ks0713 SPI library. This library includes a small 5x5 ascii font and line function.

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00001 #include "mbed.h"
00002 #include "font5x5.h"
00003 #include "ks0713_spi.h"
00005 KS0713_SPI::KS0713_SPI(PinName mosi, PinName sclk, PinName cs1b, PinName rs, PinName rstb)
00006         : _spi(mosi,NC,sclk), _cs1b(cs1b), _rs(rs), _rstb(rstb) {
00007     init();
00008 }
00011 void KS0713_SPI::init() {
00012     _cs1b=0;
00013     _rs  =0;
00014     _rstb=0;
00016     _spi.format(8,0);
00017     _spi.frequency(5000000);
00020     wait(0.015); // wait for power up (reset low term must be greater than 900[ns])
00022     _rstb=1; // de-assert resetb
00025     writeCommand(0xA2); // LCD BIAS selection (1/65duty, 1/9bias)
00026     writeCommand(0xA1); // ADC selection (SEG128->SEG0)
00027     writeCommand(0xC0); // SHL selection (COM0->COM64)
00028     wait_ms(1);
00030     /*Power control
00031       Displaytech screen uses built-in power circuits
00032       Switch on in order as specified in data sheet
00033       wait 1ms between each command
00034       1st - Voltage converter ON = 0x2C
00035       2nd - Voltage regulator ON = 0x2E
00036       3rd - Voltage follower  ON = 0x2F */
00037     writeCommand(0x2C);  //0x2C = Voltage converter ON
00038     wait_ms(1);
00039     writeCommand(0x2E);  //0x2E = Voltage regulator ON
00040     wait_ms(1);
00041     writeCommand(0x2F);  //0x2F = Voltage follower ON
00044     // Regulator Resistor Selection
00045     /*Regulator resistor select
00046      Sets the internal resistance ratio used in the internal voltage regulator
00047      Refer to datasheet p.42
00048      This works as a corse contrast control
00049      0x20 = 1.9
00050      0x21 = 2.19
00051      0x22 = 2.55
00052      0x23 = 3.02
00053      0x24 = 3.61
00054      0x25 = 4.35
00055      0x26 = 5.29
00056      0x27 = 6.48 */
00057     writeCommand(0x23);
00059     /*Set reference voltage register
00060      Used as a fine contrast control
00061      0x81 = Enter voltage register set mode
00062      0x00 to 0x3F = 0 to 63 */
00063     writeCommand(0x81);  //0x81 = Enter voltage register set mode
00064     writeCommand(0x20);  //0x20 = Set ref voltage to 20
00066     /*Initial display line
00067      Specify DDRAM line for COM1
00068      0x40 + display line */
00069     writeCommand(0x40);  //Set initial line to 0
00071     /*Set page address
00072      Sets the initial page address to write to
00073      0xB0 + page address 0 to 8 */
00074     writeCommand(0xB0); //Initial page set to 0
00076     /*Set column address
00077      Sets the initial column to write to
00078      for LSB (b3-b0) 0x00 + first nibble
00079      for MSB (b7-b4) 0x10 + second nibble
00080      0x00 to 0x83 = column 0 to 131 */
00081     writeCommand(0x00);  //Sets LSB to 0
00082     writeCommand(0x10);  //Sets MSB to 0  - column is now set to 0
00084     /*Reverse display
00085      Selects either a normal display or a reverse display
00086      0xA6 = normal
00087      0xA7 = reverse */
00088     writeCommand(0xA6);  //Sets display to normal
00090     /*Set static indicator
00091      Sets up a static indicator on the display
00092      See datasheet p.42
00093      This is a 2 instruction cycle
00094      0xAC = static indicator ON
00095      0xAD = static indicator OFF
00096      Next instruction to set indicator type:
00097      0x00 = OFF
00098      0x01 = ON - 1 second blinking
00099      0x02 = ON - 0.5 second blinking
00100      0x03 = ON - always ON */
00101     writeCommand(0xAD);  //Static indicator OFF
00102     writeCommand(0x00);  //OFF - 0.5 second blinking
00104     /*Display ON/OFF
00105      Switched the display to on or off
00106      0xAE = Display OFF
00107      0xAF = Display ON */
00108     writeCommand(0xAF);
00110     clear();
00111     update();
00113     _x=0;
00114     _y=0;
00115 }
00117 void KS0713_SPI::writeCommand(unsigned char data) {
00118     _cs1b=0;
00119     _rs  =0;
00120     wait_us(1); // setup 55[ns]
00121     _spi.write(data);
00122     wait_us(1); // hold 180[ns]
00123     _cs1b=1;
00124 }
00126 void KS0713_SPI::writeData(unsigned char data) {
00127     _cs1b=0;
00128     _rs  =1;
00129     wait_us(1); // setup 55[ns]
00130     _spi.write(data);
00131     wait_us(1); // hold 180[ns]
00132     _cs1b=1;
00133 }
00135 void KS0713_SPI::clear() {
00136     for (int page=0; page<MBED_KS0713_SPI_HEIGHT/8; page++) {
00137         for (int column=0; column<MBED_KS0713_SPI_WIDTH; column++) {
00138             vram[column][page]=0x00;
00139         }
00140     }
00141 }
00142 void KS0713_SPI::fill() {
00143     for (int page=0; page<MBED_KS0713_SPI_HEIGHT/8; page++) {
00144         for (int column=0; column<MBED_KS0713_SPI_WIDTH; column++) {
00145             vram[column][page]=0xFF;
00146         }
00147     }
00148 }
00149 void KS0713_SPI::update() {
00150     for (int page=0; page<MBED_KS0713_SPI_HEIGHT/8; page++) {
00151         writeCommand(0xB0+page);
00152         writeCommand(0x10);
00153         writeCommand(0x00);
00154         for (int column=0; column<100; column++) {
00155             writeData(vram[column][page]);
00156         }
00157     }
00158 }
00160 void KS0713_SPI::locate(int x,int y) {
00161     _x=x;
00162     _y=y;
00163 }
00165 void KS0713_SPI::line(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) {
00166     int dist_x;
00167     int dist_y;
00168     int calc_point;
00170     if (x2>x1) {
00171         dist_x = x2-x1;
00172     } else {
00173         dist_x = x1-x2;
00174     }
00175     if (y2>y1) {
00176         dist_y = y2-y1;
00177     } else {
00178         dist_y = y1-y2;
00179     }
00183     if (dist_x>dist_y) {
00184         // x direction
00185         if (x1>x2)
00186             // step -1
00187         {
00188             for (int x=x1; x>=x2; x--) {
00189                 if (x<0)
00190                     break;
00191                 calc_point = y1+ ( (y2-y1) * (x-x1) / (x2-x1) );
00192                 if (calc_point>=0 && calc_point<MBED_KS0713_SPI_HEIGHT)
00193                     vram[x][(calc_point>>3)] |= ( 0x1 <<(calc_point&0x7));
00194             }
00195         } else
00196             // step ++
00197         {
00198             // point 1 -> point 2
00199             for (int x=x1; x<=x2; x++) {
00200                 if (x>=MBED_KS0713_SPI_WIDTH)
00201                     break;
00202                 calc_point = y1+( (y2-y1) * (x-x1) / (x2-x1) );
00203                 if (calc_point>=0 && calc_point<MBED_KS0713_SPI_HEIGHT)
00204                     vram[x][(calc_point>>3)] |= ( 0x1 <<(calc_point&0x7));
00205             }
00207         }
00208     } else {
00209         // y direction
00210         if (y1>y2)
00211             // step -1
00212         {
00213             for (int y=y1; y>=y2; y--) {
00214                 if (y<0)
00215                     break;
00216                 calc_point = x1+( (x2-x1) * (y-y1) / (y2-y1) );
00217                 if (calc_point>=0 && calc_point<MBED_KS0713_SPI_WIDTH)
00218                     vram[calc_point][y>>3] |= ( 0x1 <<(y&0x7));
00219             }
00220         } else
00221             // step ++
00222         {
00223             // point 1 -> point 2
00224             for (int y=y1; y<=y2; y++) {
00225                 if (y>=MBED_KS0713_SPI_HEIGHT)
00226                     break;
00227                 calc_point = x1+( (x2-x1) * (y-y1) / (y2-y1) );
00228                 if (calc_point>=0 && calc_point<MBED_KS0713_SPI_WIDTH)
00229                     vram[calc_point][y>>3] |= ( 0x1 <<(y&0x7));
00230             }
00231         }
00232     }
00233 }
00236 int KS0713_SPI::_putc(int value) {
00237     unsigned char fontdata;
00238     for (int cx=0; cx<5; cx++) {
00239         if ( _x+cx>=MBED_KS0713_SPI_WIDTH ) {
00240             break;
00241         }
00243         fontdata = font5x5[value-' '][cx];
00244         for (int cy=0; cy<5; cy++) {
00245             if (_y+cy>=MBED_KS0713_SPI_HEIGHT) {
00246                 break ;
00247             }
00249             if (fontdata & 0x1) {
00250                 vram[_x+cx][(_y+cy)>>3] |= ( 0x1 <<((_y+cy)&0x7));
00251             } else {
00252                 vram[_x+cx][(_y+cy)>>3] &= ~( 0x1 <<((_y+cy)&0x7));
00254             }
00255             fontdata=fontdata>>1;
00256         }
00257     }
00259     _x+=6;
00260     return value;
00261 }
00263 int KS0713_SPI::_getc() {
00264     return -1;
00265 }