Exercise 3 Calzana-Iandiorio

Dependents:   BLELedScanner

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00001 /* mbed Microcontroller Library
00002  * Copyright (c) 2006-2015 ARM Limited
00003  *
00004  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
00005  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
00006  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
00007  *
00008  *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
00009  *
00010  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
00011  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
00012  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
00013  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
00014  * limitations under the License.
00015  */
00017 #include <events/mbed_events.h>
00018 #include <mbed.h>
00019 #include "ble/BLE.h"
00020 #include "ble/DiscoveredCharacteristic.h"
00021 #include "ble/DiscoveredService.h"
00023 DigitalOut alivenessLED(LED1, 1);
00024 static DiscoveredCharacteristic ledCharacteristic;
00025 static bool triggerLedCharacteristic;
00026 static const char PEER_NAME[] = "LED666";
00027 static uint8_t toggledValue = 0x0;
00028 InterruptIn button(USER_BUTTON);
00030 static EventQueue eventQueue(/* event count */ 16 * EVENTS_EVENT_SIZE);
00032 void periodicCallback(void) {
00033     alivenessLED = !alivenessLED; /* Do blinky on LED1 while we're waiting for BLE events */
00034 }
00036 void advertisementCallback(const Gap::AdvertisementCallbackParams_t *params) {
00037     // parse the advertising payload, looking for data type COMPLETE_LOCAL_NAME
00038     // The advertising payload is a collection of key/value records where
00039     // byte 0: length of the record excluding this byte
00040     // byte 1: The key, it is the type of the data
00041     // byte [2..N] The value. N is equal to byte0 - 1
00042     for (uint8_t i = 0; i < params->advertisingDataLen; ++i) {
00044         const uint8_t record_length = params->advertisingData[i];
00045         if (record_length == 0) {
00046             continue;
00047         }
00048         const uint8_t type = params->advertisingData[i + 1];
00049         const uint8_t* value = params->advertisingData + i + 2;
00050         const uint8_t value_length = record_length - 1;
00052         if(type == GapAdvertisingData::COMPLETE_LOCAL_NAME) {
00053             if ((value_length == sizeof(PEER_NAME)) && (memcmp(value, PEER_NAME, value_length) == 0)) {
00054                 printf(
00055                     "adv peerAddr[%02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x] rssi %d, isScanResponse %u, AdvertisementType %u\r\n",
00056                     params->peerAddr[5], params->peerAddr[4], params->peerAddr[3], params->peerAddr[2],
00057                     params->peerAddr[1], params->peerAddr[0], params->rssi, params->isScanResponse, params->type
00058                 );
00059                 BLE::Instance().gap().connect(params->peerAddr, Gap::ADDR_TYPE_RANDOM_STATIC, NULL, NULL);
00060                 break;
00061             }
00062         }
00063         i += record_length;
00064     }
00065 }
00067 void serviceDiscoveryCallback(const DiscoveredService *service) {
00068     if (service->getUUID().shortOrLong() == UUID::UUID_TYPE_SHORT) {
00069         printf("S UUID-%x attrs[%u %u]\r\n", service->getUUID().getShortUUID(), service->getStartHandle(), service->getEndHandle());
00070     } else {
00071         printf("S UUID-");
00072         const uint8_t *longUUIDBytes = service->getUUID().getBaseUUID();
00073         for (unsigned i = 0; i < UUID::LENGTH_OF_LONG_UUID; i++) {
00074             printf("%02x", longUUIDBytes[i]);
00075         }
00076         printf(" attrs[%u %u]\r\n", service->getStartHandle(), service->getEndHandle());
00077     }
00078 }
00080 void updateLedCharacteristic(void) {
00081     if (!BLE::Instance().gattClient().isServiceDiscoveryActive()) {
00082         ledCharacteristic.read();
00083     }
00084 }
00086 void characteristicDiscoveryCallback(const DiscoveredCharacteristic *characteristicP) {
00087     printf("  C UUID-%x valueAttr[%u] props[%x]\r\n", characteristicP->getUUID().getShortUUID(), characteristicP->getValueHandle(), (uint8_t)characteristicP->getProperties().broadcast());
00088     if (characteristicP->getUUID().getShortUUID() == 0xa001) { /* !ALERT! Alter this filter to suit your device. */
00089         ledCharacteristic        = *characteristicP;
00090         triggerLedCharacteristic = true;
00091     }
00092 }
00094 void discoveryTerminationCallback(Gap::Handle_t connectionHandle) {
00095     printf("terminated SD for handle %u\r\n", connectionHandle);
00096     if (triggerLedCharacteristic) {
00097         triggerLedCharacteristic = false;
00098         eventQueue.call(updateLedCharacteristic);
00099     }
00100 }
00102 void connectionCallback(const Gap::ConnectionCallbackParams_t *params) {
00103     if (params->role == Gap::CENTRAL) {
00104         BLE &ble = BLE::Instance();
00105         ble.gattClient().onServiceDiscoveryTermination(discoveryTerminationCallback);
00106         ble.gattClient().launchServiceDiscovery(params->handle, serviceDiscoveryCallback, characteristicDiscoveryCallback, 0xa000, 0xa001);
00107     }
00108 }
00110 void triggerToggledWrite(const GattReadCallbackParams *response) {
00111     if (response->handle == ledCharacteristic.getValueHandle()) {
00112         printf("triggerToggledWrite: handle %u, offset %u, len %u\r\n", response->handle, response->offset, response->len);
00113         for (unsigned index = 0; index < response->len; index++) {
00114             printf("%c[%02x]", response->data[index], response->data[index]);
00115         }
00116         printf("\r\n");
00117         ledCharacteristic.write(1, &toggledValue);
00118     }
00119 }
00121 void triggerRead(const GattWriteCallbackParams *response) {
00122     if (response->handle == ledCharacteristic.getValueHandle()) {
00123         ledCharacteristic.read();
00124     }
00125 }
00127 void disconnectionCallback(const Gap::DisconnectionCallbackParams_t *) {
00128     printf("disconnected\r\n");
00129     /* Start scanning and try to connect again */
00130     BLE::Instance().gap().startScan(advertisementCallback);
00131 }
00133 void onBleInitError(BLE &ble, ble_error_t error)
00134 {
00135    /* Initialization error handling should go here */
00136 }
00138 void printMacAddress()
00139 {
00140     /* Print out device MAC address to the console*/
00141     Gap::AddressType_t addr_type;
00142     Gap::Address_t address;
00143     BLE::Instance().gap().getAddress(&addr_type, address);
00144     printf("DEVICE MAC ADDRESS: ");
00145     for (int i = 5; i >= 1; i--){
00146         printf("%02x:", address[i]);
00147     }
00148     printf("%02x\r\n", address[0]);
00149 }
00151 void bleInitComplete(BLE::InitializationCompleteCallbackContext *params)
00152 {
00153     BLE&        ble   = params->ble;
00154     ble_error_t error = params->error;
00156     if (error != BLE_ERROR_NONE) {
00157         /* In case of error, forward the error handling to onBleInitError */
00158         onBleInitError(ble, error);
00159         return;
00160     }
00162     /* Ensure that it is the default instance of BLE */
00163     if (ble.getInstanceID() != BLE::DEFAULT_INSTANCE) {
00164         return;
00165     }
00167     ble.gap().onDisconnection(disconnectionCallback);
00168     ble.gap().onConnection(connectionCallback);
00170     ble.gattClient().onDataRead(triggerToggledWrite);
00171     ble.gattClient().onDataWrite(triggerRead);
00173     // scan interval: 400ms and scan window: 400ms.
00174     // Every 400ms the device will scan for 400ms
00175     // This means that the device will scan continuously.
00176     ble.gap().setScanParams(400, 400);
00177     ble.gap().startScan(advertisementCallback);
00179     printMacAddress();
00180 }
00182 void scheduleBleEventsProcessing(BLE::OnEventsToProcessCallbackContext* context) {
00183     BLE &ble = BLE::Instance();
00184     eventQueue.call(Callback<void()>(&ble, &BLE::processEvents));
00185 }
00187 void rise_handler_iterrupt_context(void) {
00188     toggledValue = 0x0;
00189 }
00191 void fall_handler_iterrupt_context(void) {
00192     toggledValue = 0x1;
00193 }
00195 int main()
00196 {
00198     triggerLedCharacteristic = false;
00199     eventQueue.call_every(500, periodicCallback);
00201     BLE &ble = BLE::Instance();
00202     ble.onEventsToProcess(scheduleBleEventsProcessing);
00203     ble.init(bleInitComplete);
00204     button.rise(rise_handler_iterrupt_context);
00205     button.fall(fall_handler_iterrupt_context);
00207     eventQueue.dispatch_forever();
00209     return 0;
00210 }