Use a shared queue of X items - One thread adds items at random times - The other thread pulls at random times - They need to synchronize when the queue is full (producer) or empty (consumer)!


frunzia default tip

2018-11-29, by vicara [Thu, 29 Nov 2018 17:57:31 +0000] rev 1


Use a shared queue of X items; - One thread adds items at random times; - The other thread pulls at random times; - They need to synchronize when the; queue is full (producer) or empty; (consumer)!

2018-11-29, by vicara [Thu, 29 Nov 2018 17:08:02 +0000] rev 0

Use a shared queue of X items; - One thread adds items at random times; - The other thread pulls at random times; - They need to synchronize when the; queue is full (producer) or empty; (consumer)!