This is the published version of the ADPD2140 driver for STM32 NUCLEO-L432KC microcontroller evaluation board. This firmware allows use of the ADPD2140 light angle sensor and ADPD1080 AFE on-chip gesture recognition engine. Swipe your hand over the sensor board to detect: -up -down -left -right -click

Dependencies:   mbed mbed-dsp


This is the published version of the ADPD2140 daughterboard NUCLEO-L432KC code, used for gesture recognition with the ADPD2140 and ADPD1080. default tip

2018-11-20, by tylerrayADI [Tue, 20 Nov 2018 18:16:45 +0000] rev 0

This is the published version of the ADPD2140 daughterboard NUCLEO-L432KC code, used for gesture recognition with the ADPD2140 and ADPD1080.