Basic Audio Signal Processing Library

Dependents:   unzen_sample_nucleo_f746 skeleton_unzen_nucleo_f746 ifmag_noise_canceller synthesizer_f746



  • ヒステリシス
  • sin/cosオシレータ
  • リミッター


--- a/oscsincos.h	Mon Jan 02 11:04:49 2017 +0000
+++ b/oscsincos.h	Sat Jan 21 07:16:37 2017 +0000
@@ -11,20 +11,20 @@
             * \param freq Frequency in Hz.
             * \param Fs Sampling frequency in Hz.
-        OSCSinCos( float freq, int Fs );
+        OSCSinCos( float freq, int Fs, int block_size );
             * \brief wave generator method
             * \param c Pointer to the buffer to output the sine signal.  
             * \param s Pointer to the buffer to output the cosine singal. If NULL, cosine signal will be skipped.
             * \params count Number of sample to be generated.
-        void run( float *s, float *c , int count );
+        void run( float *s, float *c );
             * \brief wave generator method
             * \param c Pointer to the buffer to output the sine signal.  
             * \params count Number of sample to be generated.
-        void run( float *s, int count ){run(s, 0, count);}
+        void run( float *s ){run(s, 0);}
             * \brief set the oscillation furequncy.
             * \param freq Frequency in Hz.
@@ -49,6 +49,7 @@
         float deltaPhase;   // deltaPhase per sample.
         int sampleFreq;     // in Hz
         int phaseInSample;  // internal phase [sample]
+        int bs;             // blockSize