PAW Sensor

Tactile sensor that can detect the amount of displacement.

Hello World

Import programPAW_Sensor_HelloWorld

This program is example of using PAW_Sensor Library.


Import libraryPAW_Sensor

PAW_Sensor: This library control the PAW sensor. This library get sensor values from the PAW sensor, and send these values to PC through serial-communication. And you need to convert these values to delta h using some module on PC. I create sample python module for this library. If you want to get this module, please access below page, The PAW Sensor is developed by RT. If you need to get information about this sensors, please access below page.




Data Format

PAW_Sensor Library send values through a serial-communication. This data-format is as below.

[Header 1][Header 2][ID][Ch1 low][Ch1 high][Ch2 low][Ch2 high][Ch3 low][Ch3 high][Ch4 low][Ch4 high]

  • Header 1: 0xFA
  • Header 2: 0xAF
  • ID: 0 ~ 255. This value is used to identify a plurality of PAW Sensors.
  • ChN low: Lower bits of the Voltage of each channel.
  • ChN high: Upper bits of the Voltage of each channel.

How to decode this data

ch_n = ( ( ch_n_high << 8 ) & 0xFF00 ) | ( ch_n_low & 0xFF )

  • ch_n_low: Lower bits of the Voltage of each channel.
  • ch_n_high: Upper bits of the Voltage of each channel.
  • ch_n: Decoded Voltage of each channel.

How to calculate dH

dh_ch_n = cna * ( ch_n - ch_n_init ) ^4 + cnb * ( ch_n - ch_n_init )^3 + cnc * ( ch_n - ch_n_init )^2 + cnd * ( ch_n - ch_n_init )

  • ch_n: Decoded Voltage of each channel.
  • ch_n_init: Voltage at no load of ch_n
  • cna: The coefficient of specific to the PAW Sensor
  • cnb: The coefficient of specific to the PAW Sensor
  • cnc: The coefficient of specific to the PAW Sensor
  • cnd: The coefficient of specific to the PAW Sensor

Sample python module for PAW_Sensor Library

You need to parse data from mbed through a serial-communication. If you want to know how to parse this data, please access below page,

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