ATT example code

Dependencies:   WNCInterface mbed-rtos mbed

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00001 #include "mbed.h"
00002 #include "MQTTClient.h"
00003 #include "MQTTFormat.h"
00004 #include "MQTTWNCInterface.h"
00005 #include "rtos.h"
00006 #include "k64f.h"
00007 #include "HTS221.h"
00008 #include "MODSERIAL.h"
00010 I2C i2c(PTC11, PTC10);         //SDA, SCL -- define the I2C pins being used
00012 MODSERIAL pump(PTC15, PTC14);//TX, RX to connect pump
00014 #include "hardware.h"
00015 /*
00016 #define ORG_ID      "44a8w4" 
00017 #define DEVICE_TYPE "IoT-Moog-1"
00018 #define DEVICE_NAME "IoT-Moog-Device1"
00019 #define USERNAME    "use-token-auth"                                    
00020 #define PASSWORD    "ih*SKz2AyUSt+I*L0N"                                   
00021 */
00023 #define ORG_ID      "hpy42p" 
00024 #define DEVICE_TYPE "PumpTest"
00025 #define DEVICE_NAME "SomethingOtherThanPumpTest"
00026 #define USERNAME    "use-token-auth"                                    
00027 #define PASSWORD    "SLD21utaPZP7TE8Vgk"    
00029 #define URL    ORG_ID ""
00030 #define CLIENTSTR   "d:" ORG_ID ":" DEVICE_TYPE ":%s"
00032 #define PORT        1883                           // MQTT broker port number
00033 #define PUBLISH_TOPIC "iot-2/evt/status/fmt/json"              // MQTT topic
00034 #define SUBSCRIBTOPIC "iot-2/cmd/+/fmt/+"
00035 /// Largest msg possible is 111 bytes - header, 99 data bytes, CheckSum, LF/CR
00036 #define PDMS_MAX_COMMAND_SIZE 111
00037 Thread serial_thread;
00038 volatile int key_reader =0;
00039 volatile int old_Key =0;
00040 char command_str[PDMS_MAX_COMMAND_SIZE];
00041 unsigned char AIL_Enable=0;
00042 Queue<uint32_t, 6> messageQ;
00044 // LED color control function
00045 void controlLED(color_t led_color) {
00046     switch(led_color) {
00047         case red :
00048             greenLED = blueLED = 1;          
00049             redLED = 0.7;
00050             break;
00051         case green :
00052             redLED = blueLED = 1;
00053             greenLED = 0.7;
00054             break;
00055         case blue :
00056             redLED = greenLED = 1;
00057             blueLED = 0.7;
00058             break;
00059         case off :
00060             redLED = greenLED = blueLED = 1;
00061             break;
00062     }
00063 }
00065 // Switch 2 interrupt handler
00066 void sw2_ISR(void) {
00067     messageQ.put((uint32_t*)22);
00068 }
00070 // Switch3 interrupt handler
00071 void sw3_ISR(void) {
00072     messageQ.put((uint32_t*)33);
00073 }
00075 // MQTT message arrived callback function
00076 void messageArrived(MQTT::MessageData& md) {
00077     MQTT::Message &message = md.message;
00078     PRINTF("Receiving MQTT message:  %.*s\r\n", message.payloadlen, (char*)message.payload);
00080     if (message.payloadlen == 3) {
00081         if (strncmp((char*)message.payload, "red", 3) == 0)
00082             controlLED(red);
00084         else if(strncmp((char*)message.payload, "grn", 3) == 0)
00085             controlLED(green);
00087         else if(strncmp((char*)message.payload, "blu", 3) == 0)
00088             controlLED(blue);
00090         else if(strncmp((char*)message.payload, "off", 3) == 0)
00091             controlLED(off);
00092     }        
00093 }
00095 void alla_serial() 
00096 {
00097   printf("Enter Thread alla_serial");
00098   while(1)
00099    {
00100         memset(command_str, 0x00,PDMS_MAX_COMMAND_SIZE);
00101         pump.gets(command_str, PDMS_MAX_COMMAND_SIZE);
00102         printf("%s", command_str); //print data received from Pump
00103         if(strstr(command_str, "Standby"))
00104         {
00105             key_reader=8;
00106         }
00107         else if(strstr(command_str, "Paused"))
00108         {
00109             if(AIL_Enable == 0)
00110                 key_reader=1;
00111             else
00112                 AIL_Enable--;
00113         }
00114         else if(strstr(command_str, "AIR IN LINE"))
00115         {
00116             key_reader=2;
00117             AIL_Enable=2;
00118         }
00119         else if(strstr(command_str, "Run Interval"))
00120         {
00121             key_reader=3;
00122         }
00123         else if(strstr(command_str, "Run Continous"))
00124         {
00125             key_reader=4;
00126         }
00127         else if(strstr(command_str, "DOOR OPEN"))
00128         {
00129             key_reader=5;
00130             AIL_Enable=2;
00131         }
00132         else if(strstr(command_str, "Priming"))
00133         {
00134             key_reader=6;
00135         }
00136         else if(strstr(command_str, "PUMP WAITING"))
00137         {
00138             key_reader=7;
00139         }
00140         else if(strstr(command_str, "Cleared"))
00141         {
00142             key_reader=9;
00143         }
00144         else
00145         {
00146            printf("\n %s", command_str);
00147         }
00148    }
00149 }
00150 int main() {
00151 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
00152     pump.baud(115200);
00153    // pump.format(8, SerialBase::Even, 1);
00154     serial_thread.start(&alla_serial);
00155 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
00157     int rc, pSW2=0, txSel=0, good = 0;
00158     Timer tmr;
00159     char* topic = PUBLISH_TOPIC;
00160     char clientID[100], buf[100];
00161     string st, uniqueID;
00163     HTS221 hts221;
00165     pc.baud(115200);
00166     rc = hts221.init();
00167     if ( rc  ) {
00168         PRINTF(BLU "HTS221 Detected (0x%02X)\n\r",rc);
00169         PRINTF("  Temp  is: %0.2f F \r\n  Huumid is: %02d %%\r\n\r\n",
00170               CTOF(hts221.readTemperature()), hts221.readHumidity()/10);
00171     }
00172     else {
00173         PRINTF(RED "HTS221 NOT DETECTED!\n\r");
00174     }
00176     controlLED(green);
00178     // set SW2 and SW3 to generate interrupt on falling edge 
00179     switch2.fall(&sw2_ISR);
00180     switch3.fall(&sw3_ISR);
00182     // initialize ethernet interface
00183     MQTTwnc ipstack = MQTTwnc();
00185     // get and display client network info
00186     WNCInterface& eth = ipstack.getEth();
00188     // construct the MQTT client
00189     MQTT::Client<MQTTwnc, Countdown> client = MQTT::Client<MQTTwnc, Countdown>(ipstack);
00191     controlLED(blue);
00193     char* hostname = URL;
00194     int port = PORT;
00195  //   uniqueID = "IoT-Moog-Device1";   //Guru Device
00196     uniqueID = "SomethingOtherThanPumpTest";         // Suraj Device
00197     sprintf(clientID, CLIENTSTR, uniqueID.c_str());
00199     PRINTF("Local network info...\r\n");    
00200     PRINTF("IP address is %s\r\n", eth.getIPAddress());
00201     PRINTF("MAC address is %s\r\n", eth.getMACAddress());
00202     PRINTF("Gateway address is %s\r\n", eth.getGateway());
00203     PRINTF("Your <uniqueID> is: %s\r\n", uniqueID.c_str());
00204     PRINTF("---------------------------------------------------------------\r\n");
00206     MQTTPacket_connectData data = MQTTPacket_connectData_initializer;       
00208     int tries;
00210     while( !good ) {   
00212         tries=0;
00213         // connect to TCP socket and check return code
00214         tmr.start();
00215         rc = 1;
00216         while( rc && tries < 3) {
00217             PRINTF("\r\n\r\n(%d) Attempting TCP connect to %s:%d:  ", tries++, hostname, port);
00218             rc = ipstack.connect(hostname, port);
00219             if( rc ) {
00220                 PRINTF("Failed (%d)!\r\n",rc);
00221                 while( tmr.read_ms() < 5000 ) ;
00222                 tmr.reset();
00223             }
00224             else {
00225                 PRINTF("Success!\r\n");
00226                 rc = 0;
00227             }
00228         }
00229         if( tries < 3 )
00230           tries = 0;
00231         else
00232           continue;
00234         data.willFlag = 0;  
00235         data.MQTTVersion = 3;
00237         data.clientID.cstring = clientID;
00238         data.username.cstring = USERNAME;
00239         data.password.cstring = PASSWORD;
00240         data.keepAliveInterval = 10;
00241         data.cleansession = 1;
00243         rc = 1;
00244         tmr.reset(); 
00245         while( !client.isConnected() && rc && tries < 3) {
00246             PRINTF("(%d) Attempting MQTT connect to '%s': ", tries++, clientID);
00247             rc = client.connect(data);
00248             if( rc ) {
00249                 PRINTF("Failed (%d)!\r\n",rc);
00250                 while( tmr.read_ms() < 5000 );
00251                 tmr.reset();
00252             }
00253             else
00254                 PRINTF("Success!\r\n");
00255         }
00257         if( tries < 3 )
00258           tries = 0;
00259         else
00260           continue;
00262         // subscribe to MQTT topic
00263         tmr.reset();
00264         rc = 1;
00265         while( rc && client.isConnected() && tries < 3) {
00266             PRINTF("(%d) Attempting to subscribing to MQTT topic '%s': ", tries, SUBSCRIBTOPIC);
00267             rc = client.subscribe(SUBSCRIBTOPIC, MQTT::QOS0, messageArrived);
00268             if( rc ) {
00269                 PRINTF("Failed (%d)!\r\n", rc);
00270                 while( tmr.read_ms() < 5000 );
00271                 tries++;
00272                 tmr.reset();
00273             }
00274             else {
00275                 good=1;
00276                 PRINTF("Subscribe successful!\r\n");
00277             }
00278         }
00279         while (!good);
00280     }        
00282     MQTT::Message message;
00283     message.qos = MQTT::QOS0;
00284     message.retained = false;
00285     message.dup = false;
00286     message.payload = (void*)buf;
00288     while(true) 
00289     {
00290        osEvent switchEvent = messageQ.get(100);
00291         if(key_reader != old_Key)
00292         {
00293             old_Key = key_reader;  
00294             memset(buf,0x00,sizeof(buf));
00295              //sprintf(buf, "{\"d\" : {\"Key\" : %d }}", key_reader);
00296              sprintf(buf, "{\"Key\":\"%d\"}", key_reader);
00297              PRINTF("Publishing MQTT message '%s' ", (char*)message.payload);
00298              message.payloadlen = strlen(buf);
00299              PRINTF("\n payloadlen:(%d)\r\n",message.payloadlen);
00300              rc = client.publish(topic, message);
00301              if( rc ) 
00302              {
00303                  PRINTF("Publish request failed! (%d)\r\n",rc);
00304                  FATAL_WNC_ERROR(resume);
00305              }
00306         }
00307         else
00308         {
00309             client.yield(1000);
00310         }
00311    }         
00312 }