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Data Structures

Data Structures

Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
CharReaderInterface for reading JSON from a char array
CharReaderBuilderBuild a CharReader implementation
ExceptionBase class for all exceptions we throw
StreamWriter::FactoryA simple abstract factory
FeaturesConfiguration passed to reader and writer
LogicErrorExceptions thrown by JSON_ASSERT/JSON_FAIL macros
PathExperimental and untested: represents a "path" to access a node
PathArgumentExperimental and untested: represents an element of the "path" to access a node
RuntimeErrorExceptions which the user cannot easily avoid
StaticStringLightweight wrapper to tag static string
StreamWriterBuilderBuild a StreamWriter implementation
ValueRepresents a JSON value
ValueConstIteratorConst iterator for object and array value
ValueIteratorIterator for object and array value
ValueIteratorBaseBase class for Value iterators