10 years, 10 months ago.

Yet another CC3000 question

Hi, I have tried to make an internet radio with the LPC1768 and the CC3000. I configured a small 20K prebuffer to the VS1056. Now the problem is, that I cant stream the shout cast radio stream. It seems to play back the preloaded 20K and then cant keep up with the data rate (although it should do the 24Kbytes/second). I try to load 1000 bytes from the CC at a time. Looking into the problem with a logicanalyzer I saw that the communication between the LPC and the CC seems to have idle times in in between of about 160mS. And then only a few bytes are transferred. Is there any configuration to make it possible to stream internet radio? And secondly is there any way to do the SPI data transfers in a second thread in the background? Thanks, Regards

Hello Markus,

what's VS1056? Are you using RTOS? Will you share your code? What's the SPI speed?

posted by Martin Kojtal 19 Nov 2013

One more, please also search TI support forum, here is for example similar problem:


posted by Martin Kojtal 20 Nov 2013

Hi, thanks for the answers! Errm... I meant VS1053 mp3 chip from VSLI. The SPI speed is 8MHz. I am currently not using the RTOS. And sure I can share the code. How can I link the code here? I will look into the CC3000 supp forum.

P.S.: my code includes a nice FIFO class that may come handy to some.

posted by Markus Hirsch 20 Nov 2013
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