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00001 /*
00002  * Copyright (c) 2016 ARM Limited. All rights reserved.
00003  *
00004  * SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-PBL
00005  *
00006  * Licensed under the Permissive Binary License, Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
00007  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
00008  *
00009  * https://www.mbed.com/licenses/PBL-1.0
00010  *
00011  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
00012  *
00013  */
00015 /** \file sw_mac.h
00016  * \brief Software MAC API.
00017  */
00019 #ifndef NS_SW_MAC_H
00020 #define NS_SW_MAC_H
00022 #include "ns_types.h"
00024 #ifdef __cplusplus
00025 extern "C" {
00026 #endif
00028 struct protocol_interface_rf_mac_setup;
00029 struct mac_api_s;
00030 struct mac_description_storage_size_s;
00031 struct fhss_api;
00033 /**
00034  * @brief Creates 802.15.4 MAC API instance which will use RF driver given
00035  * @param rf_driver_id RF driver id. Must be valid
00036  * @param storage_sizes dynamic mac storage sizes DO NOT set any values to zero !!
00037  * @return New MAC instance if successful, NULL otherwise
00038  */
00039 extern struct mac_api_s *ns_sw_mac_create(int8_t rf_driver_id, struct mac_description_storage_size_s *storage_sizes);
00041 /**
00042  * @brief ns_sw_mac_virtual_client_register registers virtual driver to be used with 802.15.4 MAC.
00043  * This is always used with serial_mac_api
00044  * @param api API to start using virtual driver
00045  * @param virtual_driver_id
00046  * @return 0 if success, -1 if api or driver is invalid
00047  */
00048 extern int8_t ns_sw_mac_virtual_client_register(struct mac_api_s *api, int8_t virtual_driver_id);
00050 /**
00051  * @brief ns_sw_mac_virtual_client_unregister Unregisters virtual driver from 802.15.4 MAC
00052  * @param api API from which to unregister virtual driver
00053  * @return 0 if success, -1 if api is invalid
00054  */
00055 extern int8_t ns_sw_mac_virtual_client_unregister(struct mac_api_s *api);
00057 /**
00058  * @brief Registers created FHSS API instance to given software MAC instance.
00059  * @param mac_api MAC instance.
00060  * @param fhss_api FHSS instance.
00061  * @return 0 on success, -1 on fail.
00062  */
00063 extern int ns_sw_mac_fhss_register(struct mac_api_s *mac_api, struct fhss_api *fhss_api);
00066 #ifdef __cplusplus
00067 }
00068 #endif
00070 #endif // NS_SW_MAC_H