11 years, 4 months ago.

Porting to FRDM K20D50

Hi, first I'd like to comment on what a great job you guys did on simplifying a very complex process.

I have been attempting to expand the board coverage to the Freescale FRDM-K20D50M (and afterwards the FRDM-KL46Z). I had no issues with the instructions and was able to successfully compile using build.py , I got the K20D50M success message.

However when I attempted to build the tests, I get the error gcc: no such file or directory nano.specs

I was able to get it to complete successfully by commenting out line 141


of workspace_tools/toolchains/gcc.py, but I know this is ultimately the wrong solution. Is there a local file I can create to override this setting? Or another workaround? Or where can I find this library?

I not only tried this with my new target, but also with the KL25Z with the same results.

I'm on a linux box, I'm using gcc that I compiled from source, I also tried the code sourcery distributed binaries and had less luck.

The target I'm shooting for is the GCC_ARM, although if there is a linux distribution of the keil command line tools I'd be willing to install that as well.

Thanks again for doing a great job, I hope to get this working and submit the code when I am done.


Hello mike,

what gcc toolchain do you use? I believe that ld.append appends nano.specs to ld command. That command adds newlib-nano which was added to ARM GCC v4.7. My assumption is that your gcc toolchain does not support newlib-nano.

Have you checked KL25Z GCC ARM folder ? I did not have any problem with KL25Z and ARM GCC port.

If you need any help with the porting freedom boards, you can contact me. I have all freedom boards available, although KL46 is missing, I'll get it soon.


posted by Martin Kojtal 16 Aug 2013

Thanks for responding. I'll have to check the version when I get home. I think when I built the gcc distro I had to set it up to include newlib, so maybe this is a similar option. As I mentioned in my original post I got the same error when trying to build the tests for the kl25z as well. I have the same assumption you do, that my gcc doesn't support newlib-nano.

Have you attempted porting mbed to the other platforms? Am I duplicating your efforts? Are there files you can provide?

I'm fairly new to mbed, and I just started this porting effort Wednesday evening so I've spent less than 8 hours learning this and proceeding. They really did do a great job making this as easy as possible.


posted by Michael Conners 16 Aug 2013

What makefile do you use for building test application for KL25Z? Are you using ARM GCC? I can provide you working example for KL25z, ready to be compiled and run on mbed.

Check my notebook here with a name Offline GCC compiling and debugging with KL25Z. I wrote a blog post.

What about cmsis files for K20, do you have them? If anything, we can discuss it, drop a private message ;)


posted by Martin Kojtal 16 Aug 2013

Yes, I do have the cmsis files for the K20.

I checked out your page, informative, thanks. All I was trying to do right now was execute python workspace_tools\make.py -m K20D50M -t ARM -p 0 to make the basic test.

Once I get this working, I'll try out your methods for getting it running in eclipse.


posted by Michael Conners 16 Aug 2013

Michael Conners wrote:

They really did do a great job making this as easy as possible.


Michael Conners wrote:

I have been attempting to expand the board coverage to the Freescale FRDM-K20D50M (and afterwards the FRDM-KL46Z)

You are welcome to send us a "pull request" if you get it working.

Thanks, Emilio

posted by Emilio Monti 19 Aug 2013

1 Answer

11 years, 4 months ago.

I just needed to download gcc 4.7 and all worked fine.

Thanks Martin.

Accepted Answer

Any news on this port?

posted by Eli Hughes 17 Mar 2014