mbed Application board Accelerometer x, y, z pull out.
Working on the proprioception board code.
All axes labelled on LCD.
7 comments on mbed Application board Accelerometer x, y, z pull out.:
All code commented.
Three axes pulled out onto LCD.
Each axis is in a labelled column, separated by a | character.
Check for stability in x, y plane, take 10 measures, arithmetic mean then vote, Output to servo output for stability challenge.
The reading into axis arrays of accerometer data, summation and print to LCD complete.
Debug wait artefacts removed.
Develop stability ranges for x, y axis and incorporate into IF, ... THEN, .... ELSE structure for update of biomechanical feedback.
Feedback incorporated. STABLE/UNSTABLE flag prints to LCD.
Next task - incorporate voting routine for output to bicolour pixel array for user feedback and subsequent instruction.
Intermediate output to LED.
Voting routine incorporated for a running score on stability. Output to LED and 'NEXT LEVEL' to LCD.
Create library for bicolour LED pixel array.
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