local fix version of myBlueUSB (http://mbed.org/users/networker/code/myBlueUSB/). - merge deleted files which are required to compile. - enable echo back of received data via RFCOMM.

Dependencies:   AvailableMemory FatFileSystem mbed myUSBHost

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00001 #ifndef SDP_DATA_H
00002 #define SDP_DATA_H
00004 #include <vector>
00006 extern const unsigned char base_uuid[16];// = { 0xfb, 0x34, 0x9b, 0x5f, 0x80, 0, 0x07, 0x70, 0, 0x10, 0, 0};
00008 class sdp_data {
00009 public:
00011 private:
00012     enum elements type;
00013     char size;
00014     union {
00015         unsigned data;
00016         char *str;
00017 #ifdef LONGUUID
00018         unsigned short uuid[8];
00019 #endif
00020     };
00021     vector<sdp_data*> sequence; //not allowed to be in union
00022     static char ret[12];
00023     char *longstr;
00024 public:
00025     sdp_data(): type(NULL_), size(0), longstr(0) {
00026         //printf("NULL%d ", size);
00027     }
00028     sdp_data(unsigned d, unsigned sz=4): type(UNSIGNED), size(sz), longstr(0) {
00029         data=d;
00030         //printf("UINT%d=%u ", size, data);
00031     }
00032     sdp_data(unsigned short d, unsigned sz=2): type(UNSIGNED), size(sz), longstr(0) {
00033         data=d;
00034         //printf("UINT%d=%u ", size, data);
00035     }
00036     sdp_data(signed d, unsigned sz=4): type(SIGNED), size(sz), longstr(0) {
00037         data=d;
00038            //printf("INT%d=%d ", size, data);
00039     }
00040     sdp_data(bool d, unsigned sz=1): type(BOOL), size(sz), longstr(0) {
00041         data=d;
00042            //printf("BOOL%d=%u ", size, data);
00043     }
00044     sdp_data(char*s, unsigned sz=0): type(STRING), longstr(0) {
00045         if (sz) size = sz+1;
00046         else size = strlen(s)+1;
00047         str = new char[size];
00048         strncpy(str, s, size);
00049         str[size-1] = '\0';
00050            //printf("STR%d='%s' ", size, str);
00051     }
00052     sdp_data(enum elements t, unsigned d, unsigned sz=2): type(t), size(sz), longstr(0) {
00053         if (t==UUID) {
00054 #ifdef LONGUUID
00055             memcpy(uuid, base_uuid, 16);
00056             uuid[6] = d;
00057             uuid[7] = d>>16;
00058             //       printf("UUID%d=%04X%04X ", size, uuid[7], uuid[6]);
00059 #else
00060             data = d;
00061 #endif
00062         } else printf("Please use other constructor for type %d\n", t);
00063     }
00064     sdp_data(enum elements t, char *d=0, unsigned sz=0): type(t), size(sz), longstr(0) {
00065         switch (t) {
00066 #ifdef LONGUUID
00067             case UUID:
00068                 memcpy(uuid, d, size);
00069                 //           printf("UUID%d=%08X ", size, uuid[6]);
00070                 break;
00071 #endif
00072             case URL:
00073                 //size = strlen(d)+1;
00074                 str = new char[size+1];
00075                 strcpy(str, d);
00076                 //         printf("URL%d='%u' ", size, str);
00077                 break;
00078             case SEQUENCE:
00079             case ALTERNATIVE:
00080                 break;
00081             default:
00082                 printf("Please use other constructor for type %d\n", t);
00083         }
00084     }
00085     ~sdp_data() {
00086         switch (type) {
00087             case STRING:
00088             case URL:
00089                 delete[] str;
00090                 break;
00091             case SEQUENCE:
00092             case ALTERNATIVE:
00093                 for (int i = 0; i < sequence.size(); i++)
00094                     delete sequence.at(i);
00095                 break;
00096         }
00097         if (longstr)
00098            delete[] longstr;
00099     }
00100     void add_element(sdp_data *el) {
00101         sequence.push_back(el);
00102         size += el->Size();
00103     }
00104     unsigned asUnsigned() ;
00105     const char* asString(bool alt=false) ;
00106     unsigned Size() ;
00107     unsigned items() { return sequence.size();}
00108     sdp_data* item(int i) { return sequence[i];}
00109     void remove(int i) { sequence[i] = 0;}
00110     unsigned sizedesc(unsigned char *buf) ;
00111     void revcpy(unsigned char*d, const unsigned char*s, int n) ;
00112     unsigned build(unsigned char *buf, unsigned max) ;
00113     bool findUUID(unsigned uuid);
00114 };
00116 #endif