Connections to Xively working; has 5 channels on Xively (axl_x, axl_y, axl_z, heater_status, temperature)

Dependencies:   C12832_lcd EthernetInterface LM75B MMA7660 NTPClient libxively mbed-rtos mbed

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00001 #include "mbed.h"
00002 #include "EthernetInterface.h"
00003 #include "NTPClient.h"
00004 #include "C12832_lcd.h"
00005 #include "LM75B.h"
00006 #include "MMA7660.h"
00007 #define XI_FEED_ID 1000476735 // set Xively Feed ID (numerical, no quoutes)
00008 #define XI_API_KEY "ROxvAOZ6RznZjFPGufMNNn1LiMbYseCgEwF0qn1WAmcZPPY2" // set Xively API key (double-quoted string)
00010 #include "app_board_io.h"
00012 #include "xively.h"
00013 #include "xi_err.h"
00015 #define PST_OFFSET  7*60*60
00017 Ticker timer;
00018 C12832_LCD lcd; //Graphics LCD
00019 EthernetInterface eth; //Networking functions
00020 NTPClient ntp; //NTP client
00021 LM75B tmp(p28,p27);
00022 float lowTemp = 74;
00023 float highTemp = 86;
00024 float temp;
00025 int heaterOn = 0;
00026 AnalogIn pot1(p20);
00027 AnalogIn pot2(p19);
00028 #define LOOP_DELAY_MS 100
00029 //update time every 10 minutes
00030 #define UPDATE_TIME 60*1
00031 #define UPDATE_XIVELY 60*1
00032 MMA7660 axl(p28, p27);// accelerometer
00033 int updateTimeFromServer = 1;
00035 //Xively globals
00036 int update_xively = 1;
00037 xi_feed_t feed;
00038 xi_datapoint_t* current_temperature;
00039 xi_datapoint_t* current_x;
00040 xi_datapoint_t* current_y;
00041 xi_datapoint_t* current_z;
00042 xi_datapoint_t* current_heaterstatus;
00043 xi_datastream_t* heaterstatus_datastream;
00044 xi_context_t* xi_context;
00047 void setUpXively() {
00048     memset( &feed, NULL, sizeof( xi_feed_t ) );
00050     feed.feed_id = XI_FEED_ID;
00051     feed.datastream_count = 5;
00053     feed.datastreams[0].datapoint_count = 1;
00054     xi_datastream_t* temperature_datastream = &feed.datastreams[0];
00055     strcpy( temperature_datastream->datastream_id, "temperature" );
00056     current_temperature = &temperature_datastream->datapoints[0];
00058     feed.datastreams[1].datapoint_count = 1;
00059     xi_datastream_t* axl_x_datastream = &feed.datastreams[1];
00060     strcpy( axl_x_datastream->datastream_id, "axl_x" );
00061     current_x = &axl_x_datastream->datapoints[0];
00063     feed.datastreams[2].datapoint_count = 1;
00064     xi_datastream_t* axl_y_datastream = &feed.datastreams[2];
00065     strcpy( axl_y_datastream->datastream_id, "axl_y" );
00066     current_y = &axl_y_datastream->datapoints[0];
00068     feed.datastreams[3].datapoint_count = 1;
00069     xi_datastream_t* axl_z_datastream = &feed.datastreams[3];
00070     strcpy( axl_z_datastream->datastream_id, "axl_z" );
00071     current_z = &axl_z_datastream->datapoints[0];
00073     feed.datastreams[4].datapoint_count = 1;
00074     heaterstatus_datastream = &feed.datastreams[4];
00075     strcpy( heaterstatus_datastream->datastream_id, "heater_status" );
00076     current_heaterstatus = &heaterstatus_datastream->datapoints[0];
00078     // create the cosm library context
00079     xi_context = xi_create_context( XI_HTTP, XI_API_KEY, feed.feed_id );
00081 }
00083 void connectToTheInternet()
00084 {
00085     eth.init(); //Init and use DHCP
00086     wait(2);
00087     lcd.cls();
00088     lcd.printf("Getting IP Address\r\n");
00089     printf("\n\rGetting IP Address\r\n");
00090     if(eth.connect(60000)!=0) {
00091         lcd.printf("DHCP error - No IP");
00092         wait(10);
00093     } else {
00094         lcd.printf("IP is %s\n", eth.getIPAddress());
00095         printf("IP is %s\n", eth.getIPAddress());
00096         wait(2);
00097     }
00098     lcd.cls();
00099 }
00101 void updateTimeRoutine()
00102 {
00103     if (ntp.setTime("") == 0) {
00104         printf("Time updated!");
00105     } else {
00106         lcd.locate(0,0);
00107         printf("Time update failed \n\r");
00108         lcd.printf("Time update failed");
00109     }
00110     updateTimeFromServer = 0;
00111 }
00113 void updateTime()
00114 {
00115     updateTimeFromServer = 1;
00116 }
00118 void updateXively() {
00119     update_xively = 1;    
00120 }
00122 void updateXivelyRoutine() {
00123     xi_set_value_f32( current_temperature, );
00124     xi_set_value_f32( current_x, axl.x() );
00125     xi_set_value_f32( current_y, axl.y() );
00126     xi_set_value_f32( current_z, axl.z() );
00127     update_xively = 0;  
00128     printf( "update...\n" );
00129     xi_feed_update( xi_context, &feed );
00131     //xi_response_t myInData;
00132     //myInData = xi_feed_get(xi_context, &feed);
00133     xi_datastream_get(xi_context, feed.feed_id, heaterstatus_datastream->datastream_id, heaterstatus_datastream->datapoints);
00134     printf( "\n\rHEATER STATUS: %d...\n",heaterstatus_datastream->datapoints[0]);
00135     current_heaterstatus = &heaterstatus_datastream->datapoints[0];
00136     int heatervalue = current_heaterstatus->value.i32_value;
00137     printf("HeaterStatus: %d", heatervalue);
00138     printf( "done...\n" ); 
00139 }
00141 //POT values are 0:1, will allow high and low temperatures
00142 //lets you set temp between 50 and 100 degrees
00143 void updateTempsFromPots()
00144 {
00145     float lowTempPot = pot2*50.0+50;
00146     float highTempPot = pot1*50.0+50;
00147     //round to the nearest whole number
00148     lowTempPot = floor(lowTempPot+.5);
00149     highTempPot = floor(highTempPot+.5);
00150     //high temp must be at least 1 degree above low temp
00151     if (highTempPot <= lowTempPot) {
00152         highTempPot = lowTempPot +1;
00153     }
00154     //Refresh the display if the temps have changed by more than a degree
00155     if ((lowTemp != lowTempPot) || (highTemp != highTempPot)) {
00156         lowTemp = lowTempPot;
00157         highTemp = highTempPot;
00158         lcd.locate(0,0);
00159         lcd.printf("\n\r%.1f LOW: %.0f HIGH: %.0f", temp, lowTemp, highTemp);
00160         printf("LOW: %.2f HIGH: %.2f\n\r", lowTemp, highTemp);
00161     }
00162 }
00164 int main()
00165 {
00166     connectToTheInternet();
00167     setUpXively();
00168     //Variable to hold the current minute so we only update the display when the minute changes
00169     char currentMinute[2];
00170     currentMinute[1] = 'a';
00171     char minute[2];
00173     float currentTemp = -200;
00174     lcd.printf("Updating time...\r\n");
00175     printf("Updating time...\r\n");
00176     if (ntp.setTime("") == 0) {
00177         printf("Set time successfully\r\n");
00178         lcd.cls();
00179         timer.attach(&updateTime, UPDATE_TIME);
00180         timer.attach(&updateXively, UPDATE_XIVELY);
00181         lcd.printf("\n\r\n\rHEATER OFF");
00183         while(1) {
00184             if(updateTimeFromServer) {
00185                 updateTimeRoutine();
00186             }
00187             if(update_xively){
00188                 updateXivelyRoutine();
00189             }
00190             //Sets temp from POTs
00191             updateTempsFromPots();
00192             //Fetch the time
00193             time_t ctTime;
00194             ctTime = time(NULL)- PST_OFFSET;
00195             char timeBuffer[32];
00197             //See if the minute has changed; set an update display flag if it has
00198             strftime(minute, 8, "%M", localtime(&ctTime));
00199             if ( (minute[1] != currentMinute[1]) ) {
00200                 //Formats the time for display
00201                 strftime(timeBuffer, 32, "%a %b %d %I:%M%p\n\r", localtime(&ctTime));
00202                 printf("%s\r", timeBuffer);
00203                 lcd.locate(0,0);
00204                 lcd.printf("%s\r", timeBuffer);
00205                 currentMinute[1] = minute[1];
00206             }
00208             //Update the temperature display if the temperature, set temp has changed
00209             temp =*9.0/5.0 + 32.0;
00211             //checks if the temperature (rounded to the nearest whole number) has changed
00212             if (floor(temp+.5) != floor(currentTemp+.5)) {
00213                 printf("Temp change: %.1f F\n\r", temp);
00214                 currentTemp = temp;
00215                 lcd.locate(0,0);
00216                 //updates the temperature line of the display
00217                 lcd.printf("\n\r%.1f LOW: %.0f HIGH: %.0f", temp, lowTemp, highTemp);
00218             }
00220             lcd.locate(0,0);
00222             //Heater logic: turns off if it has gone over the high temp and is on,
00223             //or if under the low temp and is off
00224             if (heaterOn && (temp > highTemp) ) {
00225                 printf("Heater turned OFF\n\r");
00226                 heaterOn = 0;
00227                 lcd.locate(0,0);
00228                 lcd.printf("\n\r\n\rHEATER OFF");
00229             } else if (!heaterOn && (temp < lowTemp) ) {
00230                 printf("Heater turned ON\n\r");
00231                 heaterOn = 1;
00232                 lcd.locate(0,0);
00233                 lcd.printf("\n\r\n\rHEATER ON");
00234             }
00235             wait(LOOP_DELAY_MS*.001);
00236         }
00237     } else {
00238         lcd.printf("NTP Error\r\n");
00239     }
00240     eth.disconnect();
00241 }