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00001 #ifndef SHED_H
00002 #define SHED_H
00003 #include <string>
00004 #include <sstream>
00005 #include <iostream>
00006 #include <vector>
00007 #include "Datetime.h"
00009 using namespace std;
00010 /**
00011 * This class Shed can be used to act as one sheduled class (of many)
00012 *
00013 * @author  Jordy Ampe
00014 * @version 1.0
00015 * @since   2019-05-08
00016 */
00017 class Shed{
00018     private:
00019         string lokaal;
00020         Datetime* start;
00021         Datetime* einde;
00022         string prof;
00023         string klasgroep;
00024         string vak;
00025         string comments;
00026     public:        
00027         /**
00028         * Constructor to make a Shed from json as a string
00029         * @param json is a string with the received json for one shedules class from the API
00030         */
00031         Shed(string json);
00033         /**
00034         * Destructor for a Shed
00035         */
00036         ~Shed();
00038         /**
00039         * @return lokaal as a string
00040         */
00041         string getLokaal();
00043         /**
00044         * @return start as a Datetime*
00045         */
00046         Datetime* getStart();
00048         /**
00049         * @return einde as a Datetime*
00050         */
00051         Datetime* getEinde();
00053         /**
00054         * @return prof as a string
00055         */
00056         string getProf();
00058         /**
00059         * @return Klasgroep as a string
00060         */
00061         string getKlasgroep();
00063         /**
00064         * @return vak as a string
00065         */
00066         string getVak();
00068         /**
00069         * @return comments as a string
00070         */
00071         string getComments();
00073         /**
00074         * @param jsons is a vector of json formated shedules
00075         * @return * to the vector of Shed's
00076         */
00077         static vector<Shed>* getShedVector(vector<string> jsons);
00078 };
00079 #endif