School project.

Dependencies:   Timezone NTPClient BSP_DISCO_F746NG Grove_temperature

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00001 /**
00002 @file    main_functions.h
00003 @author  Tu Tri Huynh
00004 @date    January 18, 2021
00005 @brief   Functions to be envoked in main function. Uses global variables.
00006 */
00008 /**
00009 This function will update the sensor readings.
00010 1/18/2021
00011 */
00012 void main_update_readings()
00013 {
00014     light_sensor_reading =;    
00015     light_intensity = helper_get_sensor_read_in_percent(light_sensor_reading);
00016     rotary_reading =;
00017     rotary_setting = helper_get_sensor_read_in_percent(rotary_reading);
00018 }
00020 /**
00021 This function will check which sensor controls the light, allowing the rotary or the light sensor to determine blink rate, 
00022 and updates the lcd display accordingly
00023 1/19/2021
00024 */
00025 void main_check_light_control()
00026 {
00027     if (rotary_is_on(rotary))
00028     {
00029         led_set_blink_rate(rotary_reverse_read(rotary_reading));
00030     }
00031     else
00032     {
00033         led_set_blink_rate(light_sensor_reading);
00034     }
00036     lcd_update_upper_right(light_intensity, rotary_setting);
00037 }
00039 /**
00040 Reads the temperature and updates the display if temperature has changed.
00041 1/19/2021
00042 */
00043 void main_update_temperature(bool switch_temp)
00044 {
00045     int new_temp = (int)temp.getTemperature();
00046     /// Update if change in temperature
00047     if (current_temp != new_temp) 
00048     {
00049         current_temp = new_temp;
00050         lcd_update_lower_right(temp.getTemperature(), is_fahrenheit);
00051     }
00052     /// Check if change temperature unit wanted
00053     else if (switch_temp == true)
00054     {
00055         lcd_update_lower_right(temp.getTemperature(), is_fahrenheit);
00056     }
00057 }
00059 /**
00060 Runs a while loop that checks for button presses
00061 1/19/2021
00062 */
00063 void main_run_button_check()
00064 {
00065     while(1)
00066     {
00067         switch_temp = button_switch_temp_unit(button, is_fahrenheit);
00068         main_update_temperature(switch_temp);
00069         switch_temp = false;
00070         wait_us(250000);
00071     }
00072 }
00074 /**
00075 Runs the setup menu
00076 1/19/2021
00077 */
00078 void main_run_setup()
00079 {
00080     lcd_initialize();
00081     lcd_show_setup_screen();
00082     setup_run_setup();
00083 }
00085 /**
00086 Starts the main screen on LCD display
00087 1/19/2021
00088 */
00089 void main_run_main_screen()
00090 {
00091     lcd_show_main_screen();
00092     lcd_update_lower_left(building, room);
00093 }