The RWD modules from IB Technology are RFID readers working with different frequencies and protocols but with a common instructions set and pinout.
Hello World
Import programRSEDP_DPDemo
RFID tracking with mbed & RS-EDP reference design
Import programRWDModule
Generic driver for the RWD RFID Modules from IB Technology.
The RWD modules from IB Technology are RFID readers working with different frequencies and protocols but with a common instructions set and pinout.
The datasheets for each specific module are available here:
This class is also documented in Doxygen here: (beta mode must be enabled).
RWDModule(PinName tx, PinName rx, PinName cts)
Connect module using serial port pins tx, rx and DigitalIn pin cts (clear-to-send).
Destroys instance.
void command(byte cmd, const byte* params, int paramsLen, byte* resp, int respLen, byte ackOk, byte ackOkMask)
Executes the command cmd on the reader, with parameters set in params buffer of paramsLen length. The acknowledge byte sent back by the reader masked with ackOkMask must be equal to ackOk for the command to be considered a success. If so, the result is stored in buffer resp of length respLen.
This is a non-blocking function, and ready() should be called to check completion.
Please note that the buffers references must remain valid until the command has been executed.
bool ready()
Returns true if the previous command has been executed and an other command is ready to be sent.
bool result(byte* pAck = NULL)
Returns true if the previous command was successful. If pAck is provided, the actual acknowledge byte returned by the reader is stored in that variable.
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