LV8548 Motor Driver Stepper Motor Dc MOtor

Dependents:   LV8548_ON_MD_Modlle_kit_DCMtr_And_STEPMtr

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00001 /**
00002 [LV8548.cpp]
00003 Copyright (c) [2018] [YAMASHO]
00004 This software is released under the MIT License.
00006 */
00008 #include "LV8548.h"
00009 #include "mbed.h"
00011 #define _DEBUG_     (0)
00013 #define     COIL_A      (0X1)
00014 #define     COIL_B      (0X2)
00015 #define     COIL_C      (0X4)
00016 #define     COIL_D      (0X8)
00020 const uint8_t FullStepDrivePattern[STEPPHASEMAX] = 
00021 #if 0
00022                                    {(COIL_A | COIL_D),
00023                                     (COIL_A | COIL_D),
00024                                     (COIL_A | COIL_B),
00025                                     (COIL_A | COIL_B),
00026                                     (COIL_B | COIL_C),
00027                                     (COIL_B | COIL_C),
00028                                     (COIL_C | COIL_D),
00029                                     (COIL_C | COIL_D)};
00030 #else
00031 /// orgin
00032                                    {(COIL_A | COIL_C),
00033                                     (COIL_A | COIL_C),
00034                                     (COIL_B | COIL_C),
00035                                     (COIL_B | COIL_C),
00036                                     (COIL_B | COIL_D),
00037                                     (COIL_B | COIL_D),
00038                                     (COIL_A | COIL_D),
00039                                     (COIL_A | COIL_D)};
00041 #endif
00042 const uint8_t HaleStepDrivePattern[STEPPHASEMAX  ] =
00043 #if 0
00044                                  {(COIL_A | COIL_D),
00045                                   (COIL_A),
00046                                   (COIL_A | COIL_B),
00047                                   (COIL_B),
00048                                   (COIL_B | COIL_C),
00049                                   (COIL_C),
00050                                   (COIL_C | COIL_D),
00051                                   (COIL_D)};
00052 #else
00053 /// orgin
00054                                  {(COIL_A),
00055                                   (COIL_A | COIL_C),
00056                                   (COIL_C),
00057                                   (COIL_B | COIL_C),
00058                                   (COIL_B),
00059                                   (COIL_B | COIL_D),
00060                                   (COIL_D),
00061                                   (COIL_A | COIL_D)};
00063 #endif                             
00067 LV8548::LV8548(PinName in1, PinName in2, PinName in3, PinName in4, DriverType drivertype,uint16_t baseus):
00068                 _in1(in1),_in2(in2),_in3(in3),_in4(in4),_Drivertype(drivertype),_baseus(baseus) {
00070     _in1 = 0;
00071     _in2 = 0;
00072     _in3 = 0;
00073     _in4 = 0;
00075     _Pwmmode[MOTOR_A] =  FWD_OPEN;
00076     _Pwmmode[MOTOR_B] =  FWD_OPEN;
00078     _Pwmout[MOTOR_A]  = OUTPUT_OFF;
00079     _Pwmout[MOTOR_B]  = OUTPUT_OFF;
00081     _PwmPeriod[MOTOR_A] = 0.02f;        // 20ms
00082     _PwmPeriod[MOTOR_B] = 0.02f;        // 20ms
00084     _PwmDuty[MOTOR_A] = 1.0f;         // Duyt 100%
00085     _PwmDuty[MOTOR_B] = 1.0f;         // Duyt 100%
00087     if(_Drivertype == DCMOTOR ) return;     // DC MotorにはTimerはない。
00088     if(_baseus == 0) return;                // 0us のタイマも無し.
00090     float TimeVal = (float)_baseus / 1000000;
00091 #if _DEBUG_
00092     printf("TimerSetting %f",TimeVal);
00093 #endif
00094     _Lv8548BaseTimer.attach(this,&LV8548::SetStepTimerInt, TimeVal );
00095 }
00097 void LV8548::SetDcMotorStop(uint8_t ch)
00098 {
00099     if( _Drivertype != DCMOTOR ) return;
00100     if(ch == MOTOR_A)
00101     {
00102       _in1.write(0.0f);
00103       _in2.write(0.0f);
00104     }
00105     else
00106     {
00107       _in3.write(0.0f);
00108       _in4.write(0.0f);
00109     }
00110 }
00112 void LV8548::SetDcMotor(uint8_t ch)
00113 {
00114     if( _Drivertype != DCMOTOR ) return;
00115 #if _DEBUG_
00116     printf("Motor Set %2x %2x ",ch ,_Pwmout[ch]);
00117 #endif
00118     switch( _Pwmout[ch] )
00119     {
00120         default:    /* OUTPUT_OFF*/
00121             if(ch == MOTOR_A)
00122             {
00123                 _in1.write(0.0f);
00124                 _in2.write(0.0f);
00125 #if _DEBUG_
00126               printf("1:0.0 2:0.0 ");
00127 #endif
00128             }
00129             else
00130             if(ch == MOTOR_B)
00131             {
00132                 _in3.write(0.0f);
00133                 _in4.write(0.0f);
00134 #if _DEBUG_
00135               printf("3:0.0 4:0.0 ");
00136 #endif
00137             }
00138             break;
00139         case OUTPUT_BRAKE:
00140             if(ch == MOTOR_A)
00141             {
00142                 _in1.write(1.0f);
00143                 _in2.write(1.0f);
00144 #if _DEBUG_
00145               printf("1:1.0 2:1.0 ");
00146 #endif
00147             }
00148             else
00149             if(ch == MOTOR_B)
00150             {
00151                 _in3.write(1.0f);
00152                 _in4.write(1.0f);
00153 #if _DEBUG_
00154               printf("3:1.0 4:1.0 ");
00155 #endif
00156             }
00157             break;
00158         case OUTPUT_START:
00159             if(ch == MOTOR_A)
00160             {
00161                 switch(_Pwmmode[MOTOR_A])
00162                 {
00163                 case FWD_BRAKE:   /** FWD_BREAKE   */
00164                         _in1.write(1.0f);
00165                         _in2.write(1.0f-_PwmDuty[MOTOR_A]);
00166 #if _DEBUG_
00167               printf("1:%f 2:1.0 ",_PwmDuty[MOTOR_A]);
00168 #endif
00169                         break;
00170                 case RVS_OPEN:    /** REVERS OPEN */
00171                         _in1.write(0.0f);
00172                         _in2.write(_PwmDuty[MOTOR_A]);
00173 #if _DEBUG_
00174               printf("1:0.0 2:%f ",_PwmDuty[MOTOR_A]);
00175 #endif
00176                         break;
00177                 case RVS_BRAKE:    /** REVSRS BRAKE  */
00178                         _in1.write(1.0f-_PwmDuty[MOTOR_A]);
00179                         _in2.write(1.0f);
00180 #if _DEBUG_
00181               printf("1:1.0 2:%f ",_PwmDuty[MOTOR_A]);
00182 #endif
00183                         break;
00184                 default:        /* FWD_OPEN */
00185                         _in1.write(_PwmDuty[MOTOR_A]);
00186                         _in2.write(0.0f);
00187 #if _DEBUG_
00188               printf("1:%f 2:0.0 ",_PwmDuty[MOTOR_A]);
00189 #endif
00190                         break;
00191                 }
00192             }
00193             else
00194             if(ch == MOTOR_B)
00195             {
00196                 switch(_Pwmmode[MOTOR_B])
00197                 {
00198                 case FWD_BRAKE:   /** FWD_BREAKE   */
00199                         _in3.write(1.0f);
00200                         _in4.write(1.0f-_PwmDuty[MOTOR_B]);
00201 #if _DEBUG_
00202               printf("3:%f 4:1.0 ",_PwmDuty[MOTOR_B]);
00203 #endif
00204                         break;
00205                 case RVS_OPEN:    /** REVERS OPEN */
00206                         _in3.write(0.0f);
00207                         _in4.write(_PwmDuty[MOTOR_B]);
00208 #if _DEBUG_
00209               printf("3:0.0 4:%f",_PwmDuty[MOTOR_B]);
00210 #endif
00211                         break;
00212                 case RVS_BRAKE:    /** REVSRS BRAKE  */
00213                         _in3.write(1.0f-_PwmDuty[MOTOR_B]);
00214                         _in4.write(1.0f);
00215 #if _DEBUG_
00216               printf("3:1.0 4:%f ",_PwmDuty[MOTOR_B]);
00217 #endif
00218                         break;
00219                 default:        /*FWD_OPEN FWD_OPEN */
00220                         _in3.write(_PwmDuty[MOTOR_B]);
00221                         _in4.write(0.0f);
00222 #if _DEBUG_
00223               printf("3:%f 4:0.0 ",_PwmDuty[1]);
00224 #endif
00225                         break;
00226                 }
00227             }
00228             break;
00229     }
00230 #if _DEBUG_
00231     printf("\n");
00232 #endif
00234 }
00235 /***************************************************************************************************/
00236 /*  FFFFFF                          DDDD                    MM   MM                                */
00237 /*  FF                              DD DD                   MMM MMM           tt                   */
00238 /*  FF       oooo   rrrrr           DD  DD   cccc           MMMMMMM  oooo   tttttt   oooo   rrrrr  */
00239 /*  FFFF    oo  oo  rr  rr          DD  DD  cc              MM M MM oo  oo    tt    oo  oo  rr  rr */
00240 /*  FF      oo  oo  rr              DD  DD  cc              MM   MM oo  oo    tt    oo  oo  rr     */
00241 /*  FF      oo  oo  rr              DD DD   cc              MM   MM oo  oo    tt    oo  oo  rr     */
00242 /*  FF       oooo   rr              DDDD     cccc           MM   MM  oooo      ttt   oooo   rr     */
00243 /*                                                                                                 */
00244 /***************************************************************************************************/
00245 void LV8548::SetDcPwmFreqency( uint8_t ch ,float Freq )
00246 {
00247     if( _Drivertype != DCMOTOR ) return;
00249     if(ch == MOTOR_A)
00250     {
00251         SetDcMotorStop(MOTOR_A);
00252         _PwmPeriod[MOTOR_A] = 1/Freq;
00253 #if USE_PWM_PORT
00254         _in1.period( _PwmPeriod[MOTOR_A] );
00255         _in2.period( _PwmPeriod[MOTOR_A] );        
00256 #endif
00257         SetDcMotor(MOTOR_A);
00258  #if _DEBUG_
00259           printf("freq0 : %f ",_PwmPeriod[MOTOR_A]);
00260 #endif
00261     }else
00262     if(ch == MOTOR_B)
00263     {
00264         SetDcMotorStop(MOTOR_B);
00265         _PwmPeriod[MOTOR_B] = 1/Freq;
00266 #if USE_PWM_PORT
00267        _in3.period( _PwmPeriod[MOTOR_B] );
00268        _in4.period( _PwmPeriod[MOTOR_B] );        
00269 #endif
00270 #if _DEBUG_
00271           printf("freq1 : %f ",_PwmPeriod[MOTOR_B]);
00272 #endif
00273         SetDcMotor(MOTOR_B);
00274     }
00276 }
00278 void LV8548::SetDcPwmMode( uint8_t ch ,DriverPwmMode  Mode )
00279 {
00280     if(ch < MOTOR_MAX)
00281     {
00282 #if _DEBUG_
00283           printf("DC Pwm Set\n");
00284 #endif
00286         _Pwmmode[ch] = Mode;
00287         SetDcMotor(ch);
00288     }
00289 }
00291 void LV8548::SetDcPwmDuty( uint8_t ch ,float        Duty  )
00292 {
00293     if(ch < MOTOR_MAX)
00294     {
00295 #if _DEBUG_
00296          printf("DC Duty Set\n");
00297 #endif
00298         _PwmDuty[ch] = Duty;
00299         SetDcMotor(ch);
00300     }  
00301 }
00304 void LV8548::SetDcOutPut( uint8_t ch ,DriverPwmOut  Mode  )         
00305 {
00306     if(ch < MOTOR_MAX)
00307     {
00308 #if _DEBUG_
00309          printf("DC Out Set\n");
00310 #endif
00311         _Pwmout[ch] = Mode;
00312         SetDcMotor(ch);
00313     }  
00314 }
00316 /*******************************************************************************************************************/
00317 /*  FFFFFF                           SSSS                                   MM   MM                                */
00318 /*  FF                              SS  SS    tt                            MMM MMM           tt                   */
00319 /*  FF       oooo   rrrrr           SS      tttttt   eeee   ppppp           MMMMMMM  oooo   tttttt   oooo   rrrrr  */
00320 /*  FFFF    oo  oo  rr  rr           SSSS     tt    ee  ee  pp  pp          MM M MM oo  oo    tt    oo  oo  rr  rr */
00321 /*  FF      oo  oo  rr                  SS    tt    eeeeee  pp  pp          MM   MM oo  oo    tt    oo  oo  rr     */
00322 /*  FF      oo  oo  rr              SS  SS    tt    ee      ppppp           MM   MM oo  oo    tt    oo  oo  rr     */
00323 /*  FF       oooo   rr               SSSS      ttt   eeee   pp              MM   MM  oooo      ttt   oooo   rr     */
00324 /*                                                          pp                                                     */
00325 /*******************************************************************************************************************/
00326 void LV8548::SetStepAngle( uint16_t Angle)
00327 {
00328     _StepDeg = Angle;
00329 #if _DEBUG_
00330          printf("Set Angle Deg:%f \n",_StepDeg);
00331 #endif
00332 }
00333 /// 周波数1~4800
00334 /// DEG 0~65535     
00335 /// rotation 0:CW 1:CCW
00336 /// EXP 0:FullStep 1:HalfStep
00337 void LV8548::SetStepDeg  ( uint16_t frequency , uint16_t deg  , uint8_t Direction, uint8_t StepMode)
00338 {
00339 #if _DEBUG_
00340     printf("Deg Commnad freq:%d deg:%d dir:%d Mode%d\n",frequency , deg  , Direction, StepMode);
00341 #endif
00343     if ( frequency == 0 ) return;
00345     if( frequency > STEPMAX_FREQ )
00346     {
00347         frequency = STEPMAX_FREQ;
00348     }
00350     SetStepStop();         /* Step Motor 初期化 */
00352     _TragetStepDirection =  (DriverMotorDirction )Direction;       // CW/CCW
00353     _TargetStepMode      =  (DriverStepMode )StepMode;             // Full/Half;
00354     if(_TargetStepMode != _NowStepMode)
00355     {  /* 動作モード変更の為初期化 */
00356         _StepPhase = 0;
00357 #if _DEBUG_
00358         printf("Stepper Mode Change Then StepPhase 0\n");
00359 #endif
00360     }
00361 #if 0  // 意味の無い処理なのでコメント化
00362     if( _TragetStepDirection != _NowStepDirection )
00363     {   // 方向の変更があった時 ///
00364         if( _TragetStepDirection == DIR_CW )
00365         {
00366               _StepPhase++;       //なぜ2パターン??
00367                _StepPhase++;       // 元のソースは2パターン戻すが、必要なもないので削除
00368         }
00369         else
00370         if( _TragetStepDirection == DIR_CCW )
00371         {
00372               _StepPhase--;       //なぜ2パターン??
00373               _StepPhase--;       // 元のソースは2パターン戻すが、必要なもないので削除
00374         }
00375         _StepPhase &= STEPPHASEMAX;         // 0-7に!
00376     }
00377 #endif
00378     _StepFreq   = frequency ;
00379     if(_StepDeg)
00380     {
00381         _TargetStep = ( deg / _StepDeg);
00382         if(_TargetStepMode)
00383         {   /* HALF時2倍 */ 
00384             _TargetStep = _TargetStep + _TargetStep;
00385         }
00386     }
00387     else
00388     {
00389           _TargetStep = 0;
00390     }
00392 #if _DEBUG_
00393     printf("Analyze StepFreq:%f  TargetStep:%d StepPhase:%d \n",_StepFreq ,_TargetStep,_StepPhase);
00394 #endif
00395     SetStepMotor();
00396 }
00398 void LV8548::SetStepTime ( uint16_t frequency , uint16_t time , uint8_t  Direction, uint8_t StepMode)
00399 {
00400 #if _DEBUG_
00401     printf("Time Commnad freq:%d Time:%d dir:%d Mode%d\n",frequency ,time, Direction, StepMode);
00402 #endif
00403     if ( frequency == 0 ) return;
00405     if( frequency > STEPMAX_FREQ ) 
00406     {
00407         frequency = STEPMAX_FREQ;
00408     }
00409     SetStepStop();         /* Step Motor 初期化 */
00411     _TragetStepDirection =  (DriverMotorDirction )Direction;
00412     _TargetStepMode =  (DriverStepMode )StepMode;      // Full/Half;
00414     if(_TargetStepMode != _NowStepMode)
00415     {  /* 動作モード変更の為初期化 */
00416         _StepPhase = 0;
00417 #if _DEBUG_
00418         printf("Stepper Mode Change Then StepPhase 0\n");
00419 #endif
00420     }
00422     _StepFreq   = frequency ;
00423     _TargetStep = ( time * frequency );
00424 #if _DEBUG_
00425     printf("Analyze StepFreq:%f  TargetStep:%d StepPhase:%d \n",_StepFreq ,_TargetStep,_StepPhase);
00426 #endif
00427     SetStepMotor();
00428 }
00430 void LV8548::SetStepStep ( uint16_t frequency , uint16_t step , uint8_t Direction, uint8_t StepMode)
00431 {
00432 #if _DEBUG_
00433     printf("Step Commnad freq:%d step:%d dir:%d Mode%d\n",frequency , step  , Direction, StepMode);
00434 #endif
00435     if ( frequency == 0 ) return;
00437     if( frequency > STEPMAX_FREQ )
00438     {
00439         frequency = STEPMAX_FREQ;
00440     }
00441     SetStepStop();         /* Step Motor 初期化 */
00443     _TragetStepDirection =  (DriverMotorDirction )Direction;
00444     _TargetStepMode =  (DriverStepMode )StepMode;      // Full/Half;
00446     if(_TargetStepMode != _NowStepMode)
00447     {  /* 動作モード変更の為初期化 */
00448         _StepPhase = 0;
00449 #if _DEBUG_
00450         printf("Stepper Mode Change Then StepPhase 0\n");
00451 #endif
00452     }
00453 #if 0
00454     if( _TragetStepDirection != _NowStepDirection )
00455     {   // 方向の変更があった時 ///
00456         if( _TragetStepDirection == DIR_CW )
00457         {
00458             _StepPhase++;       //なぜ2パターン??
00459             _StepPhase++;
00460         }
00461         else
00462         if( _TragetStepDirection == DIR_CCW )
00463         {
00464             _StepPhase--;       //なぜ2パターン??
00465             _StepPhase--;
00466         }
00467         _StepPhase &= STEPPHASEMAX;         // 0-7に!
00468     }
00469 #endif
00470     _StepFreq   = frequency;
00471     _TargetStep = step;
00472 #if _DEBUG_
00473     printf("Analyze StepFreq:%f  %f TargetStep:%d StepPhase:%d \n",_StepFreq ,_TargetStep,_StepPhase);
00474 #endif
00475     SetStepMotor();
00476 }
00477 void LV8548::SetStepStop ( void )
00478 {
00479     if( _Drivertype != STEPERMOTOR ) return;
00480  /* 割込内の終了処理と同じ */
00481      _StepOperation = false;
00482     _TimerCounter = 0.0f;
00483     _NowStep      = 0;
00484 #if _DEBUG_
00485     printf("StepStop:%d \n",_StepPhase );
00486 #endif
00488 }
00489 void LV8548::SetStepFree ( void )
00490 {
00491 #if _DEBUG_
00492     printf("StepFree:%d \n",_StepPhase );
00493 #endif
00494     if( _Drivertype != STEPERMOTOR ) return;
00496     SetStepStop();
00498     _StepPhase    = 0;
00499     _in1.write(0.0f);
00500     _in2.write(0.0f);
00501     _in3.write(0.0f);
00502     _in4.write(0.0f);
00504 }
00506 void  LV8548::SetStepMotor(void)
00507 {
00508     _StepOperation = false;     // 
00510     _NowStepDirection = _TragetStepDirection;
00511     _NowStepMode      = _TargetStepMode;
00512     _IntTimerCount  = _StepTimeCount;                       /* 即初回次のシーケンス起動 なんで初回の1回も普通にカウントしているの?*/
00513     if( _NowStepMode == FULLSTEP )
00514     {
00515         _NowStep       = 1;                                 /* 波形比較により1/2シフト */
00516         _StepTimeCount = 500000.0F / _StepFreq ;
00517         _TargetStep    = _TargetStep + _TargetStep;         /* FULL時は2倍 */
00518     }
00519     else
00520     {
00521         _NowStep       = 0;
00522         _StepTimeCount = 1000000.0F / _StepFreq;                
00523     }
00524 #if _DEBUG_
00525     printf("StepTimeCount:%d \n",_StepTimeCount );
00526 #endif
00527     _StepOperation = true;
00528 }
00530 void LV8548::SetStepTimerInt(void)
00531 {
00532 uint8_t OutputImage;
00533     if(!_StepOperation )  return;
00534     _IntTimerCount += _baseus;
00536     if( _IntTimerCount >= _StepTimeCount)
00537     { 
00538         _IntTimerCount = 0;
00539         if( _TargetStep )
00540         { 
00541             if(_NowStep >= _TargetStep)
00542             {   // ステップ数よる停止条件の場合 */
00543  /* Stop処理と同じ */
00544                 _StepOperation = false;
00545                 _TimerCounter = 0.0f;
00546                 _NowStep      = 0;
00547                 return;             /* 元ソースと同じ動作にあわせる為 */
00548             }
00549             /// Image 作成 /////////////////////
00550             ++_NowStep;
00551             switch(_NowStepMode)
00552             {
00553                 case FULLSTEP:
00554                            OutputImage = FullStepDrivePattern[ _StepPhase ];
00555                            break;
00556                 case HALFSTEP:
00557                            OutputImage = HaleStepDrivePattern[ _StepPhase ];
00558                            break;
00559                 default:
00560                            OutputImage = 0;
00561                            break;
00562             }
00563 #if _DEBUG_
00564             printf("Ot:%x %x %x\n",OutputImage,_StepPhase,_TargetStepMode);    
00565 #endif
00566 #if USE_PWM_PORT
00567             if( OutputImage &  COIL_A )      _in1.write(1.0f);
00568             else                             _in1.write(0.0f);
00569             if( OutputImage &  COIL_B )      _in2.write(1.0f);
00570             else                             _in2.write(0.0f);
00571             if( OutputImage &  COIL_C )      _in3.write(1.0f);
00572             else                             _in3.write(0.0f);
00573             if( OutputImage &  COIL_D )      _in4.write(1.0f);
00574             else                             _in4.write(0.0f);
00575 #else
00576             _in1 =  (( OutputImage &  COIL_A ) != 0);
00577             _in2 =  (( OutputImage &  COIL_B ) != 0);
00578             _in3 =  (( OutputImage &  COIL_C ) != 0);
00579             _in4 =  (( OutputImage &  COIL_D ) != 0);
00580  #endif    
00581             if(_NowStepDirection)   _StepPhase --;
00582             else                    _StepPhase ++;
00583             _StepPhase = _StepPhase & (STEPPHASEMAX -1);
00584         }
00585     }
00586 }