
Dependencies:   DebounceIn EthernetNetIf FatFileSystem HTTPClient Motor SDFileSystem TextLCD mbed

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00001 #include "mbed.h"
00002 #include "VS1002.h"
00003 #include "TextLCD.h"
00004 #include "EthernetNetIf.h"
00005 #include "HTTPClient.h"
00006 #include "DebounceIn.h"
00007 #include "Motor.h"
00008 #include <string>
00009 #include<stdlib.h>
00010 #define PI 3.14
00011 #define DIAMETER 0.076                                    
00012 #define MINIMUM_FARE 11
00013 #define FARE_PER_KM 10
00015 TextLCD fareDisplay(p10, p18, p24, p23, p22, p21 );
00016 VS1002 audioDriver(p11, p12, p13, p8, "sd",
00017            p5, p6, p7, p14, p15,
00018            p16, p17, p20);
00019 EthernetNetIf ethernet;                 
00020 HTTPClient http;                   
00021 AnalogIn sensorReading(p19);
00022 DebounceIn setup(p9);
00023 DebounceIn startMeter(p20);
00024 DebounceIn stopMeter(p30);
00025 DebounceIn playFare(p29);
00026 Motor m(p25, p26, p27); 
00028 void initializeAudioDriver()
00029 {
00030 #ifndef FS_ONLY
00031     audioDriver._RST = 1;
00032     audioDriver.cs_high();                                   
00033     audioDriver.sci_initialise();                            
00034     audioDriver.sci_write(0x00,(SM_SDINEW+SM_STREAM+SM_DIFF));
00035     audioDriver.sci_write(0x03, 0x9800);
00036     audioDriver.sdi_initialise();
00037 #endif
00038 }
00040 float calculateFare(int noOfRevolutions)
00041 {
00042     float distanceinKM;    
00043     distanceinKM = noOfRevolutions*PI*DIAMETER;//For Demo purposes we do not divide by 1000 as would be in real scenario.
00044     float fare;
00045     if(distanceinKM>1)
00046     fare = MINIMUM_FARE + FARE_PER_KM*(distanceinKM - 1); // Formula can be changed as per required or can be taken dynamically from a web server
00047     else
00048     fare = MINIMUM_FARE;
00049     return fare;
00050 }
00053 void convertFareToSpeech(float fare)
00054 {
00055     string ttsURL=" http://translate.google.com/translate_tts?tl=en&q=Your+Fare+is+;+";
00056     char strFare[100];
00057     sprintf(strFare,"%d",(int)fare);
00058     ttsURL+=strFare; 
00059     ttsURL+="+Rupees+.+Thank+you+for+the+ride+.+Have+a+Nice+Day+.";
00060     //printf("%s\n",ttsURL);
00061     HTTPFile audioOutput("/sd/Fare.mp3");
00062     HTTPResult result = http.get(ttsURL.c_str(),&audioOutput);
00063     if(result!=HTTP_OK)
00064     {
00065           printf("Error during speech convrsion!! Error Number : %d\n", result);
00066     }
00067     else
00068     printf("Done\n");
00069     audioDriver.play_song("/sd/Fare.mp3");
00071 }
00073 void initialize_system()
00074 {    
00075     setup.mode(PullUp);
00076     wait(0.001);
00077     startMeter.mode(PullUp);
00078     wait(0.001);
00079     stopMeter.mode(PullUp);
00080     wait(0.001);
00081     playFare.mode(PullUp);
00082     wait(0.001);
00083     wait(2);
00084     fareDisplay.printf("PRESS SETUP");
00085     printf("Press setup to continue.....\n");
00086 }
00088 int main()
00089 { 
00090     bool flag = false;
00091     int noOfRevolutions =0;
00092     float fare;
00093     bool isMeterStopped=false;
00095     initialize_system();
00097     while(setup==1){wait(0.1);}
00098     while(setup == 0){wait(0.1);}
00099     fareDisplay.cls();
00100     fareDisplay.printf("INITIALIZING...");
00102     initializeAudioDriver();        
00103     EthernetErr error = ethernet.setup();
00104     if(error)
00105     {
00106         printf("Error in correction. Error number: %d.\n", error);
00107         return -1;
00108     }
00109     printf(" Connection established\n");
00111     while(1)
00112     {
00113         fareDisplay.cls();
00114         fareDisplay.printf("START METER");
00115         printf("Press start to continue.....\n");
00116         while(startMeter==1){wait(0.1);}
00117         while(startMeter==0){wait(0.1);}
00118         int new_val = 0;
00119         int old_val =0;
00120         fareDisplay.cls();
00121         fareDisplay.printf("METER STARTED");
00122         {        
00123             m.speed(0.15); 
00124         }
00125         while(!isMeterStopped)
00126         {
00127             if(sensorReading>0.5)
00128             {
00129                 flag=true;
00130                 wait(0.1);
00131             }
00132             if(flag)
00133             {
00134                 if(sensorReading<0.4)
00135                 {
00136                     flag=false;
00137                     noOfRevolutions++;                     
00138                 }
00139             }
00140             new_val = stopMeter;
00141             if ((new_val==0) && (old_val==1))
00142             {        
00143                isMeterStopped = true;
00144                fareDisplay.cls();
00145                fareDisplay.printf("METER STOPPED !!");           
00146                m.speed(0);
00147             }   
00148              old_val=new_val; 
00149              wait(0.1);
00150         }
00152          if(isMeterStopped)
00153          {
00154             isMeterStopped = false;
00155             fare = calculateFare(noOfRevolutions);
00156             fareDisplay.cls();
00157             fareDisplay.printf("The Fare is: %d",(int)fare);
00158             printf("The no of revolutions is: %d\n; The Fare is: %d\n",(int)noOfRevolutions,(int)fare);
00159             convertFareToSpeech(fare);
00160          }   
00161          bool isExit =false;
00162          while(1)
00163          {         
00164             while(playFare==1)
00165             {
00166                 new_val = stopMeter;    
00167                 if ((new_val==0) && (old_val==1))
00168                 {  
00169                   isExit = true;      
00170                   break;
00171                 }   
00172                  old_val=new_val; 
00173                  wait(0.2);
00174              }
00175             while(playFare==0){wait(0.1);}
00176             if(isExit)
00177             break;
00178             audioDriver.play_song("/sd/Fare.mp3");
00180          }
00181      }  
00182 }