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1 /* mbed Microcontroller Library
2  * Copyright (c) 2017 ARM Limited
3  * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
4  *
5  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
6  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
8  *
9  * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
10  *
11  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15  * limitations under the License.
16  */
20 typedef int FILEHANDLE;
22 #include <cstdio>
23 #include "Callback.h"
24 #include "platform/mbed_poll.h"
25 #include "platform/platform.h"
26 #include "platform/NonCopyable.h"
28 namespace mbed {
29 /** \addtogroup platform */
30 /** @{*/
31 /**
32  * \defgroup platform_FileHandle FileHandle functions
33  * @{
34  */
37 /** Class FileHandle
38  *
39  * An abstract interface that represents operations on a file-like
40  * object. The core functions are read, write and seek, but only
41  * a subset of these operations can be provided.
42  *
43  * @note to create a file, @see File
44  * @note Synchronization level: Set by subclass
45  */
46 class FileHandle : private NonCopyable<FileHandle> {
47 public:
48  virtual ~FileHandle() {}
50  /** Read the contents of a file into a buffer
51  *
52  * Devices acting as FileHandles should follow POSIX semantics:
53  *
54  * * if no data is available, and nonblocking set, return -EAGAIN
55  * * if no data is available, and blocking set, wait until some data is available
56  * * If any data is available, call returns immediately
57  *
58  * @param buffer The buffer to read in to
59  * @param size The number of bytes to read
60  * @return The number of bytes read, 0 at end of file, negative error on failure
61  */
62  virtual ssize_t read(void *buffer, size_t size) = 0;
64  /** Write the contents of a buffer to a file
65  *
66  * Devices acting as FileHandles should follow POSIX semantics:
67  *
68  * * if blocking, block until all data is written
69  * * if no data can be written, and nonblocking set, return -EAGAIN
70  * * if some data can be written, and nonblocking set, write partial
71  *
72  * @param buffer The buffer to write from
73  * @param size The number of bytes to write
74  * @return The number of bytes written, negative error on failure
75  */
76  virtual ssize_t write(const void *buffer, size_t size) = 0;
78  /** Move the file position to a given offset from from a given location
79  *
80  * @param offset The offset from whence to move to
81  * @param whence The start of where to seek
82  * SEEK_SET to start from beginning of file,
83  * SEEK_CUR to start from current position in file,
84  * SEEK_END to start from end of file
85  * @return The new offset of the file, negative error code on failure
86  */
87  virtual off_t seek(off_t offset, int whence = SEEK_SET) = 0;
89  /** Close a file
90  *
91  * @return 0 on success, negative error code on failure
92  */
93  virtual int close() = 0;
95  /** Flush any buffers associated with the file
96  *
97  * @return 0 on success, negative error code on failure
98  */
99  virtual int sync()
100  {
101  return 0;
102  }
104  /** Check if the file in an interactive terminal device
105  *
106  * @return True if the file is a terminal
107  * @return False if the file is not a terminal
108  * @return Negative error code on failure
109  */
110  virtual int isatty()
111  {
112  return false;
113  }
115  /** Get the file position of the file
116  *
117  * @note This is equivalent to seek(0, SEEK_CUR)
118  *
119  * @return The current offset in the file, negative error code on failure
120  */
121  virtual off_t tell()
122  {
123  return seek(0, SEEK_CUR);
124  }
126  /** Rewind the file position to the beginning of the file
127  *
128  * @note This is equivalent to seek(0, SEEK_SET)
129  */
130  virtual void rewind()
131  {
132  seek(0, SEEK_SET);
133  }
135  /** Get the size of the file
136  *
137  * @return Size of the file in bytes
138  */
139  virtual off_t size();
141  /** Truncate or extend a file.
142  *
143  * The file's length is set to the specified value. The seek pointer is
144  * not changed. If the file is extended, the extended area appears as if
145  * it were zero-filled.
146  *
147  * @param length The requested new length for the file
148  *
149  * @return Zero on success, negative error code on failure
150  */
151  virtual int truncate(off_t length)
152  {
153  return -EINVAL;
154  }
156  /** Move the file position to a given offset from a given location.
157  *
158  * @param offset The offset from whence to move to
159  * @param whence SEEK_SET for the start of the file, SEEK_CUR for the
160  * current file position, or SEEK_END for the end of the file.
161  *
162  * @returns
163  * new file position on success,
164  * -1 on failure or unsupported
165  * @deprecated Replaced by `off_t FileHandle::seek(off_t offset, int whence = SEEK_SET)'
166  *
167  */
168  MBED_DEPRECATED_SINCE("mbed-os-5.4", "Replaced by FileHandle::seek")
169  virtual off_t lseek(off_t offset, int whence)
170  {
171  return seek(offset, whence);
172  }
174  /** Flush any buffers associated with the FileHandle, ensuring it
175  * is up to date on disk
176  *
177  * @returns
178  * 0 on success or un-needed,
179  * -1 on error
180  * @deprecated Replaced by `int FileHandle::sync()'
181  */
182  MBED_DEPRECATED_SINCE("mbed-os-5.4", "Replaced by FileHandle::sync")
183  virtual int fsync()
184  {
185  return sync();
186  }
188  /** Find the length of the file
189  *
190  * @returns
191  * Length of the file
192  * @deprecated Replaced by `off_t FileHandle::size()'
193  */
194  MBED_DEPRECATED_SINCE("mbed-os-5.4", "Replaced by FileHandle::size")
195  virtual off_t flen()
196  {
197  return size();
198  }
200  /** Set blocking or nonblocking mode of the file operation like read/write.
201  * Definition depends on the subclass implementing FileHandle.
202  * The default is blocking.
203  *
204  * @param blocking true for blocking mode, false for nonblocking mode.
205  *
206  * @return 0 on success
207  * @return Negative error code on failure
208  */
209  virtual int set_blocking(bool blocking)
210  {
211  return blocking ? 0 : -ENOTTY;
212  }
214  /** Check current blocking or nonblocking mode for file operations.
215  *
216  * @return true for blocking mode, false for nonblocking mode.
217  */
218  virtual bool is_blocking() const
219  {
220  return true;
221  }
223  /** Enable or disable input
224  *
225  * Control enabling of device for input. This is primarily intended
226  * for temporary power-saving; the overall ability of the device to operate for
227  * input and/or output may be fixed at creation time, but this call can
228  * allow input to be temporarily disabled to permit power saving without
229  * losing device state.
230  *
231  * @param enabled true to enable input, false to disable.
232  *
233  * @return 0 on success
234  * @return Negative error code on failure
235  */
236  virtual int enable_input(bool enabled)
237  {
238  return -EINVAL;
239  }
241  /** Enable or disable output
242  *
243  * Control enabling of device for output. This is primarily intended
244  * for temporary power-saving; the overall ability of the device to operate for
245  * input and/or output may be fixed at creation time, but this call can
246  * allow output to be temporarily disabled to permit power saving without
247  * losing device state.
248  *
249  * @param enabled true to enable output, false to disable.
250  *
251  * @return 0 on success
252  * @return Negative error code on failure
253  */
254  virtual int enable_output(bool enabled)
255  {
256  return -EINVAL;
257  }
259  /** Check for poll event flags
260  * You can use or ignore the input parameter. You can return all events
261  * or check just the events listed in events.
262  * Call is nonblocking - returns instantaneous state of events.
263  * Whenever an event occurs, the derived class should call the sigio() callback).
264  *
265  * @param events bitmask of poll events we're interested in - POLLIN/POLLOUT etc.
266  *
267  * @returns bitmask of poll events that have occurred.
268  */
269  virtual short poll(short events) const
270  {
271  // Possible default for real files
272  return POLLIN | POLLOUT;
273  }
275  /** Definition depends on the subclass implementing FileHandle.
276  * For example, if the FileHandle is of type Stream, writable() could return
277  * true when there is ample buffer space available for write() calls.
278  *
279  * @returns true if the FileHandle is writable.
280  */
281  bool writable() const
282  {
283  return poll(POLLOUT) & POLLOUT;
284  }
286  /** Definition depends on the subclass implementing FileHandle.
287  * For example, if the FileHandle is of type Stream, readable() could return
288  * true when there is something available to read.
289  *
290  * @returns true when there is something available to read.
291  */
292  bool readable() const
293  {
294  return poll(POLLIN) & POLLIN;
295  }
297  /** Register a callback on state change of the file.
298  *
299  * The specified callback will be called on state changes such as when
300  * the file can be written to or read from.
301  *
302  * The callback may be called in an interrupt context and should not
303  * perform expensive operations.
304  *
305  * Note! This is not intended as an attach-like asynchronous API, but rather
306  * as a building block for constructing such functionality.
307  *
308  * The exact timing of when the registered function
309  * is called is not guaranteed and is susceptible to change. It should be used
310  * as a cue to make read/write/poll calls to find the current state.
311  *
312  * @param func Function to call on state change
313  */
314  virtual void sigio(Callback<void()> func)
315  {
316  //Default for real files. Do nothing for real files.
317  }
318 };
320 /**@}*/
322 /**@}*/
325 } // namespace mbed
327 #endif
virtual off_t size()
Get the size of the file.
virtual void sigio(Callback< void()> func)
Register a callback on state change of the file.
Definition: FileHandle.h:314
bool readable() const
Definition depends on the subclass implementing FileHandle.
Definition: FileHandle.h:292
virtual int set_blocking(bool blocking)
Set blocking or nonblocking mode of the file operation like read/write.
Definition: FileHandle.h:209
virtual ssize_t write(const void *buffer, size_t size)=0
Write the contents of a buffer to a file.
virtual int enable_output(bool enabled)
Enable or disable output.
Definition: FileHandle.h:254
virtual int close()=0
Close a file.
virtual int fsync()
Flush any buffers associated with the FileHandle, ensuring it is up to date on disk.
Definition: FileHandle.h:183
virtual int isatty()
Check if the file in an interactive terminal device.
Definition: FileHandle.h:110
Class FileHandle.
Definition: FileHandle.h:46
virtual off_t lseek(off_t offset, int whence)
Move the file position to a given offset from a given location.
Definition: FileHandle.h:169
Prevents generation of copy constructor and copy assignment operator in derived classes.
Definition: NonCopyable.h:168
virtual off_t seek(off_t offset, int whence=SEEK_SET)=0
Move the file position to a given offset from from a given location.
virtual ssize_t read(void *buffer, size_t size)=0
Read the contents of a file into a buffer.
virtual int sync()
Flush any buffers associated with the file.
Definition: FileHandle.h:99
virtual off_t flen()
Find the length of the file.
Definition: FileHandle.h:195
virtual short poll(short events) const
Check for poll event flags You can use or ignore the input parameter.
Definition: FileHandle.h:269
virtual int truncate(off_t length)
Truncate or extend a file.
Definition: FileHandle.h:151
virtual int enable_input(bool enabled)
Enable or disable input.
Definition: FileHandle.h:236
virtual void rewind()
Rewind the file position to the beginning of the file.
Definition: FileHandle.h:130
virtual off_t tell()
Get the file position of the file.
Definition: FileHandle.h:121
bool writable() const
Definition depends on the subclass implementing FileHandle.
Definition: FileHandle.h:281
Callback class based on template specialization.
Definition: Callback.h:39
virtual bool is_blocking() const
Check current blocking or nonblocking mode for file operations.
Definition: FileHandle.h:218
MBED_DEPRECATED("message string") Mark a function declaration as deprecated, if it used then a warnin...
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