three axis accelerometer shown as degrees for arccosine

Dependencies:   MMA8451Q SLCD_degrees mbed

Fork of ACC_LCD_341_trig by Stanley Cohen

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00001 #include "mbed.h"
00002 #include <math.h> 
00003 #include "MMA8451Q.h"
00004 #include "SLCD.h"
00006 #define NUMAXES 3
00007 #define XAXIS 0
00008 #define YAXIS 1
00009 #define ZAXIS 2
00010 #define NUMBUTS 2
00011 #define LBUT PTC12  // port addresses for buttons
00012 #define RBUT PTC3
00013 #define BUTTONTIME 0.200
00014 #define DATAINTERVAL 0.200
00015 #define LCDWAIT  1.5
00016 #define LCDDATALEN 10
00017 #define PI 3.14159265
00018 #define PITODEG 180.0
00020 #define PROGNAME "ACC_LCD_all_axes_v1\r\n"
00022 #define PRINTDBUG
00023 // 
00024 #if   defined (TARGET_KL25Z) || defined (TARGET_KL46Z)
00025   PinName const SDA = PTE25;  // Data pins for the accelerometer/magnetometer.
00026   PinName const SCL = PTE24;  // DO NOT CHANGE
00027 #elif defined (TARGET_KL05Z)
00028   PinName const SDA = PTB4;
00029   PinName const SCL = PTB3;
00030 #else
00031   #error TARGET NOT DEFINED
00032 #endif
00034 #define MMA8451_I2C_ADDRESS (0x1d<<1)
00036 SLCD slcd; //define LCD display
00037 char lcdData[LCDDATALEN]; //buffer needs places dor decimal pt and colon
00038 int currentAxis = XAXIS; // xaxis
00040 MMA8451Q acc(SDA, SCL, MMA8451_I2C_ADDRESS);
00041 Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);
00042 Timer dataTimer;
00043 Timer ButtonTimer; // for reading button states
00044 DigitalIn buttons[NUMBUTS] = {RBUT, LBUT}; // set up buttons
00046 char axisName[NUMAXES][LCDDATALEN] = {"<X<","<Y<", "<Z<"};   
00048 void LCDMess(char *lMess){
00049         slcd.Home();
00050         slcd.clear();
00051         slcd.printf(lMess);
00052 } 
00054 void LCDsignedFloat(float theNumber){
00055     sprintf (lcdData," %3.2f",theNumber); 
00056     // changed SLCD.cpp to interpret < as -
00057     if (theNumber < 0.0) sprintf (lcdData,"<%3.2f",fabs(theNumber));   
00058     LCDMess(lcdData); 
00059 }
00060 void LCDsignedAngle(float theAngle){
00061     sprintf (lcdData," %2.0f@",theAngle); 
00062     // changed SLCD.cpp to interpret < as -
00063     if (theAngle < 0.0) sprintf (lcdData,"<%2.0f@",fabs(theAngle));   
00064     LCDMess(lcdData); 
00065 }  
00067 void initialize_global_vars(){
00068     pc.printf(PROGNAME);
00069     // set up DAQ timers
00070     ButtonTimer.start();
00071     ButtonTimer.reset();
00072     dataTimer.start();
00073     dataTimer.reset(); 
00074     LCDMess(axisName[currentAxis]);  
00075     wait(LCDWAIT);  
00077 } 
00079 int main() {
00080     int i; // loop index
00081     float axisValue[NUMAXES];
00082     float angleValue[NUMAXES];
00083     int buttonSum = 0;
00085     initialize_global_vars();
00086 // main loop forever 
00087     while(true) {
00088         while (ButtonTimer > BUTTONTIME){
00089             buttonSum = 0;
00090             buttonSum = !buttons[0] + !buttons[1];
00091             if (buttonSum != 0) {
00092                 currentAxis = (currentAxis + 1 ) % NUMAXES;
00093                 LCDMess(axisName[currentAxis]);  
00094                 wait(LCDWAIT);           
00095             }// for loop to look at buttons
00096             ButtonTimer.reset();
00097         }
00098         while ( > DATAINTERVAL){
00099             dataTimer.reset();             
00100             axisValue[XAXIS]= acc.getAccX();
00101             axisValue[YAXIS] = acc.getAccY(); 
00102             axisValue[ZAXIS] = acc.getAccZ();     
00103 #ifdef PRINTDBUG
00104             for (i=0; i< NUMAXES;i++){
00105                 pc.printf("Acc %d = %f\r\n",i, axisValue[i]);
00106             }
00107 #endif
00108             if(fabs(axisValue[currentAxis]) > 1.0) axisValue[currentAxis] = 1.0; 
00109             angleValue[currentAxis] = acos(axisValue[currentAxis]) * PITODEG / PI;
00110             LCDsignedAngle(angleValue[currentAxis]);
00111             //LCDsignedFloat(axisValue[currentAxis]);              
00112        }
00113     }
00114 }