LV8548 Motor Driver Stepper Motor Dc MOtor

Dependents:   LV8548_ON_MD_Modlle_kit_DCMtr_And_STEPMtr

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00001 /**
00002 [LV8548.h]
00003 Copyright (c) [2018] [YAMASHO]
00004 This software is released under the MIT License.
00006 */
00008 #ifndef MBED_LV8548_H
00009 #define MBED_LV8548_H
00011 #include "mbed.h"
00013 #define MAXCH   (2)
00015 #define STEPMAX_FREQ (4800)
00016 #define USE_PWM_PORT       (1) // if use stepper then (0)
00018 /** Motor Use  */
00019  enum DriverType {
00020         DCMOTOR     /** DC Motor x2 */
00021       , STEPERMOTOR /** STEPER x1   */
00022 };
00024 enum DriverPwmMode {
00025           FWD_OPEN,    /** FWD_OPEN */
00026           FWD_BRAKE,   /** FWD_BREAKE   */
00027           RVS_OPEN,    /** REVERS OPEN */
00028           RVS_BRAKE    /** REVSRS BRAKE  */
00029 };
00031 enum DriverPwmOut {
00032           OUTPUT_OFF,    /* OFF */
00033           OUTPUT_START,  /*  START  */
00034           OUTPUT_BRAKE   /* BRAAKE */
00035 };
00037 /** Motor Number  */
00038  enum DriverMotorNumber {
00039         MOTOR_A   = 0      
00040       , MOTOR_B   = 1   
00041       , MOTOR_MAX
00042 };
00045 /** Motor Dirction  */
00046  enum DriverMotorDirction {
00047         DIR_CW   = 0      
00048       , DIR_CCW  = 1   
00049       , DIR_MAX
00050 };
00052 /** Motor Step Mode */
00053  enum DriverStepMode {
00054         FULLSTEP = 0      
00055       , HALFSTEP = 1   
00056       , MOTORSTEP_MAX
00057 };
00059 /** Motor Step Mode */
00060  enum DriverPhaseStep {
00061         STEPPHASE0 = 0,     
00062         STEPPHASE1 = 1,    
00063         STEPPHASE2 = 2,    
00064         STEPPHASE3 = 3,    
00065         STEPPHASE4 = 4,    
00066         STEPPHASE5 = 5,    
00067         STEPPHASE6 = 6,   
00068         STEPPHASE7 = 7,    
00069         STEPPHASEMAX = 8        /* 必ず8 */ 
00070 };
00072 class LV8548 {
00073 public:
00074     LV8548(PinName in1, PinName in2, PinName in3, PinName in4, DriverType drivertype = DCMOTOR ,uint16_t baseus = 64);
00075 #if USE_PWM_PORT
00076     PwmOut _in1,_in2,_in3,_in4;
00077 #else
00078     DigitalOut _in1,_in2,_in3,_in4;
00079 #endif
00080     DriverType   _Drivertype;
00081     uint16_t     _baseus; 
00082 /***************************************************************************************************/
00083     DriverPwmMode _Pwmmode[MOTOR_MAX];  // pwmのモード FWD.OPEN FWD.BRAKE RVS.OPEN REV.BRAKE
00084     DriverPwmOut  _Pwmout [MOTOR_MAX];  // Start Stop Breke
00085     float _PwmPeriod      [MOTOR_MAX];  // ポートのPwm周波数
00086     float _PwmDuty        [MOTOR_MAX];  // 各Motor のduty 1.0f-0.0fまで
00087 //   uint8_t _testx;
00089     Ticker _Lv8548BaseTimer;
00091     void SetDcPwmFreqency( uint8_t ch ,float Freq );
00092     void SetDcPwmMode( uint8_t ch ,DriverPwmMode  Mode );
00093     void SetDcPwmDuty( uint8_t ch ,float        Duty   );         // 01まで
00094     void SetDcOutPut ( uint8_t ch ,DriverPwmOut  Mode  );
00095     void SetDcMotor  ( uint8_t ch );
00096     void SetDcMotorStop( uint8_t ch );
00097 /*******************************************************************************************************************/
00098     float _StepAngle;
00099     float _StepDeg;                      // 角度 0-360度
00100     float _StepFreq;                    // 周波数
00101     float _TimerCounter;                  
00102     volatile uint8_t _StepPhase;                   // Step Motorのphase
00103     volatile uint32_t _IntTimerCount;
00104 //  volatile uint32_t _PhaseCounter;
00105     volatile uint32_t _StepTimeCount;
00106     volatile bool   _StepOperation;                       // 割込内の動作状況
00107     volatile DriverStepMode _TargetStepMode;              // 目標のStep状態  Full(0)/Half(1)
00108     volatile DriverStepMode _NowStepMode;                 // 動作中のStep状態  Full(0)/Half(1)
00109     volatile DriverMotorDirction _TragetStepDirection;         // 目標のDirection Cw/Ccw
00110     volatile DriverMotorDirction _NowStepDirection;            // 動作中のDirection cw/CCW
00111     volatile uint32_t _NowStep;                    // 現状のStep
00112     volatile uint32_t _TargetStep;                 // ターゲットのStep
00113     void SetStepAngle( uint16_t Angle);         // 角度の設定
00114     void SetStepDeg  ( uint16_t frequency , uint16_t deg  , uint8_t Direction, uint8_t StepMode);
00115     void SetStepTime ( uint16_t frequency , uint16_t time , uint8_t Direction, uint8_t StepMode);
00116     void SetStepStep ( uint16_t frequency , uint16_t step , uint8_t Direction, uint8_t StepMode);
00117     void SetStepStop ( void );
00118     void SetStepFree ( void );
00119     void SetStepMotor( void );
00120     void SetStepTimerInt ( void );
00121 };
00124 #endif