Fork of my original MQTTGateway

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00001 #include "RadioCfg.h"
00002 #include <string.h>
00003 #include <stdlib.h>
00005 static char tempstr[100];
00007 static int jsoneq(const char * json, jsmntok_t * tok, const char * s)
00008 {
00009     if (tok->type == JSMN_STRING && (int) strlen(s) == tok->end - tok->start &&
00010         strncmp(json + tok->start, s, tok->end - tok->start) == 0) {
00011             return 0;
00012     }
00013     return -1;    
00014 }
00016 int parseradioconfig(const char * jsonstring, RadioCfg & radiocfg)
00017 {
00018     int i, r;
00020     jsmn_parser p;
00021     jsmntok_t t[128];
00023     jsmn_init(&p);
00024     r = jsmn_parse(&p, jsonstring, strlen(jsonstring), t, sizeof(t)/sizeof(t[0]));
00025     if ( r < 0 )
00026         return -1;
00028     /* Top level element is an object */
00029     if (r < 1 || t[0].type != JSMN_OBJECT)
00030     {
00031         return -1;
00032     }
00034     /* Loop over all tokens */
00035     for (i = 1; i < r; i++)
00036     {
00037         if (jsoneq(jsonstring, &t[i], "error") == 0)
00038         {
00039             // Query returned an error ...
00040             return -1;
00041         }
00042         else if (jsoneq(jsonstring, &t[i], "id") == 0)
00043         {
00044             memset(&tempstr[0], 0, sizeof(tempstr));
00045             strncpy(&tempstr[0], jsonstring + t[i+1].start, (t[i+1].end - t[i+1].start));  
00046             // Store the radio id ...
00047             radiocfg.radioID = strtoull(tempstr, NULL, 0);
00048             i++;
00049         }
00050         else if (jsoneq(jsonstring, &t[i], "name") == 0)
00051         {
00052             memset(&[0], 0, RADIO_NAME_LEN);
00053             strncpy(&[0], jsonstring + t[i+1].start, (t[i+1].end - t[i+1].start));
00054             i++;
00055         }
00056         else if (jsoneq(jsonstring, &t[i], "country") == 0)
00057         {
00058             memset(&[0], 0, RADIO_NAME_LEN);
00059             strncpy(&[0], jsonstring + t[i+1].start, (t[i+1].end - t[i+1].start));
00060             i++;
00061         }
00062         else if (jsoneq(jsonstring, &t[i], "utc_offset") == 0)
00063         {
00064             memset(&tempstr[0], 0, sizeof(tempstr));
00065             strncpy(&tempstr[0], jsonstring + t[i+1].start, (t[i+1].end - t[i+1].start));  
00066             // Store the radio id ...
00067             radiocfg.utc_offset = strtoul(&tempstr[0], NULL, 0);            
00068             i++;
00069         }                
00070         else if (jsoneq(jsonstring, &t[i], "radios") == 0)
00071         {
00072             int j;
00073             // Radios is an array of radio objects
00074             if (t[i+1].type != JSMN_ARRAY){
00075                 continue;
00076             }
00078             int arrsize = t[i+1].size;
00079             // Move to the start of the array
00080             i += 2;
00081             for (j = 0; j < arrsize; j++)
00082             {
00083                 RadioSlave slv;                
00084                 int r = t[i + j].size;
00085                 //jsmntok_t * g = &t[i + j];                
00086                 //printf(" * %.*s\n", g->end - g->start, jsonstring + g->start);
00087                 // Enumerate objects within the array
00088                 for (int z = 0; z < r ; z++)
00089                 {
00091                     if (jsoneq(jsonstring, &t[i+j+(z*2)+1], "id") == 0)
00092                     {
00093                         jsmntok_t * o = &t[i+j+(z*2)+2];
00094                         memset(&tempstr[0], 0, sizeof(tempstr));
00095                         strncpy(&tempstr[0], jsonstring + o->start, o->end - o->start);
00096                         slv.radioID = strtoull(&tempstr[0], NULL, 0);
00097                     }
00098                     else if (jsoneq(jsonstring, &t[i+j+(z*2)+1], "name") == 0)
00099                     {
00100                         jsmntok_t * o = &t[i+j+(z*2)+2];
00101                         memset(&[0], 0, RADIO_NAME_LEN);
00102                         strncpy(&[0], jsonstring + o->start, o->end - o->start);
00103                     }
00104                     if (jsoneq(jsonstring, &t[i+j+(z*2)+1], "temp_pin") == 0)
00105                     {
00106                         jsmntok_t * o = &t[i+j+(z*2)+2];
00107                         memset(&tempstr[0], 0, sizeof(tempstr));
00108                         strncpy(&tempstr[0], jsonstring + o->start, o->end - o->start);
00109                         slv.temp_pin = strtoul(&tempstr[0], NULL, 0);
00110                     }
00111                     if (jsoneq(jsonstring, &t[i+j+(z*2)+1], "humid_pin") == 0)
00112                     {
00113                         jsmntok_t * o = &t[i+j+(z*2)+2];
00114                         memset(&tempstr[0], 0, sizeof(tempstr));
00115                         strncpy(&tempstr[0], jsonstring + o->start, o->end - o->start);
00116                         slv.humid_pin = strtoul(&tempstr[0], NULL, 0);
00117                     }
00118                     if (jsoneq(jsonstring, &t[i+j+(z*2)+1], "lumin_pin") == 0)
00119                     {
00120                         jsmntok_t * o = &t[i+j+(z*2)+2];
00121                         memset(&tempstr[0], 0, sizeof(tempstr));
00122                         strncpy(&tempstr[0], jsonstring + o->start, o->end - o->start);
00123                         slv.lumin_pin = strtoul(&tempstr[0], NULL, 0);
00124                     }                
00125                     if (jsoneq(jsonstring, &t[i+j+(z*2)+1], "spinkler_pin") == 0)
00126                     {
00127                         jsmntok_t * o = &t[i+j+(z*2)+2];
00128                         memset(&tempstr[0], 0, sizeof(tempstr));
00129                         strncpy(&tempstr[0], jsonstring + o->start, o->end - o->start);                                
00130                         slv.sprinkler_pin = strtoul(&tempstr[0], NULL, 0);
00131                     }     
00132                     if (jsoneq(jsonstring, &t[i+j+(z*2)+1], "hthreshold") == 0)
00133                     {
00134                         jsmntok_t * o = &t[i+j+(z*2)+2];
00135                         memset(&tempstr[0], 0, sizeof(tempstr));
00136                         strncpy(&tempstr[0], jsonstring + o->start, o->end - o->start);                                
00137                         slv.hthreshold = strtoul(&tempstr[0], NULL, 0);
00138                     }                                             
00139                     else
00140                     {
00141                         // TODO:
00142                     }
00143                 }
00144                 // Add the radio slave to the vector                
00145                 radiocfg.radios.push_back(slv);                
00146                 i += (t[i+j].size) * 2;
00147             }
00148             // Move to the end of the object
00149             i += 4;
00150         }else
00151         {
00153         }
00154     }
00156     return 0;    
00157 }