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Data Structures | Functions
spi hal tests

The SPI tests to check the implementation against the defined behavior. More...

Data Structures

struct  test_config_t


void spi_test_get_module ()
 Test that spi_get_module() returns the SPIName - unique identifier to the peripheral associated to this SPI channel. More...
void spi_test_get_capabilities ()
 Test that spi_get_capabilities() fills the given spi_capabilities_t instance with capabilities of the specified SPI peripheral. More...
void spi_test_init_free ()
 Test that spi_init() successfully initializes the pins and spi_free() can successfully reset the pins to their default state. More...
void spi_test_set_format ()
 Test that spi_format() sets/updates the transmission format of the SPI peripheral. More...
void spi_test_set_frequency ()
 Test that spi_test_set_frequency() sets the frequency used during the SPI transfer. More...
void spi_test_transfer_master ()
 Test that spi_transfer() can successfully perform transfer in master mode (TX/RX buffers are defined and have the same sizes) and returns the number of symbols clocked on the bus during this transfer. More...
void spi_test_transfer_master_fill_sym ()
 Test that spi_transfer() can successfully perform transfer in master mode (TX/RX buffers are undefined or have different sizes) and returns the number of symbols clocked on the bus during this transfer. More...
void spi_test_transfer_master_async ()
 Test that spi_transfer_async() can successfully perform asynchronous transfer in master mode. More...
void spi_test_transfer_master_async_abort ()
 Test that spi_transfer_async_abort() can successfully abort an on-going async transfer. More...
void test_spi_transfer ()
 Test that the SPI transfer can be performed in various configurations. More...
void fpga_spi_master_test_init_free (PinName mosi, PinName miso, PinName sclk)
 Test that the spi-Master can be initialized/de-initialized using all possible SPI pins. More...
void fpga_spi_test_capabilities_ssel (PinName mosi, PinName miso, PinName sclk)
 Test that the spi_get_capabilities() indicates that slave mode is unsupported if the given ssel pin cannot be managed by hardware. More...
void fpga_spi_master_test_freq (PinName mosi, PinName miso, PinName sclk)
 Test that the spi_frequency() returns actual SPI frequency. More...
void fpga_spi_master_test_common (PinName mosi, PinName miso, PinName sclk)
 Test that the SPI-Master transfer can be performed in various configurations. More...
void fpga_spi_slave_test_init_free (PinName mosi, PinName miso, PinName sclk, PinName cs)
 Test that the spi-Slave can be initialized/de-initialized using all possible SPI pins. More...
void fpga_spi_slave_test_common (const test_config_t *tc_config)
 Test that the SPI-Slave transfer can be performed in various configurations. More...

Detailed Description

The SPI tests to check the implementation against the defined behavior.

To run the spi hal tests use the command:

mbed test -t <toolchain> -m <target> -n tests-mbed_hal-spi, tests-mbed_hal_fpga_ci_test_shield-spi*

Function Documentation

void fpga_spi_master_test_common ( PinName  mosi,
PinName  miso,
PinName  sclk 

Test that the SPI-Master transfer can be performed in various configurations.

Given board provides SPI-Master support. When SPI transmission is performed using different settings. Then data is successfully transfered.

Additionally we check that spi_frequency() updates the baud rate generator leaving other configurations (format) unchanged.

void fpga_spi_master_test_freq ( PinName  mosi,
PinName  miso,
PinName  sclk 

Test that the spi_frequency() returns actual SPI frequency.

Given board provides SPI-Master support. When specified frequency is selected by means of spi_frequency(). Then frequency returned by spi_frequency() is used for the transmission.

Additionally we check that spi_format() updates the configuration of the peripheral (format) except the baud rate generator.

void fpga_spi_master_test_init_free ( PinName  mosi,
PinName  miso,
PinName  sclk 

Test that the spi-Master can be initialized/de-initialized using all possible SPI pins.

Given board provides SPI-Master support. When SPI-Master is initialized (and then de-initialized) using valid set of SPI pins. Then the operation is successfull.

void fpga_spi_slave_test_common ( const test_config_t tc_config)

Test that the SPI-Slave transfer can be performed in various configurations.

Given board provides SPI-Slave support. When SPI transmission is performed using different settings. Then data is successfully transferred.

void fpga_spi_slave_test_init_free ( PinName  mosi,
PinName  miso,
PinName  sclk,
PinName  cs 

Test that the spi-Slave can be initialized/de-initialized using all possible SPI pins.

Given board provides SPI-Slave support. When SPI-Slave is initialized (and then de-initialized) using valid set of SPI pins. Then the operation is successfull.

void fpga_spi_test_capabilities_ssel ( PinName  mosi,
PinName  miso,
PinName  sclk 

Test that the spi_get_capabilities() indicates that slave mode is unsupported if the given ssel pin cannot be managed by hardware.

Given board provides SPI support. When ssel pin passed to spi_get_capabilities() cannot be managed by hardware. Then capabilities should indicate that slave mode is unsupported.

void spi_test_get_capabilities ( )

Test that spi_get_capabilities() fills the given spi_capabilities_t instance with capabilities of the specified SPI peripheral.

Given is platform with SPI support. When spi_get_capabilities() is called with the valid SPI name (and SS pin). Then function fills the given spi_capabilities_t instance with capabilities of the specified SPI peripheral.

spi_get_capabilities() considers the ssel pin when evaluation the support_slave_mode capability.
void spi_test_get_module ( )

Test that spi_get_module() returns the SPIName - unique identifier to the peripheral associated to this SPI channel.

Given is platform with SPI support. When spi_get_module() is called with valid SPI pins. Then function returns the SPIName - unique identifier to the peripheral associated to this SPI channel.

mosi or miso pin can be undefined (but not both). mclk must be defined.
void spi_test_init_free ( )

Test that spi_init() successfully initializes the pins and spi_free() can successfully reset the pins to their default state.

Given is platform with SPI support. When spi_init() is called with the valid pins configuration and then spi_free() is called on the created SPI object. Then both operations are successfully performed.

void spi_test_set_format ( )

Test that spi_format() sets/updates the transmission format of the SPI peripheral.

Given is platform with SPI support. When spi_format() is called and valid format is specified. Then function is executed successfully.

void spi_test_set_frequency ( )

Test that spi_test_set_frequency() sets the frequency used during the SPI transfer.

Given is platform with SPI support. When spi_test_set_frequency() is called and valid frequency is specified. Then function is executed successfully and actual frequency which will be used during the transfer is returned.

Frequency can be only set by SPI peripheral operating in master mode.
Frequency must be in range specified by the capabilities of the SPI peripheral.
void spi_test_transfer_master ( )

Test that spi_transfer() can successfully perform transfer in master mode (TX/RX buffers are defined and have the same sizes) and returns the number of symbols clocked on the bus during this transfer.

Given is platform with SPI support. When spi_transfer() is called for SPI peripheral operating in master mode and both TX/RX buffers are specified and have equal sizes. Then function is executed successfully and returns number of symbols clocked on the bus during this transfer.

void spi_test_transfer_master_async ( )

Test that spi_transfer_async() can successfully perform asynchronous transfer in master mode.

Given is platform with SPI support. When spi_transfer_async() is called for SPI peripheral operating in master mode. Then function returns true on success, performs transfer and invokes specified callback when the transfer completes (passing the operation status).

void spi_test_transfer_master_async_abort ( )

Test that spi_transfer_async_abort() can successfully abort an on-going async transfer.

Given is platform with SPI support. When spi_transfer_async() is called for SPI peripheral operating in master mode and operation is aborted immediately by means of spi_transfer_async_abort(). Then operation is successfully performed and specified callback is invoked with the status which indicates that the transfer has been aborted.

void spi_test_transfer_master_fill_sym ( )

Test that spi_transfer() can successfully perform transfer in master mode (TX/RX buffers are undefined or have different sizes) and returns the number of symbols clocked on the bus during this transfer.

Given is platform with SPI support. When spi_transfer() is called for SPI peripheral operating in master mode and TX/RX buffers are undefined or have different sizes. Then function is executed successfully and returns number of symbols clocked on the bus during this transfer.

void test_spi_transfer ( )

Test that the SPI transfer can be performed in various configurations.

Given board provides at least 2 SPI peripherals, SPI slave and master mode. When SPI transmission is performed using specified configuration. Then data is successfully transfered.

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