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00001 /*
00002  * Copyright (c) 2014-2017 ARM Limited. All rights reserved.
00003  *
00004  * SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-PBL
00005  *
00006  * Licensed under the Permissive Binary License, Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
00007  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
00008  *
00009  * https://www.mbed.com/licenses/PBL-1.0
00010  *
00011  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
00012  *
00013  */
00015 /**
00016  * \file thread_border_router_api.h
00017  * \brief Thread border router application interface.
00018  *
00019  * This file contains functions for managing Thread border router features.
00020  * Border routers can set up services in the Thread network including routes,
00021  * DHCPv6 servers, on-mesh prefixes and services.
00022  *
00023  */
00028 #include "ns_types.h"
00030 /**
00031  * \brief Border router network data structure.
00032  */
00033 typedef struct thread_border_router_info_t {
00034     unsigned            Prf: 2;               /**< Prefix preference, 01 = High, 00 = Default, 11 = Low, 10 = Reserved. */
00035     bool                P_preferred: 1;       /**< Address is considered preferred address. */
00036     bool                P_slaac: 1;           /**< Allowed to configure a new address */
00037     bool                P_dhcp: 1;            /**< DHCPv6 server is available in the network. */
00038     bool                P_configure: 1;       /**< DHCPv6 agent provides other configuration. */
00039     bool                P_default_route: 1;   /**< This device provides the default route. */
00040     bool                P_on_mesh: 1;         /**< This prefix is considered to be on-mesh */
00041     bool                P_nd_dns: 1;          /**< this border router is able to provide DNS information */
00042     bool                stableData: 1;        /**< This data is stable and expected to be available at least 48h. */
00043 } thread_border_router_info_t;
00045 /**
00046  * \brief Create local service that is provided to the Thread network.
00047  * If a prefix exists it is updated. For example, when removing SLAAC (Stateless Address Autoconfiguration) you should modify the prefix
00048  * first to remove the creation of new addresses and after a while, remove the prefix.
00049  *
00050  * When you have configured the services locally, you need to call
00051  * thread_border_router_publish to make the services available in the network.
00052  *
00053  * \param interface_id Network interface ID.
00054  * \param prefix_ptr Pointer prefix.
00055  * \param prefix_len Length of prefix.
00056  * \param prefix_info_ptr Prefix service structure configuring the published service.
00057  *
00058  * \return 0, Set OK.
00059  * \return <0 Set not OK.
00060  */
00061 int thread_border_router_prefix_add(int8_t interface_id, uint8_t *prefix_ptr, uint8_t prefix_len, thread_border_router_info_t *prefix_info_ptr);
00063 /**
00064  * \brief Delete local service.
00065  *
00066  * \param interface_id Network interface ID.
00067  * \param prefix_ptr Pointer prefix.
00068  * \param prefix_len Length of prefix.
00069  *
00070  * \return 0, Set OK.
00071  * \return <0 Set not OK.
00072  */
00073 int thread_border_router_prefix_delete(int8_t interface_id, uint8_t *prefix_ptr, uint8_t prefix_len);
00075 /**
00076  * \brief Add a new route to the Thread network. Other devices can use the route.
00077  * For example, 0::0/0 means that this device provides the default route.
00078  * For example, 2001::0/64 means that this device provides a more specific route.
00079  *
00080  * If a prefix exists it is updated.
00081  *
00082  * \param interface_id Network interface ID.
00083  * \param prefix_ptr Pointer prefix. Can be NULL for the default route.
00084  * \param prefix_len Length of prefix.
00085  * \param stable This data is stable and expected to be available at least 48h.
00086  * \param prf Route preference, 01 = High, 00 = Default, 11 = Low, 10 = Reserved.
00087  *
00088  * \return 0, Set OK.
00089  * \return <0 Set not OK.
00090  */
00091 int thread_border_router_route_add(int8_t interface_id, uint8_t *prefix_ptr, uint8_t prefix_len, bool stable, int8_t prf);
00093 /**
00094  * \brief Delete locally served route.
00095  *
00096  * \param interface_id Network interface ID.
00097  * \param prefix_ptr Pointer prefix.
00098  * \param prefix_len Length of prefix.
00099  *
00100  * \return 0, Set OK.
00101  * \return <0 Set not OK.
00102  */
00103 int thread_border_router_route_delete(int8_t interface_id, uint8_t *prefix_ptr, uint8_t prefix_len);
00105 /**
00106  * \brief Add or modify a local service.
00107  *
00108  * \param interface_id Network interface ID.
00109  * \param service_data Pointer to a byte string specifying the type of service.
00110  * \param service_len Length of service data.
00111  * \param sid Service Type ID, a value between 0 and 15, inclusive, assigned to this service data.
00112  * \param enterprise_number Enterprise number of the vendor that defined the type of the server.
00113  * \param server_data Pointer to a byte string containing server-specific information.
00114  * \param server_data_len Length of server data.
00115  * \param stable This data is stable and expected to be available at least 48h.
00116  *
00117  * \return 0, Addition OK.
00118  * \return <0 Addition not OK.
00119  */
00120 int thread_border_router_service_add(int8_t interface_id, uint8_t *service_data, uint8_t service_len, uint8_t sid, uint32_t enterprise_number, uint8_t *server_data, uint8_t server_data_len, bool stable);
00122 /**
00123  * \brief Delete local service by service data and enterprise number.
00124  *
00125  * \param interface_id Network interface ID.
00126  * \param service_data Pointer to a byte string specifying the type of service.
00127  * \param service_len Length of service.
00128  * \param enterprise_number Enterprise number of the vendor that defined the type of the server.
00129  *
00130  * \return 0, Delete OK.
00131  * \return <0 Delete not OK.
00132  */
00133 int thread_border_router_service_delete(int8_t interface_id, uint8_t *service_data, uint8_t service_len, uint32_t enterprise_number);
00135 /**
00136  * \brief Publish local services to Thread network.
00137  *
00138  * If local services are deleted before calling this, all services are deregistered from the network.
00139  *
00140  * \param interface_id Network interface ID.
00141  *
00142  * \return 0, Push OK.
00143  * \return <0 Push not OK.
00144  */
00145 int thread_border_router_publish(int8_t interface_id);
00147 /**
00148  * \brief Clear the local service list.
00149  *
00150  * \param interface_id Network interface ID.
00151  *
00152  * \return 0, Push OK.
00153  * \return <0 Push not OK.
00154  */
00155 int thread_border_router_delete_all(int8_t interface_id);
00157 /**
00158  * \brief Set Recursive DNS server (RDNSS) option that is encoded according to RFC6106.
00159  * Setting a new RDNSS will overwrite previous RDNSS option. Set RNDDS will be used
00160  * until it is cleared.
00161  *
00162  * \param interface_id Network interface ID.
00163  * \param recursive_dns_server_option Recursive DNS server option encoded according to rfc6106, can be NULL to clear existing RDNSS.
00164  * \param recursive_dns_server_option_len Length of the recursive_dns_server_option in bytes.
00165  *
00166  * \return 0, Option saved OK.
00167  * \return <0 when error occurs during option processing.
00168  */
00169 int thread_border_router_recursive_dns_server_option_set(int8_t interface_id, uint8_t *recursive_dns_server_option, uint16_t recursive_dns_server_option_len);
00171 /**
00172  * \brief Set DNS server search list (DNSSL) option that is encoded according to RFC6106.
00173  * Setting a new DNSSL will overwrite previous DNSSL option. Set DNSSL will be used
00174  * until it is cleared.
00175  *
00176  * \param interface_id Network interface ID.
00177  * \param dns_search_list_option DNS search list option encoded according to rfc6106, can be NULL to clear existing DNSSL.
00178  * \param search_list_option_len Length of the dns_search_list_option in bytes.
00179  *
00180  * \return 0, Option saved OK.
00181  * \return <0 when error occurs during option processing.
00182  */
00183 int thread_border_router_dns_search_list_option_set(int8_t interface_id, uint8_t *dns_search_list_option, uint16_t search_list_option_len);
00185 /**
00186  * \brief Callback type for Thread network data TLV registration
00187  *
00188  * \param interface_id Network interface ID.
00189  * \param network_data_tlv Thread Network data TLV as specified in Thread specification.
00190  * \param network_data_tlv_length length of the network data TLV.
00191  */
00192 typedef void (thread_network_data_tlv_cb)(int8_t interface_id, uint8_t *network_data_tlv, uint16_t network_data_tlv_length);
00194 /**
00195  * \brief Register callback function to receive thread network data TLV in byte array. For the first time the callback
00196  * will be called before returning from the function. Afterwards the callback will be called when there is a change
00197  * to the network data or when the network data is advertised. Application is not allowed to block the callback execution
00198  * and must make a copy of the network data if it is needed afterwards.
00199  *
00200  * Setting nwk_data_cb to NULL will prevent further calls to the callback function.
00201  *
00202  * \param interface_id Network interface ID.
00203  * \param nwk_data_cb callback function to receive network data TLV in byte array as specified in the Thread specification.
00204  *
00205  * \return 0, Callback function registered successfully.
00206  * \return <0 when error occurs during registering the callback function.
00207  */
00208 int thread_border_router_network_data_callback_register(int8_t interface_id, thread_network_data_tlv_cb* nwk_data_cb);
00210 /**
00211  * Find Prefix TLV from the Network Data TLV byte array.
00212  *
00213  * \param network_data_tlv [IN] Network data TLV in byte array.
00214  * \param network_data_tlv_length [IN] Length of the network data TLV byte array in bytes.
00215  * \param prefix_tlv [IN] pointer to the previous prefix_tlv, NULL if previous TLV not known.
00216  *                   [OUT] Pointer to the prefix TLV found.
00217  * \param stable [OUT] value set to true if found TLV is stable, false otherwise.
00218  *
00219  * \return Length of the found Prefix TLV
00220  * \return 0 if TLV is empty or no Prefix TLV found.
00221  * \return negative value indicates error in input parameters.
00222  */
00223 int thread_border_router_prefix_tlv_find(uint8_t* network_data_tlv, uint16_t network_data_tlv_length, uint8_t** prefix_tlv, bool* stable);
00225 /**
00226  * Find Border router TLV from the Network Data TLV (under Prefix TLV) byte array.
00227  *
00228  * \param prefix_tlv [IN] Network data TLV in byte array.
00229  * \param prefix_tlv_length [IN] Length of the Network data TLV byte array in bytes.
00230  * \param border_router_tlv [IN] pointer to the previous Border Router TLV, NULL if not known.
00231  *                          [OUT] Pointer to the Border Router TLV found.
00232  * \param stable [OUT] value set to true if found TLV is stable, false otherwise
00233  *
00234  * \return Length of the Prefix found
00235  * \return 0 if TLV is empty or no TLV found.
00236  * \return negative value indicates error in input parameters.
00237  */
00238 int thread_border_router_tlv_find(uint8_t* prefix_tlv, uint16_t prefix_tlv_length, uint8_t** border_router_tlv, bool* stable);
00240 /**
00241  * Find Service TLV from the Network Data TLV byte array.
00242  *
00243  * \param network_data_tlv [IN] Network data TLV in byte array.
00244  * \param network_data_tlv_length [IN] Length of the network data TLV byte array in bytes.
00245  * \param service_tlv [IN] pointer to the previous Service TLV, NULL if previous TLV not known.
00246  *                   [OUT] Pointer to the Service TLV found.
00247  * \param stable [OUT] value set to true if found TLV is stable, false otherwise.
00248  *
00249  * \return Length of the found Service TLV
00250  * \return 0 if TLV is empty or no Service TLV found.
00251  * \return negative value indicates error in input parameters.
00252  */
00253 int thread_border_router_service_tlv_find(uint8_t* network_data_tlv, uint16_t network_data_tlv_length, uint8_t** service_tlv, bool* stable);
00255 /**
00256  * Find Server TLV from the Network Data TLV (under Service TLV) byte array.
00257  *
00258  * \param service_tlv [IN] Network data TLV in byte array.
00259  * \param service_tlv_length [IN] Length of the Network data TLV byte array in bytes.
00260  * \param server_tlv [IN] pointer to the previous Server TLV, NULL if not known.
00261  *                          [OUT] Pointer to the Server TLV found.
00262  * \param stable [OUT] value set to true if found TLV is stable, false otherwise
00263  *
00264  * \return Length of the Prefix found
00265  * \return 0 if TLV is empty or no TLV found.
00266  * \return negative value indicates error in input parameters.
00267  */
00268 int thread_border_router_server_tlv_find(uint8_t* service_tlv, uint16_t service_tlv_length, uint8_t** server_tlv, bool* stable);
00270 /**
00271  * Determine context ID from the Network Data TLV (under Prefix TLV) byte array.
00272  *
00273  * \param prefix_tlv [IN] Prefix TLV in byte array.
00274  * \param prefix_tlv_length [IN] Length of the Prefix TLV byte array in bytes.
00275  *
00276  * \return The context ID value found
00277  * \return -1 if error in input parameters.
00278  * \return -2 if no context ID value found.
00279  */
00280 int thread_border_router_prefix_context_id(uint8_t *prefix_tlv, uint16_t prefix_tlv_length);
00282 /**
00283  * Start mDNS responder service. The responder will respond to DNS-SD queries and send announcement when
00284  * Thread network data is updated.
00285  *
00286  * The mDNS responder can be closed by calling thread_border_router_mdns_responder_stop(). Closing the Thread
00287  * network interface will stop the mDNS responder automatically.
00288  *
00289  * \param interface_id interface ID of the Thread network
00290  * \param interface_id_mdns interface where mDNS messaging occurs
00291  * \param service_name mDNS instance name
00292  *
00293  * \return 0 on success
00294  * \return <0 in case of errors
00295  *
00296  */
00297 int thread_border_router_mdns_responder_start(int8_t interface_id, int8_t interface_id_mdns, const char *service_name);
00299 /**
00300  * Stop mDNS responder service
00301  *
00302  *
00303  * \return 0 on success
00304  * \return <0 in case of errors
00305  *
00306  */
00307 int thread_border_router_mdns_responder_stop(void);
00309 #endif /* THREAD_BORDER_ROUTER_API_H_ */