Emulation of LocalFileSystem with virtual COM.

Dependencies:   USBDevice

Dependents:   KL46Z-lpc81isp lpcterm2

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00001 #include "Storage.h"
00002 #include "FATFileSystem.h"
00003 #include <ctype.h>
00005 #if (DEBUG2 > 3)
00006 #define STORAGE_DBG(...) do{fprintf(stderr,"[%s@%d] ",__PRETTY_FUNCTION__,__LINE__);fprintf(stderr,__VA_ARGS__);fprintf(stderr,"\r\n");} while(0);
00007 #else
00008 #define STORAGE_DBG(...)
00009 #endif
00011 LocalStorage::LocalStorage(StorageInterface* storage, const char* name)
00012         : FATFileSystem(name),_storage(storage)
00013 {
00014     _name = name;
00015 }
00017 static bool match1(const char* name, const char* pat) {
00018     while(1) {
00019         char c = *pat++;
00020         char d = *name++;
00021         if (c == '\0' && d == '\0') {
00022             return true;
00023         } else if (c == '\0' || d == '\0') {
00024             return false;
00025         }
00026         switch(c) {
00027             case '?':
00028                 break;
00029             case '*':
00030                 name--;
00031                 while(*name) {
00032                     if (*name == '.') {
00033                         break;
00034                     }
00035                     name++;
00036                 }
00037                 break;
00038             default:
00039                 if (toupper(d) != toupper(c)) {
00040                     return false;
00041                 }
00042                 break;
00043         }
00044     }
00045 }
00047 extern FILINFO FATDirHandle_finfo; // fat/FATDirHandle.cpp
00048 /* static */ bool LocalStorage::find(char* name, size_t size, const char* dirname, const char* pat)
00049 {
00050     char dirpath[32];
00051     strcpy(dirpath, "/");
00052     if (strlen(dirname) >= sizeof(dirpath)-2) {
00053         return false;
00054     }
00055     strcat(dirpath, dirname);
00056     DIR *dir = ::opendir(dirpath);
00057     if (dir == NULL) {
00058         return false;
00059     }
00060     uint32_t fdatetime = 0;
00061     bool found = false;
00062     struct dirent *entry;
00063     while ((entry = readdir(dir)) != NULL) {
00064         if (match1(entry->d_name, pat)) {
00065             FILINFO* fi = &FATDirHandle_finfo;
00066             uint32_t datetime =  fi->ftime | (fi->fdate<<16);
00067             STORAGE_DBG("datetime=%08x [%s]", datetime, entry->d_name);
00068             if (datetime > fdatetime) {
00069                 fdatetime = datetime;
00070                 if (strlen(dirpath) + 1 + strlen(entry->d_name) < size) {
00071                     strcpy(name, dirpath);
00072                     strcat(name, "/");
00073                     strcat(name, entry->d_name);
00074                     found = true;
00075                 }
00076             }
00077         }
00078     }
00079     closedir(dir);
00080     return found;
00081 }