few changes for RTS/CTS control

Dependencies:   MTS-Serial libmDot mbed-rtos mbed

Fork of mDot_AT_firmware by MultiTech

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00001 #ifndef ATSERIAL_H
00002 #define ATSERIAL_H
00004 #include "MTSSerial.h"
00005 #include "MTSBufferedIO.h"
00007 namespace mts
00008 {
00010 /** This class derives from MTSBufferedIO and provides a buffered wrapper to the
00011 * standard mbed Serial class. Since it depends only on the mbed Serial class for
00012 * accessing serial data, this class is inherently portable accross different mbed
00013 * platforms.
00014 */
00015 class ATSerial : public MTSSerial
00016 {
00017 public:
00018     /** Creates a new ATSerial object that can be used to talk to an mbed serial port
00019     * through internal SW buffers.
00020     *
00021     * @param TXD the transmit data pin on the desired mbed Serial interface.
00022     * @param RXD the receive data pin on the desired mbed Serial interface.
00023     * @param txBufferSize the size in bytes of the internal SW transmit buffer. The
00024     * default is 256 bytes.
00025     * @param rxBufferSize the size in bytes of the internal SW receive buffer. The
00026     * default is 256 bytes.
00027     */
00028     ATSerial(PinName TXD, PinName RXD, int txBufferSize = 256, int rxBufferSize = 256);
00030     /** Destructs an ATSerial object and frees all related resources, including
00031     * internal buffers.
00032     */
00033     virtual ~ATSerial();
00035     /**
00036      * Attach the internal serial object to provided pins
00037      * @param TXD the transmit data pin on the desired mbed Serial interface.
00038      * @param RXD the receive data pin on the desired mbed Serial interface.
00039      */
00040     void reattach(PinName TXD, PinName RXD);
00042     /** This method is used to the set the baud rate of the serial port.
00043     *
00044     * @param baudrate the baudrate in bps as an int. The default is 9600 bps.
00045     */
00046     void baud(int baudrate);
00048     /** This method sets the transmission format used by the serial port.
00049     *
00050     * @param bits the number of bits in a word (5-8; default = 8)
00051     * @param parity the parity used (SerialBase::None, SerialBase::Odd, SerialBase::Even,
00052     * SerialBase::Forced1, SerialBase::Forced0; default = SerialBase::None)
00053     * @param stop the number of stop bits (1 or 2; default = 1)
00054     */
00055     void format(int bits=8, SerialBase::Parity parity=mbed::SerialBase::None, int stop_bits=1);
00057     /** Generate a break condition on the serial line
00058      */
00059     void sendBreak();
00061     /** Check for escape sequence detected on serial input
00062      *  @return true if escape sequence was seen
00063      */
00064     bool escaped();
00066     void escapeChar(char esc);
00068     char escapeChar();
00070     void clearEscaped();
00073 protected:
00075     RawSerial* _serial; // Internal mbed Serial object
00076     int _baudrate;
00077     int _bits;
00078     SerialBase::Parity _parity;
00079     int _stop_bits;
00080     Timer timer;
00081     int _last_time;
00082     int _esc_cnt;
00083     char _esc_ch;
00084     bool _escaped;
00086     virtual void handleWrite(); // Method for handling data to be written
00087     virtual void handleRead(); // Method for handling data to be read
00090 };
00092 }
00094 #endif /* ATSERIAL_H */