Component Test's Software to work with "Universal Controller Box" - Software is an interpreter or "compiler" for programs to be done with a .txt file and read off of the SD Card

Dependencies:   BridgeDriver FrontPanelButtons MCP23017 SDFileSystem TextLCD mbed

Embed: (wiki syntax)

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00001 #include "PinIN.hpp"
00002 //#include "mbed.h"
00003 //#include "LocalPinNames.h"
00004 //#include "BridgeDriver.h"
00006 //Constructor
00007 PinIN::PinIN(LineData lineData){
00008     this->errorFlag = 0;
00010     //Order of Line: Command, Local_Name, PIN_IN, pinName, pinMode
00011     if (lineData.numWords != 5)
00012         this->errorFlag = 1;
00014     string _pinName = lineData.word[3]; // Local Pin
00015     string _pinMode = lineData.word[4]; // Pin Mode to Select
00017     if("DIO0") == 0)
00018         this->pinName = DIO0;
00019     else if("DIO1") == 0)
00020         this->pinName = DIO1;
00021     else if("DIO2") == 0)
00022         this->pinName = DIO2;
00023     else if("DIO3") == 0)
00024         this->pinName = DIO3;
00025     else if("DIO4") == 0)
00026         this->pinName = DIO4;
00027     else if("DIO5") == 0)
00028         this->pinName = DIO5;
00029     else if("DIO6") == 0)
00030         this->pinName = DIO6;
00031     else if("DIO7") == 0)
00032         this->pinName = DIO7;
00033     else if("DIO8") == 0)
00034         this->pinName = DIO8;
00035     else if("DIO9") == 0)
00036         this->pinName = DIO9;
00037     else if("DIO10") == 0)
00038         this->pinName = DIO10;
00039     else if("DIO11") == 0)
00040         this->pinName = DIO11;
00042     else if("AI0") == 0)
00043         this->pinName = AI0;
00044     else if("AI1") == 0)
00045         this->pinName = AI1;
00046     else if("AI2") == 0)
00047         this->pinName = AI2;
00048     else if("AI3") == 0)
00049         this->pinName = AI3;
00050     else if("AI4") == 0)
00051         this->pinName = AI4;
00052     else if("AI5") == 0)
00053         this->pinName = AI5;
00055     //Pin Name not recognized
00056     else
00057         this->errorFlag = 1;
00059     if("PU") == 0)
00060         this->pinMode = PullUp;
00061     else if("PD") == 0)
00062         this->pinMode = PullDown;
00063     else if("PN") == 0)
00064         this->pinMode = PullNone;
00065     else if("OD") == 0)
00066         this->pinMode = OpenDrain;
00068     //Pin Mode not recognized
00069     else
00070         this->errorFlag = 1;
00071 }
00074 //A line consists of [ __(Local_Name)__ __(function)__ __(parameter1)__ __(parameter2)__ __(parameter3)__ ... and so on]
00075 int PinIN::interpret(LineData &lineData){
00077     //Initialize the Pin with appropriate values
00078     DigitalIn signal(pinName, pinMode);
00080     //Order of Line: Local_Name, Function_Name, Param1, Param2, Param3,.......
00081     string func = lineData.word[1];
00083     /******************************************************************************/
00084     /***                        <Func: wait>                               ***/
00085     /******************************************************************************/
00086     if ("wait") == 0){
00088         if (lineData.numWords != 3){
00089             ErrorOut("Incorrect number of parameters", lineData.lineNumber);
00090             return -1;
00091         }
00093         //Initialize and Convert Parameters
00094         string pinValue = lineData.word[2];
00095         int pinValue_Value = 0;
00097         int numValuesFound = sscanf(pinValue.c_str(), "%d", &pinValue_Value);
00098         if (numValuesFound < 1){
00099             ErrorOut("Parameter Unknown, pin value can't be converted", lineData.lineNumber);
00100             return -1;
00101         }
00103         if(pinValue_Value < 0 && pinValue_Value > 1){
00104             ErrorOut("Pin Value must be either 0 or 1", lineData.lineNumber);
00105             return -1;
00106         }
00108         //All syntax checking done by this point, if Dummy then return success in order to check the code, no need to perform functionality
00109         if (DummyMode)
00110             return 0; //Function operated successfully but doesn't return a value
00112         //Wait on the signal to turn to the specified value
00113         while( != pinValue_Value);
00114     }
00117     /******************************************************************************/
00118     /***                            <Func: val>                                 ***/
00119     /******************************************************************************/
00120     // returns 1 if the check value is equal to the current check value of the Pin
00121     else if ("val") == 0){
00123         if (lineData.numWords != 3){
00124             ErrorOut("Incorrect number of parameters", lineData.lineNumber);
00125             return -1;
00126         }
00128         //Initialize and Convert Parameters
00129         string checkValue = lineData.word[2];
00130         int checkValue_Value = 0;
00131         int numValuesFound = sscanf(checkValue.c_str(), "%d", &checkValue_Value);
00132         if (numValuesFound < 1){
00133             ErrorOut("Parameter Unknown, pin value can't be converted", lineData.lineNumber);
00134             return -1;
00135         }
00137         if(checkValue_Value < 0 && checkValue_Value > 1){
00138             ErrorOut("Pin Value must be either 0 or 1", lineData.lineNumber);
00139             return -1;
00140         }
00142         //All syntax checking done by this point, if Dummy then return success in order to check the code, no need to perform functionality
00143         if (DummyMode)
00144             return 0; //Function operated successfully but doesn't return a value
00146         //Return one if value meets the wanted pin value, return 0 if it doesn't
00147         if( == checkValue_Value){
00148             //Debounce check to ensure the value is still correct, if incorrect after debounce time, return 0, since it's a false truth
00149             if ( == checkValue_Value){
00150                 Timer debounceTimer;
00151                 debounceTimer.reset();
00152                 debounceTimer.start();
00153                 while (debounceTimer.read_ms() < 40);
00154                 if ( == checkValue_Value)
00155                     return 1;
00156                 else
00157                     return 0;
00158             }
00159         }
00160         else
00161             return 0;
00162     }
00164     else {
00165         ErrorOut("Unknown Command for PinIn Class", lineData.lineNumber);
00166         return -1;
00167     }  
00169     return 0; //Return success as 0 since no condition had to be met
00170 }