Soil Moisture Sensor

  • Connectivity: LoRa
  • MCU: Arm Cortex M3 @ 32MHz
  • Memory: 256KB Flash, 256KB RAM
  • Silicon vendor: STMicroelectronics
Sector: Agriculture

Sensoterra have developed an easy to install wireless soil moisture sensor designed for use with all types of crops and soils. Each sensor provides hourly volumetric soil moisture readings which may be accessed for free via a mobile app, customer portal or Open API.

  • Intuitive UX, data and sensor are all included at 85% less cost when compared to the closest competitor
  • Cost reductions means more sensors can be deployed for greater accuracy
  • No subscription costs
  • Provides precise soil moisture levels leading to 10% increase in yield whilst saving time and resources
  • 3 year life cycle
  • Specification
  • LoRaWAN™ connection to a gateway which uses a cellular backhaul.
  • Built with an Multitech xDot module
  • STM32151 MCU based on an Arm Cortex-M3.
  • Visit Sensoterra for further information.

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