HTU21D Temperature and Humidity Sensor
This is a highly accurate, digital humidity and temperature sensor with an I2C interface. The breakout board includes built in 4.7k pull up resistors.
Hello World
Import programHTU21D_HELLOWORLD
A sample program to read the temperature and humidity from the HTU21D sensor.
Import libraryHTU21D
An updated, basic library to interface with the HTU21D digital temperature and humidity sensor
HTU21D(PinName sda, PinName scl) |
Constructor function, declares sensor . |
int sample_ctemp(void) |
Samples the temperature, input void, outputs an int in Celcius. |
int sample_ftemp(void) |
Samples the temperature, input void, outputs an int in Fahrenheit. |
int sample_ktemp(void) |
Samples the temperature, input void, outputs an int in Kelvin. |
int sample_humid(void) |
Samples the humidity, input void, outputs an int. |
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