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00001 /*
00002 # This file is Copyright 2002 Dean Hall.
00003 # This file is part of the PyMite VM.
00004 # This file is licensed under the MIT License.
00005 # See the LICENSE file for details.
00006 */
00009 #ifndef __CODEOBJ_H__
00010 #define __CODEOBJ_H__
00013 /**
00014  * \file
00015  * \brief CodeObj Type
00016  *
00017  * CodeObj type header.
00018  */
00021 /** Code image field offset consts */
00022 #define CI_TYPE_FIELD       0
00023 #define CI_SIZE_FIELD       1
00024 #define CI_ARGCOUNT_FIELD   3
00025 #define CI_FLAGS_FIELD      4
00026 #define CI_STACKSIZE_FIELD  5
00027 #define CI_NLOCALS_FIELD    6
00029 #ifdef HAVE_CLOSURES
00030 # define CI_FREEVARS_FIELD  7
00031 # ifdef HAVE_DEBUG_INFO
00032 #  define CI_FIRST_LINE_NO  8
00033 #  define CI_NAMES_FIELD    10
00034 # else
00035 #  define CI_NAMES_FIELD    8
00036 # endif /* HAVE_DEBUG_INFO */
00037 #else
00038 # ifdef HAVE_DEBUG_INFO
00039 #  define CI_FIRST_LINE_NO  7
00040 #  define CI_NAMES_FIELD    9
00041 # else
00042 #  define CI_NAMES_FIELD    7
00043 # endif /* HAVE_DEBUG_INFO */
00044 #endif /* HAVE_CLOSURES */
00047 /** Native code image size */
00048 #define NATIVE_IMAGE_SIZE   4
00050 /* Masks for co_flags (from Python's code.h) */
00051 #define CO_OPTIMIZED 0x01
00052 #define CO_NEWLOCALS 0x02
00053 #define CO_VARARGS 0x04
00054 #define CO_VARKEYWORDS 0x08
00055 #define CO_NESTED 0x10
00056 #define CO_GENERATOR 0x20
00057 #define CO_NOFREE 0x40
00059 /**
00060  * Code Object
00061  *
00062  * An extended object that holds only the most frequently used parts
00063  * of the static code image.  Other parts can be obtained by
00064  * inspecting the code image itself.
00065  */
00066 typedef struct PmCo_s
00067 {
00068     /** Object descriptor */
00069     PmObjDesc_t od;
00070     /** Address in progmem of the code image, or of code img obj in heap */
00071     uint8_t const *co_codeimgaddr;
00072     /** Address in RAM of names tuple */
00073     pPmTuple_t co_names;
00074     /** Address in RAM of constants tuple */
00075     pPmTuple_t co_consts;
00076     /** Address in memspace of bytecode (or native function) */
00077     uint8_t const *co_codeaddr;
00079 #ifdef HAVE_DEBUG_INFO
00080     /** Address in memspace of the line number table */
00081     uint8_t const *co_lnotab;
00082     /** Address in memspace of the filename */
00083     uint8_t const *co_filename;
00084     /** Line number of first source line of lnotab */
00085     uint16_t co_firstlineno;
00086 #endif /* HAVE_DEBUG_INFO */
00088 #ifdef HAVE_CLOSURES
00089     /** Address in RAM of cellvars tuple */
00090     pPmTuple_t co_cellvars;
00091     /** Number of freevars */
00092     uint8_t co_nfreevars;
00093 #endif /* HAVE_CLOSURES */
00095     /** Memory space selector */
00096     PmMemSpace_t co_memspace:8;
00097     /** Number of positional arguments the function expects */
00098     uint8_t co_argcount;
00099     /** Compiler flags */
00100     uint8_t co_flags;
00101     /** Stack size */
00102     uint8_t co_stacksize;
00103     /** Number of local variables */
00104     uint8_t co_nlocals;
00105 } PmCo_t,
00106  *pPmCo_t;
00108 /**
00109  * Native Code Object
00110  *
00111  * An extended object that holds only the most frequently used parts
00112  * of the static native image.  Other parts can be obtained by
00113  * inspecting the native image itself.
00114  */
00115 typedef struct PmNo_s
00116 {
00117     /** object descriptor */
00118     PmObjDesc_t od;
00119     /** expected num args to the func */
00120     int8_t no_argcount;
00121     /** index into native function table */
00122     int16_t no_funcindx;
00123 } PmNo_t,
00124  *pPmNo_t;
00127 /**
00128  * Creates a CodeObj by loading info from a code image in memory.
00129  *
00130  * An image is a static representation of a Python object.
00131  * The process of converting an object to and from an image
00132  * is also called marshalling.
00133  * In PyMite, code images are the equivalent of .pyc files.
00134  * Code images can only contain a select subset of object types
00135  * (None, Int, Float, String, Slice?, Tuple, and CodeImg).
00136  * All other types (Lists, Dicts, CodeObjs, Modules, Classes,
00137  * Functions, ClassInstances) are built at runtime.
00138  *
00139  * All multibyte values are in Little Endian order
00140  * (least significant byte comes first in the byte stream).
00141  *
00142  * memspace and *paddr determine the start of the code image.
00143  * Load the code object with values from the code image,
00144  * including the names and consts tuples.
00145  * Leave contents of paddr pointing one byte past end of
00146  * code img.
00147  *
00148  * The code image has the following structure:
00149  *      -type:      8b - OBJ_TYPE_CIM
00150  *      -size:      16b - number of bytes
00151  *                  the code image occupies.
00152  *      -argcount:  8b - number of arguments to this code obj.
00153  *      -stacksz:   8b - the maximum arg-stack size needed.
00154  *      -nlocals:   8b - number of local vars in the code obj.
00155  *      -names:     Tuple - tuple of string objs.
00156  *      -consts:    Tuple - tuple of objs.
00157  *      -code:      8b[] - bytecode array.
00158  *
00159  * @param   memspace memory space containing image
00160  * @param   paddr ptr to ptr to code img in memspace
00161  *          return by reference: paddr points one byte
00162  *          past end of code img
00163  * @param   r_pco Return arg.  New code object with fields
00164  *          filled in.
00165  * @return  Return status
00166  */
00167 PmReturn_t
00168 co_loadFromImg(PmMemSpace_t memspace, uint8_t const **paddr, pPmObj_t *r_pco);
00170 /**
00171  * Recursively sets image address of the CO and all its nested COs
00172  * in its constant pool.  This is done so that an image that was
00173  * received during an interactive session will persist as long as any
00174  * of its COs/funcs/objects is still alive.
00175  *
00176  * @param   pco Pointer to root code object whose images are set
00177  * @param   pimg Pointer to very top of code image (PmodeImgObj)
00178  */
00179 void co_rSetCodeImgAddr(pPmCo_t pco, uint8_t const *pimg);
00181 /**
00182  * Creates a Native code object by loading a native image.
00183  *
00184  * An image is a static representation of a Python object.
00185  * A native image is much smaller than a regular image
00186  * because only two items of data are needed after the type:
00187  * the number of args the func expects and the index into
00188  * the native function table.
00189  * A reference to the image is not needed since it is
00190  * just as efficient to store the info in RAM as it is to
00191  * store a pointer and memspace value.
00192  *
00193  * memspace and *paddr determine the start of the native image.
00194  * Loads the argcount and the func index from the native object.
00195  * Leaves contents of paddr pointing one byte past end of
00196  * code img.
00197  *
00198  * The native image has the following structure:
00199  *      -type:      8b - OBJ_TYPE_CIM
00200  *      -argcount:  8b - number of arguments to this code obj.
00201  *      -code:      16b - index into native function table.
00202  *
00203  * @param   memspace memory space containing image
00204  * @param   paddr ptr to ptr to code img in memspace (return)
00205  * @param   r_pno Return by reference, new code object
00206  * @return  Return status
00207  */
00208 PmReturn_t no_loadFromImg(PmMemSpace_t memspace,
00209                           uint8_t const **paddr, pPmObj_t *r_pno);
00211 #endif /* __CODEOBJ_H__ */