Development mbed library for MAX32630FTHR

Dependents:   blinky_max32630fthr

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00001 """Tests for the toolchain sub-system"""
00002 import sys
00003 import os
00004 from string import printable
00005 from copy import deepcopy
00006 from mock import MagicMock, patch
00007 from hypothesis import given
00008 from hypothesis.strategies import text, lists, fixed_dictionaries
00010 ROOT = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "..", "..",
00011                                     ".."))
00012 sys.path.insert(0, ROOT)
00014 from tools.toolchains import TOOLCHAIN_CLASSES, LEGACY_TOOLCHAIN_NAMES,\
00015     Resources
00016 from tools.targets import TARGET_MAP
00018 def test_instantiation ():
00019     """Test that all exported toolchain may be instantiated"""
00020     for name, tc_class in  TOOLCHAIN_CLASSES.items():
00021         cls = tc_class(TARGET_MAP["K64F"])
00022         assert name == or\
00023             name == LEGACY_TOOLCHAIN_NAMES[]
00025 ALPHABET = [char for char in printable if char not in [u'.', u'/']]
00027 @given(fixed_dictionaries({
00028     'common': lists(text()),
00029     'c': lists(text()),
00030     'cxx': lists(text()),
00031     'asm': lists(text()),
00032     'ld': lists(text())}),
00033        lists(text(min_size=1, alphabet=ALPHABET), min_size=1))
00034 def test_toolchain_profile_c (profile, source_file):
00035     """Test that the appropriate profile parameters are passed to the
00036     C compiler"""
00037     filename = deepcopy(source_file)
00038     filename[-1] += ".c"
00039     to_compile = os.path.join(*filename)
00040     with patch('os.mkdir') as _mkdir:
00041         for _, tc_class in TOOLCHAIN_CLASSES.items():
00042             toolchain = tc_class(TARGET_MAP["K64F"], build_profile=profile)
00043             toolchain.inc_md5 = ""
00044             toolchain.build_dir = ""
00045             compile_command = toolchain.compile_command(to_compile,
00046                                                         to_compile + ".o", [])
00047             for parameter in profile['c'] + profile['common']:
00048                 assert any(parameter in cmd for cmd in compile_command), \
00049                     "Toolchain %s did not propigate arg %s" % (,
00050                                                             parameter)
00052 @given(fixed_dictionaries({
00053     'common': lists(text()),
00054     'c': lists(text()),
00055     'cxx': lists(text()),
00056     'asm': lists(text()),
00057     'ld': lists(text())}),
00058        lists(text(min_size=1, alphabet=ALPHABET), min_size=1))
00059 def test_toolchain_profile_cpp (profile, source_file):
00060     """Test that the appropriate profile parameters are passed to the
00061     C++ compiler"""
00062     filename = deepcopy(source_file)
00063     filename[-1] += ".cpp"
00064     to_compile = os.path.join(*filename)
00065     with patch('os.mkdir') as _mkdir:
00066         for _, tc_class in TOOLCHAIN_CLASSES.items():
00067             toolchain = tc_class(TARGET_MAP["K64F"], build_profile=profile)
00068             toolchain.inc_md5 = ""
00069             toolchain.build_dir = ""
00070             compile_command = toolchain.compile_command(to_compile,
00071                                                         to_compile + ".o", [])
00072             for parameter in profile['cxx'] + profile['common']:
00073                 assert any(parameter in cmd for cmd in compile_command), \
00074                     "Toolchain %s did not propigate arg %s" % (,
00075                                                             parameter)
00077 @given(fixed_dictionaries({
00078     'common': lists(text()),
00079     'c': lists(text()),
00080     'cxx': lists(text()),
00081     'asm': lists(text()),
00082     'ld': lists(text())}),
00083        lists(text(min_size=1, alphabet=ALPHABET), min_size=1))
00084 def test_toolchain_profile_asm (profile, source_file):
00085     """Test that the appropriate profile parameters are passed to the
00086     Assembler"""
00087     filename = deepcopy(source_file)
00088     filename[-1] += ".s"
00089     to_compile = os.path.join(*filename)
00090     with patch('os.mkdir') as _mkdir:
00091         for _, tc_class in TOOLCHAIN_CLASSES.items():
00092             toolchain = tc_class(TARGET_MAP["K64F"], build_profile=profile)
00093             toolchain.inc_md5 = ""
00094             toolchain.build_dir = ""
00095             compile_command = toolchain.compile_command(to_compile,
00096                                                         to_compile + ".o", [])
00097             if not compile_command:
00098                 assert compile_command, to_compile
00099             for parameter in profile['asm']:
00100                 assert any(parameter in cmd for cmd in compile_command), \
00101                     "Toolchain %s did not propigate arg %s" % (,
00102                                                             parameter)
00104     for name, Class in  TOOLCHAIN_CLASSES.items():
00105         CLS = Class(TARGET_MAP["K64F"])
00106         assert name == or name ==  LEGACY_TOOLCHAIN_NAMES[]
00109 @given(lists(text(alphabet=ALPHABET, min_size=1), min_size=1))
00110 def test_detect_duplicates(filenames):
00111     c_sources = [os.path.join(name, "dupe.c") for name in filenames]
00112     s_sources = [os.path.join(name, "dupe.s") for name in filenames]
00113     cpp_sources = [os.path.join(name, "dupe.cpp") for name in filenames]
00114     with MagicMock() as notify:
00115         toolchain = TOOLCHAIN_CLASSES["ARM"](TARGET_MAP["K64F"], notify=notify)
00116         res = Resources()
00117         res.c_sources = c_sources
00118         res.s_sources = s_sources
00119         res.cpp_sources = cpp_sources
00120         assert res.detect_duplicates(toolchain) == 1,\
00121             "Not Enough duplicates found"
00123         _, (notification, _), _ = notify.mock_calls[1]
00124         assert "dupe.o" in notification["message"]
00125         assert "dupe.s" in notification["message"]
00126         assert "dupe.c" in notification["message"]
00127         assert "dupe.cpp" in notification["message"]