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11 years ago.
cc3000 host driver and rtos
In some program for WiFiDipCortex I try using host_driver and mbed rtos. Program doesn't works. It hangs.
Well, I get rtos_basic sample from Handbook, slightly change it for WiFiDipCortex , compile and run. It works.
I include board startup code for host driver
NVIC_SetPriority(SSP1_IRQn, 0x0); NVIC_SetPriority(PIN_INT0_IRQn, 0x1); // SysTick set to lower priority than Wi-Fi SPI bus interrupt NVIC_SetPriority(SysTick_IRQn, 0x2);
Run samle. After few iterations it hang.
Does it possible using rtos and cc3000 host driver in one programm?
For Martin. Yes, without above startup code program work well.
Hello Andrew,
those functions SetPriority are in the examples to emphasize that a user should be aware of importance of cc3000 pin IRQ interrupt. Not really needed for simple examples.
Have you run cc3000 with RTOS? I will run your example tomorrow, need to get a debugger.
posted by Martin Kojtal 12 Dec 20130xc0170
Hi Andrew,
I've imported your project, built and flashed a WiFi DipCortex and the LED stops after a couple of flashes. Exported the project to Keil ( I'm using the free edition ) built it and flashed the Wifi DipCortex. The LED blinks continuously.
The Keil and mbed compilers are supposed to be quite close but somethings going wrong with the mbed build somewhere.
posted by Carl - SolderSplash Labs 12 Dec 2013