11 years ago.

Secondary bootloader USB MSD for LandTiger?

Hi, I have a LandTiger board and I use Ubuntu, once I compile a sketch, I want to upload with drag and drop like mbed. In the mbed page I find a tutorial, but, it says that I need to modify a file in a piece of source code, compile into a bin file and upload to LandTiger. It uses windows, I not. Somebody can give me the precompiled .bin file and instructions for upload it from Ubuntu?

Sorry for my bad English.

Best Regards. Helio.

PostData: I sent a Private Message to the user that posted the instructions above and I don't know how can I view the response (if any)

1 Answer

11 years ago.

There is more information about using the USB bootloader on this page http://mbed.org/users/hammerli22/notebook/crouching-landtiger-hidden-mbed/

Every bin is different and depends on your source code that you compiled using the online mbed environment. You should be able to download bin files from ubuntu/linux in a similar way to how it is done on windows.

Responses to private messages will be sent to the email address that you provide when you sign up for mbed (see your profile)

Thanks, but, LandTiger *don't* haves Mass Storage mode. I want to turn LandTiger into a Mass Storage Device for upload programs from linux without using the J-Link program... I asked for the secondary bootloader bin file and not for any bin file. I can't compile the project said in the above forum thread on my computer (I haven't Windows nor Keil uVision 4) and I'm asking if a user can pass me the precompilled bin file of the secondary bootloader that will allow me to use LandTiger with drag'n'drop.

That's all. Thank you very much for your answer. Best regards. Helio

posted by He lio 27 Nov 2013