FIAPライブラリ 構造体の内容が変わっています

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00001 #include "fiap.h"
00002 #include "mbed.h"
00003 #include "stdio.h"
00004 #include "spdomparser.hpp"
00005 #include "spxmlnode.hpp"
00006 #include "spxmlhandle.hpp"
00008 char outBuffer[2000+1]= {0};
00009 char _soap_text[2000];
00010 char uuid[37];
00011 //    HTTPClient http;
00012 //    HTTPText InData("text/html", 800);
00013 //    HTTPStream stream;
00014 //char str[50];
00015 //int yy,mo,dd,hh,mm,ss;
00016 //char requestBuffer[50];
00017 //int i,ii,ll;
00018 //HTTPResult r;
00019 //FIAP::FIAP(string Storage,string PointSetId) {
00021 void FIAP::post_xml_initialize(void)
00022 {
00023     strcpy(_soap_header,"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>");
00024     strcat(_soap_header,"<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv=\"\">");
00025     strcat(_soap_header,"<soapenv:Body>");
00026     strcat(_soap_header,"<ns2:dataRQ xmlns:ns2=\"\">");
00027     strcat(_soap_header,"<transport xmlns=\"\">");
00028     strcat(_soap_header,"<body>");
00029     strcpy(_soap_footer,"</body>");
00030     strcat(_soap_footer,"</transport>");
00031     strcat(_soap_footer,"</ns2:dataRQ>");
00032     strcat(_soap_footer,"</soapenv:Body>");
00033     strcat(_soap_footer,"</soapenv:Envelope>");
00034     strcat(_soap_footer,"\r\n\r\n");
00035     strcpy(_soap_action,"\"\"");
00036 }
00037 void FIAP::fetch_xml_initialize(void)
00038 {
00039     strcpy(_soap_header,"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>");
00040     strcat(_soap_header,"<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv=\"\">");
00041     strcat(_soap_header,"<soapenv:Body>");
00042     strcat(_soap_header,"<ns2:queryRQ xmlns:ns2=\"\">");
00043     strcat(_soap_header,"<transport xmlns=\"\">");
00044     strcat(_soap_header,"<header>");
00045     strcpy(_soap_footer,"</header>");
00046     strcat(_soap_footer,"</transport>");
00047     strcat(_soap_footer,"</ns2:queryRQ>");
00048     strcat(_soap_footer,"</soapenv:Body>");
00049     strcat(_soap_footer,"</soapenv:Envelope>");
00050     strcat(_soap_footer,"\r\n\r\n");
00051     strcpy(_soap_action,"\"\"");
00052 }
00054 FIAP::FIAP(char Storage[])
00055 {
00056     debug_mode=false;
00057     strcpy(_fiap_storage,Storage);
00058 }
00060 int FIAP::fetch_last_data(struct fiap_element* v,unsigned int esize)
00061 {
00062     HTTPClient http;
00063     int i,ii,ll,k1,k2;
00064     fetch_xml_initialize();
00065     strcpy( _soap_text, _soap_header);
00066     sprintf(uuid,"%04x%04x-%04x-%04x-%04x-%04x%04x%04x",rand()%0x10000,rand()%0x10000,rand()%0x10000,rand()%1000|0x4000,rand()%0x1000|0x8000,rand()%0x10000,rand()%10000,(rand()+1)%0x10000);
00067     strcat( _soap_text , "<query id=\"");
00068     strcat( _soap_text , uuid);
00069     strcat( _soap_text , "\" type=\"storage\">");
00070     for (i=0; i<esize; i++) {
00071         strcat(_soap_text , "<key id=\"");
00072         strcat(_soap_text , v[i].cid);
00073         strcat(_soap_text , "\" attrName=\"time\" select=\"maximum\"/>");
00074     }
00075     strcat(_soap_text , "</query>");
00076     strcat(_soap_text , _soap_footer);
00077     if (debug_mode) {
00078         printf(_fiap_storage);
00079         printf("\r\n");
00080         printf(_soap_text);
00081         printf("<<< Request(end)\n");
00082     }
00083     //HTTPText InData("text/html", 800);
00084     //InData.set(_soap_text);
00085     HTTPText InData(_soap_text);
00086     char rstr[800];
00087     HTTPText stream(rstr,800);
00088     //stream.readNext((byte*)outBuffer,1500);
00089     if (debug_mode)printf("post.start \n\r");
00090     HTTPResult r = http.postXML(_fiap_storage,"",InData,&stream);
00091     if (debug_mode) printf("post.end \n\r");
00092     if (debug_mode) {
00093         printf("****\n\r");
00094         printf(rstr);
00095         printf("\n\r****\n\r");
00096     }
00097     if(!r) {
00098         if (debug_mode)printf("Success \n");
00099     } else {
00101         if (r==HTTP_PROCESSING) {
00102             if (debug_mode)printf("Processing \n");
00103             return -1;
00104         }
00105         if (r==HTTP_PARSE) {
00106             if (debug_mode) printf("URI Parse error \n");
00107             return -1;
00108         }
00109         if (r==HTTP_DNS) {
00110             if (debug_mode) printf("Could not resolve name\n");
00111             return -1;
00112         }
00113         if (r==HTTP_PRTCL) {
00114             if (debug_mode)printf("Protocol error\n");
00115             return -1;
00116         }
00117         if (r==HTTP_NOTFOUND) {
00118             if (debug_mode)printf("HTTP 404 Error\n");
00119             return -1;
00120         }
00121         if (r==HTTP_REFUSED) {
00122             if (debug_mode) printf("HTTP 403 Error \n");
00123             return -1;
00124         }
00125         if (r==HTTP_ERROR) {
00126             if (debug_mode)printf("HTTP xxx error %d  \n ",r);
00127             return -1;
00128         }
00129         if (r==HTTP_TIMEOUT) {
00130             if (debug_mode)printf("Connection timeout\n");
00131             return -1;
00132         }
00133         if (r==HTTP_CONN) {
00134             if (debug_mode)printf("Connection error\n");
00135             return -1;
00136         }
00137         if (r==HTTP_CLOSED) {
00138             if (debug_mode)printf("Connection error\n");
00139             return -1;
00140         }
00141         if (debug_mode)printf("Unknown Network Error\n");
00142         return -1;
00143     }
00144     SP_XmlNodeList * points;
00145     SP_XmlNodeList * trans_point;
00146     if (strlen(rstr)>0) {
00147         if (debug_mode)printf("\n\r data Get Ok\n\r");
00148         SP_XmlDomParser parser;
00149         parser.append(rstr,strlen(rstr));
00150         //stream.readNext((byte*)outBuffer,4096);
00151         SP_XmlHandle rootHandle(parser.getDocument()->getRootElement());
00152         SP_XmlHandle transport = rootHandle.getChild(0).getChild(0).getChild(0);
00153         SP_XmlElementNode * fiapError = transport.getChild("header").getChild("error").toElement();
00154         int yy,mo,dd,hh,mm,ss;
00155         char str[50];
00156         if (debug_mode) printf ("%s \n",transport.toElement()->getName());
00157         if (fiapError==NULL) {
00158             SP_XmlElementNode * trans_element = transport.toElement();
00159             trans_point=(SP_XmlNodeList *)trans_element->getChildren() ;
00160             k1=trans_point->getLength();
00161             if(debug_mode)printf("Trans Child has Element of No %d \n\r",k1);
00162             SP_XmlElementNode * values;
00163             for(k2=0; k2<k1; k2++) {
00164                 values =transport.getChild(k2).toElement();
00165                 if(debug_mode)printf(values->getName());
00166                 if(debug_mode)printf("\n\r");
00167                 if(strstr((values->getName()),"body") !=NULL) {
00168                     if(debug_mode)printf("find body \n\r");
00169                     points=(SP_XmlNodeList *)values->getChildren() ;
00170                     int j=points->getLength();
00171                     if (debug_mode)    printf("GetValues of No %d \n\r",j);
00172                     SP_XmlElementNode *data_point_node,*data_value_node;
00173                     SP_XmlCDataNode *data_value_cnode;
00174                     for (i=0; i<j; i++) {
00175                         SP_XmlHandle data_handle(points->get(i));//Point
00176                         data_point_node=data_handle.toElement();
00177                         //data_value_node=data_handle.getChild("value").toElement();
00178                         //data_value_cnode=data_handle.getChild("value").getChild(0).toCData();
00179                         data_value_node=data_handle.getChild(0).toElement();
00180                         data_value_cnode=data_handle.getChild(0).getChild(0).toCData();
00181                         if (debug_mode)         printf("PointID=%s \r\n",data_point_node->getAttrValue("id"));
00182                         if (debug_mode)         printf("date=%s \r\n",data_value_node->getAttrValue("time"));
00183                         if (debug_mode)         printf("data=%s \r\n",data_value_cnode->getText());
00184                         for (ii=0; ii<esize; ii++) {
00185                             if (strcmp(v[ii].cid,data_point_node->getAttrValue("id"))==0) {
00186                                 sprintf(str,"%s",data_value_node->getAttrValue("time"));
00187                                 ll=sscanf(str,"%d-%d-%dT%d:%d:%d.",&yy,&mo,&dd,&hh,&mm,&ss);
00188                                 if (debug_mode)printf("date convert no %d (%d/%d/%d %d:%d:%d) \r\n",ll,yy,mo,dd,hh,mm,ss);
00189                                 v[ii].year=yy;
00190                                 v[ii].month=mo;
00191                                 v[ii].day=dd;
00192                                 v[ii].hour=hh;
00193                                 v[ii].minute=mm;
00194                                 v[ii].second=ss;
00195                                 sprintf(v[ii].value,"%s",data_value_cnode->getText());
00196                             }
00197                         }
00198                     }
00200                 }
00203             }
00205         } else {
00206             printf("ERROR\n\r");
00207         }
00208     } else {
00209         if (debug_mode)printf("error\n\r");
00210     }
00211     return 0;
00212 }
00214 int FIAP::fetch_last_data(struct fiap_element *v)
00215 {
00216     HTTPClient http;
00217     int ll;
00218     char rstr[800];
00219     fetch_xml_initialize();
00220     strcpy(_soap_text, _soap_header);
00221     sprintf(uuid,"%04x%04x-%04x-%04x-%04x-%04x%04x%04x",rand()%0x10000,rand()%0x10000,rand()%0x10000,rand()%1000|0x4000,rand()%0x1000|0x8000,rand()%0x10000,rand()%10000,(rand()+1)%0x10000);
00222     strcat(_soap_text , "<query id=\"");
00223     strcat(_soap_text , uuid);
00224     strcat(_soap_text , "\" type=\"storage\">");
00225     strcat(_soap_text , "<key id=\"");
00226     strcat(_soap_text , v->cid);
00227     strcat(_soap_text , "\" attrName=\"time\" select=\"maximum\"/>");
00228     strcat(_soap_text , "</query>");
00229     strcat(_soap_text , _soap_footer);
00230     if (debug_mode) {
00231         printf("\r\n");
00232         printf(_fiap_storage);
00233         printf("\r\n");
00234         printf(_soap_text);
00235         printf("<<< Request(end)\n");
00236     }
00237 //    http.setRequestHeader("Content-Type","text/xml; charset=UTF-8");
00238 //    http.setRequestHeader("SOAPAction","\"\"");
00239     HTTPText InData(_soap_text);
00240     HTTPText stream(rstr,800);
00241 //    stream.readNext((byte*)outBuffer,strlen(outBuffer));
00242     if (debug_mode)printf("post.start \n\r");
00243     HTTPResult r = http.postXML(_fiap_storage,"",InData,&stream);
00244     if (debug_mode)printf("post.end \n\r");
00245     if(!r) {
00246         if (debug_mode)printf("Success \n");
00247     } else {
00248         if (r==HTTP_PROCESSING) {
00249             if (debug_mode)printf("Processing \n");
00250             return -1;
00251         }
00252         if (r==HTTP_PARSE) {
00253             if (debug_mode) printf("URI Parse error \n");
00254             return -1;
00255         }
00256         if (r==HTTP_DNS) {
00257             if (debug_mode) printf("Could not resolve name\n");
00258             return -1;
00259         }
00260         if (r==HTTP_PRTCL) {
00261             if (debug_mode)printf("Protocol error\n");
00262             return -1;
00263         }
00264         if (r==HTTP_NOTFOUND) {
00265             if (debug_mode)printf("HTTP 404 Error\n");
00266             return -1;
00267         }
00268         if (r==HTTP_REFUSED) {
00269             if (debug_mode) printf("HTTP 403 Error \n");
00270             return -1;
00271         }
00272         if (r==HTTP_ERROR) {
00273             if (debug_mode)printf("HTTP xxx error %d  \n ",r);
00274             return -1;
00275         }
00276         if (r==HTTP_TIMEOUT) {
00277             if (debug_mode)printf("Connection timeout\n");
00278             return -1;
00279         }
00280         if (r==HTTP_CONN) {
00281             if (debug_mode)printf("Connection error\n");
00282             return -1;
00283         }
00284         if (r==HTTP_CLOSED) {
00285             if (debug_mode)printf("Connection error\n");
00286             return -1;
00287         }
00288         if (debug_mode)printf("Unknown Network Error\n");
00289         return -1;
00290     }
00291     SP_XmlNodeList * points;
00292     if (strlen(rstr)>0) {
00293         if (debug_mode)printf("\n\r data Get Ok\n\r");
00295         SP_XmlDomParser parser;
00297         // if (debug_mode)printf("stream readlen = %d \n\r",stream.readLen());
00298         // outBuffer[stream.readLen()]=0;
00299         if (debug_mode)printf("check0\n\r");
00300         parser.append(rstr,strlen(rstr));
00301         if (debug_mode)printf("check1\n\r");
00302         SP_XmlHandle rootHandle(parser.getDocument()->getRootElement());
00303         SP_XmlHandle transport = rootHandle.getChild(0).getChild(0).getChild(0);
00304         SP_XmlElementNode * fiapError = transport.getChild("header").getChild("error").toElement();
00305         int yy,mo,dd,hh,mm,ss;
00306         char str[50];
00307         if (debug_mode)printf ("%s \n\r",transport.toElement()->getName());
00308         if (fiapError==NULL) {
00309             SP_XmlElementNode * values =transport.getChild("body").toElement();
00310             points=(SP_XmlNodeList *)values->getChildren() ;
00311             //      points=values->getChildren();
00312             int j=points->getLength();
00313             if (debug_mode)    printf("GetValues of No %d \n\r",j);
00314             SP_XmlElementNode *data_point_node,*data_value_node;
00315             SP_XmlCDataNode *data_value_cnode;
00316             SP_XmlHandle data_handle(points->get(0));//Point
00317             data_point_node=data_handle.toElement();
00318             data_value_node=data_handle.getChild("value").toElement();
00319             data_value_cnode=data_handle.getChild("value").getChild(0).toCData();
00320             if (debug_mode)         printf("PointID=%s \r\n",data_point_node->getAttrValue("id"));
00321             if (debug_mode)         printf("date=%s \r\n",data_value_node->getAttrValue("time"));
00322             if (debug_mode)         printf("data=%s \r\n",data_value_cnode->getText());
00323             sprintf(str,"%s",data_value_node->getAttrValue("time"));
00324             ll=sscanf(str,"%d-%d-%dT%d:%d:%d.",&yy,&mo,&dd,&hh,&mm,&ss);
00325             if (debug_mode)printf("date convert no %d (%d/%d/%d %d:%d:%d) \r\n",ll,yy,mo,dd,hh,mm,ss);
00326             v->year=yy;
00327             v->month=mo;
00328             v->day=dd;
00329             v->hour=hh;
00330             v->minute=mm;
00331             v->second=ss;
00332             sprintf(v->value,"%s", data_value_cnode->getText());
00333         } else {
00334             printf("ERROR\n\r");
00335         }
00336     } else {
00337         if (debug_mode)printf("error\n\r");
00338     }
00339     return 0;
00340 }
00344 int FIAP::post(struct fiap_element* v, unsigned int esize)
00345 {
00346     HTTPClient http;
00347     int i;
00348     char rstr[1200];
00349     char requestBuffer[50];
00350     post_xml_initialize();
00351     strcpy(_soap_text,_soap_header);
00352     for (i=0; i<esize; i++) {
00353         sprintf(requestBuffer,"%04d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%02d.0000000",v[i].year,v[i].month,v[i].day,v[i].hour,v[i].minute,v[i].second);
00354         strcat(_soap_text , "<point id=\"");
00355         strcat(_soap_text , _fiap_id_prefix);
00356         strcat(_soap_text , v[i].cid);
00357         strcat( _soap_text, "\">");
00358         strcat(_soap_text , "<value time=\"");
00359         strcat(_soap_text , requestBuffer);
00360         strcat(_soap_text , v[i].timezone);
00361         strcat(_soap_text , "\">");
00362         strcat(_soap_text , v[i].value);
00363         strcat(_soap_text , "</value>");
00364         strcat(_soap_text , "</point>");
00365     }
00366     strcat(_soap_text , _soap_footer);
00367     if (debug_mode) {
00368         printf(_soap_text);
00369         printf("<<< Request(end)\n");
00370     }
00371 //    http.setRequestHeader("Content-Type","text/xml; charset=UTF-8");
00372 //    http.setRequestHeader("SOAPAction","\"\"");
00373 //    InData=new HTTPText();
00374     HTTPText InData(_soap_text);
00375     HTTPText OutData(rstr,1200);
00376     HTTPResult r = http.postXML(_fiap_storage,"",InData,&OutData);
00377     if(!r) {
00378         if (debug_mode)printf("Success \n");
00379         if (debug_mode) {
00380             printf("****\n\r");
00381             printf(rstr);
00382             printf("\n\r****\n\r");
00383         }
00384     } else {
00385         if (r==HTTP_PROCESSING) {
00386             if (debug_mode)printf("Processing \n");
00387             return -1;
00388         }
00389         if (r==HTTP_PARSE) {
00390             if (debug_mode) printf("URI Parse error \n");
00391             return -1;
00392         }
00393         if (r==HTTP_DNS) {
00394             if (debug_mode) printf("Could not resolve name\n");
00395             return -1;
00396         }
00397         if (r==HTTP_PRTCL) {
00398             if (debug_mode)printf("Protocol error\n");
00399             return -1;
00400         }
00401         if (r==HTTP_NOTFOUND) {
00402             if (debug_mode)printf("HTTP 404 Error\n");
00403             return -1;
00404         }
00405         if (r==HTTP_REFUSED) {
00406             if (debug_mode) printf("HTTP 403 Error \n");
00407             return -1;
00408         }
00409         if (r==HTTP_ERROR) {
00410             if (debug_mode)printf("HTTP xxx error \n");
00411             return -1;
00412         }
00413         if (r==HTTP_TIMEOUT) {
00414             if (debug_mode)printf("Connection timeout\n");
00415             return -1;
00416         }
00417         if (r==HTTP_CONN) {
00418             if (debug_mode)printf("Connection error\n");
00419             return -1;
00420         }
00421         if (r==HTTP_CLOSED) {
00422             if (debug_mode)printf("Connection error\n");
00423             return -1;
00424         }
00425         if (debug_mode)printf("Unknown Network Error\n");
00426         return -1;
00427     }
00428     return 0;
00429 }