Sample program of the mbed Audio Framework for the Nucleo F746ZG

Dependencies:   amakusa mbed-dsp mbed shimabara ukifune unzen_nucleo_f746

Fork of Signal_nucleo_f746 by seiichi horie

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00001 #include "signal_processing.h"
00003 /*========================= Project Dependent Method =========================*/
00004         // Modify this constructor to initialize your audio algorithm.
00005 SignalProcessing::SignalProcessing( unsigned int  block_size )
00006 {
00007         // place the signal processing initializing code here.
00008     this->volume_level = 0.0;   // sample initializaiton
00009 }   // End of constructor()
00012         // Modify this method to implement your audio algorithm.
00013 void SignalProcessing::run(           
00014             float rx_left_buffer[],     // array of the left input samples
00015             float rx_right_buffer[],    // array of the right input samples
00016             float tx_left_buffer[],     // place to write the left output samples
00017             float tx_right_buffer[],    // place to write the right output samples
00018             unsigned int block_size     // block size [sample]
00019            )
00020 {
00021         // place the signal processing coce here
00022     for ( int i= 0; i< block_size; i++ )
00023     {
00024             tx_left_buffer[i]  = rx_left_buffer[i]  * this->volume_level;
00025             tx_right_buffer[i] = rx_right_buffer[i] * this->volume_level;
00026     }
00027 }   // End of run()
00030         // Sample method. Set the volume level to the object.
00031 void SignalProcessing::set_volume( float vol )
00032 {
00033     this->enter_critical_section();     // forbidden interrrupt.
00034     this->volume_level = vol;
00035     this->leave_critical_section();     // now, ok to accept interrupt.
00036 }
00040 /************************** skeleton dependent methond. ***********************/
00041         // essential members. Do not touch.
00042 void SignalProcessing::enter_critical_section(void)
00043 {
00044     __disable_irq();    // globaly forbid all interrupt
00045 }
00047 void SignalProcessing::leave_critical_section(void)
00048 {
00049     __enable_irq();     // globaly allow all interrupts
00050 }