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00001 /*
00002  * Copyright (c) 2014-2016 ARM Limited. All rights reserved.
00003  *
00004  * SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-PBL
00005  *
00006  * Licensed under the Permissive Binary License, Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
00007  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
00008  *
00009  * https://www.mbed.com/licenses/PBL-1.0
00010  *
00011  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
00012  *
00013  */
00018 #include "ns_types.h"
00020 /**
00021  * \file net_pana_parameters_api.h
00022  * \brief An API for setting up or changing PANA library parameters.
00023  *
00024  * \section set-pana-param Setting up PANA parameters.
00025  *  -  net_pana_parameter_set(), A function to set up PANA library parameters.
00026  * \section check-pana-param Checking existing PANA setup.
00027  *  -  net_pana_parameter_read(), A function to read current PANA library setup.
00028  */
00030 /*!
00031  * \struct pana_lib_parameters_s
00032  * \brief PANA library dynamic parameters.
00033  */
00034 /** The structure defines PANA library parameters.*/
00035 typedef struct pana_lib_parameters_s {
00036     uint16_t PCI_IRT;                   /**< Initial PCI timeout in seconds, default 10. */
00037     uint16_t PCI_MRT;                   /**< Max PCI timeout value in seconds, default 60.  */
00038     uint8_t PCI_MRC;                    /**< PCI_MRC Max PCI retransmission attempts, default 5. */
00039     uint16_t REQ_IRT;                   /**< PCI_MRC Initial request timeout in seconds, default 20. */
00040     uint16_t REQ_MRT;                   /**< Max request timeout value, default 60. */
00041     uint16_t REQ_MRC;                   /**< Max request retransmission attempts, default 4. */
00042     uint16_t AUTHENTICATION_TIMEOUT;        /**< Max timeout for authencication, default 100 seconds. */
00043     uint16_t KEY_UPDATE_THRESHOLD;      /**< Gap in seconds before the server starts to send a new network key, default 10. */
00044     uint8_t KEY_ID_MAX_VALUE;           /**< Define resolution for key ID [1-KEY_ID_MAX_VALUE], default 255. MIN accepted value is 3.*/
00045     uint16_t EAP_FRAGMENT_SIZE;         /**< Define EAP fragment slot size. Fragmentation is activated when EAP payload is more than 920. Default 296. */
00046     uint8_t  AUTH_COUNTER_MAX;          /**< Define PANA session re-authentication limit. When the MAX value is reached the server does not respond to the PANA notify request. Default 0xff. */
00047 } pana_lib_parameters_s;
00049 /**
00050  * \brief A function to set PANA library parameters.
00051  *
00052  * Note: This function should be called after net_init_core() and definitely
00053  * before creating any 6LoWPAN interface.
00054  *
00055  * For future compatibility, to support extensions to this structure, read
00056  * the current parameters using net_pana_parameter_read(),
00057  * modify known fields, then set.
00058  *
00059  * \param parameter_ptr A pointer for PANA parameters.
00060  *
00061  * \return 0, Change OK.
00062  * \return -1, Invalid values.
00063  * \return -2, PANA not supported.
00064  *
00065  */
00066 extern int8_t net_pana_parameter_set(const pana_lib_parameters_s *parameter_ptr);
00069 /**
00070  * \brief A function to read existing PANA library parameters.
00071  *
00072  * \param parameter_ptr An output pointer for PANA parameters.
00073  *
00074  * \return 0, Read OK.
00075  * \return -1, PANA not supported.
00076  */
00077 extern int8_t net_pana_parameter_read(pana_lib_parameters_s *parameter_ptr);
00079 #endif /* NET_PANA_PARAMETERS_API_H_ */