This is a library for the JY-LKM1638 Display

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00002 #include "mbed.h"
00003 #include "LKM1638.h"
00006 const char READMODE = 0x42;
00007 const char INTENSITY = 0x00;  //Intensity of LED and Seven Segment Displays (0-7)
00008 const int WAIT = 1;
00011     //MPL3115A2 Class Constructor
00012     LKM1636::LKM1636(PinName pin1, PinName pin2, PinName pin3) :_Strobe(pin1),_CLK(pin2),_Data(pin3)
00013     {
00014       _Data.mode(PullUp);
00016     }
00019 //Driver Function that is used to write any printable char to the seven segment displays 0-7
00020 void LKM1636::displaychar (unsigned char value, unsigned char Seg_num, bool decimal)     //Seg_num 0-7 ____,____
00021 {
00023     unsigned char address;
00024     unsigned char Seg_value=0;
00025     address = 0xC0 + Seg_num * 2;         //Base Address for Segments is 0xC0 Each segment uses to Bytes of Mem.
00026     Seg_value = getchar(value);
00027     if(decimal)
00028     Seg_value = Seg_value | 0x80;
00029     if(Seg_value<0xff)                    // If Seg_value == 0xFF then character was not recognized
00030     {
00031         _Strobe = 0;
00032         SendChar(address);
00033         SendChar(Seg_value);
00034         _Strobe = 1;
00035         Delay(WAIT);
00036         _Strobe = 0;
00037         SendChar(INTENSITY | 0x88);
00038       _Strobe = 1;
00039     }
00043 }
00046 //Prints a Long int to the 8 Seven Segment displays
00047 void LKM1636::Clear()    //bank is either Seven Segs 0-3 Bank==0 or Segs 4-7 Bank==1
00048     {
00049         unsigned long temp1=0;
00051     for(temp1=0;temp1<8;temp1++)
00052         {
00053                     displaychar (' ',temp1,0);
00054         }
00056     }
00060 ///Writes an 8bool number to either the first or second bank of 4 seven segment displays
00062 void LKM1636::Write_Short(unsigned char value, bool bank)    //bank is either Seven Segs 0-3 Bank==0 or Segs 4-7 Bank==1
00063     {
00064         unsigned char temp=0;
00065         unsigned char Seg_number = 0; 
00066         if(bank)
00067         Seg_number = 5;
00068         temp = value/100;
00069         temp = temp%10;
00070         displaychar (temp, Seg_number,0);
00071         temp = value/10;
00072         temp = temp%10;
00073         displaychar (temp, Seg_number+1,0);
00074         temp = value%10;
00075         displaychar (temp, Seg_number+2,0);
00076     }
00077 //Prints a Long int to the 8 Seven Segment displays
00078 void LKM1636::Write_Long(unsigned long int value)    //bank is either Seven Segs 0-3 Bank==0 or Segs 4-7 Bank==1
00079     {
00080         unsigned long temp1=0;
00082         temp1 = (value/10000000);
00083         temp1 = temp1%10;
00084         displaychar ((unsigned char)temp1,0,0);
00086         temp1 = (value/1000000);
00087         temp1 = temp1%10;
00088         displaychar ((unsigned char)temp1,1,0);
00090         temp1 = (value/100000);
00091         temp1 = temp1%10;
00092         displaychar ((unsigned char)temp1,2,0);
00094         temp1 = (value/10000);
00095         temp1 = temp1%10;
00096         displaychar ((unsigned char)temp1,3,0);
00098         temp1 = (value/1000);
00099         temp1 = temp1%10;
00100         displaychar ((unsigned char)temp1,4,0);
00102         temp1 =(value/100);
00103         temp1 = temp1%10;
00104         displaychar ((unsigned char)temp1,5,0);
00106         temp1 = (value/10);
00107         temp1 = temp1%10;
00108         displaychar ((unsigned char)temp1,6,0);
00110         temp1 = (value%10);
00111         displaychar ((unsigned char)temp1,7,0);
00112     }
00114 // Serializes the Value passed into the character variable and send out using the data pin
00115 void LKM1636::SendChar(unsigned char Character)
00116 {
00117         unsigned char t;
00118         _CLK =1;
00119       _Data.output();
00120         Delay(WAIT);
00121         for (t=0;t<8;t++)                 //Serialize Address and put out on Data Pin
00122         {
00124          _Data = (Character & 0x01);
00125            Character = Character>>1;
00126            ToggleClock ();      
00127         }
00128         _Data.input();
00130 }
00131 ///  Toggles the Clock pin low to high with a minimal delay between the toggle
00132 void LKM1636::ToggleClock ()
00133 {
00134            _CLK = 0;
00135            Delay(WAIT);
00136            _CLK = 1;    
00137            Delay(WAIT);
00138 }
00139 /// Delay for Tick * Tocks of system clock
00140 ///
00141 void LKM1636::Delay(unsigned int Tick)
00142 {
00143     unsigned int tock=0,t=0;
00144     for(t=0;t<Tick;t++)
00145     {
00146       for(tock=0;tock<10;tock++);
00147     }
00149 }
00151 /// Getchar takes a integer value 0-15 or ascii value '0' - 'F'
00152 /// and returns the Seven Segment value needed to display the value
00154 unsigned char LKM1636::getchar(unsigned char value)
00155 {
00156     int seg_value = 0;
00158     switch(value)
00159     {
00160         case ('0'):
00161         case (0):
00162             seg_value = 0x3f;
00163             break;          
00164         case ('1'):
00165         case (1):
00166             seg_value = 0x6;
00167             break;
00168         case ('2'):
00169         case (2):
00170             seg_value = 0x5b;
00171             break;
00172         case ('3'):
00173         case (3):
00174             seg_value = 0x4f;
00175             break;
00176         case ('4'):
00177         case (4):
00178             seg_value = 0x66;
00179             break;
00180         case ('5'):
00181         case (5):
00182             seg_value = 0x6d;
00183             break;
00184         case ('6'):
00185         case (6):
00186             seg_value = 0x7d;
00187             break;
00188         case ('7'):
00189         case (7):
00190             seg_value = 0x7;
00191             break;
00192         case ('8'):
00193         case (8):
00194             seg_value = 0x7f;
00195             break;
00196         case ('9'):
00197         case (9):
00198             seg_value = 0x6f;
00199             break;
00200         case ('A'):
00201         case ('a'):
00202         case (10):
00203             seg_value = 0x77;
00204             break;
00205         case ('B'):
00206         case ('b'):
00207         case (11):
00208             seg_value = 0x7c;
00209             break;
00210         case ('C'):
00211         case ('c'):
00212         case (12):
00213             seg_value = 0x39;
00214             break;
00215         case ('D'):
00216         case ('d'):
00217         case (13):
00218             seg_value = 0x5e;
00219             break;
00220         case ('E'):
00221         case ('e'):
00222         case (14):
00223             seg_value = 0x79;
00224             break;
00225         case ('F'):
00226         case ('f'):
00227         case (15):
00228             seg_value = 0x71;
00229             break;
00230         case ('.'):
00231             seg_value = 0x80;
00232             break;
00233         case ('-'):
00234             seg_value = 0x40;
00235             break;
00236         case (' '):
00237             seg_value =0x0;
00238             break;
00239         default :
00240             seg_value = 0xff;
00241             break;
00243     }
00244     return (seg_value);
00245 }
00247 //Reads the current state of all 8 input buttons.  The state of each button is returned as an 8bool value
00248 //the bool to Sw map:
00249 //Switch bool order   bool# 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0  //0x80 0x20 0x08 0x02 || 0x40 0x10 0x04 0x01
00250 //                   Sw#  1 5 2 6 3 7 4 8
00252 unsigned char LKM1636::read_buttons ()
00253 {
00254     unsigned char temp=0;
00255     char d=0;
00256     _Strobe = 0;
00257     SendChar(READMODE);
00258     //_Data = 1;
00259     _CLK = 1;
00260     Delay(WAIT);
00261     for(d=0;d<32;d++)
00262     {
00263        if(!((d-1)%4))
00264        {
00265             temp=temp<<1;
00266             if(_Data)
00267             temp+=1;        
00268        }
00269        ToggleClock ();
00270     }
00271     _Strobe = 1;
00272     return temp;    
00273 }                    
00275 //Takes the 8bool number returned from the read_buttons function and lights the corsponing LED to current switch posistion
00276 void LKM1636::Switch_To_LED(unsigned char Switch_Values)
00277 {
00278     unsigned char t=0;
00279     bool temp_state=0;
00280     for(t=0; t<8; t++)
00281     {
00282         temp_state = (Switch_Values & 0x01);
00283         Switch_Values= Switch_Values>>1;
00284         switch (t)
00285         {
00286             case (0):
00287             LED (7, temp_state);        
00288             break;
00289             case (1):
00290             LED (3, temp_state);        
00291             break;
00292             case (2):
00293             LED (6, temp_state);        
00294             break;
00295             case (3):
00296             LED (2, temp_state);        
00297             break;
00298             case (4):
00299             LED (5, temp_state);        
00300             break;
00301             case (5):
00302             LED (1, temp_state);        
00303             break;
00304             case (6):
00305             LED (4, temp_state);        
00306             break;
00307             case (7):
00308             LED (0, temp_state);        
00309             break;
00310             default:
00311             break;
00312         }
00314     }
00315 }
00317 //LED_Num (0-7)) corsponds to the LED that is to be written to state(1=led on, 0 = led off)
00318 void LKM1636::LED (unsigned char LED_Num, bool state)//intensity can range from 0-7
00319 {
00320     unsigned char LED_Address;
00321     LED_Address = 0xC0 + (LED_Num*2) + 1;   //LED are at odd address 1 to 15;
00322     _Strobe = 0;
00323     SendChar(LED_Address);
00324     if(state)
00325     SendChar(0x01);
00326     else
00327     SendChar(0x00);
00328     _Strobe = 1;
00329     Delay(WAIT);
00330     _Strobe = 0;
00331     SendChar(INTENSITY | 0x88);
00332     _Strobe = 1;
00333 }
00334 //Takes a 8bool number and writes out the value to the 8 leds (0-7)
00335 void LKM1636::LEDS (unsigned char LED_Values)
00336 {
00337    unsigned char temp;
00338    bool temp_state = 0 ;
00339    for(temp=0; temp<8; temp++)
00340    {
00341      temp_state = (LED_Values & 0x01);
00342      LED (temp, temp_state);
00343      LED_Values= LED_Values>>1;
00344    }
00345 }