A library with drivers for different peripherals on the LPC4088 QuickStart Board or related add-on boards.

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00001 /*
00002  *  Copyright 2013 Embedded Artists AB
00003  *
00004  *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
00005  *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
00006  *  You may obtain a copy of the License at
00007  *
00008  *    http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
00009  *
00010  *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
00011  *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
00012  *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
00013  *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
00014  *  limitations under the License.
00015  */
00017 #ifndef EALCDBOARD_H
00018 #define EALCDBOARD_H
00020 #include "LcdController.h"
00022 /** An interface to Embedded Artists LCD Boards
00023  *
00024  */
00025 class EaLcdBoard {
00026 public:
00028     enum Result {
00029         Ok = 0,
00030         InvalidCommandString,
00031         InvalidArgument,
00032         InvalidStorage,
00033         BufferTooSmall,
00034         VersionNotSupported,
00035         LcdAccessError
00036     };
00038     enum Constants {
00039         NameBufferSize = 30
00040     };
00042     enum TouchPanelId {
00043         // must be first
00044         TouchPanelInvalidFirst = 0x80,
00046         // Texas Instruments Touch Screen Controller (TSC2046).
00047         TouchPanel_TSC2046,
00048         // Microchip Touch Screen Controller (AR1021).
00049         TouchPanel_AR1021,
00051         // Must be after last panel ID
00052         TouchPanelInvalidLast,
00053         // unknown touch panel
00054         TouchPanelUnknown = 0xFF
00056     };
00058     typedef struct {
00059       uint8_t swap;         // set to 1 if x and y should be swapped
00060       uint32_t xres;        // x resistance
00061       uint32_t yres;        // y resistance
00062       TouchPanelId panelId; // identifies touch panel
00064     } TouchParams_t;
00066     /** Create an interface to an Embedded Artists LCD Board
00067      *
00068      * @param sda I2C data line pin
00069      * @param scl I2C clock line pin
00070      */
00071     EaLcdBoard(PinName sda, PinName scl);
00073     /** Open the interface and start initialization.
00074      *
00075      * @param cfg initialize with a given LCD configuration. If this argument is
00076      *            NULL the LCD configuration will be retrieved from persistent
00077      *            storage on the LCD Board.
00078      * @param initSeq the initialization string. If this argument is NULL the
00079      *            initialization string will be retrieved from persistent
00080      *            storage on the LCD Board.
00081      *
00082      * @returns the result of the operation
00083      */
00084     Result open(LcdController::Config* cfg, char* initSeq);
00086     /** Close the interface
00087      *
00088      * @returns the result of the operation
00089      */
00090     Result close();
00092     /** Set and activate the address of the frame buffer to use.
00093      *
00094      *  It is the content of the frame buffer that is shown on the
00095      *  display. All the drawing on the frame buffer can be done
00096      *  'offline' and whenever it should be shown this function
00097      *  can be called with the address of the offline frame buffer.
00098      *
00099      *  @param address Memory address of the frame buffer
00100      *
00101      * @returns the result of the operation
00102      */
00103     Result setFrameBuffer(uint32_t address);
00105     /** Get the LCD configuration stored in persistent storage on the LCD Board
00106      *
00107      *  @param cfg pointer to a configuration object. Parameters are copied to
00108      *  this object.
00109      *
00110      * @returns the result of the operation
00111      */
00112     Result getLcdConfig(LcdController::Config* cfg);
00114     /** Get the display name stored in persistent storage on the LCD Board
00115      *
00116      *  @param buf buffer to which the name will be copied
00117      *  @param len size of the buffer in bytes
00118      *
00119      * @returns the result of the operation
00120      */
00121     Result getDisplayName(char* buf, int len);
00123     /** Get the display manufacturer stored in persistent storage on the
00124      *  LCD Board
00125      *
00126      *  @param buf buffer to which the name will be copied
00127      *  @param len size of the buffer in bytes
00128      *
00129      * @returns the result of the operation
00130      */
00131     Result getDisplayMfg(char* buf, int len);
00133     /** Get the initialization sequence stored in persistent storage on the
00134      *  LCD Board
00135      *
00136      *  @param buf buffer to which the string will be copied
00137      *  @param len size of the buffer in bytes
00138      *
00139      * @returns the result of the operation
00140      */
00141     Result getInitSeq(char* buf, int len);
00143     /** Get the power down sequence stored in persistent storage on the
00144      *  LCD Board
00145      *
00146      *  @param buf buffer to which the string will be copied
00147      *  @param len size of the buffer in bytes
00148      *
00149      * @returns the result of the operation
00150      */
00151     Result getPowerDownSeq(char* buf, int len);
00153     /**
00154      * Get the touch panel parameters stored in persistent storage
00155      *
00156      *  @param params pointer to a configuration object. Parameters are copied to
00157      *  this object.
00158      *
00159      * @returns the result of the operation
00160      */
00161     Result getTouchParameters(TouchParams_t* params);
00163     /**
00164      * Write display parameters to the EEPROM. Please use this function with
00165      * care since original parameters will be overwritten and cannot be restored.
00166      *
00167      * @param lcdName the name of the display
00168      * @param lcdMfg the display manufacturer
00169      * @param cfg the display configuration parameters
00170      * @param initSeqStr the initialization sequence string
00171      * @param pdSeqStr the power down sequence string
00172      * @param touch touch panel parameters
00173      */
00174     Result storeParameters(
00175       const char* lcdName,
00176       const char* lcdMfg,
00177       LcdController::Config* cfg,
00178       const char* initSeqStr,
00179       const char* pdSeqStr,
00180       TouchParams_t* touch,
00181       bool controlWp = false);
00184 private:
00186     typedef struct {
00187         uint32_t magic;        // magic number
00188         uint8_t lcd_name[NameBufferSize]; // LCD name
00189         uint8_t lcd_mfg[NameBufferSize]; // manufacturer name
00190         uint16_t lcdParamOff;  // offset to LCD parameters
00191         uint16_t initOff;      // offset to init sequence string
00192         uint16_t pdOff;        // offset to power down sequence string
00193         uint16_t tsOff;        // offset to touch parameters
00194         uint16_t end;          // end offset
00195     } store_t;
00197     Result getStore(store_t* store);
00199     int eepromRead(uint8_t* buf, uint16_t offset, uint16_t len);
00200     int eepromWrite(uint8_t* buf, uint16_t offset, uint16_t len);
00202     Result parseInitString(char* str, LcdController::Config* cfg);
00203     Result checkVersion(char* v, uint32_t len);
00204     Result execDelay(char* del, uint32_t len);
00205     Result execSeqCtrl(char* cmd, uint32_t len);
00206     Result execPinSet(char* cmd, uint32_t len);
00208     void setLsStates(uint16_t states, uint8_t* ls, uint8_t mode);
00209     void setLeds(void);
00210     void pca9532_setLeds (uint16_t ledOnMask, uint16_t ledOffMask);
00211     void pca9532_setBlink0Period(uint8_t period);
00212     void pca9532_setBlink0Duty(uint8_t duty);
00213     void pca9532_setBlink0Leds(uint16_t ledMask);
00215     virtual void setWriteProtect(bool enable);
00216     virtual void set3V3Signal(bool enabled);
00217     virtual void set5VSignal(bool enabled);
00218     virtual void setDisplayEnableSignal(bool enabled);
00219     virtual void setBacklightContrast(uint32_t value);
00221     I2C _i2c;
00222     LcdController::Config _cfg;
00223     LcdController lcdCtrl;
00224     uint16_t _blink0Shadow;
00225     uint16_t _blink1Shadow;
00226     uint16_t _ledStateShadow;
00227     bool _lcdPwrOn;
00228 };
00230 #endif