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00001 #include "mbed.h"
00002 #include "Datetime.h"
00003 #include <string>
00004 #include <sstream>
00005 #include <iostream>
00006 using namespace std;
00008 Datetime::Datetime(string datetime) {
00009     /* Voorbeeld datetime input
00010     "2019-03-22 15:45:00"
00011     */
00012     this->year = atoi(datetime.substr(0,4).c_str());
00013     this->month = atoi(datetime.substr(5,2).c_str());
00014     this->day = atoi(datetime.substr(8,2).c_str());
00015     this->hour = atoi(datetime.substr(11,2).c_str());
00016     this->minute = atoi(datetime.substr(14,2).c_str());
00017     this->second = atoi(datetime.substr(17,2).c_str());
00018 }
00020 Datetime::~Datetime() {
00021     //int's are freed automatically
00022 }
00024 int Datetime::getDay () {
00025     return day;
00026 }
00028 int Datetime::getMonth () {
00029     return month;
00030 }
00032 int Datetime::getYear () {
00033     return year;
00034 }
00036 int Datetime::getHour () {
00037     return hour;
00038 }
00040 int Datetime::getMinute () {
00041     return minute;
00042 }
00044 int Datetime::getSecond () {
00045     return second;
00046 }
00048 string Datetime::getDate () {
00049     string date = "";
00050     string buf; // string which will contain the result
00051     ostringstream convert0; // stream used for the conversion
00052     ostringstream convert1;
00053     ostringstream convert2;
00054     convert0 << day; // insert the textual representation of 'Number' in the characters in the stream
00055     buf = convert0.str(); // set 'Result' to the contents of the stream    
00056     if(day < 10) {date += "0";}
00057     date += buf + "/";
00058     if(month < 10) {date += "0";}
00059     convert1 << month;
00060     buf = convert1.str();
00061     date += buf + "/";
00062     convert2 << year;
00063     buf = convert2.str();
00064     date += buf;
00065     return date;
00066 }
00068 string Datetime::getTime () {
00069     string time = "";
00070     string buf; // string which will contain the result
00071     ostringstream convert0; // stream used for the conversion
00072     ostringstream convert1;
00073     ostringstream convert2;
00074     convert0 << hour; // insert the textual representation of 'Number' in the characters in the stream
00075     buf = convert0.str(); // set 'Result' to the contents of the stream
00076     if(hour < 10) {time += "0";}
00077     time += buf + ":";
00078     if(minute < 10) {time += "0";}
00079     convert1 << minute;
00080     buf = convert1.str();
00081     time += buf + ":";
00082     if(second < 10) {time += "0";}
00083     convert2 << second;
00084     buf = convert2.str();
00085     time += buf;
00086     return time;
00087 }
00089 string Datetime::getDatetime () {
00090     return getDate() + " " + getTime();
00091 }