7 years, 2 months ago.

How to i connect FRDM-KL25Z to windows 10 ?

When i plug in the Freedom board to windows 10 using USB cable. It doesn't detect anything. At first Bootloader was opening but now that too is not responding. What should i do ?

3 Answers

7 years, 2 months ago.

@Andrea, also for you the question, can you guys please add the following on your KLxx firmware pages?

@Eshan, The KL25z and similar boards (KL05z, KL46z) are still shipped with outdated firmware that does not work with Windows 10. Updating it in Windows 7 and running it in Windows 10 should work, but there are reports (including me personally) where there is still problematic behaviour.

Follow the information here to disable some kind of Windows indexing service which likes to place files on USB drives (including the KL25z): https://developer.mbed.org/questions/77014/Reset-to-factory-settings/

Then update the Pemicro bootloader and the mbed firmware to the latest version. Note that here I have had issues where I directly dragged it from the ZIP file, and that did not work. First unzip it, then drop it in the bootloader drive.

Accepted Answer


Thanks a lot for bringing this up and for the link, I'm going to review all these steps, and also consult with others if we can come up with a solid solution.

Again thanks very much!


Andrea, team mbed

posted by Andrea Corrado 28 Mar 2017

Erik and all.

Please see the following issue raised here, if wanting to track:



Andrea, team mbed

posted by Andrea Corrado 28 Mar 2017

Hi Erik - here is a blog to link to that demonstrates how to update DAPLink bootloader firmware that would allow the interface firmware to work normally under windows 10. Would appreciate if you could help spread the word and if there are clarifications needed let me know. https://os.mbed.com/blog/entry/DAPLink-bootloader-update/

This should also allow the P&E bootloaders to be safely update using windows 10. Once an updated bootloader is successfully installed, updating interface firmware applications will be possible by simple drag and drop

posted by Sam Grove 16 Dec 2017
7 years, 2 months ago.

Hi Eshan,

Could you please follow the link below to update the firmware on the KL25Z.


What do you see when you plug the device in on your PC? And then when you hold the reset down?


Andrea, team mbed

I did that once again. The problem arises after i copy the 20140530_k20dx128_kl25z_if_opensda.s19 and MSD-DEBUG-FRDM-KL25Z_Pemicro_v118.SDA files and paste it to BOOTLOADER. Then i unplug and plug the USB again. Nothing happens after that. Neither Bootloader nor Mbed shows up in my windows 10.

posted by Eshan Gupta 28 Mar 2017


Please only copy "20140530_k20dx128_kl25z_if_opensda.s19 " to the board, then power cycle.

posted by Andrea Corrado 28 Mar 2017

Tried that too. I doesn't work. Win 10 is not able to detect MBED. I worked fine when i tried it in win7.

posted by Eshan Gupta 28 Mar 2017
7 years, 2 months ago.

To solve this problem, I:

  • Downloaded the most recent DAPLink interface package https://github.com/mbedmicro/DAPLink/releases/
  • Uncompressed it and found a interface binary named 0243_k20dx_frdmkl25z_0x8000.bin
  • Booted the FRDM-KL25Z to its bootloader mass storage device (holding the button while powering)
  • Copying the interface file (above) onto the BOOTLOADER USB target

If you're particularly unlucky then the bootloader itself is so old that the board is unusable without access to a mostly unusable out of service computer. It sounds like you have a Windows 7 IA32 OS, so that might work to reveal the bootloader MSD.

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posted by simran sidhki 05 Oct 2018