Component Test's Software to work with "Universal Controller Box" - Software is an interpreter or "compiler" for programs to be done with a .txt file and read off of the SD Card

Dependencies:   BridgeDriver FrontPanelButtons MCP23017 SDFileSystem TextLCD mbed

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Show/hide line numbers mainFunctions.cpp Source File


00001 //#include "mainFunctions.hpp"
00002 //
00003 ///******************************************************************************/
00004 ///***                      <Function: cyclePrograms>                         ***/
00005 ///******************************************************************************/
00006 //
00007 //int cyclePrograms(vector<string> files, int SIZE, int currIndex, int direction){
00008 //    
00009 //    int nextIndex = 0;
00010 //    switch(direction){
00011 //        case 0: //Cycle Back one File
00012 //            if ((currIndex - 1) < 0)
00013 //                nextIndex = SIZE - 1;
00014 //            else
00015 //                nextIndex = currIndex - 1;
00016 //            break;
00017 //        case 1: //Cycle Forward one File
00018 //            if ((currIndex + 1) >= SIZE)
00019 //                nextIndex = 0; 
00020 //            else
00021 //                nextIndex = currIndex + 1;
00022 //            break;
00023 //        case -1: //set the selectedFile to the currIndex (used for initialization)
00024 //            nextIndex = currIndex;
00025 //            break;
00026 //    }
00027 //
00028 //    //Output file on Display 
00029 //    lcd.setAddress(0,3);
00030 //    lcd.printf("                   "); // Clear the Line using Spaces (Emptyness) - Note one line is 20 Characters
00031 //    wait(.2);
00032 //    lcd.setAddress(0,3);
00033 //    lcd.printf("%s", files[nextIndex]);
00034 //    
00035 //    return nextIndex; // Return the file index in the Array         
00036 //}
00037 //
00038 ///******************************************************************************/
00039 ///***                      <Function: resetLineData>                         ***/
00040 ///******************************************************************************/
00041 //
00042 //void resetLineData(LineData &lineData){
00043 //    
00044 //    lineData.lineNumber = 0;
00045 //    lineData.numWords = 0;
00046 //    lineData.lineAddress = 0;
00047 //}
00048 //
00049 ///******************************************************************************/
00050 ///***                    <Function: interpretCommand>                        ***/
00051 ///******************************************************************************/
00052 //
00053 //int interpretCommand(FILE *selectedFile, LineData &lineData){
00054 //        
00055 //    if (lineData.word[0].compare("device") == 0){
00056 //
00057 //        int i = 0, deviceFound = -1;
00058 //        for (i = 0; i < numDevices; i++){
00059 //            if (lineData.word[2].compare(DeviceNames[i]) == 0){
00060 //                deviceFound = i;
00061 //            }
00062 //        }
00063 //        
00064 //        //if the device type does not match any known type, error out
00065 //        if (deviceFound == -1){
00066 //            //Error Out since the device Name was not matched with anything *************************   
00067 //        }
00068 //        
00069 //        //Add device to the array of devices and initialize it
00070 //        else{
00071 //            devices.push_back(Device::newDevice(deviceFound, lineData.word[1], lineData));
00072 //            devices.back()->name = lineData.word[1];             
00073 //        }
00074 //    }
00075 //    
00076 //    else if (lineData.word[0].compare("delay") == 0){
00077 //        string duration = lineData.word[1];
00078 //        int durationValue = 0;
00079 //        sscanf(duration.c_str(), "%d", &durationValue);
00080 //        
00081 //        if (durationValue){
00082 //            timer.reset();
00083 //            timer.start();
00084 //            while (timer.read_ms() < durationValue); //Do Nothing while the timer has not reached the duration
00085 //            timer.stop(); //Stop the Timer
00086 //        }
00087 //        else{
00088 //            //Error Out
00089 //            return -1;
00090 //        }
00091 //    }
00092 //    
00093 //    else if (lineData.word[0].compare("loop") == 0){
00094 //        int checkLoopEnd = loopCommand(selectedFile, lineData);
00095 //        if (checkLoopEnd == 1)
00096 //            return 1;
00097 //    }
00098 //       
00099 //    else if (lineData.word[0].compare("condition") == 0){
00100 //        int checkLoopEnd = conditionCommand(selectedFile, lineData);
00101 //        if (checkLoopEnd == 1)
00102 //            return 2;
00103 //    }     
00104 //    // end with custom return value for specific function
00105 //    else if (lineData.word[0].compare("end") == 0){
00106 //        if (lineData.word[1].compare("program") == 0){
00107 //            return 2;
00108 //        }
00109 //        else if (lineData.word[1].compare("loop") == 0){
00110 //            return 3;
00111 //        }
00112 //        else if (lineData.word[1].compare("condition") == 0){
00113 //            return 4;
00114 //        }
00115 //    }
00116 //    
00117 //    //not a keyword so check if it's a localName for a device
00118 //    else{
00119 //    
00120 //        int i = 0, deviceFound = -1;
00121 //        for (i = 0; i < devices.size(); i++){
00122 //            if (lineData.word[0].compare(devices[i]->name) == 0)
00123 //                deviceFound = i;
00124 //        }
00125 //                
00126 //        //no device was found that matched the local name, and this is also the last error check, meaning it can match no other potential keywords
00127 //        if (deviceFound == -1){
00128 //            lcd.setAddress(0,3);
00129 //            lcd.printf("Final ERROR!");
00130 //            wait(10);
00131 //        }
00132 //        
00133 //        //Local Name matches a device, send line to that device in order to process the functionality
00134 //        else{
00135 //            //addDevice(deviceFound);
00136 //            return devices[deviceFound]->interpret(lineData);
00137 //        }
00138 //    }  
00139 //    
00140 //    return -1;
00141 //}
00142 //
00143 ///******************************************************************************/
00144 ///***                       <Function: loopCommand>                          ***/
00145 ///******************************************************************************/
00146 //
00147 //int loopCommand(FILE *selectedFile, LineData &lineData){
00148 //        
00149 //    //Get the Condition value for number of times to loop
00150 //    string loopCondition = lineData.word[1];
00151 //    int loopConditionValue = 0;
00152 //    sscanf(loopCondition.c_str(), "%d", &loopConditionValue);
00153 //    
00154 //    int loopStartAddress = 0, loopLineNumber = 0, firstLineOfLoop = 1;
00155 //        
00156 //    lcd.setAddress(0,0);
00157 //    lcd.printf("Cycle 1 of %d", loopConditionValue);
00158 //        
00159 //    Timer cycleTimer;
00160 //    float totalLoopTime = 0;
00161 //    cycleTimer.reset();
00162 //    cycleTimer.start();
00163 //       
00164 //    int counter = 1, checkEnd = 0;
00165 //    while (counter <= loopConditionValue){
00166 //        
00167 //        getNextLine(selectedFile, lineData); 
00168 //        
00169 //        //Must get the address before entering the interpret command
00170 //        // if a Condition command is immediately after, and the condition fails, then
00171 //        // the interpret command will return the line at the "end condition" line, and therefore
00172 //        // set the loop's first line to be the "end condition" line, if interpretCommand is called BEFORE setting the first loop line address
00173 //        if (firstLineOfLoop){
00174 //            loopStartAddress = lineData.lineAddress; //Save the Line Address
00175 //            loopLineNumber = lineData.lineNumber;    //Save the Line Number
00176 //            firstLineOfLoop = 0;
00177 //        }
00178 //           
00179 //        checkEnd = interpretCommand(selectedFile, lineData);
00180 //
00181 //        //Increase the loop counter and go back to the beginning of the loop
00182 //        if (checkEnd == 3){
00183 //            
00184 //            //Output the Avg Cycle Time
00185 //            cycleTimer.stop(); 
00186 //            totalLoopTime +=;
00187 //            
00188 //            lcd.setAddress(0,1);
00189 //            lcd.printf("Avg t(sec): %1.3f", (totalLoopTime / counter));
00190 //            
00191 //            //Output Cycle Number
00192 //            counter++;
00193 //            lcd.setAddress(0,0);
00194 //            lcd.printf("Cycle %d of %d", counter, loopConditionValue);
00195 //            
00196 //            fseek(selectedFile, loopStartAddress, SEEK_SET);
00197 //            lineData.lineNumber = loopLineNumber - 2;
00198 //            checkEnd = 0;
00199 //            
00200 //            //Restart the timer for the next loop
00201 //            cycleTimer.reset();
00202 //            cycleTimer.start();
00203 //        }
00204 //    }
00205 //                
00206 //    return 1;
00207 // }   
00208 //
00209 ///******************************************************************************/
00210 ///***                    <Function: conditionCommand>                        ***/
00211 ///******************************************************************************/
00212 //
00213 //int conditionCommand(FILE *selectedFile, LineData &lineData){
00214 //        
00215 //    //Get the number of condition parameters 
00216 //    string numConditionVals = lineData.word[1];
00217 //    int numConditionValues = 0;
00218 //    sscanf(numConditionVals.c_str(), "%d", &numConditionValues);
00219 //    
00220 //    //LineData tempLineData;
00221 //    LineData param[15];
00222 //    //vector<LineData> param;
00223 //    vector<ConditionOp> paramCondition;
00224 // 
00225 //    
00226 //    //Fill the param Vector with Line structs of each individual device, this way we can send the Line struct to the appropriate interpret function without modification within the function itself
00227 //    int i = 2, numParam = 0, paramNumWords = 0;
00228 //    for (i = 2; i < lineData.numWords; i++){
00229 //                       
00230 //        // if the word is not an AND or an OR, it must mean it's for the specific function
00231 //        // set the current parameter's next word to be equal to the current word we're checking
00232 //        // increase number of words that the parameter has
00233 //        if (lineData.word[i] != "AND" && lineData.word[i] != "xAND" && lineData.word[i] != "OR" && lineData.word[i] != "xOR"){
00234 //
00235 //            //tempLineData.word[paramNumWords] = lineData.word[i];
00236 //            param[numParam].word[paramNumWords] = lineData.word[i];
00237 //            paramNumWords++;
00238 //            
00239 //            //if this is the last word in the line....
00240 //            if(i == (lineData.numWords - 1)){
00241 //                param[numParam].numWords = paramNumWords;
00242 //                 paramCondition[numParam].op = NONE;
00243 //                numParam++;
00244 //            }
00245 //            
00246 //        }
00247 //            
00248 //        // if the word is an AND or an OR, it must mean the last function has been completely identified
00249 //        // set the parameters number of Words value to the calculated value
00250 //        // increase the number of Parameters (the current parameter function we're filling)
00251 //        else if (lineData.word[i].compare("AND") == 0 || lineData.word[i].compare("xAND") == 0 || lineData.word[i].compare("OR") == 0 || lineData.word[i].compare("xOR") == 0){
00252 //            
00253 //            //tempLineData.numWords = paramNumWords;
00254 //            param[numParam].numWords = paramNumWords;
00255 //            
00256 //            paramCondition.push_back(ConditionOp());
00257 //            if (lineData.word[i].compare("AND") == 0)
00258 //                paramCondition[numParam].op = AND;
00259 //            else if (lineData.word[i].compare("xAND") == 0)
00260 //                paramCondition[numParam].op = xAND;
00261 //            else if (lineData.word[i].compare("OR") == 0)
00262 //                paramCondition[numParam].op = OR;
00263 //            else if (lineData.word[i].compare("xOR") == 0)
00264 //                paramCondition[numParam].op = xOR;
00265 //
00266 //            //param.push_back(LineData()); 
00267 //            //param[numParam] = tempLineData;
00268 //            //param.push_back(tempLineData); //add it to the vector list of parameters
00269 //            //tempLineData = LineData(); //reset
00270 //            numParam++; // increase the index of param
00271 //            paramNumWords = 0; // reset the number of words
00272 //        }    
00273 //    }
00274 //    
00275 //
00276 //    vector<ConditionOp> combinedCondition;
00277 //    ConditionOp tempCombinedCondition;
00278 //    int j = 0, k = 0;
00279 //    for (j = 0; j < numParam; j++){
00280 //        paramCondition[j].value = interpretCommand(selectedFile, param[j]);
00281 //    }
00282 //
00283 //    //create the combined Condition vector (take care of this xAND and xOR statements and combine them into one so that the whole vector is just AND's and OR's)
00284 //    //this should make the xAND's / xOR's into a single member of the combinedCondition vector
00285 //    enum ConditionType prevCondition = NONE; 
00286 //    int first = 1, last = 0;
00287 //    for (k = 0; k < numParam; k++){
00288 //
00289 //        if (k == numParam - 1)
00290 //            last = 1;
00291 //            
00292 //       if (!last){
00293 //            if (paramCondition[k].op != xAND && paramCondition[k].op != xOR && paramCondition[k + 1].op != xAND && paramCondition[k + 1].op != xOR){
00294 //                //AND
00295 //                if (paramCondition[k].op == AND){
00296 //                    if (!first && prevCondition != xAND && prevCondition != xOR)
00297 //                        combinedCondition.back().value = combinedCondition.back().value && paramCondition[k + 1].value;
00298 //                    else if (first || prevCondition == xAND || prevCondition == xOR){
00299 //                        tempCombinedCondition.value = paramCondition[k].value && paramCondition[k + 1].value; 
00300 //                        combinedCondition.push_back(tempCombinedCondition);
00301 //                        first = 0;
00302 //                    }    
00303 //                    prevCondition = AND;
00304 //                }
00305 //                
00306 //                //OR
00307 //                else if (paramCondition[k].op == OR){
00308 //                    if (!first && prevCondition != xAND && prevCondition != xOR)
00309 //                        combinedCondition.back().value = combinedCondition.back().value || paramCondition[k + 1].value;
00310 //                    else if (first || prevCondition == xAND || prevCondition == xOR){
00311 //                        tempCombinedCondition.value = paramCondition[k].value || paramCondition[k + 1].value; 
00312 //                        combinedCondition.push_back(tempCombinedCondition);
00313 //                        first = 0;
00314 //                    }    
00315 //                    prevCondition = OR;
00316 //                }
00317 //            }
00318 //            
00319 //            // first value is something, not exclusive, but next values are exclusive
00320 //            else if (first && (paramCondition[k].op == AND || paramCondition[k].op == OR) && (paramCondition[k + 1].op == xAND || paramCondition[k + 1].op == xOR)){
00321 //                tempCombinedCondition.value = paramCondition[k].value;
00322 //                tempCombinedCondition.op = paramCondition[k].op;
00323 //                combinedCondition.push_back(tempCombinedCondition);
00324 //                prevCondition = paramCondition[k].op;
00325 //                first = 0;
00326 //            }
00327 //            
00328 //            else{   
00329 //                //xAND
00330 //                if (paramCondition[k].op == xAND){
00331 //                    if (combinedCondition.size() == 0){ // No values so start a new combinedCondition
00332 //                        tempCombinedCondition.value = paramCondition[k].value && paramCondition[k + 1].value;
00333 //                        tempCombinedCondition.op = xAND;
00334 //                        combinedCondition.push_back(tempCombinedCondition);
00335 //                        prevCondition = xAND;
00336 //                    }
00337 //                    else{
00338 //                         if (combinedCondition.back().op == xAND){ // AND the value to the back most combinedCondition
00339 //                            combinedCondition.back().value = combinedCondition.back().value && paramCondition[k + 1].value;
00340 //                            prevCondition = xAND;
00341 //                        }
00342 //                        else if (combinedCondition.back().op != xAND){ // Start a new combinedCondition
00343 //                            tempCombinedCondition.value = paramCondition[k].value && paramCondition[k + 1].value; 
00344 //                            tempCombinedCondition.op = xAND;
00345 //                            combinedCondition.push_back(tempCombinedCondition);
00346 //                            prevCondition = xAND;
00347 //                        }
00348 //                    }
00349 //                        
00350 //                }
00351 //                
00352 //                //xOR
00353 //                else if (paramCondition[k].op == xOR){
00354 //                    if (combinedCondition.size() == 0){ // No values so start a new combinedCondition
00355 //                        tempCombinedCondition.value = paramCondition[k].value || paramCondition[k + 1].value; 
00356 //                        tempCombinedCondition.op = xOR;
00357 //                        combinedCondition.push_back(tempCombinedCondition);
00358 //                        prevCondition = xOR;
00359 //                    }
00360 //                    else{
00361 //                         if (combinedCondition.back().op == xOR){ // OR the value to the back most combinedCondition
00362 //                            combinedCondition.back().value = combinedCondition.back().value || paramCondition[k + 1].value;
00363 //                            prevCondition = xOR;
00364 //                        }
00365 //                        else if (combinedCondition.back().op != xOR){ // Start a new combinedCondition
00366 //                            tempCombinedCondition.value = paramCondition[k].value || paramCondition[k + 1].value; 
00367 //                            tempCombinedCondition.op = xOR;
00368 //                            combinedCondition.push_back(tempCombinedCondition);
00369 //                            prevCondition = xOR;
00370 //                        }
00371 //                    }
00372 //                        
00373 //                }
00374 //                
00375 //                // Since the k + 1 value is included in the xAND or xOR exclusively, skip checking that value, and add the appropriate AND / OR as the
00376 //                // operator of this exclusive xAND / xOR set
00377 //                if ((paramCondition[k + 1].op == AND || paramCondition[k + 1].op == OR) && (prevCondition == xAND || prevCondition == xOR)){
00378 //                    combinedCondition.back().op = paramCondition[k + 1].op;
00379 //                    k++;
00380 //                }
00381 //                
00382 //            }
00383 //       }
00384 //            
00385 //        
00386 //        // the last value was not included in any combination, since directly before the last value was an xAND / xOR set that
00387 //        // included the very last AND / OR as the set's operator, yet there is still another value that has not been combined, as it is supposed
00388 //        // to be AND /OR to the exclusive xAND / xOR set
00389 //        else if (last && (prevCondition == xAND || prevCondition == xOR) && (combinedCondition.back().op == AND || combinedCondition.back().op == OR)){
00390 //            tempCombinedCondition.value = paramCondition[k].value;
00391 //            tempCombinedCondition.op = NONE; 
00392 //            combinedCondition.push_back(tempCombinedCondition);
00393 //        }
00394 //        
00395 //        //reset the tempCombinedCondition variable
00396 //        tempCombinedCondition = ConditionOp();
00397 //    }
00398 //        
00399 //                
00400 //    // run through all values in the combined Condition vector, AND'ing / OR'ing as appropriate
00401 //    // in the end, the last value in the array should be the final condition of the Condition statement... whether it was successful or failed
00402 //    for (i = 0; i < (combinedCondition.size() - 1); i++){
00403 //        if (combinedCondition[i].op == AND)
00404 //            combinedCondition[i + 1].value = combinedCondition[i].value && combinedCondition[i + 1].value;
00405 //        else if (combinedCondition[i].op == OR)
00406 //            combinedCondition[i + 1].value = combinedCondition[i].value || combinedCondition[i + 1].value;
00407 //    }
00408 //
00409 //    int conditionSuccess = combinedCondition.back().value; //value is the success(1) or failure(0) of the condition statement
00410 //
00411 //    int checkEnd = 0;
00412 //    if (!conditionSuccess){
00413 //
00414 //        while (checkEnd != 4){
00415 //            
00416 //            getNextLine(selectedFile, lineData);
00417 //            
00418 //            // check if the first word is an end command (avoids interpreting functions that perform actions)
00419 //            if (lineData.word[0].compare("end") == 0)   
00420 //                checkEnd = interpretCommand(selectedFile, lineData);
00421 //        
00422 //            if (checkEnd == 4) // custom return value for this function
00423 //                return 0;
00424 //        }
00425 //    }
00426 //    
00427 //    // Return success as the function either met the condition and will continue from the next line, or
00428 //    // failed to meet the condition and ran through the lines inside the condition until "end condition" was found, therefore
00429 //    // the program will proceed from the line after the "end condition" line
00430 //    return 1;
00431 //}