B1, B2, B3, ArgTs...)> cb, C0 c0, C1 c1, C2 c2, C3 c3);
1147  /** Creates an event bound to the event queue
1148  * @see EventQueue::event
1149  */
1150  template <typename R, typename B0, typename B1, typename B2, typename B3, typename B4, typename C0, typename C1, typename C2, typename C3, typename C4, typename... ArgTs>
1151  Event<void(ArgTs...)> event(R(*func)(B0, B1, B2, B3, B4, ArgTs...), C0 c0, C1 c1, C2 c2, C3 c3, C4 c4);
1153  /** Creates an event bound to the event queue
1154  * @see EventQueue::event
1155  */
1156  template <typename T, typename R, typename B0, typename B1, typename B2, typename B3, typename B4, typename C0, typename C1, typename C2, typename C3, typename C4, typename... ArgTs>
1157  Event<void(ArgTs...)> event(T *obj, R(T::*method)(B0, B1, B2, B3, B4, ArgTs...), C0 c0, C1 c1, C2 c2, C3 c3, C4 c4);
1159  /** Creates an event bound to the event queue
1160  * @see EventQueue::event
1161  */
1162  template <typename T, typename R, typename B0, typename B1, typename B2, typename B3, typename B4, typename C0, typename C1, typename C2, typename C3, typename C4, typename... ArgTs>
1163  Event<void(ArgTs...)> event(const T *obj, R(T::*method)(B0, B1, B2, B3, B4, ArgTs...) const, C0 c0, C1 c1, C2 c2, C3 c3, C4 c4);
1165  /** Creates an event bound to the event queue
1166  * @see EventQueue::event
1167  */
1168  template <typename T, typename R, typename B0, typename B1, typename B2, typename B3, typename B4, typename C0, typename C1, typename C2, typename C3, typename C4, typename... ArgTs>
1169  Event<void(ArgTs...)> event(volatile T *obj, R(T::*method)(B0, B1, B2, B3, B4, ArgTs...) volatile, C0 c0, C1 c1, C2 c2, C3 c3, C4 c4);
1171  /** Creates an event bound to the event queue
1172  * @see EventQueue::event
1173  */
1174  template <typename T, typename R, typename B0, typename B1, typename B2, typename B3, typename B4, typename C0, typename C1, typename C2, typename C3, typename C4, typename... ArgTs>
1175  Event<void(ArgTs...)> event(const volatile T *obj, R(T::*method)(B0, B1, B2, B3, B4, ArgTs...) const volatile, C0 c0, C1 c1, C2 c2, C3 c3, C4 c4);
1177  /** Creates an event bound to the event queue
1178  * @see EventQueue::event
1179  */
1180  template <typename R, typename B0, typename B1, typename B2, typename B3, typename B4, typename C0, typename C1, typename C2, typename C3, typename C4, typename... ArgTs>
1181  Event<void(ArgTs...)> event(mbed::Callback<R(B0, B1, B2, B3, B4, ArgTs...)> cb, C0 c0, C1 c1, C2 c2, C3 c3, C4 c4);
1183  /** Creates an user allocated event bound to the event queue
1184  *
1185  * Constructs an user allocated event bound to the specified event queue.
1186  * The specified callback acts as the target for the event and is executed
1187  * in the context of the event queue's dispatch loop once posted.
1188  *
1189  * @param f Function to execute when the event is dispatched
1190  * @return Event that will dispatch on the specific queue
1191  */
1192  template <typename F, typename... ArgTs>
1193  UserAllocatedEvent<F, void(ArgTs...)> make_user_allocated_event(F f, ArgTs... args);
1195  /** Creates an user allocated event bound to the event queue
1196  * @see EventQueue::make_user_allocated_event
1197  */
1198  template <typename T, typename R, typename... ArgTs>
1199  UserAllocatedEvent<mbed::Callback<void(ArgTs...)>, void(ArgTs...)> make_user_allocated_event(T *obj, R(T::*method)(ArgTs... args), ArgTs... args);
1201  /** Creates an user allocated event bound to the event queue
1202  * @see EventQueue::make_user_allocated_event
1203  */
1204  template <typename T, typename R, typename... ArgTs>
1205  UserAllocatedEvent<mbed::Callback<void(ArgTs...)>, void(ArgTs...)> make_user_allocated_event(const T *obj, R(T::*method)(ArgTs... args) const, ArgTs... args);
1207  /** Creates an user allocated event bound to the event queue
1208  * @see EventQueue::make_user_allocated_event
1209  */
1210  template <typename T, typename R, typename... ArgTs>
1211  UserAllocatedEvent<mbed::Callback<void(ArgTs...)>, void(ArgTs...)> make_user_allocated_event(volatile T *obj, R(T::*method)(ArgTs... args) volatile, ArgTs... args);
1213  /** Creates an user allocated event bound to the event queue
1214  * @see EventQueue::make_user_allocated_event
1215  */
1216  template <typename T, typename R, typename... ArgTs>
1217  UserAllocatedEvent<mbed::Callback<void(ArgTs...)>, void(ArgTs...)> make_user_allocated_event(const volatile T *obj, R(T::*method)(ArgTs... args) const volatile, ArgTs... args);
1218 #endif
1220 protected:
1221 #if !defined(DOXYGEN_ONLY)
1222  template <typename F>
1223  friend class Event;
1224  template <typename F, typename A>
1225  friend class UserAllocatedEvent;
1226  struct equeue _equeue;
1227  mbed::Callback<void(int)> _update;
1229  // Function attributes
1230  template <typename F>
1231  static void function_call(void *p)
1232  {
1233  (*(F *)p)();
1234  }
1236  template <typename F>
1237  static void function_dtor(void *p)
1238  {
1239  ((F *)p)->~F();
1240  }
1242  // Context structures
1243  template <typename F, typename... ContextArgTs>
1244  struct context;
1246  template <typename F>
1247  struct context<F> {
1248  F f;
1250  constexpr context(F f)
1251  : f(f) {}
1253  template <typename... ArgTs>
1254  void operator()(ArgTs... args)
1255  {
1256  f(args...);
1257  }
1258  };
1260  template <typename F, typename C0>
1261  struct context<F, C0> {
1262  F f;
1263  C0 c0;
1265  constexpr context(F f, C0 c0)
1266  : f(f), c0(c0) {}
1268  template <typename... ArgTs>
1269  void operator()(ArgTs... args)
1270  {
1271  f(c0, args...);
1272  }
1273  };
1275  template <typename F, typename C0, typename C1>
1276  struct context<F, C0, C1> {
1277  F f;
1278  C0 c0;
1279  C1 c1;
1281  constexpr context(F f, C0 c0, C1 c1)
1282  : f(f), c0(c0), c1(c1) {}
1284  template <typename... ArgTs>
1285  void operator()(ArgTs... args)
1286  {
1287  f(c0, c1, args...);
1288  }
1289  };
1291  template <typename F, typename C0, typename C1, typename C2>
1292  struct context<F, C0, C1, C2> {
1293  F f;
1294  C0 c0;
1295  C1 c1;
1296  C2 c2;
1298  constexpr context(F f, C0 c0, C1 c1, C2 c2)
1299  : f(f), c0(c0), c1(c1), c2(c2) {}
1301  template <typename... ArgTs>
1302  void operator()(ArgTs... args)
1303  {
1304  f(c0, c1, c2, args...);
1305  }
1306  };
1308  template <typename F, typename C0, typename C1, typename C2, typename C3>
1309  struct context<F, C0, C1, C2, C3> {
1310  F f;
1311  C0 c0;
1312  C1 c1;
1313  C2 c2;
1314  C3 c3;
1316  constexpr context(F f, C0 c0, C1 c1, C2 c2, C3 c3)
1317  : f(f), c0(c0), c1(c1), c2(c2), c3(c3) {}
1319  template <typename... ArgTs>
1320  void operator()(ArgTs... args)
1321  {
1322  f(c0, c1, c2, c3, args...);
1323  }
1324  };
1326  template <typename F, typename C0, typename C1, typename C2, typename C3, typename C4>
1327  struct context<F, C0, C1, C2, C3, C4> {
1328  F f;
1329  C0 c0;
1330  C1 c1;
1331  C2 c2;
1332  C3 c3;
1333  C4 c4;
1335  constexpr context(F f, C0 c0, C1 c1, C2 c2, C3 c3, C4 c4)
1336  : f(f), c0(c0), c1(c1), c2(c2), c3(c3), c4(c4) {}
1338  template <typename... ArgTs>
1339  void operator()(ArgTs... args)
1340  {
1341  f(c0, c1, c2, c3, c4, args...);
1342  }
1343  };
1344 #endif //!defined(DOXYGEN_ONLY)
1345 };
1347 /** @}*/
1348 /** @}*/
1350 }
1352 #endif
void dispatch_forever()
Dispatch events without a timeout.
Definition: EventQueue.h:108
int time_left(int id)
Query how much time is left for delayed event.
void break_dispatch()
Break out of a running event loop.
Definition: EventQueue.h:60
Definition: Event.h:34
int chain(EventQueue *target)
Chain an event queue onto another event queue.
bool cancel(UserAllocatedEvent< F, A > *event)
Cancel an in-flight user allocated event.
Definition: EventQueue.h:171
Prevents generation of copy constructor and copy assignment operator in derived classes.
Definition: NonCopyable.h:169
UserAllocatedEvent< F, void(ArgTs...)> make_user_allocated_event(F f, ArgTs...args)
Creates an user allocated event bound to the event queue.
unsigned tick()
Millisecond counter.
Definition: equeue.h:60
bool cancel(int id)
Cancel an in-flight event.
Callback< R(ArgTs...)> callback(R(*func)(ArgTs...)=0)
Create a callback class with type inferred from the arguments.
Definition: Callback.h:709
void background(mbed::Callback< void(int)> update)
Background an event queue onto a single-shot timer-interrupt.
int call(F f, Args...args)
Calls an event on the queue.
Event< void(Args...)> event(R(*func)(BoundArgs..., Args...), ContextArgs...context_args)
Creates an event bound to the event queue.
Destroy an EventQueue.
EventQueue(unsigned size=(32 *(EQUEUE_EVENT_SIZE-2 *sizeof(void *)+sizeof(mbed::Callback< void()>))), unsigned char *buffer=NULL)
Create an EventQueue.
int time_left(UserAllocatedEvent< F, A > *event)
Query how much time is left for delayed UserAllocatedEvent.
Definition: EventQueue.h:217
Callback class based on template specialization.
Definition: Callback.h:39
int call_every(int ms, F f, Args...args)
Calls an event on the queue periodically.
int call_in(int ms, Args...args)
Calls an event on the queue after a specified delay.
EVENTS_QUEUE_SIZE Default size of buffer for events.
Definition: EventQueue.h:43
void dispatch(int ms=-1)
Dispatch events.
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