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1 /* mbed Microcontroller Library
2  * Copyright (c) 2006-2013 ARM Limited
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  */
17 #ifndef MBED_GATT_CLIENT_H__
18 #define MBED_GATT_CLIENT_H__
20 #include "ble/common/StaticInterface.h"
21 #include "ble/GattAttribute.h"
22 #include "ble/ServiceDiscovery.h"
23 #include "ble/CharacteristicDescriptorDiscovery.h"
24 #include "ble/GattCallbackParamTypes.h"
25 #include "ble/CallChainOfFunctionPointersWithContext.h"
26 #include "BleImplementationForward.h"
28 #if !defined(DOXYGEN_ONLY)
29 namespace ble {
30 namespace interface {
31 #endif
33 /**
34  * @addtogroup ble
35  * @{
36  * @addtogroup gatt
37  * @{
38  * @addtogroup client
39  * @{
40  */
42 /**
43  * Define procedures required for interacting with a distant GATT server.
44  *
45  * @par Discovery procedures
46  *
47  * A GATT server hosts a fixed set of services. These services are a logical
48  * composition of characteristics that may be discovered, read, written or also
49  * broadcast their state to a connected client. These characteristics may also
50  * contain metainformation named characteristic descriptors. A characteristic
51  * descriptor may be used to indicate the unit used for a characteristic value,
52  * describe in a textual form the characterisic purpose or allow a client to
53  * register for notification of updates of the characteristic value.
54  *
55  * Prior to any interaction with server characteristic, a GATT client
56  * discovers the layout of the services and characteristics present on the
57  * server.
58  *
59  * The layout of the descriptors of a characteristic may also be issued to
60  * as an extra discovery step.
61  *
62  * @par Attribute manipulation
63  *
64  * As a result of the discovery process, the client can start interacting with
65  * the characteristic discovered. Depending on the characteristic properties
66  * (acquired during discovery), a client can read or write the value of a given
67  * characteristic.
68  *
69  * Mbed BLE abstracts most read and write operations to offer a single API that
70  * can be used to read or write characteristics values. Application code does not
71  * have to handle the fragmentation/reassembly process necessary if the attribute
72  * value to transported cannot fit in a single data packet.
73  *
74  * @par Server Initiated events
75  *
76  * If a characteristic has to notify or indicate a property set; then, a client may
77  * register to a notification or indication from the characteristic. When the
78  * server updates the characteristic value, the server can forward the
79  * new value to the registered clients. The notification/indication mechanism
80  * prevents polling from the client and therefore minimize the transactions
81  * involved between a client and a server.
82  *
83  * Registration is made by writing the Client Characteristic Configuration
84  * Descriptor, which is present in the characteristic if the notify or
85  * indicate properties are set. The client discovers that descriptor
86  * if it intends to register to server initiated events.
87  */
88 #if defined(DOXYGEN_ONLY)
89 class GattClient {
90 #else
91 template <class Impl>
92 class GattClient : public StaticInterface<Impl, GattClient> {
93 #endif
97 public:
99  /**
100  * Definition of the general handler of GattClient related events.
101  */
102  struct EventHandler {
103  /**
104  * Function invoked when the connections changes the ATT_MTU which controls
105  * the maximum size of an attribute that can be read in a single L2CAP packet
106  * which might be fragmented across multiple packets.
107  *
108  * @param connectionHandle The handle of the connection that changed the size.
109  * @param attMtuSize
110  */
111  virtual void onAttMtuChange(
112  ble::connection_handle_t connectionHandle,
113  uint16_t attMtuSize
114  )
115  {
116  }
117  };
119  /**
120  * Assign the event handler implementation that will be used by the
121  * module to signal events back to the application.
122  *
123  * @param handler Application implementation of an EventHandler.
124  */
126  {
127  eventHandler = handler;
128  }
130  /**
131  * Attribute read event handler.
132  *
133  * @see GattClient::onDataRead().
134  */
138  /**
139  * Callchain of attribute read event handlers.
140  */
144  /**
145  * GATT write operations.
146  */
147  enum WriteOp_t {
148  /**
149  * Write request.
150  *
151  * It is used to request the server to write the value of an attribute
152  * and acknowledge that this has been achieved in a Write Response.
153  */
154  GATT_OP_WRITE_REQ = 0x01,
156  /**
157  * Write command.
158  *
159  * It is used to request the server to write the value of an attribute.
160  * The server does not acknowledge the status of the operation.
161  */
162  GATT_OP_WRITE_CMD = 0x02,
164  /**
165  * Signed Write command.
166  *
167  * It is used to request the server to write the value of an attribute
168  * using a signed packet. The server does not acknowledge the status
169  * of the operation.
170  */
172  };
174  /**
175  * Attribute write event handler.
176  *
177  * @see GattClient::onDataWrite().
178  */
182  /**
183  * Callchain of attribute write event handlers.
184  *
185  * @see GattClient::onDataWrite().
186  */
190  /**
191  * Handle value notification/indication event handler.
192  *
193  * @see to GattClient::onHVX().
194  */
198  /**
199  * Callchain of handle value notification/indication event handlers.
200  *
201  * @see GattClient::onHVX().
202  */
206  /**
207  * Shutdown event handler.
208  *
209  * @see GattClient::onShutdown().
210  */
215  /**
216  * Callchain of shutdown event handlers.
217  *
218  * @see to GattClient::onShutown().
219  */
223  /*
224  * The following functions are meant to be overridden in the platform
225  * specific subclass.
226  */
227 public:
229  ~GattClient() { }
231  /**
232  * Launch the service and characteristic discovery procedure of a GATT server
233  * peer.
234  *
235  * The procedure invokes application callbacks for matching services or
236  * characteristics. The process ends after all the services and
237  * characteristics present on the distant GATT server have been discovered.
238  * Termination callbacks registered with onServiceDiscoveryTermination() are
239  * invoked to notify the application of the termination of the procedure.
240  *
241  * Application code can track the status of the procedure by invoking the
242  * function isServiceDiscoveryActive(), which returns true if the
243  * procedure is ongoing.
244  *
245  * At any point, application code can prematurely terminate the discovery
246  * procedure by calling terminateServiceDiscovery().
247  *
248  * @param[in] connectionHandle Handle of the connection with the peer GATT
249  * server.
250  * @param[in] sc Service discovered event handler invoked when a matching
251  * service has been discovered. This parameter may be NULL.
252  * @param[in] cc Characteristic discovered event handler invoked when a
253  * matching characteristic has been found. This parameter may be NULL.
254  * @param[in] matchingServiceUUID UUID of the service the caller is
255  * interested in. If a service discovered matches this filter, then @p sc is
256  * invoked with it. The special value BLE_UUID_UNKNOWN acts as a wildcard,
257  * which can be used to discover all services present on the peer GATT
258  * server.
259  * @param[in] matchingCharacteristicUUIDIn UUID of the characteristic the
260  * caller is interested in. If a characteristic discovered matches this
261  * filter, then @p cc is invoked with it. The special value BLE_UUID_UNKNOWN
262  * acts as a wildcard, which can be used to discover all services present on
263  * the peer GATT server.
264  *
265  * @par Discovery procedure implementation detail
266  *
267  * It is recommended to implement several strategies based on the
268  * combination of callbacks and filters passed in input to efficiently
269  * realize the discovery procedure:
270  * - If @p sc and @p cc are NULL, then it is not necessay to initiate any
271  * discovery, and the termination handlers can be invoked immediately.
272  * - If @p matchingServiceUUID is set, then the GATT discover services by
273  * service UUID procedure should be used; otherwise, the GATT discover primary
274  * services procedure should be used.
275  * - If @p cc is NULL, then the discovery process should end after the discovery
276  * of the services.
277  *
278  * @return BLE_ERROR_NONE if the discovery procedure has been successfully
279  * started and an appropriate error otherwise.
280  */
281  ble_error_t launchServiceDiscovery(
282  ble::connection_handle_t connectionHandle,
285  const UUID &matchingServiceUUID = UUID::ShortUUIDBytes_t(BLE_UUID_UNKNOWN),
286  const UUID &matchingCharacteristicUUIDIn = UUID::ShortUUIDBytes_t(BLE_UUID_UNKNOWN)
287  );
289  /**
290  * Launch the service discovery procedure of a GATT server peer.
291  *
292  * The procedure invokes the application callback for matching services.
293  * The process ends after all the services present on the distant GATT
294  * server have been discovered.
295  * Termination callbacks registered with onServiceDiscoveryTermination() are
296  * invoked to notify the application of the termination of the procedure.
297  *
298  * Application code can track the status of the procedure by invoking the
299  * function isServiceDiscoveryActive(), which returns true if the
300  * procedure is ongoing.
301  *
302  * At any point, application code can prematurely terminate the discovery
303  * procedure by calling terminateServiceDiscovery().
304  *
305  * @param[in] connectionHandle Handle of the connection with the peer GATT
306  * server.
307  * @param[in] callback Service discovered event handler invoked when a
308  * matching service has been discovered. This parameter may be NULL.
309  * @param[in] matchingServiceUUID UUID of the service the caller is
310  * interested in. If a service discovered matches this filter, then @p sc is
311  * invoked with it. The special value BLE_UUID_UNKNOWN act is a wildcard,
312  * which can be used to discover all services present on the peer GATT
313  * server.
314  *
315  * @return BLE_ERROR_NONE if the discovery procedure has been successfully
316  * started and an appropriate error otherwise.
317  */
319  ble::connection_handle_t connectionHandle,
321  const UUID &matchingServiceUUID = UUID::ShortUUIDBytes_t(BLE_UUID_UNKNOWN)
322  ) {
323  /* We take advantage of the property
324  * that providing NULL for the characteristic callback results in
325  * characteristic discovery being skipped for each matching
326  * service. This allows for an inexpensive method to discover only
327  * services. Porters are free to override this. */
328  return launchServiceDiscovery(
329  connectionHandle, callback, NULL, matchingServiceUUID
330  );
331  }
333  /**
334  * Launch the service discovery procedure of a GATT server peer.
335  *
336  * The process ends after all the services present in the attribute range @p
337  * startHandle to @p endHandle have been discovered.
338  *
339  * Termination callbacks registered with onServiceDiscoveryTermination() are
340  * invoked to notify the application of the termination of the procedure.
341  *
342  * Application code can track the status of the procedure by invoking the
343  * function isServiceDiscoveryActive(), which returns true if the
344  * procedure is ongoing.
345  *
346  * At any point, application code can prematurely terminate the discovery
347  * procedure by calling terminateServiceDiscovery().
348  *
349  * @param[in] connectionHandle Handle of the connection with the peer GATT
350  * server.
351  * @param[in] callback Service discovered event handler invoked when a
352  * matching service has been discovered. This parameter may be NULL.
353  * @param[in] startHandle First attribute handle of the discovery range.
354  * @param[in] endHandle end Lasr attribute handle of the discovery range.
355  *
356  * @return BLE_ERROR_NONE if the discovery procedure has been successfully
357  * started and an appropriate error otherwise.
358  */
359  ble_error_t discoverServices(
360  ble::connection_handle_t connectionHandle,
362  GattAttribute::Handle_t startHandle,
363  GattAttribute::Handle_t endHandle
364  );
366  /**
367  * Check if the service discovery procedure is currently active.
368  *
369  * @return true if service discovery procedure is active and false otherwise.
370  */
371  bool isServiceDiscoveryActive(void) const;
373  /**
374  * Terminate all ongoing service discovery procedures.
375  *
376  * It results in an invocation of the service discovery termination handler
377  * registered with onServiceDiscoveryTermination().
378  */
379  void terminateServiceDiscovery(void);
381  /**
382  * Initiate the read procedure of an attribute handle.
383  *
384  * Once the attribute value has been read in its entirety, the process issues
385  * an attribute read event and passes it to all events handlers registered
386  * by onDataRead.
387  *
388  * @param[in] connHandle Handle of the connection used to send the read
389  * request.
390  * @param[in] attributeHandle Handle of the attribute to read data from.
391  * @param[in] offset The offset from the start of the attribute value to be
392  * read.
393  *
394  * @return BLE_ERROR_NONE if read procedure successfully started.
395  *
396  * @par Implementation notes:
397  *
398  * Reading the attribute value in its entirety may involve sending several
399  * GATT requests to the peer. The following algorithm may be used to
400  * implement the process:
401  *
402  * If the offset is equal to 0, then send a read request; otherwise, send a
403  * read blob request at the specified offset.
404  *
405  * While the attribute data in the response are MTU - 1 long:
406  * - Concat the response to the value containing the previous responses.
407  * - Increment the value of the offset by MTU - 1.
408  * - Send a read blob request with the updated offset.
409  *
410  * Finally, concat the last response with the value containing all the
411  * previous responses and forward that value to the event handlers.
412  */
413  ble_error_t read(
414  ble::connection_handle_t connHandle,
415  GattAttribute::Handle_t attributeHandle,
416  uint16_t offset
417  ) const;
419  /**
420  * Initiate a write procedure on an attribute value.
421  *
422  * If @p cmd is equal to GATT_OP_WRITE_REQ, then the status of the operation
423  * is reported to the event handlers registered through onDataWritten().
424  *
425  * @param[in] cmd Type of the write procedure used. If GATT_OP_WRITE_CMD
426  * is set, then value length is not greater than the size of the mtu
427  * of connHandle minus three.
428  * @param[in] connHandle Handle of the connection used to send the write
429  * request or command.
430  * @param[in] attributeHandle Handle of the attribute value to write.
431  * @param[in] length Number of bytes present in @p value.
432  * @param[in] value Data buffer to write to attributeHandle.
433  *
434  * @return BLE_ERROR_NONE if the write procedure successfully started.
435  *
436  * @par Implementation notes:
437  *
438  * If the operation is a write command, then an implementation uses the
439  * GATT write without response procedure and an error is returned if
440  * the data buffer to write is larger than the size of the MTU - 3.
441  *
442  * If the operation is a write command and the size of the data buffer to
443  * write is less than than the size of the MTU - 3, then the ATT write request
444  * procedure is used, and the response is reported to the handlers
445  * listening for write response.
446  *
447  * Otherwise, the data buffer to write is divided in chunks with a
448  * maximum size of MTU - 5. Those chunks are sent sequentially to the
449  * peer in ATT prepare write requests. If an error response is received
450  * during the process, the procedure ends immediately, the prepared
451  * write is discarded and an error is reported to the application handlers.
452  * Once all the chunks have been sent, the transaction is completed
453  * by sending an execute write request to the peer. The peer response is
454  * forwarded to the application handlers.
455  */
456  ble_error_t write(
458  ble::connection_handle_t connHandle,
459  GattAttribute::Handle_t attributeHandle,
460  size_t length,
461  const uint8_t *value
462  ) const;
464  /* Event callback handlers. */
465 public:
467  /**
468  * Register an attribute read event handler.
469  *
470  * @note It is possible to unregister a callback using
471  * onDataRead().detach(callbackToRemove).
472  *
473  * @param[in] callback Event handler being registered.
474  */
475  void onDataRead(ReadCallback_t callback)
476  {
477  onDataReadCallbackChain.add(callback);
478  }
480  /**
481  * Get the callchain of attribute read event handlers.
482  *
483  * @return A reference to the read event callback chain.
484  *
485  * @note It is possible to register new handlers using
486  * onDataRead().add(callback).
487  *
488  * @note It is possible to unregister an handler by using
489  * onDataRead().detach(callback).
490  */
492  {
493  return onDataReadCallbackChain;
494  }
496  /**
497  * Register an attribute write event handler.
498  *
499  * @param[in] callback Event handler being registered.
500  *
501  * @note It is possible to remove registered handlers using
502  * onDataWritten().detach(callbackToRemove).
503  *
504  * @note Write commands (issued using writeWoResponse) don't generate a
505  * response.
506  */
508  {
509  onDataWriteCallbackChain.add(callback);
510  }
512  /**
513  * Get the callchain of attribute write event handlers.
514  *
515  * @return A reference to the data written callbacks chain.
516  *
517  * @note It is possible to register new handlers by using
518  * onDataWritten().add(callback).
519  *
520  * @note It is possible to unregister an handler by using
521  * onDataWritten().detach(callback).
522  */
524  {
525  return onDataWriteCallbackChain;
526  }
528  /**
529  * Register an attribute write event handler.
530  *
531  * @param[in] callback Event handler being registered.
532  *
533  * @note It is possible to remove registered handlers using
534  * onDataWritten().detach(callbackToRemove).
535  *
536  * @note Write commands (issued using writeWoResponse) don't generate a
537  * response.
538  *
539  * @deprecated Use GattServer::onDataWritten().
540  */
541  MBED_DEPRECATED("Use GattServer::onDataWritten()")
542  void onDataWrite(WriteCallback_t callback)
543  {
544  onDataWritten(callback);
545  }
547  /**
548  * Register a service discovery termination event handler.
549  *
550  * @param[in] callback Event handler being registered.
551  */
552  void onServiceDiscoveryTermination(
554  );
556  /**
557  * Initiate the descriptor discovery procedure for a given characteristic.
558  *
559  * When a descriptor is discovered the discovered descriptor is forwarded
560  * to @p discoveryCallback. After the discovery of all the descriptors, the
561  * procedure ends and send a descriptor discovery termination event to @p
562  * termination callback.
563  *
564  * Application code may monitor the discovery process by querying its status
565  * with isCharacteristicDescriptorDiscoveryActive(). It can also end the
566  * discovery process by calling terminateCharacteristicDescriptorDiscovery().
567  *
568  * @param[in] characteristic The characteristic owning the descriptors to
569  * discover.
570  * @param[in] discoveryCallback Handle descriptor discovered events for the
571  * duration of the procedure.
572  * @param[in] terminationCallback Handle descriptor discovery termination
573  * event of the procedure.
574  *
575  * @return BLE_ERROR_NONE if the characteristic descriptor discovery
576  * procedure has been launched successfully otherwise an appropriate error.
577  */
578  ble_error_t discoverCharacteristicDescriptors(
579  const DiscoveredCharacteristic& characteristic,
582  );
584  /**
585  * Query status of the descriptor discovery procedure for a given
586  * characteristic.
587  *
588  * @param[in] characteristic The characteristic concerned by the descriptors
589  * discovery.
590  *
591  * @return true if a descriptors discovery is active for the characteristic
592  * in input otherwise false.
593  */
594  bool isCharacteristicDescriptorDiscoveryActive(
595  const DiscoveredCharacteristic& characteristic
596  ) const;
598  /**
599  * @brief Terminate an ongoing characteristic descriptor discovery procedure.
600  *
601  * If the procedure is active, then it ends, and the termination handler
602  * associated with the procedure is called.
603  *
604  * @param[in] characteristic The characteristic containing the descriptors
605  * being discovered.
606  */
607  void terminateCharacteristicDescriptorDiscovery(
608  const DiscoveredCharacteristic& characteristic
609  );
611  /**
612  * Trigger MTU negotiation. This might result in a Gap event onAttMtuChange
613  * being called if MTU changes.
614  *
615  * @note This does not guarantee a change in MTU size. If size remains
616  * unchanged no event will be generated.
617  *
618  * @param connection Connection on which the MTU is to be negotiated.
619  *
620  * @return BLE_ERROR_NONE if the procedure has been launched successfully
621  * otherwise an appropriate error.
622  */
623  ble_error_t negotiateAttMtu(ble::connection_handle_t connection);
625  /**
626  * Register an handler for Handle Value Notification/Indication events.
627  *
628  * @param callback Event handler to register.
629  *
630  * @note It is possible to unregister a callback by using
631  * onHVX().detach(callbackToRemove).
632  */
633  void onHVX(HVXCallback_t callback)
634  {
635  onHVXCallbackChain.add(callback);
636  }
638  /**
639  * Register a shutdown event handler.
640  *
641  * The registered handler is invoked when the GattClient instance is
642  * about to be shut down.
643  *
644  * @param[in] callback Event handler to invoke when a shutdown event is
645  * available.
646  *
647  * @note onShutdown().detach(callback) may be used to unregister a given
648  * callback.
649  *
650  * @see BLE::shutdown()
651  */
653  {
654  shutdownCallChain.add(callback);
655  }
657  /**
658  * Register a shutdown event handler.
659  *
660  * The registered handler is invoked when the GattClient instance is
661  * about to be shut down.
662  *
663  * @param[in] objPtr Instance that will be used to invoke @p memberPtr.
664  * @param[in] memberPtr Event handler to invoke when a shutdown event is
665  * available.
666  */
667  template <typename T>
668  void onShutdown(T *objPtr, void (T::*memberPtr)(const GattClient *))
669  {
670  shutdownCallChain.add(objPtr, memberPtr);
671  }
673  /**
674  * Get the callchain of shutdown event handlers.
675  *
676  * @return A reference to the shutdown event callbacks chain.
677  *
678  * @note onShutdown().add(callback) may be used to register new handlers.
679  *
680  * @note onShutdown().detach(callback) may be used to unregister an handler.
681  */
683  {
684  return shutdownCallChain;
685  }
687  /**
688  * @brief provide access to the callchain of HVX callbacks.
689  *
690  * @return A reference to the HVX callbacks chain.
691  *
692  * @note It is possible to register callbacks using onHVX().add(callback).
693  *
694  * @note It is possible to unregister callbacks using onHVX().detach(callback).
695  */
697  return onHVXCallbackChain;
698  }
700 public:
701  /**
702  * Reset the state of the GattClient instance.
703  *
704  * Prior to any state modification, shutdown event handlers are notified
705  * that the GattClient instance is about to be shut down. Then, running
706  * procedures end. Finally, the state of the instance is reset.
707  *
708  * @par implementation note
709  *
710  * This function is meant to be overridden in the platform-specific
711  * subclass. Nevertheless, the subclass only resets its
712  * state and not the data held in GattClient members. This is achieved
713  * by a call to GattClient::reset() from the subclass' reset()
714  * implementation.
715  *
716  * @return BLE_ERROR_NONE on success.
717  */
718  ble_error_t reset(void);
720 protected:
722  /* --- Abstract calls to override --- */
724  /* Derived implementation must call the base class implementation */
725  ble_error_t reset_(void);
727  ble_error_t discoverServices_(
728  ble::connection_handle_t connectionHandle,
730  GattAttribute::Handle_t startHandle,
731  GattAttribute::Handle_t endHandle
732  );
734  ble_error_t launchServiceDiscovery_(
735  ble::connection_handle_t connectionHandle,
738  const UUID &matchingServiceUUID,
739  const UUID &matchingCharacteristicUUIDIn
740  );
742  bool isServiceDiscoveryActive_(void) const;
744  void terminateServiceDiscovery_(void);
746  ble_error_t negotiateAttMtu_(ble::connection_handle_t connection);
748  ble_error_t read_(
749  ble::connection_handle_t connHandle,
750  GattAttribute::Handle_t attributeHandle,
751  uint16_t offset
752  ) const;
754  ble_error_t write_(
756  ble::connection_handle_t connHandle,
757  GattAttribute::Handle_t attributeHandle,
758  size_t length,
759  const uint8_t *value
760  ) const;
762  void onServiceDiscoveryTermination_(
764  );
766  ble_error_t discoverCharacteristicDescriptors_(
767  const DiscoveredCharacteristic& characteristic,
770  );
772  bool isCharacteristicDescriptorDiscoveryActive_(
773  const DiscoveredCharacteristic& characteristic
774  ) const;
776  void terminateCharacteristicDescriptorDiscovery_(
777  const DiscoveredCharacteristic& characteristic
778  );
780 protected:
781  GattClient() : eventHandler(NULL)
782  {
783  /* Empty */
784  }
786  /* Entry points for the underlying stack to report events back to the user. */
787 public:
788  /**
789  * Forward an attribute read event to all registered handlers.
790  *
791  * @attention This function is meant to be called from the vendor
792  * implementation when an attribute read event occurs.
793  *
794  * @param[in] params Attribute read event to pass to the registered handlers.
795  */
797  {
798  onDataReadCallbackChain(params);
799  }
801  /**
802  * Forward an attribute written event to all registered handlers.
803  *
804  * @attention This function is meant to be called from the vendor
805  * implementation when an attribute written event occurs.
806  *
807  * @param[in] params Attribute written event to pass to the registered
808  * handlers.
809  */
811  {
812  onDataWriteCallbackChain(params);
813  }
815  /**
816  * Forward a handle value notification or indication event to all registered
817  * handlers.
818  *
819  * @attention This function is meant to be called from the vendor
820  * implementation when a notification or indication event is available.
821  *
822  * @param[in] params Notification or Indication event to pass to the
823  * registered handlers.
824  */
826  {
827  if (onHVXCallbackChain) {
828  onHVXCallbackChain(params);
829  }
830  }
832 protected:
833  /**
834  * Event handler provided by the application.
835  */
838  /**
839  * Callchain containing all registered event handlers for data read
840  * events.
841  */
844  /**
845  * Callchain containing all registered event handlers for data write
846  * events.
847  */
850  /**
851  * Callchain containing all registered event handlers for update
852  * events.
853  */
856  /**
857  * Callchain containing all registered event handlers for shutdown
858  * events.
859  */
862 private:
863  /* Disallow copy and assignment. */
864  GattClient(const GattClient &);
865  GattClient& operator=(const GattClient &);
866 };
868 /**
869  * @}
870  * @}
871  * @}
872  */
874 #if !defined(DOXYGEN_ONLY)
875 } // namespace interface
876 } // namespace ble
878 using ble::impl::GattClient;
879 #endif
881 #endif /* ifndef MBED_GATT_CLIENT_H__ */
EventHandler * eventHandler
Event handler provided by the application.
Definition: GattClient.h:836
void onDataWritten(WriteCallback_t callback)
Register an attribute write event handler.
Definition: GattClient.h:507
HVXCallbackChain_t & onHVX()
provide access to the callchain of HVX callbacks.
Definition: GattClient.h:696
FunctionPointerWithContext< const GattHVXCallbackParams * > HVXCallback_t
Handle value notification/indication event handler.
Definition: GattClient.h:196
GattClientShutdownCallbackChain_t & onShutdown()
Get the callchain of shutdown event handlers.
Definition: GattClient.h:682
uintptr_t connection_handle_t
Opaque reference to a connection.
Definition: BLETypes.h:86
ble_error_t discoverServices(ble::connection_handle_t connectionHandle, ServiceDiscovery::ServiceCallback_t callback, const UUID &matchingServiceUUID=UUID::ShortUUIDBytes_t(BLE_UUID_UNKNOWN))
Launch the service discovery procedure of a GATT server peer.
Definition: GattClient.h:318
void setEventHandler(EventHandler *handler)
Assign the event handler implementation that will be used by the module to signal events back to the ...
Definition: GattClient.h:125
Representation of a characteristic discovered.
void onHVX(HVXCallback_t callback)
Register an handler for Handle Value Notification/Indication events.
Definition: GattClient.h:633
GATT write operations.
Definition: GattClient.h:147
Handle Value Notification/Indication event.
HVXCallbackChain_t onHVXCallbackChain
Callchain containing all registered event handlers for update events.
Definition: GattClient.h:854
CallChainOfFunctionPointersWithContext< const GattReadCallbackParams * > ReadCallbackChain_t
Callchain of attribute read event handlers.
Definition: GattClient.h:142
CallChainOfFunctionPointersWithContext< const GattClient * > GattClientShutdownCallbackChain_t
Callchain of shutdown event handlers.
Definition: GattClient.h:221
Definition of the general handler of GattClient related events.
Definition: GattClient.h:102
WriteCallbackChain_t & onDataWritten()
Get the callchain of attribute write event handlers.
Definition: GattClient.h:523
Representation of a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID).
Definition: UUID.h:74
Reserved UUID.
Definition: blecommon.h:38
ReadCallbackChain_t & onDataRead()
Get the callchain of attribute read event handlers.
Definition: GattClient.h:491
void onShutdown(const GattClientShutdownCallback_t &callback)
Register a shutdown event handler.
Definition: GattClient.h:652
Define procedures required for interacting with a distant GATT server.
Definition: GattClient.h:89
GattClientShutdownCallbackChain_t shutdownCallChain
Callchain containing all registered event handlers for shutdown events.
Definition: GattClient.h:860
ble::attribute_handle_t Handle_t
Representation of an attribute handle.
Definition: GattAttribute.h:67
FunctionPointerWithContext< const GattReadCallbackParams * > ReadCallback_t
Attribute read event handler.
Definition: GattClient.h:136
void onShutdown(T *objPtr, void(T::*memberPtr)(const GattClient *))
Register a shutdown event handler.
Definition: GattClient.h:668
void onDataRead(ReadCallback_t callback)
Register an attribute read event handler.
Definition: GattClient.h:475
void processWriteResponse(const GattWriteCallbackParams *params)
Forward an attribute written event to all registered handlers.
Definition: GattClient.h:810
ReadCallbackChain_t onDataReadCallbackChain
Callchain containing all registered event handlers for data read events.
Definition: GattClient.h:842
FunctionPointerWithContext< const GattWriteCallbackParams * > WriteCallback_t
Attribute write event handler.
Definition: GattClient.h:180
CallChainOfFunctionPointersWithContext< const GattWriteCallbackParams * > WriteCallbackChain_t
Callchain of attribute write event handlers.
Definition: GattClient.h:188
virtual void onAttMtuChange(ble::connection_handle_t connectionHandle, uint16_t attMtuSize)
Function invoked when the connections changes the ATT_MTU which controls the maximum size of an attri...
Definition: GattClient.h:111
GATT Write event definition.
WriteCallbackChain_t onDataWriteCallbackChain
Callchain containing all registered event handlers for data write events.
Definition: GattClient.h:848
uint16_t ShortUUIDBytes_t
Type for a 16-bit UUID.
Definition: UUID.h:112
GATT Read event definition.
CallChainOfFunctionPointersWithContext< const GattHVXCallbackParams * > HVXCallbackChain_t
Callchain of handle value notification/indication event handlers.
Definition: GattClient.h:204
Callback< R(ArgTs...)> callback(R(*func)(ArgTs...)=0)
Create a callback class with type inferred from the arguments.
Definition: Callback.h:709
void processHVXEvent(const GattHVXCallbackParams *params)
Forward a handle value notification or indication event to all registered handlers.
Definition: GattClient.h:825
FunctionPointerWithContext< const GattClient * > GattClientShutdownCallback_t
Shutdown event handler.
Definition: GattClient.h:212
void processReadResponse(const GattReadCallbackParams *params)
Forward an attribute read event to all registered handlers.
Definition: GattClient.h:796
Entry namespace for all BLE API definitions.
Error codes for the BLE API.
Definition: blecommon.h:147
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