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00001 /*
00002  * Copyright (C) 2010-2018 Arm Limited or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
00003  *
00004  * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
00005  *
00006  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the License); you may
00007  * not use this file except in compliance with the License.
00008  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
00009  *
00010  *
00011  *
00012  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
00013  * distributed under the License is distributed on an AS IS BASIS, WITHOUT
00014  * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
00015  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
00016  * limitations under the License.
00017  */
00019 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
00020  * Project:      CMSIS NN Library
00021  * Title:        arm_convolve_HWC_q15_fast.c
00022  * Description:  Fast Q15 version of convolution
00023  *
00024  * $Date:        17. January 2018
00025  * $Revision:    V.1.0.0
00026  *
00027  * Target Processor:  Cortex-M cores
00028  *
00029  * -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
00031 #include "arm_math.h"
00032 #include "arm_nnfunctions.h"
00034 /**
00035  *  @ingroup groupNN
00036  */
00038 /**
00039  * @addtogroup NNConv
00040  * @{
00041  */
00043   /**
00044    * @brief Fast Q15 convolution function
00045    * @param[in]       Im_in       pointer to input tensor
00046    * @param[in]       dim_im_in   input tensor dimention
00047    * @param[in]       ch_im_in    number of input tensor channels
00048    * @param[in]       wt          pointer to kernel weights
00049    * @param[in]       ch_im_out   number of filters, i.e., output tensor channels
00050    * @param[in]       dim_kernel  filter kernel size
00051    * @param[in]       padding     padding sizes
00052    * @param[in]       stride      convolution stride
00053    * @param[in]       bias        pointer to bias
00054    * @param[in]       bias_shift  amount of left-shift for bias
00055    * @param[in]       out_shift   amount of right-shift for output
00056    * @param[in,out]   Im_out      pointer to output tensor
00057    * @param[in]       dim_im_out  output tensor dimension
00058    * @param[in,out]   bufferA     pointer to buffer space for input 
00059    * @param[in,out]   bufferB     pointer to buffer space for output
00060    * @return     The function returns either
00061    * <code>ARM_MATH_SIZE_MISMATCH</code> or <code>ARM_MATH_SUCCESS</code> based on the outcome of size checking.
00062    *
00063    * @details
00064    *
00065    * <b>Buffer size:</b>
00066    *
00067    * bufferA size: 2*ch_im_in*dim_kernel*dim_kernel
00068    *
00069    * bufferB size: 0
00070    *
00071    * <b>Input dimension constraints:</b>
00072    *
00073    * ch_im_in is multiple of 2 
00074    *
00075    * ch_im_out is multipe of 2
00076    *
00077    */
00079 arm_status
00080 arm_convolve_HWC_q15_fast(const q15_t * Im_in,
00081                           const uint16_t dim_im_in,
00082                           const uint16_t ch_im_in,
00083                           const q15_t * wt,
00084                           const uint16_t ch_im_out,
00085                           const uint16_t dim_kernel,
00086                           const uint16_t padding,
00087                           const uint16_t stride,
00088                           const q15_t * bias,
00089                           const uint16_t bias_shift,
00090                           const uint16_t out_shift,
00091                           q15_t * Im_out, 
00092                           const uint16_t dim_im_out, 
00093                           q15_t * bufferA, 
00094                           q7_t * bufferB)
00095 {
00097 #if defined (ARM_MATH_DSP)
00098     int16_t   i_out_y, i_out_x, i_ker_y, i_ker_x;
00100     q15_t    *pBuffer = bufferA;
00101     q15_t    *im_buffer = bufferA;
00102     q15_t    *pOut = Im_out;
00104     if (ch_im_in % 2 != 0 || ch_im_out % 2 != 0)
00105     {
00106         /* check if the input dimension meets the constraints */
00107         return ARM_MATH_SIZE_MISMATCH;
00108     }
00110     /* Run the following code for Cortex-M4 and Cortex-M7 */
00112     /* This part implements the im2col function */
00113     for (i_out_y = 0; i_out_y < dim_im_out; i_out_y++)
00114     {
00115         for (i_out_x = 0; i_out_x < dim_im_out; i_out_x++)
00116         {
00117             for (i_ker_y = i_out_y * stride - padding; i_ker_y < i_out_y * stride - padding + dim_kernel; i_ker_y++)
00118             {
00119                 for (i_ker_x = i_out_x * stride - padding; i_ker_x < i_out_x * stride - padding + dim_kernel; i_ker_x++)
00120                 {
00121                     if (i_ker_y < 0 || i_ker_y >= dim_im_in || i_ker_x < 0 || i_ker_x >= dim_im_in)
00122                     {
00123                         /* arm_fill_q15(0, pBuffer, ch_im_in); */
00124                         memset(pBuffer, 0, sizeof(q15_t)*ch_im_in);
00125                     } else
00126                     {
00127                         /* arm_copy_q15((q15_t *) Im_in + (i_ker_y * dim_im_in + i_ker_x) * ch_im_in, pBuffer, ch_im_in); */
00128                         memcpy(pBuffer, (q15_t *) Im_in + (i_ker_y * dim_im_in + i_ker_x) * ch_im_in, sizeof(q15_t)*ch_im_in);
00129                     }
00130                     pBuffer += ch_im_in;
00131                 }
00132             }
00134             if (i_out_x & 0x1)
00135             {
00136                 int       i;
00137                 /* initialize the matrix pointers for A */
00138                 const q15_t *pA = wt;
00140                 /* set up the second output pointers */
00141                 q15_t    *pOut2 = pOut + ch_im_out;
00143                 /* this loop over rows in A */
00144                 for (i = 0; i < ch_im_out; i += 2)
00145                 {
00146                     /* setup pointers for B */
00147                     q15_t    *pB = im_buffer;
00148                     const q15_t *pB2 = pB + ch_im_in * dim_kernel * dim_kernel;
00150                     /* aling the second pointer for A */
00151                     const q15_t *pA2 = pA + ch_im_in * dim_kernel * dim_kernel;
00153                     /* init the sum with bias */
00154                     q31_t     sum =  ((q31_t)bias[i] << bias_shift) + NN_ROUND(out_shift);
00155                     q31_t     sum2 = ((q31_t)bias[i] << bias_shift) + NN_ROUND(out_shift);
00156                     q31_t     sum3 = ((q31_t)bias[i + 1] << bias_shift) + NN_ROUND(out_shift);
00157                     q31_t     sum4 = ((q31_t)bias[i + 1] << bias_shift) + NN_ROUND(out_shift);
00159                     uint16_t  colCnt = ch_im_in * dim_kernel * dim_kernel >> 1;
00160                     /* accumulate over the vector */
00161                     while (colCnt)
00162                     {
00163                         q31_t     inA1 = *__SIMD32(pA)++;
00164                         q31_t     inB1 = *__SIMD32(pB)++;
00165                         q31_t     inA2 = *__SIMD32(pA2)++;
00166                         q31_t     inB2 = *__SIMD32(pB2)++;
00168                         sum = __SMLAD(inA1, inB1, sum);
00169                         sum2 = __SMLAD(inA1, inB2, sum2);
00170                         sum3 = __SMLAD(inA2, inB1, sum3);
00171                         sum4 = __SMLAD(inA2, inB2, sum4);
00173                         colCnt--;
00174                     }           /* while over colCnt */
00175                     colCnt = ch_im_in * dim_kernel * dim_kernel & 0x1;
00176                     while (colCnt)
00177                     {
00178                         q15_t     inA1 = *pA++;
00179                         q15_t     inB1 = *pB++;
00180                         q15_t     inA2 = *pA2++;
00181                         q15_t     inB2 = *pB2++;
00183                         sum += inA1 * inB1;
00184                         sum2 += inA1 * inB2;
00185                         sum3 += inA2 * inB1;
00186                         sum4 += inA2 * inB2;
00187                         colCnt--;
00188                     }           /* while over colCnt */
00189                     *pOut++ = (q15_t) __SSAT(sum >> out_shift, 16);
00190                     *pOut++ = (q15_t) __SSAT(sum3 >> out_shift, 16);
00191                     *pOut2++ = (q15_t) __SSAT(sum2 >> out_shift, 16);
00192                     *pOut2++ = (q15_t) __SSAT(sum4 >> out_shift, 16);
00194                     /* skip the row computed with A2 */
00195                     pA += ch_im_in * dim_kernel * dim_kernel;
00196                 }               /* for over ch_im_out */
00198                 pOut += ch_im_out;
00199                 /* counter reset */
00200                 pBuffer = im_buffer;
00201             }
00202         }
00203     }
00205 #else
00206     /* Run the following code as reference implementation for Cortex-M0 and Cortex-M3 */
00207     uint16_t  i, j, k, l, m, n;
00208     int       conv_out;
00209     signed char in_row, in_col;
00211     if (ch_im_in % 2 != 0 || ch_im_out % 2 != 0)
00212     {
00213         /* check if the input dimension meets the constraints */
00214         return ARM_MATH_SIZE_MISMATCH;
00215     }
00217     for (i = 0; i < ch_im_out; i++)
00218     {
00219         for (j = 0; j < dim_im_out; j++)
00220         {
00221             for (k = 0; k < dim_im_out; k++)
00222             {
00223                 conv_out = ((q31_t)bias[i] << bias_shift) + NN_ROUND(out_shift);
00224                 for (m = 0; m < dim_kernel; m++)
00225                 {
00226                     for (n = 0; n < dim_kernel; n++)
00227                     {
00228                         in_row = stride * j + m - padding;
00229                         in_col = stride * k + n - padding;
00230                         if (in_row >= 0 && in_col >= 0 && in_row < dim_im_in && in_col < dim_im_in)
00231                         {
00232                             for (l = 0; l < ch_im_in; l++)
00233                             {
00234                                 conv_out +=
00235                                     Im_in[(in_row * dim_im_in + in_col) * ch_im_in +
00236                                           l] * wt[i * ch_im_in * dim_kernel * dim_kernel + (m * dim_kernel +
00237                                                                                             n) * ch_im_in + l];
00238                             }
00239                         }
00240                     }
00241                 }
00242                 Im_out[i + (j * dim_im_out + k) * ch_im_out] = (q15_t) __SSAT((conv_out >> out_shift), 16);
00243             }
00244         }
00245     }
00247 #endif                          /* ARM_MATH_DSP */
00249     /* Return to application */
00250     return ARM_MATH_SUCCESS;
00251 }
00253 /**
00254  * @} end of NNConv group
00255  */