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Fork of TF_conops_BAE1_3 by Team Fox

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00001 #define SLAVE_ADDR         0x50
00002 #define SLAVE_ADDR_READ    0x51
00003 #define SENTRALSTATUS      0x37
00004 #define RESETREQ           0x9B
00005 #define MAGRATE            0x55
00006 #define ACCERATE           0x56
00007 #define GYRORATE           0x57
00008 #define QRATE_DIV          0x32
00009 #define ALGO_CTRL           0x54
00010 #define ENB_EVT            0x33
00011 #define HOST_CTRL           0x34
00012 #define EVT_STATUS         0x35
00013 #define ALGO_STATUS        0x38
00014 #define GYRO_XOUT_H        0x22
00015 #define MAG_XOUT_H         0X12
00017 //Configaration bits
00018 #define BIT_RESREQ     0x01
00019 #define BIT_EEP_DET    0x01
00020 #define BIT_EEP_UPDN   0x02
00021 #define BIT_EEP_UPERR  0x04
00022 #define BIT_EEP_IDLE   0x08
00023 #define BIT_EEP_NODET  0x10
00024 #define BIT_STBY       0x01
00025 #define BIT_RAW_ENB    0x02
00026 #define BIT_HPR_OUT    0x04
00027 #define BIT_CPU_RES    0x01
00028 #define BIT_ERR        0x02
00029 #define BIT_QRES       0x04
00030 #define BIT_MAG_RES    0x08
00031 #define BIT_ACC_RES    0x10
00032 #define BIT_GYRO_RES   0x20
00033 #define BIT_GYROODR    0x0F
00034 #define BIT_MAGODR     0x64
00035 #define BIT_RUN_ENB    0x01
00036 #define BIT_ALGO_RAW   0x02
00037 #define BIT_EVT_ENB    0X2A