School project.

Dependencies:   Timezone NTPClient BSP_DISCO_F746NG Grove_temperature

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00001 /**
00002 @file    setup_functions.h
00003 @author  Tu Tri Huynh
00004 @date    January 13, 2021
00005 @brief   Functions used for initial setup of the unit, specifically to set the building and room where unit installation is planned.
00006 */
00008 /**
00009 Declaration of the function (prototype) to allow other functions to call it
00010 @date 1/13/2021
00011 */
00012 void setup_set_room_and_building();
00014 /**
00015 Prompt user for confirmation if happy with inputted information
00016 1/13/2021
00017 */
00018 void setup_confirm()
00019 {
00020     char answer;
00021     printf("Type y for Yes, n to redo: ");
00022     scanf("%1s",&answer);
00023     if (answer == 'y' || answer == 'Y')
00024     {
00025         printf("Setup successfully completed.\n");
00026     }
00027     else
00028     {
00029         /// This will empty the buffer and will avoid already inputted data to be used in scanf etc.
00030         int c;
00031         do {
00032             c = getchar();
00033         } while (c != EOF && c != '\n');
00035         setup_set_room_and_building();
00036     }
00037     /**
00038     printf("setup_confirm function end\n");
00039     */
00040 }
00042 /**
00043 Show inputted information, and call setup_confirm to ask for confirmation.
00044 1/13/2021
00045 */
00046 void setup_show_settings()
00047 {
00048     printf("Is this correct?\n");
00049     printf("----------------------------\n");
00050     printf("Building: %s\n", building);
00051     printf("Room: %s\n", room);
00052     printf("----------------------------\n");
00053     setup_confirm();  
00054 }
00056 /**
00057 Function to set building and room. Will call setup_show_settings to show what has been inputted.
00058 1/13/2021
00059 */
00060 void setup_set_room_and_building()
00061 {
00062     char temp;
00063     /** 1/14/2021 
00064        When using %s, string will be terminated when white space is found.
00065        Therefore, set it to read white spaces with %[^\n]
00066        Also, changed wording to reduce "please" sentences.*/
00067     /**
00068     printf("Please set the building (maximum 30 characters): ");
00069     scanf("%30s", building);
00070     printf("Please set the room (maximum 30 characters): ");
00071     scanf("%30s", room); */
00072     printf("Enter name of building (maximum 30 characters): ");
00073     scanf("%[^\n]", building);
00074     printf("Enter name of room (maximum 30 characters): ");
00075     /// temp statement to clear buffer
00076     scanf("%c", &temp);
00077     scanf("%[^\n]", room);
00079     setup_show_settings();
00080 }
00082 /**
00083 Function to run the initial setup process.
00084 1/13/2021
00085 */
00086 void setup_run_setup()
00087 {
00088     printf("\n*********************************************************\n");
00089     printf("Welcome to the Light Control System initial setup process\n");
00090     printf("Please set the units' location...\n\n");
00091     setup_set_room_and_building();
00092 }